List of Second Life Skills Training Schools
Second Life Schools
This is not inclusive of all schools, however is a list of schools that we have gathered to date 23/11/08. If you know of a Second Life School that we have missed please let us know. --Lady Hathaway 23:24, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
NCI/New Citizens Incorporated
SLLC/SL Learning Centre
Crackerbox School
Fermi Sandbox
ICE/Institute of Cooperative Education
Rockcliffe University
GQ Start
GIMPsters' Garden
The Photo Institute
Rockcliffe University
Town Square Learning Center
Sunbelt Uni
Insight Virtual College
- ReverendMathias Merit & Stargazer Blazer
Sensual Stoneworks
- Toady Nakamura & Minx Mousehold
Master Jeweler Guild
- EmCee Widget
- Rox Arten
Teachers Without Borders
- JeZeBeLe Dagger
Tech Virtual
- Agent Heliosense
vhs Goslar
- it's a German community colleage. Offers classes on SL- as well as RL-topics, some classes are free, most cost a few Linden