User:DanCoyote Antonelli

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The Sixth Finger Hyperformalism by DanCoyote Antonelli

The sixth finger symbolizes the computer cursor, or mankind's intervention into the metaverse (VR). The black hand itself attempts to make the connection between pre-historic artists who painted their own handprint on the walls of caves over 16,000 years ago and the similar efforts of artists today in the virtual world.

DanCoyote Antonelli is Northern California artist and polymath DC Spensley. Spensley is an interdisciplinary honors graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute who has exhibited artwork at the San Jose Museum of Art, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and many other venues in his twenty five year career as an exhibiting artist.

Presently DanCoyote (a pun after Don Quixote) has become one of the most well known names in Second Life Art exhibiting well over 40 times in Second Life in 2006 and 2007 in exhibitions that often cross the border from Second Life to Real Life. In addition to creating artworks that he calls Hyperformalism, DanCoyote (DC Spensley) produces and directs the first and oldest SL performance art group entitled the ZeroG SkyDancers.

Sub blurb about SkyDancers here: ------

[[[Still the only Hyperformalist dance company in either world, the Spring 2007 Production has been completely updated with new choreography, reactive stage set and score written especially for the production. Intrepid Avatar flyers perform arial acrobatic patterns within a massive "interactive prim cloud" hyperformalist sculpture entitled "ZeroG Xl". Think arial water ballet... Avatars will fly/dance within a 500 meter square area 500-700 meters above the the ground (0, Z axis). The SkyDancers wear breathtaking 50-60 meter custom attachments as costumes that can be seen from incredible distances. Avatars wearing these gorgeous flexi costumes will fly through the prim cloud and trigger musical movements that concord with a score commissioned by the artist exclusively for this production.}}}

end sub blurb-----------------

DanCoyote's Museum of Hyperformalism is presently exhibitng at 440 and 516 meters in SL04 in honor of the Second Life 4th Birthday. Viewers teleport from groundside kiosk (800 meter Tower) to one of two massive displays. The first of which is called a "spore" it being a spore of the main Museum of Hyperformalism. The artworks on display in the spore are modernist echos, encapsualizations of Hyperformal Abstraction in modernist context. Each one is unique and many have been acquired by collectors for their aesthetic and economic value (prices range from $50 to $150K Linden Dollars). The Second exhibit at 440 meters is a spawling survey of DC's new monolith series featuring hyperformalist sculptural monoliths well in excess of 200 meters in size. This has to be seen to be believed!

Please contact the artist for press previews at

The following are some URLs to press about the Artist avatar DanCoyote Antonelli: