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< Template:Commons
Revision as of 18:17, 22 September 2022 by Gwyneth Llewelyn (talk | contribs) (Shamelessly copied from wikipedia.org and adapted for SL Wiki)
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For other uses in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:COMMON (disambiguation) .
Not to be confused with Template:Copy to Wikimedia Commons.

This template is part of Wikipedia's sister projects. This template links an article to a page on Wikimedia Commons, containing a gallery of related media. Note that it does not link to a Commons category, which will give a larger selection of media; for that use Template:Commons category.


{{Commons}} —puts link-box with current page's name.
{{Commons|pagename}} —puts link-box connecting title pagename.
{{Commons|pagename|showname}} —puts link-box showing the title showname.
{{Commons|pagename|position=left}} —floats link-box to the left side.

To place this template on the page, type {{Commons|pagename}}, where pagename is the name of a page on Wikimedia Commons (defaults to "{{PAGENAME}}", the end-name of a page where used).

  • The optional 2nd parameter gives the displayed link text.
  • The |position = parameter accepts one keyword, left, to float the box to the left instead of to the right.
  • To link to a Category, use the related template {{Commons category|catname}}, where catname is the name of the category.


Template:Commons templates location


The pagename defaults to wiki-variable "{{PAGENAME}}", which is the end-name of the page where used. For a Template:Txxx, the {{PAGENAME}} would be the end-name "Txxx". For a Category:Catxxx, that page would have {{PAGENAME}} as the end-name "Catxxx".

The default positioning of the link-box is to the right-side.








{{Commons|Reconquista|retaking of the Iberian Peninsula}}




Template data

This is the "Wikipedia logo"TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, "Wikipedia logo"VisualEditor and other tools. Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for this template based on this TemplateData.

TemplateData for Commons

"description": "Creates a small box with a link to a related page on Wikimedia Commons.",
"params": {
  "1": {
    "label": "Pagename",
    "description": "The page name on Commons. The article's page name is used as a default.",
    "type": "string",
    "required": false
  "2": {
    "label": "Showname",
    "description": "Optional displayed link text.",
    "type": "string",
    "required": false
  "position": {
    "label": "Position",
    "description": "Position to display the box: 'left' floats the box to the left rather than the default which is on the right.",
    "type": "string",
    "required": false

Tracking categories

Normal categories

Maintenance categories

See also

Template:Commons templates see also