Video Tutorials

From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 15:40, 27 February 2007 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs)
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The following's a list of Second Life tutorials. This isn't meant to be a complete compilation, but specifically lists tutorials I've personally viewed and have found helpful. I (Torley Linden) started this with the intention of providing an easy-access resource for SL vidtuts, because currently (2007-02-27), they're scarce and hard-to-find.

Please add what you've found useful; all I request is that you keep the presentation consistent so this page serves future generations well, and I'll be revisiting to learn from your knowledge —

"May we watch over the shoulders of our enlightened educators with smiles as plentiful as water!"

Content Creation

  • Camera Tutorial - "how to interact with objects, different forms of camera controls, and a few ‘unknown’ tricks"
  • Building Tutorial - "basic building inside Second Life - as well as continuing camera controls learned in the first episode"


Introductory guides to get you started
