Woot! :) Dale Innis 10:33, 8 February 2012 (PST)
Does the "success tolerance" of 0.1m hint that the function is for some reason prone to hitting with that wide an error, or is it just a very, very, very safe margin for a floating point roundoff of the requested location? Tali Rosca 10:10, 3 March 2012 (PST)
The comment about warpPos is wrong
The error is <= 1e-6 .
( except of course if you try to go under the ground )
Tested on Linden Sandbox Magnum RC :
5000 llSetregionpos with random values ;
for z values < ground , we raise z;
Result : the 5000 llsetregionpos go to a correct position
touch_start(integer total_number) {
integer numberTests = 5000 ; integer n = 1; vector d; float h; vector posTouched = llGetPos(); do { d = <llFrand(256.0), llFrand(256.0), llFrand(4096.0)>; h = llGround(d-llGetPos()); if ( d.z <= h ) d.z = h + 1.0; llSetRegionPos(d); llOwnerSay(llList2CSV([ "test #", n, "error", llGetPos()-d, "pos",llGetPos(), "dest", d ])); n++; } while ( ((llGetPos()-d) == ZERO_VECTOR ) && ( n <= numberTests) ) ; llSetRegionPos(posTouched); }
</lsl> Miranda Umino 08:02, 6 March 2013 (PST)