Linden Lab Official:User Groups

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About Second Life User Groups

User groups are product or community focused and each one is led by the product manager or community manager. Our goals are to make it easier for you to find the user group, or groups, that you want to participate in and for us to listen more closely to your needs and ideas. The user group program is about opening up more lines of communication. Most user groups are public and include inworld meetings, JIRA sections, and sometimes a Twitter feed, an SL Forum, or an SL email list. It's up to the user group lead and the core Resident team how they want to communicate with one another. The discussions will be open, direct, and focus more on your needs, new features, and be more forward-looking.

All Residents who join user groups must comply with the new Community Participation Guidelines, in addition to our Terms of Service. These guidelines ensure that all conversations are constructive, courteous, respectful, and in the spirit of collaboration.

KBnote.png Note: User groups aren't for support help. Instead, use the Support Portal.

Public User Group Meetings

For information on dates and times of user group meetings, see the user groups meeting schedule. And, each User Group has an individual page where agendas and archives reside. The program is still getting up to speed, so give each User Group leader time to fill in their content. Check back often!

All times listed are Pacific Time.

NOTE: By default, the table below is sorted chronologically by day of the week. To sort alphabetically on any other column, click the icon in the column heading.

User Group Description User Group Leader Frequency Days of Week Time (PT) Location (SLurl)

Server/Sim/Scripting Simulator issues and technology. Simon Linden Weekly Tuesday 12:00-13:00 SLurl
Open Development Open discussion of SL development, including open source contributions. Oz Linden Weekly Wednesday 07:00-08:00 Oz's Raft🖈 or IETF Island (180, 210, 22)🖈
Server Beta Anything pertaining to server changes and public beta testing. Caleb Linden Weekly Thursday 15:00-16:00 On Aditi: SLurl
Content Creation Discussion of SL content creation including avatars, animations, and other meshes.
(Supersedes the Bento user group.)
Vir Linden Weekly Thursday 13:00-14:00 Hippotropolis Campfire Circle🖈
Governance Discussion & education of issues involving Governance such as in-world abuse, Abuse Reports, Forum Reports, Marketplace Reports, etc Kristin Linden Bi-weekly Tuesday 13:00-14:00 Havenhurst🖈
Concierge & Land Discussion & education of SL topics such as current known issues and bugs, project viewers and new features, and general Mainland issues. Theresa Linden Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Thursday 12:00-13:00 Linden Estate Services4🖈
Web Discussion of issues around Web properties such as Marketplace, Profiles, Place Pages, Search, etc. Grumpity Linden & Alexa Linden Monthly Wednesday 14:00 Denby🖈

KBnote.png Note: Community suggestion or idea, please email the community team email the Community team.