Bug triage/2009-02-11/Transcript
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Revision as of 15:01, 12 February 2009 by Alexa Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: * [15:02] Bambers Linden: yes, we have an agenda at: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda * [15:02] Alexa Linden: Hi...)
- [15:02] Bambers Linden: yes, we have an agenda at: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [15:02] Alexa Linden: Hiya Moon :D
- [15:02] Moon Metty: hi there :)
- [15:02] Alexa Linden: Hey Woofie XD
- [15:02] Garn Conover: closing eyes in bliss to the scritch
- [15:02] Garn Conover: hewwo's Mrewp Mrewp! ^_^
- [15:02] Bambers Linden: alexa is after my job :P
- [15:02] Garn Conover: Bridie!!!!!
- [15:02] Alexa Linden: lol never!
- [15:02] Ellla McMahon: hello everyone :)
- [15:03] Moon Metty: hi Bridie
- [15:03] Moon Metty: Ella :)
- [15:03] Garn Conover: allo Ella
- [15:03] Bambers Linden: hi bridie. do we have enough interested parties to start?
- [15:03] Bambers Linden: ;)
- [15:03] Bridie Linden: let's roll!
- [15:03] Moon Metty: Gellan is here :p
- [15:03] Bambers Linden: First up: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-11193
- [15:03] Gellan Glenelg: already imported. Maestro asking OP if it's fixed in PN
- [15:03] Bambers Linden: Strong memory leak while client is iconified
- [15:04] Alexa Linden: imported
- [15:04] Zen Linden: cool
- [15:04] Moon Metty: there is a similar report
- [15:04] Alexa Linden: waiting to see if he's tested to see if it's fixed
- [15:04] Bambers Linden: I need an "I knew that and I'm a professional darn it" gesture
- [15:05] Moon Metty: i remember seeing it on an old 1.21 pn
- [15:05] Alexa Linden: do we want to mark needs more info?
- [15:05] Garn Conover: is curently down to 4 ears :(
- [15:05] Alexa Linden: and wait for his response?
- [15:05] Bambers Linden: yeah - that's what maestro is after.
- [15:05] Alexa Linden: ok :)
- [15:06] Bambers Linden: And if anyone here has seen this you should add a comment too
- [15:06] Bambers Linden: :)
- [15:06] Moon Metty: i will try to find it and link it
- [15:06] Alexa Linden: thanks Moon :)
- [15:06] Bambers Linden: :D
- [15:06] Bambers Linden: Next up: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8215
- [15:07] Bambers Linden: After login, sometimes Mouse steering on avatar and HUDs don't work
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: "I can't reproduce it, "
- [15:07] Moon Metty: mousesteering works for me
- [15:07] Alexa Linden: I haven't seen this
- [15:07] Bambers Linden: no repro steps, but it happened often
- [15:08] Bambers Linden: nobody's seen this in 1.22 at all? Cool
- [15:08] Gellan Glenelg: I suspect this should be 2 issues...
- [15:08] Ellla McMahon: is it Linux specific ?
- [15:08] Zen Linden: looks like it
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: want me to verfiy that?
- [15:09] Gellan Glenelg: it's not "mouse steering on (avatars and huds) don't work" but "(mouse steering on avatars) and (HUDs) don't work
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: and that too?
- [15:09] Bambers Linden: aaah
- [15:09] Moon Metty: iow mouse clicks are off?
- [15:09] Gellan Glenelg: the huds part sounds like a picking issue
- [15:09] Bambers Linden: might this be the "mouse clicks near edge of screen" picking bug
- [15:09] Gellan Glenelg: I'd ask what screen resolution/ui size etc
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:10] Zen Linden: yeah, see if opensource still sees this
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: ok - I'll ask all the above
- [15:10] Zen Linden: since picking is all changed now
- [15:11] Alexa Linden: so NMI with the above questions?
- [15:11] Zen Linden: yup
- [15:11] Bambers Linden: yes
- [15:11] Alexa Linden: gotcha!
- [15:11] Alexa Linden: Hey Dessie :)
- [15:11] Dessie Linden: heya Alexa!
- [15:11] Moon Metty: hi Dessie :)
- [15:11] Dessie Linden: hiya Moon!
- [15:11] Bambers Linden: next up: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5598
- [15:12] Zen Linden: hmm next one is kind of a feature request. Save settings after crash. :p
- [15:12] Gellan Glenelg: "save settings" or "don't corrupt settings"?
- [15:12] Bambers Linden: "So far, this is easy to reproduce. Just wait for the viewer to crash and relog," - that's a little harsh...
- [15:12] Garn Conover: yea its annoying lol
- [15:12] Moon Metty: "Just wait for the viewer to crash"
- [15:12] Moon Metty: that's hard these days
- [15:12] Zen Linden: :)
- [15:12] Bambers Linden: :)
- [15:12] Gellan Glenelg: if settings are being corrupted by crash, [1] might help
- [15:13] Zen Linden: existing window settings are saved on exit
- [15:13] Alexa Linden: last comment may 2008
- [15:13] Zen Linden: when it crashes, they're just not saved
- [15:13] Bambers Linden: I've seen minimap closed on login when I swear it was open, even after a normal appearing exit
- [15:13] Alexa Linden: ask if it's still a problem?
- [15:14] Bambers Linden: I wonder if there're some exit bugs and this can be our alert flag...
- [15:14] Garn Conover: yea i dunno if the minimap is jsut crash or not
- [15:14] Gellan Glenelg: oops - I misread it... i took "Mini Map Disappearing" to mean it went off visible part of screen
- [15:15] Gellan Glenelg: if it's just bnot saving, then they need to display minimap, quit to save settings
- [15:15] Moon Metty: yeah
- [15:15] Zen Linden: decides to test minimap now really quick
- [15:15] Bambers Linden: hmmm
- [15:15] Garn Conover: it disapears on me a bnch of times but others i log in and its there
- [15:16] Bambers Linden: garn
- [15:16] Garn Conover: yeshes?
- [15:16] Bambers Linden: that's what I'm thinking - is that actually a sign of an unhandled logout fail
- [15:16] Garn Conover: nods, i could crash imprudence right now and check *grins*
- [15:16] Bambers Linden: not a minimap bug, but the minimap is the symptom of an unfixed bad-exit bug?
- [15:16] Dessie Linden: I have to say that something similar happens to me whenever SL isn't running in fullscreen mode
- [15:17] Dessie Linden: happens on both mac & xp
- [15:18] Garn Conover: yea i never really looked into it heavily myself on when it exactly happens but with the rarity in which i crash that could easily be it
- [15:19] Bambers Linden: ok, so what should we do with this one?
- [15:19] Alexa Linden: does it happen in the latest RC and nightly?
- [15:19] Zen Linden: i still think of it as a feature request to handle crashes/logouts better and save settings better. We can import, but I'd say low priority
- [15:20] Zen Linden: handle crashes/bad logouts
- [15:20] Dessie Linden: agrees
- [15:20] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:20] Alexa Linden: you want me to change to FR before that?
- [15:20] Bambers Linden: I haven't spotted it... but it's hard to remember when your minimap was losed, opened, etc. I agree with zen
- [15:20] Zen Linden: i would
- [15:20] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:21] Bambers Linden: ok. Should we move along our merry way?
- [15:21] Zen Linden: like in the barber shop.... NEEEEEXT
- [15:21] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6397
- [15:22] Bambers Linden: Body distortion, continues to gesticulate while on voice even though speech gestures disabled.
- [15:22] Bridie Linden: wonders if Zen really goes to barber shop...
- [15:22] Zen Linden: LOL
- [15:22] Bambers Linden: :)
- [15:22] 7Seas /: Insert Coin Arcade Update Server: 7Seas Gear Vendor 3.1 is here! This is a critical update. Please read the instructions in this update kit carefully!
- [15:22] Zen Linden: has an actual appearance similar to his av
- [15:22] 7Seas /: Insert Coin Arcade Update Server owned by Seven Shikami gave you '(7S) 7Seas Gear Vendor 3.1 Update Kit' ( [2] ).
- [15:22] Bridie Linden: :)
- [15:23] Second Life: test
- [15:23] Bambers Linden: this is why he never gets invited to weddings
- [15:23] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:23] Dessie Linden: lol
- [15:23] Moon Metty: hehehe
- [15:23] Garn Conover: looks nothing like his av :(
- [15:23] Bambers Linden: is surprised :)
- [15:23] Dessie Linden: sure hopes not!
- [15:23] Alexa Linden: wants to be her avatar
- [15:23] Zen Linden: hmmm, let's get more info if this is happening still and if so have qa talk to teagan
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:24] Zen Linden: any other thoughts?
- [15:25] Bambers Linden: I think a basic repro would help to. How to switch on the gestures, which voice channels (spatial? group? private parcel?)
- [15:25] Bambers Linden: *too
- [15:25] Zen Linden: true
- [15:25] Bambers Linden: and anything about the AOs or tiny avs that might be relevant
- [15:25] Alexa Linden: the other thing is
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: and I just tried this
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: I can activate things in my Library
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: not just my folders
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: which is kind of odd
- [15:26] Moon Metty: oh
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: since mostof the time you have to drag up first
- [15:27] Bambers Linden: O_o - is that normal?
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: so I will ask them to check that
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: I don't think so bambers
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: but try it
- [15:27] Bambers Linden: doesn't it auto-copy it to your inventory after you play it from library?
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: Hey!
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: nope
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: I cleared out my inventory of the default females
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: activated library one
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: did it
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: it worked
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: and didn't copy to my folders
- [15:28] Garn Conover: Alexa this is older than 1.22
- [15:28] Bambers Linden: ooh
- [15:28] Garn Conover: i think
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: so that might be it?
- [15:29] Moon Metty: it's not necessarily bad
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: no
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:29] Moon Metty: but inconsistent
- [15:29] Bambers Linden: sounds like you may have found a different bug?
- [15:29] Garn Conover: wonders if my 'no eyes' bug has been fixed
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: possibly or possibly the bug and reason for this??
- [15:29] Bambers Linden: agreed, not bad, but should Activate copy a gesture to Inventory so you know where to find it?
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: right
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: very confusing to people
- [15:29] Moon Metty: yes
- [15:30] Bambers Linden: like a library and an inventory
- [15:30] Garn Conover: has no library
- [15:30] Garn Conover: heh
- [15:30] Alexa Linden: want me to ask on this one and write up a bug for what I tested?
- [15:30] Bambers Linden: you didn't pay your outstanding fines?
- [15:30] Moon Metty: pfff
- [15:30] Bambers Linden: yes please Alexa
- [15:30] Alexa Linden: kk
- [15:30] Garn Conover: nah i disabled it on startup
- [15:30] Garn Conover: less things to load
- [15:30] Bambers Linden: aah :)
- [15:32] Bambers Linden: next up?
- [15:32] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-11688
- [15:32] Bambers Linden: Oblong Sculpts load slowly
- [15:32] Gellan Glenelg: looks like a dupe to me - tho easy to see why they didn't find the original
- [15:32] Moon Metty: i think qarl already has a fix for that
- [15:32] Dessie Linden: yes
- [15:33] Alexa Linden: agreed
- [15:33] Dessie Linden: I believe it's fixed
- [15:33] Gellan Glenelg: oh wait - same OP as the other one!
- [15:33] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:34] Alexa Linden: Aminom is a sculptie builder in SL
- [15:34] Dessie Linden: I asked him to check VWR-8723 to verify that it is, in fact, a dupe
- [15:35] Moon Metty: even the same poster
- [15:35] Alexa Linden: I can ping qarl and ask if he feels ours will be covered by the other?
- [15:35] Alexa Linden: yup
- [15:35] Alexa Linden: he does most of the sculptie ones I see
- [15:35] Alexa Linden: Squirrel!
- [15:35] Alexa Linden: hi ^^
- [15:35] Squirrel Wood: Me!
- [15:35] Squirrel Wood: Hellos!
- [15:35] Moon Metty: :)
- [15:35] Garn Conover: ahh Nuts!
- [15:35] Bambers Linden: hi squirrel!
- [15:35] Dessie Linden: hey Squirrel!
- [15:36] Bambers Linden: we ready to move on then? :)
- [15:36] Alexa Linden: yup
- [15:37] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3259
- [15:37] Bambers Linden: Prim Alignment .0005m off upon linking and touching objects
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: nothing in over a year
- [15:37] Gellan Glenelg: any repro that "will form a circle with 40 sides" worries me... it's diifficult enough in THREE dimensions!
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: still a problem?
- [15:37] Zen Linden: nmi
- [15:37] Moon Metty: lol
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: ya
- [15:38] Zen Linden: see if it still exists. yeah, that is a blast from the past
- [15:38] Moon Metty: divide by 2 = 9.5296535521310284845162599841316
- [15:38] Bridie Linden: lol
- [15:38] Moon Metty: mmm
- [15:38] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:38] Moon Metty: let me get pen and paper
- [15:38] Dessie Linden: let me get a genius
- [15:39] Alexa Linden: let me get an aspirin :P
- [15:39] Moon Metty: lol
- [15:39] Dessie Linden: LOL
- [15:39] Bambers Linden: lol
- [15:39] Garn Conover: ok toss up between Dessie and Alexa there
- [15:39] Bambers Linden: we're not worried about the circle though, are we?
- [15:39] Dessie Linden: the bunny wins!
- [15:39] Bambers Linden: Problem is that when the first two are set up they are perfect until linked.
- [15:40] Garn Conover: pokes Dessie its Bunneh! :P
- [15:40] Squirrel Wood: who needs 40 sided rings?
- [15:40] Dessie Linden: oops... sorreh ;)
- [15:40] Gellan Glenelg: difficult to tell with this repro, but I'm pretty sure this is a dupe
- [15:40] Garn Conover: ;)
- [15:40] Alexa Linden: I do seem to remember a problem like this but it was fixed
- [15:40] Bambers Linden: last 2 paragraphs = the bug
- [15:40] Bambers Linden: but the repro does seem to be a bit complex
- [15:40] RingMaker1.03: Sides: 8.000000
- [15:40] RingMaker1.03: Radius: 4.000000
- [15:40] RingMaker1.03: Height: 1.000000
- [15:40] RingMaker1.03: Hollow: 0.000000
- [15:40] RingMaker1.03: Z: Offset: 0.000000
- [15:40] RingMaker1.03: Mode: Ring
- [15:40] RingMaker1.03: Color: <0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>
- [15:40] Squirrel Wood: eep
- [15:41] Alexa Linden: ooh is that the old ringmaker?
- [15:41] Bambers Linden: heh
- [15:41] Moon Metty: it's about 50 micrometers ..
- [15:42] Bambers Linden: should we defer until quantum computing is the norm?
- [15:42] Dessie Linden: lol
- [15:42] Alexa Linden: quanahuh?
- [15:42] Gellan Glenelg: lol
- [15:42] Alexa Linden: wasn't that a tv show?
- [15:42] Bridie Linden: it's australian, alexa
- [15:42] Alexa Linden: ahhhh
- [15:42] Squirrel Wood: yes. old ring maker
- [15:44] Bambers Linden: so what's the verdict? Is it in fact dupey-looking? Or is it a feature request that goes beyond the granularity of our physics engine?
- [15:44] Moon Metty: well, i think it's floating point noise
- [15:44] Moon Metty: when you go from global to local coords
- [15:44] Alexa Linden: wow....she's gooood!
- [15:45] Zen Linden: quite possibly. I'd ask if it still occurs.
- [15:45] RingMaker1.03 whispers: Placement done
- [15:45] Alexa Linden: will do
- [15:45] Moon Metty: hehe
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: 1 vote
- [15:45] Bambers Linden: ok. and that brings up the question...
- [15:45] RingMaker1.03 whispers: Placement done
- [15:45] Zen Linden: oh no...
- [15:45] Bambers Linden: is there a workaround available by switching coord types?
- [15:45] RingMaker1.03 whispers: Placement done
- [15:45] Zen Linden: was expecting a bad quantum mechanics pun
- [15:45] Bambers Linden: or alternatively by finding a piece of paper, a genius and an aspirin?
- [15:45] RingMaker1.03 whispers: Rez done
- [15:46] Moon Metty: lol
- [15:46] Gellan Glenelg: switch SL to use polar coords instead? ;P
- [15:46] RingMaker1.03 whispers: Placement done
- [15:46] Moon Metty: complex pole coords, yeah
- [15:46] Bambers Linden: just switch to GPS?
- [15:46] RingMaker1.03 whispers: Placement done
- [15:46] Garn Conover: heh
- [15:47] Moon Metty: that brings in relativity
- [15:47] User not: online - inventory has been saved.
- [15:47] Moon Metty: we have enough time dilation :)
- [15:47] Squirrel Wood: gps.... then you'd need artificial satellites that are not always visible when you need them :p
- [15:47] User not: online - inventory has been saved.
- [15:48] Bambers Linden: I vote for moving on as swiftly as possible :)
- [15:48] Moon Metty: right
- [15:48] Garn Conover: thats what SL needs, Satalites!
- [15:48] Alexa Linden: scratches her small pea brain
- [15:48] Bambers Linden: did we decide what to do?
- [15:48] Garn Conover: then we can abduct newbies! and make em un newbyish!
- [15:48] Alexa Linden: nmi
- [15:48] Bambers Linden: kk
- [15:48] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-11847
- [15:48] Bambers Linden: Inconsistent lighting between matching rounded surfaces.
- [15:49] Garn Conover: i thought this was a texture repeat problem but its actually 2 prims
- [15:49] Moon Metty: oh i tried that yesterday
- [15:49] Alexa Linden: how'd it go?
- [15:49] Moon Metty: well, it's clearly visible
- [15:49] Bridie Linden: nice bug report...
- [15:50] Moon Metty: but when you have two halves of an apple..
- [15:50] Bridie Linden: but, 'don't do that'?
- [15:50] Moon Metty: it's not one apple
- [15:50] Gellan Glenelg: I've seen it on sculpties too
- [15:50] Moon Metty: oi think i have seen it on a single cylinder
- [15:50] Garn Conover: realy noticable
- [15:51] Bambers Linden: could you repro it on a single cylinder?
- [15:51] Gellan Glenelg: moon, what if you cut those, so one is 0 - 0.5, the other 0.5 - 1.0 ?
- [15:51] Moon Metty: not as obvious as the two halves
- [15:52] Moon Metty: the two halves are different
- [15:52] Moon Metty: Qarl explained once..
- [15:52] Moon Metty: the faces are smoothed
- [15:52] Bambers Linden: not as obvious, but if it happened on one it'd be a bigger bug though?
- [15:53] Moon Metty: but only on the same face
- [15:53] Bambers Linden: hmmm
- [15:53] Moon Metty: when you cut a cylinder, this is different
- [15:53] Bambers Linden: ok
- [15:53] Squirrel Wood: what if you make it shiny ?
- [15:54] Alexa Linden: still there
- [15:54] Squirrel Wood: even more obvious though
- [15:54] Alexa Linden: yup
- [15:54] Moon Metty: yes
- [15:54] Bambers Linden: so is this a dupe? Or an import?
- [15:55] Moon Metty: maybe it's expected behaviour
- [15:55] Moon Metty: i don't know
- [15:55] Bambers Linden: or is it expected - you beat me to it Moon
- [15:55] Zen Linden: thinks this is something caused by gl lighting + vertex color interpolation + how we construct tori
- [15:55] Moon Metty: lol
- [15:55] Alexa Linden: qa?
- [15:55] Dessie Linden: looks like it's been around for a while... 1.20, 1.21 & the RC
- [15:55] Bambers Linden: where's that genius with the aspirin?
- [15:55] Zen Linden: no, it clearly repros
- [15:55] Zen Linden: for me
- [15:55] Squirrel Wood: [3] ?
- [15:55] Zen Linden: when i had the sun set at sunset
- [15:55] Bambers Linden: then I say import
- [15:56] Alexa Linden: ok done
- [15:56] Zen Linden: you may want to ask runitai or bigpapi
- [15:56] Zen Linden: about it
- [15:56] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:56] Bambers Linden: but I can be fought with and shot down.
- [15:56] Bambers Linden: k
- [15:56] Zen Linden: they may say won't fix
- [15:56] Bambers Linden: only 1 vote...
- [15:58] Dessie Linden: interesting that the darker colored surfaces seem to line up with the black squares on the floor in the image
- [15:59] Dessie Linden: more or less...
- [15:59] Bambers Linden: like it's reflecting the image of the square below it upwards onto the surface?
- [16:00] Garn Conover: but it was happening here the same way with no checkered floor
- [16:00] Dessie Linden: kinda
- [16:00] Bambers Linden: heh - ask to repro on a plain white surface
- [16:00] Bambers Linden: aah, cool garn
- [16:00] Dessie Linden: probably nothing
- [16:00] Moon Metty: i think the cut is aligned north-south
- [16:00] Bambers Linden: I hate to break up the party...
- [16:01] Bambers Linden: but it's time ladies and gentlemen
- [16:01] Squirrel Wood: OhNoes!
- [16:01] Bambers Linden: and hell hounds
- [16:01] Moon Metty: alrighty Bambers
- [16:01] Dessie Linden: and bunnehs!
- [16:01] Alexa Linden: thank you all!
- [16:01] Bambers Linden: are we importing this after all?
- [16:01] Bambers Linden: and bunnehs, of course
- [16:02] Alexa Linden: I can bambers
- [16:02] Squirrel Wood: Nuts!
- [16:02] Bridie Linden: laterz all!
- [16:02] Bridie Linden: thx!
- [16:02] Bambers Linden: heh
- [16:02] Moon Metty: bye!
- [16:02] Garn Conover: cya Bridie :) mishes ya!
- [16:02] Dessie Linden: see ya!
- [16:02] Squirrel Wood: Be cool!