Container Permissions Test

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[LENGTH] 01:00


[OVERVIEW] Object's content permissions test.

[SETUP] Have two users available to run this test. Required inventory items haven't yet been identified.


[Container Permissions]

[0010] Create a two-prim object "container". All "contents" should be placed into the child prim for testing.

[0020]Turn on "Debug Permissions" in the Debug menu (to activate the Debug menu, press CTRL+ALT+D...Debug should appear next to Help on top tool bar).


[Contents Owner Permissions]

[NOTE] This test will require three objects: (no copy), (no transfer), and (no modify) objects. When the permissions are viewed with the Debug Permissions enabled, any reference to "applied permissions" refers to the FLAG permissions when viewing them under the Edit or Properties Windows(ie: F:VMCT..."F" referring to Applied Permissions). Make sure that under the General Tab in Edit mode, that the "Share with group" and "Allow anyone to copy/move" are NOT selected.


[No Copy]

[0030] Right-click on the container, and select Edit.

[0040] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Select Individual" radio button (left side of options are radio buttons, right side are check boxes).

[0050] Left-click on the child prim of the container (a soft WHITE glow around the child prim indicates that it is selected, as opposed to the soft yellow glow around the parent prim of the container).

[0050] Click on the Content Tab of the Edit window and insert a No Copy item. (NOTE: In order for the base permission to be "F: VMT", you must acquire a no-copy item by attaining/purchasing a no-copy item from another party.)

[0060] Right-click on that no-copy item, select Properties, and check that the No Copy item's applied permissions are "N: VM T".

[0070] Close the No Copy item's properties window.

[0080] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Position" radio button.

[0090] Under the General Tab, select Copy for the container's "Next owner can:" permissions, and be sure it is set tentative (grayed out, but selectable).

[0100] Set the container to "Allow anyone to copy", and be sure it is also set to tentative.

[0110] Select all the other checkboxes. Make sure only the previous "Next owner can: COPY" & "Allow anyone to copy" are set to tentative.

[0120] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Select Individual" radio button.

[0130] Left-click on the Child prim again to select it.

[0140] Under the Contents Tab, remove the No Copy item from the container.

[0150] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Position" radio button again.

[0160] Under the General Tab, uncheck all checkboxes (except Resell...which should remain grayed out).

[0170] Close the Edit Window.


[No Transfer]

[0180] Right-click on the container, select Edit, and under the General Tab, select the "For Sale" option under the General Tab.

[0190] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Select Individual" radio button.

[0200] Left-click on the child prim of the container to select it.

[0210] Click on the Content Tab of the Edit window and insert a No Transfer item from your Inventory.

[0220] Right-click on the No Transfer item, select Properties, and check that the applied permissions are "N: VMC"

[0230] Close the No Transfer item's properties window.

[0240] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Position" radio button.

[0250] Under the General tab, check that "For Sale" is set to tentative.

[0260] Uncheck "For Sale" and make sure it is disabled (grayed out).

[0270] Set the container to "Allow anyone to copy", and be sure it is set to tentative.

[0280] Select all other checkboxes. Check that "Share with group" and "Allow anyone to move" are not grayed.

[0290] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Select Individual" radio button.

[0300] Left-click on the Child prim again to select it.

[0310] Under the Content Tab, remove the no-transfer object from the container.

[0320] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Position" radio button.

[0330] Under the General Tab, uncheck all checkboxes (except Resell).

[0340] Close the Edit Window.


[No Modify]

[0350] Right-click on the Container, select Edit.

[0360] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Select Individual" radio button.

[0370] Left-click on the child prim of the container to select it.

[0380] Click on the Content Tab of the Edit window and insert a No Modify item.

[0390] Right-click on the no-modify item, select Properties, and check that the applied permissions are "N: V CT"

[0400] Close the no-modify item's properties window.

[0410] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Position" radio button.

[0420] Under the General Tab, select all checkboxes. Make sure nothing shows as attentive (except for RESELL).

[0430] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Select Individual" radio button.

[0440] Left-click on the child prim of the container to select it.

[0450] Under the Contents Tab, remove the No Modify object from the container.

[0460] From the Edit Options at the top portion of the Edit Window, select "Position" radio button.

[0470] Under the General Tab, uncheck all checkboxes (except Resell).


[Contents Group Permissions]

[NOTE] Log in a second user (Tester 2) and make sure the second user is in the same group the container object is set to.

[0480] Tester 1: Create an object (name it "Object 1" to avoid confusion). Right-click on the Object 1 and select Edit.

[0490] Under the General Tab, make sure to uncheck all checkboxes (except Resell). This will make Object 1's next owner permissions no copy/no modify/transferable.

[0500] Take Object 1 back into Tester 1's inventory.

[0510] Right-click on the Container, select Edit.

[0520] Under the General Tab, make sure all to uncheck all checkboxes (except Resell) on the Container.

[0530] From the Edit Window Options (top section, left side of Edit Window), select "Select Individual" radio button.

[0540] Click on Content Tab. Left-click on the child prim of the Container (note: child prim has a white glow around the prim, as opposed to a yellow glow around the parent prim). From Tester 1's Inventory, insert "Object 1" under the Content Tab of the child prim of the Container.

[0550] Tester 2: Right-click on the Container; select Edit. Under the General Tab, confirm that Tester 2's applied permissions state "F: T". Leave Edit Window open.

[0560] Tester 1: From the Edit Window Options, select "Position" radio button. Select the General Tab, and select "Share with group" on the container.

[0570] Tester 2: Under the General Tab, confirm that Tester 2's applied permissions state "F: VM T".

[0580] Tester 1: From the Edit Window Options, select "Select Individual" radio button. Select Content Tab. Left-click on the child prim of the Container. Right-click on Object 1, select Properties, then select "Share with group" in Object 1's Properties Window. Close Properties Window.

[0590] Tester 2: Though the applied permission currently state "F: VM T", it's actually now "F: VMCT". In spite of this, - Tester 2 still cannot make a copy. To confirm this, Right-click on the Container, select More and see if the "Take Copy" option is available. If not, continue to the next step.

[0600] Tester 1: Under the Edit Window Options, select "Position" radio button. Under General Tab, unselect "Share with group", then select "Share with group" again, to refresh viewed permission properties.

[0610] Tester 2: Right-click on the Container; select Edit. Under the General Tab, confirm that Tester 2's applied permissions state "F: VMCT".

[0620] Tester 1: From the Edit Window Options, select "Select Individual" radio button. Select Content Tab. Left-click on the child prim of the Container. Right-click on Object 1, select Properties, then UNSELECT "Share with group", and then SELECT "Allow anyone to copy" in Object 1's Properties Window. Close Properties Window. Under the Edit Window Options, select "Position" radio button. Under General Tab, unselect "Share with group", then select "Share with group" again, to refresh viewed permission properties.

[0630] Tester 2: Under the General Tab, confirm that Tester 2's applied permissions state "F: VMCT".

[0640] Tester 1: From the Edit Window Options, select "Select Individual" radio button. Select Content Tab. Left-click on the child prim of the Container. Right-click on Object 1, select Properties, then UNSELECT "Allow anyone to copy" in Object 1's Properties Window. Close Properties Window.


[Contents Everyone Permissions]

[0650] Tester 2: Go to Edit in your menu status bar, select Groups, select "none" in Group Window. Press the Activate button to enable "none". Close Group window.

[0660] Tester 1: Under the Edit Window Options, select "Position" radio button. Under General Tab, UNSELECT "Share with group", then SELECT "Allow anyone to copy" on the container.

[0670] Tester 2: Check that Tester 2's applied permissions are "F: T"

[0680] Tester 1: From the Edit Window Options, select "Select Individual" radio button. Select Content Tab. Left-click on the child prim of the Container. Right-click on Object 1, select Properties, then SELECT "Allow anyone to copy" in Object 1's Properties Window. Close Properties Window. Under General Tab, unselect "Allow anyone to copy", then select "Allow anyone to copy" again, to refresh viewed permission properties.

[0690] Tester 2: Check that Tester 2's applied permissions are "F: CT"