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Zeus Gay Club is one of the most popular and longest running Second Life gay clubs, located on Gay City Estate and owned by Michelangelo Villota. Zeus is a greek-styled club with several dance areas; the Temple, Welcome Area, Beach Club, Mer Area, Party Platform and Amphitheater. A mix of live DJs and internet radio gives club visitors wide varieties of different styles of music. With regular live concerts Zeus Gay Club also supports the popularity of Second Life´s live musicians and artists. SLurl to the Club


Zeus Gay Club was founded on March 25th, 2007 by Franko Box. His vision was creating a meeting point and a network for gay second life people. In early 2008 the first official Mr. Gay elections took place at Zeus Gay Club. This event was continued in the following years. End of 2008 ArtemisSalonica Aeon became co-owner of Zeus Gay Club. Zeus Gay Club is the first Gay Location listed in the Destination Guide of Linden Lab. The club has visitors daily from all over the world. At the end of December 2010, Franko Box and ArtemisSalonica Aeon retired as the owners of Zeus Gay Club, with Michelangelo Villota taking over as the new owner of the club.

Club Management

Zeus Gay Club offers a multilingual staff to support the international guests. Visitors find support in german, english, french and italian language.

Michelangelo Villota ZeusClub Owner

Toby Atlass Zeus Management

Tomais Ashdene Zeus Management

Dene Fairywren Zeus Management

Sigrid Krokus Zeus Management


Well known and up-to-date DJs as well as several guest DJs entertain the guests of Zeus Gay Club. These DJs can be heard at Zeus (listed in random order): Franko Box, Michelangelo Villota, Kahvy Smith, Willi Mycele, Helene Dragoone, Kadie Crystal and Johny McGinnis Alderton.


The club is open 24/7 and provides live DJs, live concerts of SL artists and special events like Themeparties, Charity and Foundraising Events etc. In addition to the music program of the club, the Zeus Explorers Group was established. The Zeus Explorers are a group of Zeus friends who periodically go out to explore the wonders of Second Life. One of the favorite activities of the Zeus Explorers is horseback riding, although they have tried many other activities as well.


Official Website

DJ Schedule

SLurl to the Club

Zeus on Twitter

Zeus on Flickr