User:Zai Lynch/notes

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< User:Zai Lynch
Revision as of 07:13, 29 November 2008 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) (WEB-590 -> WEB-732)
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I am...

  • 6456 days old.
  • blessed with wonderful friends.
  • missing those who are gone.
  • music fanatic.
  • a gridnaut.
  • cheering for Torley.
  • 1.73 m (5.67 ft) of height in RL and SL.
  • emotional at times.
  • addicted to bad ideas.
  • Wiki spammer #3.
  • collecting Linden Bears.
  • 日本語を話すことできない
  • glowing in the dark.
  • just kidding with the above.
  • still curiouse and snoopy...
  • not sure where to place videos on this page.
  • a German speaking Linguist.
  • in love with the Wiki.
  • Zai signature.png