Template:Darwin's Scripts

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{{Darwin's Scripts|script name}}

Returns lsl scripts


  • find screen width
  • color picker

Color Picker

Script that converts hue/sat/lum to red/green/blue based on texture coordinates on a single prim and outputs the vector rgb.

Prim Setup

<lsl>default {

           PRIM_SIZE, <.5,.4,.1>, 
           PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_BOX, PRIM_HOLE_SQUARE, <0,1,0>, 0.0, <0,0,0>, <.8,1,0>, <.02,0,0>, 
           PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, (key)"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f", <1,1,0>, <0,0,0>, 0.0, 
           PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, (key)"404e4461-8a22-fbf7-7652-4b81dc7da325", <1,1,0>, <0,0,0>, 0.0, 
           PRIM_TEXTURE, 2, (key)"01c02d68-dfb0-d907-7397-cba857c61144", <1,1,0>, <0,0,0>, -PI_BY_TWO]);

} </lsl>

Color Picker

<lsl>float THRID = 0.333333; float SIXTH = 0.166666;

vector color; float hue = 0.0; float lum = 0.5; float sat = 1.0;

integer start_face;

//hsl to rgb steps take from vector hsl_to_rbg(float h, float s, float l) {

   vector rbg;
   float temp1;
   float temp2;
   if(l < .5)
       temp2 = l*(1.0+s);
       temp2 = l+s-l*s;
   temp1 = l*2.0-temp2;
   float Rtemp3 = h+1.0/3.0;
   if(Rtemp3 < 0.0)
       Rtemp3 = Rtemp3+1.0;
   else if(Rtemp3 > 1.0)
       Rtemp3 = Rtemp3-1.0;
   float Gtemp3 = h;
   if(Gtemp3 < 0.0)
       Gtemp3 = Gtemp3+1.0;
   else if(Gtemp3 > 1.0)
       Gtemp3 = Gtemp3-1.0;
   float Btemp3 = h-1.0/3.0;
   if(Btemp3 < 0.0)
       Btemp3 = Btemp3+1.0;
   else if(Btemp3 > 1.0)
       Btemp3 = Btemp3-1.0;
   if(6.0*Rtemp3 < 1.0)
       rbg.x = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*6.0*Rtemp3;
   else if(2.0*Rtemp3 < 1.0)
       rbg.x = temp2;
   else if(3.0*Rtemp3 < 2.0)
       rbg.x = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*((2.0/3.0)-Rtemp3)*6.0;
       rbg.x = temp1;
   if(6.0*Gtemp3 < 1.0)
       rbg.y = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*6.0*Gtemp3;
   else if(2.0*Gtemp3 < 1.0)
       rbg.y = temp2;
   else if(3.0*Gtemp3 < 2.0)
       rbg.y = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*((2.0/3.0)-Gtemp3)*6.0;
       rbg.y = temp1;
   if(6.0*Btemp3 < 1.0)
       rbg.z = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*6.0*Btemp3;
   else if(2.0*Btemp3 < 1.0)
       rbg.z = temp2;
   else if(3.0*Btemp3 < 2.0)
       rbg.z = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*((2.0/3.0)-Btemp3)*6.0;
       rbg.z = temp1;
   return rbg;


default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       start_face = llDetectedTouchFace(0);
       if(start_face == 4)
           llOwnerSay((string)hsl_to_rbg(hue, sat, lum));
   touch(integer total_number)
       vector st = llDetectedTouchST(0);
       integer face = llDetectedTouchFace(0);
       if(start_face != face) return;
       if(face == 0)
           sat = st.y;
           hue = st.x;
           llSetColor(hsl_to_rbg(hue, sat, lum), 4);
       else if(face == 2)
           lum = st.x;
           llSetColor(hsl_to_rbg(hue, sat, lum), 4);

} </lsl>

{{Darwin's Scripts|script name}}

Returns lsl scripts


  • find screen width
  • color picker

Template loop detected: Template:Darwin's Scripts