Faster XTEA Base16 Base64

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Revision as of 11:28, 13 March 2014 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs)
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Second revision: Added 7 bit base64 cipher.

<lsl> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Faster XTEA Library for LSL // --------------------------- // // (Also with a sane license [BSD], considering that we can't link shared // objects in LSL, lol) // // To use it, set your passphrase below. If you're not as worried about speed // and want more security, you may want to set the number of passes to 12 or // 16 as well. // // Base16 (Hex) and Base64 functions are included. The base64 functions seem // usually to be much much faster, but the base64 cipher operates on 32-bit // blocks, instead of the entire bitstream, which is technically incorrect, // so keep that in mind if you're sending data offworld into some magical // base64 XTEA script somewhere. If you want to correct that and it doesn't // slow things down too much, I'll send you a virtual cookie. It's perfectly // safe to delete whichever one you're not using, since LSL isn't smart enough // to optimize out unused code. // // There's also a 7-bit ASCII base64 function pair included that packs an extra // character into each 128bits, but is not 8-bit clean (well neither are the // others at the moment, lol). It is slightly slower than the other base64 // function pair, but is included in case someone decides to implement base64 // conversion on the whole bit-stream instead of just 32bit blocks. The 7-bit // encoding only wastes one byte per 72 characters, so it should result in far // shorter ciphertext if the base64 encoding is made "proper". // // The nonce is provided for timestamping and sequence numbering. If you don't // use it, just pass zero there. // // If you want to contact me about this code, or about paying me to script // something for you (lol), email, IM Liandra // Ceawlin on the LL main grid, or do a places search for Ceawlin Creations // and visit my freebie store. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Oh yea, we can't forget the legalese. What all the stuff below basically // means is: You can use this code however you want, and redistribute it with // or without modify permissions, but you have to leave this license here, or // if you distribute something no-modify that uses it, the object and/or // documentation accompanying it have to say, in a conspicuous place, something // along the lines of: "Portions of this program are Copyright (c) 2008 Ceawlin // Creations, and the following restrictions apply to those parts", and include // the below text. // // Anyway, here's the legalese. Lol. // // Copyright (c) 2008, Ceawlin Creations // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Ceawlin Creations, Liandra Ceawlin, or A. J. Taylor, // nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

string SECRET = "Put your passphrase here."; integer PASSES = 6;

list ASCII_TABLE = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",

                       "",  "",  "",  "",  "", "\n", "",  "",
                       "",  "",  "",  "",  "",  "",  "",  "",
                       "",  "",  "",  "",  "",  "",  "",  "",
                       " ", "!","\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'",
                       "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
                       "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
                       "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?",
                       "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G",
                       "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
                       "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W",
                       "X", "Y", "Z", "[","\\", "]", "^", "_", /*"/**/
                       "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", 
                       "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", 
                       "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", 
                       "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", ""  ];

list BASE16_TABLE = [ "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7",

                       "8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f" ];

string XTEAEncryptBase16( string clear, integer nonce ) {

   string  md5 = llMD5String( SECRET, nonce );
   list    k = [   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,0,7)),
                   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,24,31)) ];
   integer w1;
   integer w2;
   string  cipher;
   integer len = llStringLength( clear ); 
   integer i;
   integer n;
   integer sum;
   for( i=0; i<len; i+=8 )
       w1 =
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i,i)])) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+1,i+1)])<<8) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+2,i+2)])<<16) |
       w2 =
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+4,i+4)])) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+5,i+5)])<<8) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+6,i+6)])<<16) |
       n = PASSES;
       sum = 0;
           w1 = w1+((w2<<4^w2>>5)+w2^sum+llList2Integer(k,(sum&3)));
           w2 = w2+((w1<<4^w1>>5)+w1^sum+llList2Integer(k,((sum+=0x9E3779B9)>>11&3)));
       } while( n = ~-n );
       cipher = cipher +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>28)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>24)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>20)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>16)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>12)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>8)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>4)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w1>>0)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>28)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>24)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>20)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>16)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>12)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>8)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>4)&0xf) ) +
           llList2String( BASE16_TABLE, ((w2>>0)&0xf) );
   return cipher;        


string XTEAEncryptBase64( string clear, integer nonce ) {

   string  md5 = llMD5String( SECRET, nonce );
   list    k = [   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,0,7)),
                   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,24,31)) ];
   integer w1;
   integer w2;
   string  cipher;
   integer len = llStringLength( clear ); 
   integer i;
   integer n;
   integer sum;
   for( i=0; i<len; i+=8 )
       w1 =
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i,i)])) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+1,i+1)])<<8) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+2,i+2)])<<16) |
       w2 =
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+4,i+4)])) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+5,i+5)])<<8) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+6,i+6)])<<16) |
       n = PASSES;
       sum = 0;
           w1 = w1+((w2<<4^w2>>5)+w2^sum+llList2Integer(k,(sum&3)));
           w2 = w2+((w1<<4^w1>>5)+w1^sum+llList2Integer(k,((sum+=0x9E3779B9)>>11&3)));
       } while( n = ~-n );
       cipher = cipher + llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(w1),0,5) + llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(w2),0,5);
   return cipher;        


string XTEADecryptBase16( string cipher, integer nonce ) {

   string  md5 = llMD5String( SECRET, nonce );
   list    k = [   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,0,7)),
                   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,24,31)) ];
   integer w1;
   integer w2;
   string  clear;
   integer i;
   integer len = llStringLength(cipher);
   integer n;
   integer sum;
   integer dc = 0x9E3779B9*PASSES;
   integer ind;
   for( i=0; i<len; i+=16 )
       w1 = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(cipher,i,i+7));
       w2 = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(cipher,i+8,i+15));
       n = PASSES;
       sum = dc;
           w2 = w2-((w1<<4^w1>>5)+w1^sum+llList2Integer(k,(sum>>11&3)));
           w1 = w1-((w2<<4^w2>>5)+w2^sum+llList2Integer(k,((sum-=0x9E3779B9)&3)));
       } while( n = ~-n );
       clear +=    llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,w1&0x7f) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w1&0x7f00)>>8) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w1&0x7f0000)>>16) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w1&0x7f000000)>>24) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,w2&0x7f) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w2&0x7f00)>>8) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w2&0x7f0000)>>16) +
   return clear;        


string XTEADecryptBase64( string cipher, integer nonce ) {

   string  md5 = llMD5String( SECRET, nonce );
   list    k = [   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,0,7)),
                   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,24,31)) ];
   integer w1;
   integer w2;
   string  clear;
   integer i;
   integer len = llStringLength(cipher);
   integer n;
   integer sum;
   integer dc = 0x9E3779B9*PASSES;
   integer ind;
   for( i=0; i<len; i+=12 )
       w1 = llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(cipher,i,i+5));
       w2 = llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(cipher,i+6,i+11));
       n = PASSES;
       sum = dc;
           w2 = w2-((w1<<4^w1>>5)+w1^sum+llList2Integer(k,(sum>>11&3)));
           w1 = w1-((w2<<4^w2>>5)+w2^sum+llList2Integer(k,((sum-=0x9E3779B9)&3)));
       } while( n = ~-n );
       clear +=    llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,w1&0x7f) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w1&0x7f00)>>8) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w1&0x7f0000)>>16) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w1&0x7f000000)>>24) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,w2&0x7f) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w2&0x7f00)>>8) +
                   llList2String(ASCII_TABLE,(w2&0x7f0000)>>16) +
   return clear;        


string XTEAEncrypt7BitBase64( string clear, integer nonce ) {

   string  md5 = llMD5String( SECRET, nonce );
   list    k = [   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,0,7)),
                   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,24,31)) ];
   integer w1;
   integer w2;
   string  cipher;
   integer len = llStringLength( clear ); 
   integer i;
   integer n;
   integer sum;
   for( i=0; i<len; i+=9 )
       w1 =
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i,i)])<<25) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+1,i+1)])<<18) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+2,i+2)])<<11) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+3,i+3)])<<4) |
       w2 =
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+4,i+4)])<<29) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+5,i+5)])<<22) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+6,i+6)])<<15) |
           (llListFindList(ASCII_TABLE,[llGetSubString(clear,i+7,i+7)])<<8) |
       n = PASSES;
       sum = 0;
           w1 = w1+((w2<<4^w2>>5)+w2^sum+llList2Integer(k,(sum&3)));
           w2 = w2+((w1<<4^w1>>5)+w1^sum+llList2Integer(k,((sum+=0x9E3779B9)>>11&3)));
       } while( n = ~-n );
       cipher = cipher + llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(w1),0,5) + llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(w2),0,5);
   return cipher;        


string XTEADecrypt7BitBase64( string cipher, integer nonce ) {

   string  md5 = llMD5String( SECRET, nonce );
   list    k = [   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,0,7)),
                   (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(md5,24,31)) ];
   integer w1;
   integer w2;
   string  clear;
   integer i;
   integer len = llStringLength(cipher);
   integer n;
   integer sum;
   integer dc = 0x9E3779B9*PASSES;
   integer ind;
   for( i=0; i<len; i+=12 )
       w1 = llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(cipher,i,i+5));
       w2 = llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(cipher,i+6,i+11));
       n = PASSES;
       sum = dc;
       } while( n = ~-n );
       clear +=
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w1&0xfe000000)>>25 ) +
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w1&0x1fc0000)>>18 ) +
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w1&0x3f800)>>11 ) +
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w1&0x7f0)>>4 ) +
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w2&0x1fc00000)>>22 ) +
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w2&0x3f8000)>>15 ) +
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w2&0x7f00)>>8 ) +
           llList2String( ASCII_TABLE, (w2&0xfe)>>1 );
   return clear;        


default {

       llListen( 0, "", llGetOwner(), "" );
       llSetText( "Touch me to run a speed test, or say something in chat.", <0,1,0>, 1 );
   touch_start( integer ndet )
       state speed_test;
   listen( integer ch, string n, key id, string msg )
       string s="";
       string e="";

// s += "O:"+msg+"\n";

       s += "O:"+(string)llStringLength(msg)+"\n";
       e = XTEAEncryptBase64( msg, 0 );

// s += "64e:"+e+" Len:"+(string)llStringLength(e)+"\n";

       s += "64e:"+(string)llStringLength(e)+"\n";

// s += "64d:"+XTEADecryptBase64( e, 0 )+"\n";

       e = XTEAEncryptBase16( msg, 0 );

// s += "16e:"+e+" Len:"+(string)llStringLength(e)+"\n";

       s += "16e:"+(string)llStringLength(e)+"\n";

// s += "16d:"+XTEADecryptBase16( e, 0 )+"\n";

       e = XTEAEncrypt7BitBase64( msg, 0 );

// s += "64e7b:"+e+" Len:"+(string)llStringLength(e)+"\n";

       s += "64e7b:"+(string)llStringLength(e)+"\n";

// s += "64d7b:"+XTEADecrypt7BitBase64( e, 0 )+"\n";

       llSetText( s, <1,1,1>, 1 );


state speed_test {

       llSetText( "Running speed test. Please wait...", <1,0,0>, 1 );
       llSay( 0, "Preparing speed test. Please wait..." );
       string  tclear = "xxxxxxxxxx";
       string  tcipher;
       float   stime;
       float   etime;
       integer passes;
       integer pby5;
       integer i;
       integer n;
       // The first test seems to be abnormally slow unless we peg the VM
       //  beforehand. O_o
       for( i=0; i<20; i++ )
           tcipher = XTEAEncryptBase64( tclear, 42 );
           tclear = XTEADecryptBase64( tcipher, 42 );
           tcipher = XTEAEncryptBase16( tclear, 42 );
           tclear = XTEADecryptBase16( tcipher, 42 );
       for( n=0; n<3; n++ )
           if( n==0 )
               passes = 1000;
               pby5 = passes/5;
               tclear = "tiny";
               llSay( 0, "Running short string speed test..." );
           else if( n == 1 )
               passes = 250;
               pby5 = passes/5;
               tclear = "Here is a string of moderate length for a test.";
               llSay( 0, "Running medium string speed test..." );
           else if( n == 2 )
               passes = 100;
               pby5 = passes/5;
               tclear = "OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.OMG it's a big ol huuuuge string.";
               llSay( 0, "Running long string speed test..." );
           stime = llGetTime();
           for( i=0; i<pby5; i++ )
               tcipher = XTEAEncryptBase16( tclear, 42 );
           etime = llGetTime();
           llSay( 0, "Hex Encryption ("+(string)pby5+" passes): "+(string)(etime-stime)+" seconds (avg "+(string)((float)pby5/(etime-stime))+" pass/s)." );
           for( i=0; i<passes; i++ )
               tclear = XTEADecryptBase16( tcipher, 42 );
           etime = llGetTime();
           llSay( 0, "Hex Decryption ("+(string)passes+" passes): "+(string)(etime-stime)+" seconds (avg "+(string)((float)passes/(etime-stime))+" pass/s)." );
           stime = llGetTime();
           for( i=0; i<pby5; i++ )
               tcipher = XTEAEncryptBase64( tclear, 42 );
           etime = llGetTime();
           llSay( 0, "Base64 Encryption ("+(string)pby5+" passes): "+(string)(etime-stime)+" seconds (avg "+(string)((float)pby5/(etime-stime))+" pass/s)." );
           stime = llGetTime();
           for( i=0; i<passes; i++ )
               tclear = XTEADecryptBase64( tcipher, 42 );
           etime = llGetTime();
           llSay( 0, "Base64 Decryption ("+(string)passes+" passes): "+(string)(etime-stime)+" seconds (avg "+(string)((float)passes/(etime-stime))+" pass/s)." );             
           stime = llGetTime();
           for( i=0; i<pby5; i++ )
               tcipher = XTEAEncrypt7BitBase64( tclear, 42 );
           etime = llGetTime();
           llSay( 0, "7bit Base64 Encryption ("+(string)pby5+" passes): "+(string)(etime-stime)+" seconds (avg "+(string)((float)pby5/(etime-stime))+" pass/s)." );
           stime = llGetTime();
           for( i=0; i<passes; i++ )
               tclear = XTEADecrypt7BitBase64( tcipher, 42 );
           etime = llGetTime();
           llSay( 0, "7bit Base64 Decryption ("+(string)passes+" passes): "+(string)(etime-stime)+" seconds (avg "+(string)((float)passes/(etime-stime))+" pass/s)." );
       llSleep( 0.5 );
       llSay( 0, "Speed test complete. Carry on." );
       llSetText( "Speed test complete.", <0,1,0>, 1 );
       state default;

} </lsl>