User:Simon Nolan

From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 09:48, 13 May 2007 by Simon Nolan (talk | contribs)
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Just me.

About Me

Just your average avatar, exploring this amazing virtual world since I first rezzed on 27 March 2006. This thing still has my attention, though I can't remember now how I first discovered Second Life. Probably an article in a tech magazine or website. I'm on a constant quest for good guy hair that has a ponytail.

I run SL on an iMac Core Duo (Early 2006), Mac OS X 10.4.9. Pretty much stock except for 1.5GB RAM, DSL and other goodies. Try to not to boot the Mac into Windows unless I have to, because that's just so very wrong. Hoping to get a MacBookPro so I can get my JIRA fix while travelling for RL work. And then, after hitting the lottery, an eight-core Mac Pro with the phattest possible video card.


LSL and Web Integration

Currently developing a RubyOnRails-powered, web-based events calendar, using LSL to communicate with the web server in-world, as part of a project for the Gay Life group.

Viewer UI

I'm learning about XUI and other parts of viewer architecture.

Replacement Icons

Working on replacing the oh-so-1995 stock UI icons (and wondering about the "right" way to do it), and trying to figure out how to skin the viewer. Will post more here when I get something worth sharing.

Decoupling the UI from the SL viewer window

Would like to contribute to decoupling the user interface so that UI menus can move up to the Mac menu bar and allow windows to be moved out of the SL window and onto a second monitor. (This is the holy grail, IMO, for Mac users.) Of course, it would have to be done in a portable, cross-platform way with minimal Mac-specific code. Yeah, I know, "good luck with that."

Wiki Thumbnail Bug

Our wiki doesn't do thumnails right. Found out this is already in Jira as WEB-3. So I voted.

[[Image:simonnolan.jpg|right|thumb|100px|Simon Nolan]] should produce a thumbnail linked to the full-size version and right justified. Docs at MediaWiki Help:Images.

Simon Nolan

This template is no longer supported. See Template:ISO 639-3/cat-speaking for the template which replaces this one.