Collection of tools for education

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Delivery of learning material

Communication and interaction

Building dialogues

  • Magic 8 Ball - Creator : Armandi Goodliff (in-world)
  • Vocabulary U - Matic - Gavin Dudeney - Edunation

Organisation tools

   * Visitor Counter/Distributor (Dedric Mauriac) at the ICT library
  1. Giving information/announcements
   * Whiteboard for communication
   * Professional BlackBoard MessageBoard
   * Chalk/Note Board  
     International Teaching, meeting, conference board  
     Bulletin Board (Pixel Trix) at the ICT library
     GLP Bulletin Board  (corkboard look) FREE
     Message board by Biran Gould at Terra Incognita, 350L$
  1. Controlling chat range/chat enhancer/chat extender/chat relays
   * Chat Range Alarm Scanner
   * Free avatar scanner HUD FREE
   * *AD* Relay Talk  
   * *AD* Relay Talk Ball  
   * Miss Gadgets Chatter!  
   * Virtual LoudspeakerSystem  "Announciator" 
   * FarSpeech Personal Headset  
   * Total Chat System  
   * Chat Relay Box  
  1. Chat givers
   * Teacher's Aide, Classroom Edition 
  1. Attention getter
   * Prim Chatter  
  1. Controlling status indicator/visual cues
   * Advanced Online Indicator & Message ( onwer: Tmyclyck Dmytryk)  FREE
   * En ligne  FREE
  1. Controlling communication flow
   * Meeting Control Soapbox (Eloise Pasteur) at the ICT Library 
   * Meeting Control Lights/Buttons (cheaper and more flexible than GK light bulbs and more flexible/features than the Soapbox)
   * GK Light bulbs L$1000
   * Question Mark (similar to Soapbox) L$300
  1. Chat recorders
   * Chat Logger: Script at the ICT Library
   * Notetaker/Chat Recorder (Eloise Pasteur) at the ICT Library
   * Temporal Gadgets Meeting Recorder  
  1. Organising discussions, debates, votes
   * The Opinionator, Likert Scale - Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree Avatars walk to express position and the tool makes a pie chart score L$ 99 Nergiz
   * Polarizer, Avatars walk to either agree or disagree Easily made with 3 prims and floating text 
   * Gettin a random word - FREE
   * ABTech - Contest Board   L$1950 
   * Secret MSGR  - The Anonymous Communication Device  L$ 450
  1. After session evaluation tools
   * Comment Dropbox (Dedric Mauriac) at the ICT Library
   * Suggestion Dropbox ( Gavin Dudeney) at Edunation   FREE
  1. Meeting facilities/Meeting spaces
   * Open Round Table This table is under the GNU open Licence, costsL$0 (is a set of scripts that enables your furniture to rez a new chair whenever anyone sits in an open chair)
   * Decka's Decks Conference Facility Group meeting room with automated (flying) breakout rooms, teacher pager at Terra Incognita L$ 9000
   * Poinky's Pods, Allows for speed networking (pairs of people holding a short 5 minute conversation then swapping partners automatically at Terra incognita resource centre  
   * NMC Mini Theatre, Small portable theatre and seating with screen at NMC campus  
  1. Professional places with meetings, events and workshops facilities for small and large groups interaction, to review:
     Alpine Executive Center, 3-D tools for business meetings developed for use in Second Life?
   * Island,
     Liventura Island, 
     Teamwork Dynamics Leadership Center,
     SL Educational Round Table    - Every Tuesday 2.30pm PST
   * Edunation II  - ' A coffee with'. Sundays (until June 2008)
   * Cafe 101  - Fridays (upstairs: free tools)


Creation of content

Individualisation of learning paths

Assessment, feedback and tracking

Self-organisation and group-organisation

Reflection and meta cognition