Environmental Enhancement Project - EEP
Welcome to the Environmental Enhancement Project (aka EEP!) EEP is a major enhancement to the legacy Windlight environments, introducing new inventory object for defining the environmental settings.
- Shareable environmental objects that you can keep in your inventory.
- Parcel level control of environments.
- Up to four different sky layers that may be set independently.
- More options for customization.
- And much, much more
For more information about EEP, check out the wiki pages.
We have been addressing a number of issues around instabilities and inconsistencies in the editing floaters. We’ve also expanded the valid ranges for a number of the settings values.
Of particular interest:
- Star brightness now may be set between 0 and 500. Stars in skies and day cycles created before this release will need to be readjusted.
- Cloud speed is now centered on 0,0 and may be set between -30 and 30. Clouds in skies and day cycles created prior to this release will appear to be moving “too quickly” or be moving in the wrong direction.
I’m looking forward to seeing more of your environments on Aditi and the EEPTesting Region†
Have questions or want to show off what you've created? Join us on the forums.
†Please note that the EEP Project Viewer will only work on the EEPTesting Region on Aditi.