<llsd> <map> <key>group_id</key> <uuid>01234567-89ab-cdef-fedc-ba9876543210</uuid> </map> </llsd>
The response is a map containing the requesting agent's ID, the group ID, the member count, a map of member data, a map of group defaults, and an array of group titles.
<llsd> <map> <key>agent_id</key> <uuid>00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff</uuid> <key>group_id</key> <uuid>01234567-89ab-cdef-fedc-ba9876543210</uuid> <key>member_count</key> <integer>10</integer> <map> <!-- Member List --> <key>ffeeddcc-bbaa-9988-7766-554433221100</key> <map> <key>donated_square_meters</key> <integer>4</integer> <key>last_login</key> <string>2012/20/03</string> <key>powers</key> <string>FFFFFFFF</string> <key>title</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>owner</key> <bool>True</bool> </map> </map> <map> <!-- Group Defaults --> <key>default_powers</key> <string>01c00000</string> </map> <array> <!-- Group Titles --> <string>Group Default Title</string> <string>Group Title 1</string> <string>Group Title 2</string> <string>Group Owner Title</string> <string>Group Title 3</string> </array> </map> </llsd>
Note: the powers value is a string and must be converted to a U64.
To reduce the amount of data being transferred, default member information is omitted from the member list. This may result in a member information block with an empty map.
<map> <!-- Member List --> <key>ffeeddcc-bbaa-9988-7766-554433221100</key> <map> <key>donated_square_meters</key> <key>last_login</key> <key>powers</key> <key>title</key> <key>owner</key> </map> </map>
If any of the above keys do not exist, use the following default values:
- donated_square_meters: 0
- last_login: "unknown"
- powers: default_powers from the defaults map
- title: the first element from the titles array
- owner: false
2024 | Fixed. Note that large groups can return an enormous amount of data. |
2017 | Broken. May return data for other group. Callers should verify 'group_id' in response matches that in request and re-issue if different. SL-16849. |
~2012 | Introduced |