Members and Roles - Members Tab Test

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1. Describe the expected behavior and purpose of the new code

The members sub-tab of the Members & Roles tab in the Group Information floater's purpose is to show all the members in a group, all the roles each member is in and all the abilities each member has (as a result of which roles they are in). It is also the place to assign people to roles and remove people from roles, invite new members into the group and eject members from the group. The members list is searchable and sortable and abilities can be performed on multiple members at a time.

2. List any dependencies the new code may have -- what other systems may be affected?

This code is dependant on all other Group Roles changes, in particular the Roles sub tab and the abilities sub tab. It is also dependant on the client Group Manager (an underlying data manager for group information) and many UI elements including list boxes, and list boxes with cells that contain check boxes.

3. Detailed plan(s) for testing new functionality, including success and failure cases if possible


1.0 This test will require 3 accounts: Founder, Member and Officer

1.1 Create a new group


2.0 Founder: Select the Members & Roles tab of the group information floater for the group

2.1 Founder: Click invite new member

2.1.1 Verify the window that pops up is clear and understandable

2.2 Founder: Click Open Person Chooser

2.2.1 Verify the 'Choose Person' window pops up next to the Group Invitation window.

2.3 Founder: Search for and find an account to be the Member account

2.4 Founder: Select the correct account and choose Select

2.4.1 Verify the account now shows in the Group Invitation window.

2.4.2 Verify the default role to assign them to is 'Everyone'

2.5 Founder: Click 'Send Invitiations'

2.6 Member: Log in

2.6.1 Verify a dialog for the group invitation is displayed

2.6.2 Verify the dialog contains the group charter

2.7 Member: Choose Join from the invite dialog

2.7.1 Verify a confirmation for joining the group is displayed. Close that confirmation.

2.8 Member: Open the Groups window (Edit -> Groups...)

2.8.1 Verify the newly joined group is listed

2.8.2 Verify the newly joined group is active

2.9 Member: Open the Group Information window

2.9.1 Verify this account is only in the Everyone role - they only title available should be 'Member'

2.10 Founder: Click invite new member

2.11 Founder: Click Open Person Chooser

2.12 Founder: Search for and find an account to be the Officer account

2.13 Founder: Select the correct account and choose Select

2.14 Founder: Select 'Officer' from the role drop down menu

2.15 Founder: Click 'Send Invitiations'

2.16 Officer: Log in

2.17 Officer: Choose Join from the invite dialog

2.18 Officer: Open the Groups window (Edit -> Groups...)

2.18.1 Verify the newly joined group is listed

2.18.2 Verify the newly joined group is active

2.19 Officer: Open the Group Information window

2.19.1 Verify this account is in the Everyone and Officer roles: the titles 'Member' and 'Officer' should be available

Information displayed:

  • The client group information will not automatically update when the invitee accepts. You may need to restart or choose 'Clear Group Cache' from the client menu. *

3.0 Founder: Open the group information floater, Members & Roles tab, Members sub-tab.

3.0.1 Verify there are 3 accounts listed

3.0.2 Verify the last login times are accurate for all accounts

3.0.3 Verify the Donated Tier is accurate for all accounts (should be 0)

3.0.4 Verify both lists in the bottom half of the window are blank and disabled.

3.1 Founder: Select the Founder from the list of members.

3.1.1 Verify that all three roles are shown in the 'Assigned Roles' list

3.1.2 Verify that the Everyone role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is disabled The text is disabled The number of members in the role as shown to the right of the role name is 1

3.1.3 Verify that the Owners role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is disabled The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 1

3.1.4 Verify that the Officers role is correct The check box is unchecked The checkbox is enabled The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 0

3.1.5 Verify that the 'Allowed Abilities' tab is correct: All abilities are shown. All abilities are 'solid' / 'full strength

3.2 Founder: Select the Member from the list of members.

3.2.1 Verify that the Everyone role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is disabled The text is disabled The number of members in the role is 1

3.2.2 Verify that the Owners role is correct The check box is unchecked The checkbox is enabled The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 0

3.2.3 Verify that the Officers role is correct The check box is unchecked The checkbox is enabled The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 0

3.2.4 Verify that the 'Allowed Abilities' tab is correct: Only those abilities that the Everyone role has are shown All abilities shown are 'solid' / 'full strength

3.3 Founder: Select the Officer from the list of members.

3.3.1 Verify that the Everyone role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is disabled The text is disabled The number of members in the role is 1

3.3.2 Verify that the Owners role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is enabled The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 0

3.3.3 Verify that the Officers role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is enabled The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 1

3.3.4 Verify that the 'Allowed Abilities' tab is correct: Only those abilities that the Officers role has are shown All abilities shown are 'solid' / 'full strength

3.4 Founder: Multi-select to select all the members from the list of members.

3.4.1 Verify that the Everyone role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is disabled The text is disabled The number of members in the role is 3

3.4.2 Verify that the Owners role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is disabled (tentative) The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 1

3.4.3 Verify that the Officers role is correct The check box is checked The checkbox is disabled (tentative) The text is enabled The number of members in the role is 1

3.4.4 Verify that the 'Allowed Abilities' tab is correct: All abilities are shown. Only those abilities that the Everyone role has are 'solid' / 'full strength'

Changing Roles:

4.0 Log in on Founder

4.1 Founder: Open the Members & Roles tab, Members sub-tab of the Group Information Floater

4.2 Founder: Select the Member from the list of Members

4.3 Founder: Click the checkbox next to 'Officers' in the 'Assigned Roles' list

4.4.1 Verify all abilities available to Officers are shown in 'Allowed Abilities'

4.4.2 Verify the Officers checkbox is checked

4.5 Founder: Select the Officer

4.5.1 Verify everything looks correct per 3.3 above

4.6 Founder: Select the Member

4.6.1 Verify the 'Officers' role is still checked

4.7 Founder: Select a different tab.

4.8 Founder: Verify the dialog pops up asking to apply changes, choose cancel.

4.9.1 Verify the tabs havn't changed (still on Members sub-tab of Members & Roles)

4.9.2 Verify Member is still in the Officer role

4.10 Founder: Choose Apply (on the bottom of the screen)

4.11 Founder: Choose a different tab

4.11.1 Verify no confirmation dialog pops up

4.12 Member: Log in.

4.13 Member: Open the group information window

4.13.1 Verify you have the abilities of an officer (correct access to all tabs, etc)

4.14 Founder: Choose the Members sub-tab of Members & Roles

4.15 Founder: Select the Member from the list of members

4.16 Founder: Uncheck the box next to Officers

4.17 Founder: Choose another tab

4.17.1 Verify a confirmation dialog pops up

4.17.2 Choose "Apply Changes"

4.18 Founder: Choose the Members sub-tab of Members & Roles

4.18.1 Verify the Member is no longer an officer


5.0 Member: Verify you can not eject anyone.

5.1 Officer: Verify the 'Eject From Group' button is only enabled if only the Member is selected

5.2 Founder: Verify the 'Eject From Group' button is enabled if the Member, Officer or both are selected

5.3 Founder: Verify the 'Eject From Group' button is not enabled if the Founder is selected

5.4 Officer: Eject the Member

5.5 Member: Verify you are no longer part of the group

5.6 Founder: Invite the member back in.

5.7 Founder: Make the Member an Officer

5.8 Member: Verify you can not eject the Office

5.9 Founder: Make the Member an Owner

5.10 Member: Verify you can not eject Founder

5.11 Member: Remove yourself from the Owners role

5.12 Founder: Eject the Member

5.12.1 Verify there were no extra pop ups and the Member is no longer in the group.

5.13 Founder: Eject the Officer

5.13.1 Verify there were no extra pop ups and the Officer is no longer in the group.

4. Detailed plan(s) for testing dependent code, including success and failure cases if possible

The various Group Abilities tests are dependant on this code, as well as all other Group Information panels.

5. Requirements for gathering data on existing feature being modified, if applicable


5a. Follow this with requirements for gathering data on new feature in new format, etc.


5b. Explain how to compare data to ensure new feature is not worse (i.e. lower framerate, higher bandwidth, more db queries, etc.)