Talk:Testing Viewer Upgrades
My approach to having a webserver to test auto update was to install a virtual machine ubuntu-server. I used virtualbox and installed ubuntu-server 13.04. Ubuntu has a feature during install to provide a LAMP server. Linux-Apache-MySql-Php, with one selection. If you need to install this on a existing server there is the tasksel command that has a selection of several servers including LAMP.
Since, I had not done any html stuff since around late 1994-95 when html was first early on; I reviewed a group of youtube videos by elithecomputerguy. I recommend these as a good refresher for linux and its application to the ubuntu server.
The only major procedure I saw changed was static IP configuration and how dns assignments were handled. While troubleshooting connections I used the GnuWin version of Wget. That version and http get from within windows defaults to port 443. The correction is to add port 80 to the url that is passed on the viewer command line on my system it was
User:Nicky Perian|Nicky Perian]] 20:47, 4 September 2013 (PDT)