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Revision as of 13:20, 4 October 2020 by Hexadeci Mole (talk | contribs)
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HexText is an LSL script to display Unicode text on 8 faced prims within Second Life. Supported is included for Japanese/Chinese, as well as many other languages and symbols. It is not all-inclusive There are some code pages that are missing. It does cover the majority of characters that avatars use in Unicode enhanced display names. Emojis that are outside of the first 256 Unicode code pages, are not included.

There are two display scripts. One is optimized for general usage, the other is optimized for Japanese/Chinese.

The primary font used is Google's Noto Monospace (Bold & Regular), supplemented with other open source or public domain fonts for code pages not covered by Noto.

The character set is broken up into individual textures for each supported Unicode code page, each texture a 16 x 16 matrix of characters. To minimize texture memory usage, the majority of textures are rendered at 512 x 256 pixels (Kanji is rendered at 512 x 384 which gets reduced to 512 x 256 at upload.)


HexText uses a subset of the FURWARE_text/Reference command set. HexText does not support virtual text boxes or touch queries.

The HexText texture set was created with FURWARE_text/TextureCreator.

HexText can use displays set up by the FURWARE_text#Texture_creator, however it can only use the 8 faced prim displays. HexText uses display prims with the same description format used by FURWARE. HexText only supports a single display set per linkset, unlike FURWARE that can handle multiple displays per linkset.

Use of both HexText and the FURWARE scripts in the same linkset is not recommended.

Supported commands

Style settings

Text styles and format settings are specified using special strings. They are used for global settings ("fw_conf").

A single setting is given as a key=value pair, for example c=red.

Multiple settings are separated by ";", for example c=red; a=center; w=none.

In the following table: Italic = Default

Setting Key Values Description
Font color c R,G,B Font color as red, green, blue (each in range 0.0-1.0)
R,G,B,A Font color as red, green, blue, alpha (each in range 0.0-1.0)
rand Random color (with alpha = 1)
(predefined) Predefined color, see table below
Alignment a left Alignment left
center Alignment centered
right Alignment right
Wrapping w word Wrap after words, if possible
char Wrap at any position
none No wrapping; cuts overlong lines
Trimming t on Trims whitespace from beginning and end of lines
off Keeps whitespace (except with wrap=word)
Force refresh force on Enables forced refresh of all faces (disables optimizations!)
off Disables forced refresh of all faces (enables optimizations)

Predefined colors

You may use the following names in place of color vectors in styles.

FURWARE text colors.png