Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2013-09-12

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[2013/09/12 15:00]  Maestro Linden: Hi guys
[2013/09/12 15:00]  Kennylex Luckless: When they release RL 2.0 I hope it will be as esy to build things as it is in SL.
[2013/09/12 15:01]  Yuzuru Jewell: Hello, maestro
[2013/09/12 15:01]  Kennylex Luckless: Hia Maestro
[2013/09/12 15:01]  Rex Cronon: hello maestro
[2013/09/12 15:01]  Duckie Dickins: you mean the matrix? I'm sure it would be....but you'll be reduced to being a thermal battery...
[2013/09/12 15:01]  Rex Cronon: to follow chat live go here:
[2013/09/12 15:02]  Maestro Linden: I never understood the role of human batteries in the matrix.. surely burning their food directly would be more convenient?
[2013/09/12 15:02]  Caleb Linden: right?
[2013/09/12 15:03]  Rex Cronon: humans were providing entertainment to the ai:)
[2013/09/12 15:03]  Rex Cronon: i mean drama:)
[2013/09/12 15:03]  Maestro Linden: I could buy that :)
[2013/09/12 15:03]  Jenna Felton: the role of humans in the matrix was, to rebel and fight against machines, and to fail then, so the circle is closed
[2013/09/12 15:04]  Margithe: even if they didn't want to burn the food and be stuck with waste, they could just as well have pools with bacteria, or algies.
[2013/09/12 15:04]  MartinRJ: Hi Maestro!
[2013/09/12 15:04]  Maestro Linden: Hey Martin
[2013/09/12 15:04]  Maestro Linden: okay, I guess it's time we got started..
[2013/09/12 15:05]  Maestro Linden: First, the updates
[2013/09/12 15:05]  Maestro Linden: this week's deploy schedule didn't follow the usual standard;
[2013/09/12 15:05]  Maestro Linden: all 4 main grid channels were rolled on Tuesday
[2013/09/12 15:05]  Maestro Linden: to get a voice update out grid-wide that day
[2013/09/12 15:06]  Maestro Linden: The main channel only had that 1 change,
[2013/09/12 15:06]  Margithe: Whole SL went borkatrons...
[2013/09/12 15:06]  Maestro Linden: as did Monty's asset-fetching project
[2013/09/12 15:06]  Maestro Linden: yeah, there was an outage at the same time too..
[2013/09/12 15:07]  Duckie Dickins: someone forgot to feed the lag monster again. :)
[2013/09/12 15:07]  Maestro Linden: Magnum is still on the asset-fetching project, which hasn't had much change.
[2013/09/12 15:07]  Maestro Linden: I'm pretty sure that Magnum will get promoted to the main channel next week, since there haven't been any issues so far
[2013/09/12 15:08]  Rex Cronon: didn't we also get ribbon particles:)
[2013/09/12 15:08]  Maestro Linden: I'll get to that in a bit :)
[2013/09/12 15:08]  Maestro Linden: BlueSteel and LeTigre were moved to a new server maintenance channel
[2013/09/12 15:08]  Maestro Linden: which has a handful of LSL fixes
[2013/09/12 15:08]  Maestro Linden:
[2013/09/12 15:08]  Maestro Linden: and some crash fixes
[2013/09/12 15:09]  Maestro Linden: and also has that change related to parcel autoreturn enforcement
[2013/09/12 15:09]  Maestro Linden: (basically, what we covered near the end of the meeting last week)
[2013/09/12 15:10]  Maestro Linden: Now, about particle parameters..
[2013/09/12 15:10]  Maestro Linden: the simulator has actually supported the parameters for months,
[2013/09/12 15:10]  Duckie Dickins: The simulator now blocks certain scripted rezzers from defeating parcel object return does that mean those car rezzers are gone?
[2013/09/12 15:10]  Maestro Linden: I don't know, it depends on how the rezzers worked
[2013/09/12 15:10]  Rex Cronon: aka self-replicators
[2013/09/12 15:11]  Maestro Linden: if the cars were rezzing other cars to be 'immortal' in the face of parcel autoreturn, that loophole will be closed
[2013/09/12 15:12]  Maestro Linden: Duckie, the basic change is that if ObjectA rezzes ObjectB in a parcel with autoreturn enabled, then ObjectB will get autoreturned at the same time as ObjectA
[2013/09/12 15:12]  Rex Cronon: no more replicating bus stops;)
[2013/09/12 15:13]  Duckie Dickins: nice
[2013/09/12 15:13]  Maestro Linden: getting back to particle effects..
[2013/09/12 15:13]  Jenna Felton: the bus stop must be in a autoreturn-enabled place
[2013/09/12 15:13]  Jenna Felton: to be stoped
[2013/09/12 15:13]  Maestro Linden: the simulator has supported them since spring or so, but simulator support is just a matter of allowing extra parameters to be stored
[2013/09/12 15:14]  Maestro Linden: the real work is in the viewer
[2013/09/12 15:14]  Maestro Linden: we had a test viewer when testing  the particle options on the server, but it was far from ready for release
[2013/09/12 15:14]  Rex Cronon: so in order to see these particles we need the latest viewer. right?
[2013/09/12 15:15]  Maestro Linden: you need a maintenance release candidate viewer, which is expected to be posted tomorrow
[2013/09/12 15:15]  arton Rotaru: yay
[2013/09/12 15:15]  Whirly Fizzle: o.O yay! Finally! \o/
[2013/09/12 15:15]  Whirly Fizzle: New shiiiiny
[2013/09/12 15:15]  arton Rotaru: and the wiki has the syntax?
[2013/09/12 15:15]  Nalates Urriah: Do we have the options in the LSL functions to make the things?
[2013/09/12 15:15]  Maestro Linden: in anticipation of the viewer, I updated with the API for the new parameters
[2013/09/12 15:15]  arton Rotaru: yay
[2013/09/12 15:15]  Maestro Linden: Yep!
[2013/09/12 15:16]  Kennylex Luckless: Is saw that LL viwer can block particle owner, but why it it not a function for "Identify particle ownre"?
[2013/09/12 15:17]  Maestro Linden: I could see that being handy
[2013/09/12 15:17]  Maestro Linden: the new particle glow options are pretty simple; if you look at the wiki page, we've just added PSYS_PART_START_GLOW and PSYS_PART_END_GLOW
[2013/09/12 15:17]  Maestro Linden: which take a float in the 0.0 to 1.0 range
[2013/09/12 15:17]  Maestro Linden: it basically looks the same as the prim glow setting on prims
[2013/09/12 15:18]  Rex Cronon: now we can have glowing batman particles:)
[2013/09/12 15:18]  Maestro Linden: :)
[2013/09/12 15:18]  Jenna Felton: so you need "render glow" setting in graphics to see it
[2013/09/12 15:18]  Whirly Fizzle: Oh Gods....Kelly can make more bling >.<
[2013/09/12 15:18]  Jenna Felton: blink with glance
[2013/09/12 15:19]  Kennylex Luckless: Horray, glowing grief :-)
[2013/09/12 15:19]  Maestro Linden: hm, I don't see "render glow" in graphics preferences
[2013/09/12 15:19]  Maestro Linden: I think it would require basic shaders at least, though
[2013/09/12 15:19]  Jenna Felton: good question where it is in LL viewer
[2013/09/12 15:19]  Whirly Fizzle: RenderGlow in debug
[2013/09/12 15:19]  Maestro Linden: Ah
[2013/09/12 15:19]  TankMaster Finesmith: yeah, its only in debug in LL's viewer
[2013/09/12 15:20]  Jenna Felton: ok
[2013/09/12 15:20]  Maestro Linden: I suppose RenderGlow should toggle that, but is it a thing that people disable often?
[2013/09/12 15:20]  TankMaster Finesmith: anything in teh 'reder' tab of FS preferences isnt exposed in the LL viewer
[2013/09/12 15:20]  arton Rotaru: I never disabled it
[2013/09/12 15:20]  Rex Cronon: how long untill firestorm supports these new particles settings?
[2013/09/12 15:20]  Whirly Fizzle: Hmm its disabled by default on low graphics I think?
[2013/09/12 15:20]  TankMaster Finesmith: sometimes people disable glow to combat greifing
[2013/09/12 15:21]  Maestro Linden: the performance hit from glow isn't terrible, compared to other stuff
[2013/09/12 15:21]  Maestro Linden: makes sense to me, Whirly
[2013/09/12 15:21]  TankMaster Finesmith: rex, depends on if you are refering to the development builds or release builds :P
[2013/09/12 15:21]  Maestro Linden: especially if basic shaders are disabled then
[2013/09/12 15:21]  Nalates Urriah: I never see anyone talking about disabling it...
[2013/09/12 15:21]  Jenna Felton: i have disabled it but its because the PC consumes more power than and i'd like to keep it quieeter :)
[2013/09/12 15:21]  Kennylex Luckless: When griefer use glow you has to disable it to be able to see objects.
[2013/09/12 15:21]  Rex Cronon: glow is not so laggy, it just drives some people a "little" nuts:)
[2013/09/12 15:22]  Maestro Linden: The 'ribbon' effect is really cool too
[2013/09/12 15:22]  Maestro Linden: it's implemented as one of the PSYS_PART_FLAGS, PSYS_PART_RIBBON_MASK
[2013/09/12 15:22]  Jenna Felton: is the ribbon effect now a viewer-side or server-side?
[2013/09/12 15:23]  Jenna Felton: i understod earlier, servers must be changed for it or so
[2013/09/12 15:23]  Maestro Linden: this is all viewer-side, really
[2013/09/12 15:23]  Maestro Linden: though you need an LSL script to set the system up
[2013/09/12 15:23]  Maestro Linden: the server change was back in the spring or so
[2013/09/12 15:23]  Rex Cronon: so we got glowing and ribbon particles. is there anything new that particles can do?
[2013/09/12 15:24]  Maestro Linden: basically the server was just set to understand the 'PSYS_PART_RIBBON_MASK' constant and allow storing it as a particle system parameter
[2013/09/12 15:24]  Maestro Linden: they can blend!
[2013/09/12 15:24]  Jenna Felton: ok, than my impression, the servers ad to generate a sort of prim athat behaves like a ribbon particle, was a wrong one
[2013/09/12 15:24]  Jenna Felton: had*
[2013/09/12 15:25]  Maestro Linden: yep, it's purely rendering
[2013/09/12 15:25]  Jenna Felton: sorry for many typos
[2013/09/12 15:25]  Maestro Linden: if you look at the 'Particle Blending' section, I've made some attempt to paraphrase the OpenGL documentation
[2013/09/12 15:25]  Margithe: ah... street-light particle... or lamp light in general..
[2013/09/12 15:26]  Maestro Linden: particle blending takes 2 parameters, PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_SOURCE and PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_DEST
[2013/09/12 15:26]  Maestro Linden: and each of those takes one of the 8 'values' listed underneath
[2013/09/12 15:26]  Maestro Linden: so there are actually 8*8 = 64 blend options!
[2013/09/12 15:27]  Rex Cronon: how do u blend texture particles?lets say u start iron man and end up with batman?
[2013/09/12 15:27]  Maestro Linden: something like that
[2013/09/12 15:27]  Maestro Linden: you can do crazy things like have particles invert the thing underneath
[2013/09/12 15:27]  Maestro Linden: Hm, I just realized that my #notes  wiki link doesn't work on the llParticleSystem page..
[2013/09/12 15:28]  Maestro Linden: The link is to
[2013/09/12 15:29]  Maestro Linden: Anyway, the blend parameters are pretty technical.  It's basically exposing OpenGL's glBlendFunc to LSL.
[2013/09/12 15:29]  Jenna Felton: to understand the blending you can make a chess matrix, 8x8, and give each field another blending couple, than look at result
[2013/09/12 15:29]  Maestro Linden: And the main  glBlendFunc docuementation at goes into the details better than I can
[2013/09/12 15:29]  Maestro Linden: yes
[2013/09/12 15:30]  Maestro Linden: actually, let me give you guys a demo obejct
[2013/09/12 15:30]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:30]  Maestro Linden: the object behind me sets up a simple particle system with customizable blend parameters,
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Maestro Linden: if you touch one of the green boxes, you set the PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_SOURCE  setting
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Maestro Linden: and the red boxes correspond to the PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_DEST  setting
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Maestro Linden: all the results will look the same unless you have a viewer that supports it
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Jenna Felton: the problem may be, we can watch the effect tomorrow
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Jenna Felton: but the idea is good :)
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Maestro Linden: are you able to take a copy? it might be handy for those of you who want to play with the options
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:31]  Whirly Fizzle: Can we take a copy of that?
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Maestro Linden: try now?
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Whirly Fizzle: Ty :)
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Kennylex Luckless: NevWorkser
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Jenna Felton: thank you
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Kennylex Luckless: ty
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Lares Carter: thanks
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Yuzuru Jewell: Thank you.
[2013/09/12 15:32]  Maestro Linden: I used this for server testing,
[2013/09/12 15:33]  Maestro Linden: with a lot of squinting, I'd try to figure out if the rendered result made sense for the given parameters :)
[2013/09/12 15:33]  Maestro Linden: some of the combinations are somewhat silly,
[2013/09/12 15:33]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:33]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:34]  Rex Cronon: .
[2013/09/12 15:34]  Maestro Linden: For example, if both _SOURCE and _DEST are set to PSYS_PART_BF_ZERO, then the result will always be solid black
[2013/09/12 15:34]  Whirly Fizzle: Can you just sneak us the viewer link now? :P
[2013/09/12 15:34]  TankMaster Finesmith: lol
[2013/09/12 15:35]  Maestro Linden: I heard that it's in viewer-bear, for those of you talented with build links..
[2013/09/12 15:35]  TankMaster Finesmith: oh is it?
[2013/09/12 15:35]  Whirly Fizzle: OOooh! Awesome
[2013/09/12 15:35]  Maestro Linden: but the viewer people would prefer that people test it in the RC viewer, of course
[2013/09/12 15:35]  TankMaster Finesmith: i thought viewer-bear got merged already to release
[2013/09/12 15:35]  Maestro Linden: which should appear in as a 'maintenance release candidate'
[2013/09/12 15:36]  MartinRJ: very cool
[2013/09/12 15:36]  Maestro Linden: hm, perhaps that was for a different project?
[2013/09/12 15:36]  TankMaster Finesmith: bear was for MAINT stuff i think
[2013/09/12 15:36]  Whirly Fizzle: Viewer-cat maybe?
[2013/09/12 15:36]  Maestro Linden: I suspect bear has been reused a few times
[2013/09/12 15:36]  Maestro Linden: as -cat does
[2013/09/12 15:37]  TankMaster Finesmith: no updates to bear in 2 months
[2013/09/12 15:37]  Whirly Fizzle: Check the forks :P
[2013/09/12 15:37]  Maestro Linden: that might still be new enough
[2013/09/12 15:38]  Maestro Linden: my test viewer has syntax highlighting for these new particle parameters, so that might be a good litmus test
[2013/09/12 15:39]  TankMaster Finesmith: ahh, i was looking at break4bear
[2013/09/12 15:40]  Yuzuru Jewell: I can't see it.. I must download RC Viewer..
[2013/09/12 15:40]  Margithe: i can see another 'bout of whine from people who never update viewers. on the other hand, since most needed to abandon v1 builds, the transition should be smoother
[2013/09/12 15:40]  Whirly Fizzle: Its in Bear!
[2013/09/12 15:41]  Maestro Linden: yep
[2013/09/12 15:41]  Maestro Linden: that's it
[2013/09/12 15:41]  Yuzuru Jewell: Thank you, Whirly. Must I compile it?
[2013/09/12 15:41]  Whirly Fizzle: No, ill find the autobuild link. hang on ;)
[2013/09/12 15:42]  Maestro Linden: In another news, there's a somewhat small server-maintenance release headed toward an RC debut next week
[2013/09/12 15:42]  Yuzuru Jewell: Thank you! I will search it.
[2013/09/12 15:42]  Rex Cronon: too bad u can't define a path that particles should follow. u could make a bowtie out of them:)
[2013/09/12 15:43]  Maestro Linden: it has crash fixes (which are always welcome), and a fix to parcel access priorities
[2013/09/12 15:43]  Maestro Linden: making it so that avatars who are on the 'allowed' list can bypass some of the other access restrictions (payment info on file was listed specifically)
[2013/09/12 15:43]  Whirly Fizzle: Yay!
[2013/09/12 15:44]  Whirly Fizzle: :D
[2013/09/12 15:44]  arton Rotaru: thx whirly :p
[2013/09/12 15:44]  Whirly Fizzle: Tomorrow came early
[2013/09/12 15:44]  Kennylex Luckless: It had been cool to be able to import a spline that particles and objects could follow.
[2013/09/12 15:44]  Yuzuru Jewell: Thank you, Whirly!
[2013/09/12 15:44]  Maestro Linden: but yeah, definitely upgrade to the RC when it's ready; that bear build may be relatively behind on merges and bugfixes
[2013/09/12 15:45]  arton Rotaru: sure thing
[2013/09/12 15:45]  TankMaster Finesmith: /me is still cloaning it
[2013/09/12 15:45]  Whirly Fizzle: Im lazy, Im just downloading prebuilt
[2013/09/12 15:46]  Kennylex Luckless: Lazines is a gift that not come free.
[2013/09/12 15:46]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:47]  Maestro Linden: I recommend using the drop pattern when you first play with ribbons
[2013/09/12 15:47]  Maestro Linden: 'explode' looks bad with it
[2013/09/12 15:47]  Whirly Fizzle: Okay :)
[2013/09/12 15:47]  Maestro Linden: ribbons will be really nice for things like vapor trails
[2013/09/12 15:48]  Rex Cronon: oh. rockets:)
[2013/09/12 15:48]  Maestro Linden: or you can do cool effects like a 'swoosh' when you swing a sword
[2013/09/12 15:49]  Margithe: or weather? with fading rain...
[2013/09/12 15:49]  Yuzuru Jewell: Is it possible to make skirt or hair?
[2013/09/12 15:49]  Margithe: good question! or tails
[2013/09/12 15:49]  Maestro Linden: you could, although you'd need many particle systems, depending on how many strands you'd need
[2013/09/12 15:50]  Rex Cronon: particle hair? like a burning torch:)
[2013/09/12 15:50]  Maestro Linden: also the particles wouldn't collide physically,
[2013/09/12 15:50]  Maestro Linden: so they could get into your head or thighs
[2013/09/12 15:50]  Yuzuru Jewell: amazing!
[2013/09/12 15:50]  Margithe: yeah, but they could be a better addition than flexi prims with mesh hair
[2013/09/12 15:51]  Margithe: would they also have alpha issues?
[2013/09/12 15:51]  Maestro Linden: Maybe you misunderstood, yuzuru?
[2013/09/12 15:51]  Yuzuru Jewell: UU
[2013/09/12 15:52]  Maestro Linden: Margithe.. I wonder, perhaps with the right blend option, you could avoid that when the particle is fully opaque..
[2013/09/12 15:52]  Yuzuru Jewell: It is only particle, Is it correct?
[2013/09/12 15:52]  Maestro Linden: yes
[2013/09/12 15:52]  Yuzuru Jewell: So It has a limitation.
[2013/09/12 15:52]  Maestro Linden: yes; it is not physics-aware
[2013/09/12 15:52]  Yuzuru Jewell: OK, I see.
[2013/09/12 15:53]  Margithe: i've got an un-educated question... can the ribbon particle have a go-from prim/position, and a go-to prim/position?
[2013/09/12 15:53]  Maestro Linden: Ribbon particles are perfect for a nyancat effect
[2013/09/12 15:54]  Maestro Linden: yes I think that could work, margithe
[2013/09/12 15:54]  Rex Cronon: lol maestro
[2013/09/12 15:54]  Maestro Linden: so you could fake a 'rope' between the points pretty easily
[2013/09/12 15:54]  Margithe: So you could have several particles, with waypoints... to form shapes
[2013/09/12 15:55]  Margithe: yes, exactly... would possibly work better than current chains etc
[2013/09/12 15:55]  Maestro Linden: the go-from position is the prim center, and the go-to position would be defined by..
[2013/09/12 15:55]  arton Rotaru: 10 hours lol
[2013/09/12 15:55]  Maestro Linden: PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY
[2013/09/12 15:55]  Margithe: would it be straight, or can some "slack" be put in there, too?
[2013/09/12 15:55]  Kennylex Luckless: Hay, some stole my chair, it was not returned to lost and found
[2013/09/12 15:56]  Maestro Linden: hm, I think 'slack' would be possible
[2013/09/12 15:56]  Maestro Linden: I think it would be like the current state-of-the-art particle ropes/chains in SL, except there would be no gap between particles in the stream
[2013/09/12 15:56]  Margithe: if that would work, it could replace a lot of uses of particles that always just looked so-so
[2013/09/12 15:57]  arton Rotaru: indeed
[2013/09/12 15:57]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:57]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:57]  Margithe: and you really could replace a lot of curved ropes... fishing lines... etc...
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Maestro Linden: definitely
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Maestro Linden: it will be much more efficient too
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Maestro Linden: since you don't need hundreds of particles to form the line
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Jenna Felton: a ribbon particle is a single particle between two points?
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Jenna Felton: yes, that i wanted ask :)
[2013/09/12 15:58]  Maestro Linden: hm, it's more in 3d space
[2013/09/12 15:59]  Maestro Linden: here's the 'swoosh' effect
[2013/09/12 16:00]  arton Rotaru: sweet
[2013/09/12 16:00]  Hexapoda: First thing we will see is Star Wars sabers.
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Maestro Linden: Anyway, our time is up
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Maestro Linden: thanks for coming, and have fun with those particles!
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Demo particle system blend options: New particle system:
[2013/09/12 16:01]  TankMaster Finesmith: oh hey, baker just loged in :P
[2013/09/12 16:01]  arton Rotaru: yup, thanks for the meeting
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Rex Cronon: tc maestro
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Lares Carter: Thanks for the meeting.
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Whirly Fizzle: Thanks Maestro :)
[2013/09/12 16:01]  TankMaster Finesmith: have a good weekend, measteo
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Maestro Linden: you too
[2013/09/12 16:01]  Margithe: Thanks Maestro. All fantastic news :)
[2013/09/12 16:02]  Yuzuru Jewell: Thank you, Maestro.