On 30th of June, 2006, a small newbie was born. He soon explored SL, but saw this world was not for him. After a month when Push Disable was created, he soon came back, and continued to explore the world of Teen Second Life. He soon bought new clothes, got a spot from a friend to sell his creations, and began his 2nd life easily. Today, he owns 1152sqm of land for [Teen] GridCentral, coming soon ONLY to the Teen Grid.
- Created TFSG - The Free Stuff Group and reached 100 of members, recieving non-everyday freebies, created by Smiley for the new members.
- Made a nice simple scripted dog, called Pal, which lives up to today. Now, it's on version 2.4 with many new features.
- Now working on SimControl - embedding Sims-like options in Second Life, including perhaps moods and motives.
- Became a Leviathan Supervisor.
- Inspects Leviathan every now and then everyday, and stops people from having attached or attaching weapons while in Leviathan.
- Stopped a person from creating a sub-renting spot including a sandbox.
See Also: