Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2015-03-12

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[2015/03/12 15:00]  Lucia Nightfire: two souls, one mind
[2015/03/12 15:00]  Lucia Nightfire: idk where I'm going with this, heh
[2015/03/12 15:00]  Caleb Linden: i see where you are going
[2015/03/12 15:00]  Caleb Linden: parallel universe
[2015/03/12 15:02]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Nalates.
[2015/03/12 15:03]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Hi Yuzuru!
[2015/03/12 15:03]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Gibson and Ron.
[2015/03/12 15:03]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Simon.
[2015/03/12 15:03]  Gibson Firehawk: hey Yuzuru and all
[2015/03/12 15:03]  Ron Khondji: HEllo
[2015/03/12 15:04]  Caleb Linden: hi hi
[2015/03/12 15:04]  Simon Linden: Hi everyone
[2015/03/12 15:04]  Caleb Linden: hi nolink
[2015/03/12 15:04]  Inara Breen: I see Kyle's been overdoing the diet again....
[2015/03/12 15:04]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Kyle Linden.
[2015/03/12 15:04]  Zenith Subchair final p: whispers: Hi Kyle Linden! Touch me for Menu. Say /1a to Adjust.
[2015/03/12 15:04]  Lucia Nightfire: certainly nto the angus diet
[2015/03/12 15:05]  Inara Breen: Hey, Ron, Gibson, Nal, Simon, Whirls, err.... all....
[2015/03/12 15:05]  Kyle Linden: Hi! Sorry I'm all bones today. :)
[2015/03/12 15:05]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Hai!
[2015/03/12 15:05]  Caleb Linden: Alrighty We have good crowd right now. Let's get started
[2015/03/12 15:05]  Ron Khondji: Don't appologize for being boney
[2015/03/12 15:05]  Kyle Linden: Ron knows what I'm talking about.
[2015/03/12 15:05]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Hi all...
[2015/03/12 15:06]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Whirly.
[2015/03/12 15:07]  rcdsQueChatLog: State changed.{click me to get the url}
[2015/03/12 15:07]  Rex Cronon: hello folks
[2015/03/12 15:08]  Caleb Linden: Some minor updates this week are the new RC on all three channels. Like i mentioned last week those are in preparation for premium user feature enhancements. Also currently on aditi we have a new chat server build which fixes the 20% drop off rate of group IMs. I encourage you to give it a spin. Anywhere on aditi is fine
[2015/03/12 15:08]  Inara Breen: Hi, Rex
[2015/03/12 15:08]  Rex Cronon: hi inara
[2015/03/12 15:09]  Caleb Linden: As for next week's RC. It only contains some minor tweaks to the current RCs
[2015/03/12 15:09]  Rex Cronon: so caleb. premium users get 20% less group chat dropped messages;)
[2015/03/12 15:10]  Caleb Linden: nice one.
[2015/03/12 15:10]  Caleb Linden: *evil smile*
[2015/03/12 15:11]  Caleb Linden: premium users get the fixes
[2015/03/12 15:11]  Rex Cronon: lol. i think quite a few people would become premium 4 that:)
[2015/03/12 15:11]  Simon Linden: Since blue text seems so popular, maybe Premiums should get a special color :)
[2015/03/12 15:12]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Ugh no  lol.
[2015/03/12 15:12]  Simon Linden: lol whirly
[2015/03/12 15:12]  Lucia Nightfire: more lucrative than feature implementation geared toward land ownership
[2015/03/12 15:12]  Caleb Linden: right?
[2015/03/12 15:13]  Lucia Nightfire: that was a stab at pathfinding, Experiences, and Skill Gaming
[2015/03/12 15:13]  Simon Linden: so along those lines, what kind of features or limit changes do you think might make premium accounts better?    We're not going to make TPs faster or anything like that, but what would make a premium account worth getting?
[2015/03/12 15:13]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): You don't need to be premium for anything to do with skill gaming or pathfinding do you?
[2015/03/12 15:14]  Lucia Nightfire: cap resource usages for non-Premium users
[2015/03/12 15:14]  Simon Linden: not that I know of
[2015/03/12 15:14]  Rex Cronon: each premium account gets a linden chaperone:)
[2015/03/12 15:14]  Lucia Nightfire: cap inventory limits
[2015/03/12 15:14]  Lucia Nightfire: give Premium users actual beneifts
[2015/03/12 15:14]  Caleb Linden: fat pack of linden bears
[2015/03/12 15:14]  Simon Linden: What "actual" ones, Lucia?
[2015/03/12 15:15]  Lucia Nightfire: capping resource usage and inventory limits for non-Premium accounts works by default
[2015/03/12 15:15]  Rex Cronon: extra clothing layers...
[2015/03/12 15:15]  Lucia Nightfire: spin it under whatever means you need
[2015/03/12 15:15]  Simon Linden: The other limits (on free accounts) are possible but we'd probably have to grandfather in all current accounts so we're not hurting existing people
[2015/03/12 15:15]  Rex Cronon: more hair. lol
[2015/03/12 15:15]  Lucia Nightfire: good one ,Rex
[2015/03/12 15:15]  Lucia Nightfire: add more clothing layers, attach points, group slots
[2015/03/12 15:16]  Lucia Nightfire: theres many areas you can "split" beneifts
[2015/03/12 15:16]  Simon Linden: /me nods
[2015/03/12 15:17]  Lucia Nightfire: give us animated objects, that will benefit everyone, including land owners, heh
[2015/03/12 15:17]  Rex Cronon: if u r a premium that all the viewer are forced to render you fully even if u are 2 sims away;)
[2015/03/12 15:17]  Lucia Nightfire: particularly, game runners and the adult regions
[2015/03/12 15:18]  Rex Cronon: than all the viewers*
[2015/03/12 15:18]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Free texture/animation/sound file upload for premium only.
[2015/03/12 15:18]  Simon Linden: Animated objects would definitely be nice, Lucia, but that's a huge project
[2015/03/12 15:18]  Lucia Nightfire: larger sound files
[2015/03/12 15:18]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Oh yes!
[2015/03/12 15:18]  Lucia Nightfire: larger scripts, but
[2015/03/12 15:18]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Not larger textures though! ARGH
[2015/03/12 15:18]  Simon Linden: longer sound files are mostly a legal issue, btw
[2015/03/12 15:18]  Lucia Nightfire: I already filed larger scripts under the Experience platform today
[2015/03/12 15:19]  Lucia Nightfire: BUG-8761
[2015/03/12 15:19]  Lucia Nightfire: pay to play
[2015/03/12 15:19]  Lucia Nightfire: make it up to a minute then Simon, heh
[2015/03/12 15:20]  Lucia Nightfire: not many chart toppers in the 1 min range, lol
[2015/03/12 15:20]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): It would be nice if stipend went up after you had been premium so many years too. maybe an increase each year you consistently keep premium
[2015/03/12 15:20]  Lucia Nightfire: theres a jira for that Whirls too
[2015/03/12 15:20]  Lucia Nightfire: afaik
[2015/03/12 15:20]  Lucia Nightfire: off you go
[2015/03/12 15:20]  Lucia Nightfire: lol
[2015/03/12 15:20]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Is there?  Dare I say I didn't know that?  lol
[2015/03/12 15:21]  Jenna Felton: hello everybody
[2015/03/12 15:21]  Rex Cronon: please ignore what lucia said about larger script files. lol
[2015/03/12 15:21]  Simon Linden: Hi Jenna
[2015/03/12 15:21]  Rex Cronon: hi jenna
[2015/03/12 15:21]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Jenna.
[2015/03/12 15:21]  Lucia Nightfire: why, Rex?
[2015/03/12 15:21]  Lucia Nightfire: I have valid use cases
[2015/03/12 15:21]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Oh found one for larger land allowance the longer you're premium
[2015/03/12 15:22]  Simon Linden: There would be some tough issues there ... like some scipts would work with account but not another.    That would be really confusing
[2015/03/12 15:22]  Lucia Nightfire: I could have sworn there was one, maybe it stuck in my head from someone suggesting it somewhere at one point
[2015/03/12 15:22]  Rex Cronon: how is a scripter supposed to make custom scripts if it can make only small script files:(
[2015/03/12 15:22]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Oh hmm rtue
[2015/03/12 15:22]  Lucia Nightfire: define "work" Simon?
[2015/03/12 15:22]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): *true
[2015/03/12 15:23]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Well, they wouldnt be recompilable for a basic account
[2015/03/12 15:23]  Lucia Nightfire: I mean the max size is set at compile
[2015/03/12 15:23]  Simon Linden: well ... that's how you're defining "larger script files"
[2015/03/12 15:23]  Jenna Felton: i would suggest and request that premium users get either a free set of experience keys to use for the experiences without payingfor them, or they get a solution for the DNS server to use with the HTTPD server
[2015/03/12 15:23]  Lucia Nightfire: depending on what tier level your Experience is at
[2015/03/12 15:23]  Simon Linden: Like ok, so you're premium, make something with a larger script file
[2015/03/12 15:23]  Simon Linden: it runs fine for you
[2015/03/12 15:24]  Lucia Nightfire: talkign only compile Simon
[2015/03/12 15:24]  Simon Linden: give it to a basic account ... should the object run?
[2015/03/12 15:24]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Yes or that would be a nightmare
[2015/03/12 15:24]  Simon Linden: right
[2015/03/12 15:24]  Rex Cronon: why not allow sim owners to specificy max size of scripts that free acounts can run?
[2015/03/12 15:24]  Lucia Nightfire: which is why I said it should be done through the Experience platform
[2015/03/12 15:24]  Jenna Felton: the object should and should not derive that from the one who compiled the script. Probably a new permission flag "inherrit runability"
[2015/03/12 15:24]  Lucia Nightfire: you would have to pay to get that ability
[2015/03/12 15:25]  Simon Linden: then things would work on one region and not the other, Rex
[2015/03/12 15:25]  Rex Cronon: and what is wrong with that simon?
[2015/03/12 15:25]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Support PITA
[2015/03/12 15:25]  Lucia Nightfire: its not logistically sound to do that by land ownership though
[2015/03/12 15:25]  Simon Linden: I can definitely see justifications for higher limits for experiences ... those are inherently more trusted scriopts
[2015/03/12 15:25]  Nal (nalates.urriah): OMG, think of what it would to to the support people?
[2015/03/12 15:26]  Simon Linden: yeah
[2015/03/12 15:26]  Lucia Nightfire: yes, Simon, only my Experience apps are requiring them atm
[2015/03/12 15:26]  Rex Cronon: if u do that than u will no longer have on day old accounts crash sims...
[2015/03/12 15:26]  Jenna Felton: what is the main difference between the premium and basic acounts, and how that differnce can affect the inworld services or usage of them?
[2015/03/12 15:26]  Rex Cronon: one day old*
[2015/03/12 15:26]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Premium accounts get to have a real last name  ;)
[2015/03/12 15:27]  Lucia Nightfire: yes Whirls
[2015/03/12 15:27]  Lucia Nightfire: and they can make megaprims up to 256x256x256
[2015/03/12 15:27]  Jenna Felton: premium residents pay for the premium membership and there are less residents, like a club of well known members .) perhaps rely the enchancements on that fact
[2015/03/12 15:28]  Simon Linden: we kinda have the "Premium only" regions already .... maybe we need to add a few clubs and get VIPs to hang out there :P
[2015/03/12 15:28]  Lucia Nightfire: clubs don't last long
[2015/03/12 15:28]  Simon Linden: I'm joking
[2015/03/12 15:28]  Lucia Nightfire: it takes dedicated staff and charisma to maintain a club
[2015/03/12 15:29]  Rex Cronon: getelman clubs 4 vip? lol
[2015/03/12 15:29]  Jenna Felton: club as a community
[2015/03/12 15:29]  Rex Cronon: gentlemen*
[2015/03/12 15:29]  Lucia Nightfire: as well as events
[2015/03/12 15:30]  Nal (nalates.urriah): I like that idea... may be have a premium area that Linens use for testing and playing... or for having UG meetings.
[2015/03/12 15:30]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Don't move this one...
[2015/03/12 15:30]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): More group slots for premium would be a popular one heh.  Though I know thats probably not going to happen if it would cause extra chat lag problems
[2015/03/12 15:30]  Jenna Felton: not all UG must move there :)
[2015/03/12 15:31]  Jenna Felton: but an UG that is accessible by premium only, to dscuss domething special, that could be nice, too
[2015/03/12 15:31]  Jenna Felton: something*
[2015/03/12 15:31]  Simon Linden: I don't want to mess with the two user groups I'm involved with, they seem to work pretty well as-is
[2015/03/12 15:31]  Nal (nalates.urriah): True
[2015/03/12 15:32]  Lucia Nightfire: UG's already have low attendance and they're open access
[2015/03/12 15:33]  Jenna Felton: what i'd like to request, also, is that LL provides an email address for all, not expecially premium members, the mail box will take all the offline messages and stuff, and not block them because of the sending server may be a spam boot.
[2015/03/12 15:33]  Lucia Nightfire: heh
[2015/03/12 15:33]  Jenna Felton: The premims could have a larger space on that server, the basic have to add a redirect to their mail box
[2015/03/12 15:33]  Lucia Nightfire: I can thing of a jira that may point to already, heh
[2015/03/12 15:33]  Lucia Nightfire: *think
[2015/03/12 15:34]  Jenna Felton: perhaps than not delivery of ofline messages will stop because of bad mail providers
[2015/03/12 15:34]  Caleb Linden: gotta look at it again.
[2015/03/12 15:35]  Simon Linden: yeah the mail provider problem keeps coming up
[2015/03/12 15:36]  Simon Linden: Speaking of those ... for offline emails, do you regularly use the "reply" function on them?
[2015/03/12 15:36]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): I di quite a bit
[2015/03/12 15:36]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): *do
[2015/03/12 15:36]  nolink (whirly.fizzle): Thats handy
[2015/03/12 15:36]  Jenna Felton: having a mailserver in the Lservers would also allow to log in into the and then answer the offline messages in there or read what someone send them
[2015/03/12 15:36]  Rex Cronon: how can we reply to objects?
[2015/03/12 15:36]  Simon Linden: yeah ... and unfortunately that's one aspect the mail services don't like
[2015/03/12 15:37]  Nal (nalates.urriah): I use Reply but not often. I use the SL mail as more of a log.
[2015/03/12 15:37]  Jenna Felton: when the offline message came from a resident, i can reply that, Simon, and the answer comes to them.
[2015/03/12 15:38]  Jenna Felton: never tried to anser an offline message of an object :)
[2015/03/12 15:38]  Jenna Felton: perhaps even that is possible when the object has email() event
[2015/03/12 15:40]  Simon Linden: I haven't tested that but yes since the object can get email, it's reply address should point there
[2015/03/12 15:43]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): I think its reply address is the owners email address.
[2015/03/12 15:43]  Rex Cronon: so, when will we get arrays in lsl:)
[2015/03/12 15:43]  Rex Cronon: or any other improvments
[2015/03/12 15:43]  Lucia Nightfire: when we get link heirarchies
[2015/03/12 15:43]  Simon Linden: Shortly after the freeze in Hades, Rex
[2015/03/12 15:44]  Rex Cronon: :_(
[2015/03/12 15:44]  Simon Linden: we're not planning on working on the LSL language itself ... there are a bunch of function improvements on our lists, but we don't want to deal with syntax changes
[2015/03/12 15:44]  Simon Linden: The New Thing will be better
[2015/03/12 15:44]  Jenna Felton: i would rater like a balanced index tree, where i can add, search and delete data by their index, efficiently :)
[2015/03/12 15:45]  Nal (nalates.urriah): I suspect most users would prefer not to have to change their scripts.
[2015/03/12 15:45]  Jenna Felton: arrays are not very far outstanding from lists
[2015/03/12 15:45]  Lucia Nightfire: I'm going to TL that as "No more LSL changes until TNT is released."
[2015/03/12 15:45]  Lucia Nightfire: and now I haz sadface
[2015/03/12 15:46]  Rex Cronon: lol. for some reason each time i see TNT i think TMNT:)
[2015/03/12 15:46]  Jenna Felton: what improvement can be easy done, i beleive, are gegular expressions. Because you can just forward them to the native machine implementation
[2015/03/12 15:46]  Lucia Nightfire: I think of crash and burn, but thats just my cynicism
[2015/03/12 15:46]  Jenna Felton: regular expressions*
[2015/03/12 15:47]  Simon Linden: How would you add them, Jenna?
[2015/03/12 15:48]  Simon Linden: I mean more "where would you use them in LSL?"
[2015/03/12 15:48]  Lucia Nightfire: modular functionality with all LSL functions
[2015/03/12 15:49]  Jenna Felton: A functio for compiling the RegEx to some string, than a bunch of functions to use the compiled string on the other strings
[2015/03/12 15:49]  Lucia Nightfire: if we had modular functionality, I could have had my object boundless sensor means already, heh
[2015/03/12 15:50]  Jenna Felton: like search, split, find ocurences and what the mchine allows
[2015/03/12 15:50]  Jenna Felton: machine*
[2015/03/12 15:51]  Jenna Felton: i am not very famillar what is possible nativelly, but i am súre they are already implemented :) When that is not the case than i take my suggestion back
[2015/03/12 15:53]  Jenna Felton: How i would use them is, mostly searching occurences in the other string, replace the occurences by another string, split the string in parts, lie there are already llParseStringToList, but based on a more complex regular expression
[2015/03/12 15:53]  Jenna Felton: for example parse what was said in chat to find out if a number of keywords were said and where, without havint to test for every keyword.
[2015/03/12 15:54]  Rex Cronon: llparsestringtolist ignorse ,,,,
[2015/03/12 15:54]  Rex Cronon: ignores*
[2015/03/12 15:54]  Rex Cronon: ignores*
[2015/03/12 15:54]  Simon Linden: things seem to be winding down, so I'd like to hammer on group chat for a few minutes if we could
[2015/03/12 15:55]  Caleb Linden: certainly
[2015/03/12 15:55]  Jenna Felton: yes we can :)
[2015/03/12 15:55]  Simon Linden: This is the typical test ... big messages aren't really an issue, but lots of messages, region crossings and TPs, opening and closing the chat windows are all good
[2015/03/12 15:56]  Simon Linden: Iet's go to 4:00 and see if we can stress it a bit