status parameter accepted values, defaults to Open
Open |
open |
The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.
In Progress |
ip |
This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee.
Reopened |
reop |
This issue was once resolved, but the resolution was deemed incorrect. From here issues are either marked assigned or resolved.
Resolved |
res |
A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.
Closed |
clo |
The issue is considered finished, the resolution is correct. Issues which are closed can be reopened.
Fix Pending |
fixp |
Issues that have been fixed in Linden Lab's internal codebase, but not yet deployed in a viewer
Ready for Translation |
rft |
Translation In Progress |
tip |
Translated |
tran |
In QA |
inqa |
Passed QA |
pass |
Translation Final |
tfin |
Published |
pub |
On Hold |
hold |
Editing In Progress |
eip |
Edited |
eded |
Testing |
test |
Verified |
veri |
Verified: Fixed |
vfix |
Verified: Fix Needed |
vned |
Republished |
rpub |
Acknowledged |
ack |
After upgrade (on Sept 7): When an issue has been imported to an internal Linden Lab project, it will be marked as Acknowledged. We're installing a custom tool to enable syncing between internal and external projects (ie VWR, SVC, WEB). Prior to upgrade: Acknowledge is all issues that were In Progress.
Awaiting Review |
await |
Initial state when an issue/ticket is created or when it is reopened from a resolved or closed state. All issues in this state will be reviewed and triaged.
resolution parameter accepted values, defaults to Unresolved
Unresolved |
unres |
Issue has yet to be resolved
Fixed |
fixed |
A fix for this issue is available in a public release
Cannot Reproduce |
cr |
All attempts at reproducing this issue failed, or not enough information was available to reproduce the issue. Reading the code produces no clues as to why this behavior would occur. If more information appears later, please reopen the issue.
Contact Support |
cs |
Please contact Linden Lab support at rather than using this issue tracker
Duplicate |
dup |
The problem is a duplicate of an existing issue.
Expected Behavior |
expect |
Often the system is behaving exactly as designed, but it can look wrong if you're not aware of the reasons behind the behavior. This status is used for such cases.
Misfiled |
misfiled |
Issue should be somewhere besides this issue tracker
Needs More Info |
more |
The problem is not completely described.
Under Advisement |
advice |
The problem/idea is being evaluated.
Won't Finish |
wont |
The problem described is an issue which likely will never be fixed.
Awaiting Review
Awaiting Review
Awaiting Review
Awaiting Review
Awaiting Review
Awaiting Review
Awaiting Review