User:Holger Gilruth/SL11B/Level3
Projector level
Now I can show you how to create a spotlight in a mere 60sec.
First of all, please watch Torley Linden's video tutorial
'Second Life Tutorial: Awesome rainbow lighting effects'
which you can also find on the wall on a web on prim.
An example of using a texture for the spotlight is this picture on the the wall.
You can modify this spotlight effect by adding additional prims in front of the light beam.
The prim in front of the lightbeam of the projector can be triangular (example magenta projector),
square with a diffused edge (green projector), circular shaped (yellow projector)
or the object can be any shape like in the example of an arrow (red projector).
You will find more information int this box which you can buy for 0 Lindens.
The box 'Instructions about Materials and Projector contains
- Materials Demo 1
- Mesh Materials Dice
- Spotlight Real V1.01 Red (no transfer)
- Spotlight Real V1.01 White (no transfer)
- Spotlight in SL notecard
- TestDiffuse001 (texture)
- TestNormal001 (texture)
- TestSpecular001 (texture)
Give it a try!
In case of any questions please contact Holger Gilruth.