Inventory Search Test
[LENGTH] 00:45
[OVERVIEW] Tests the Searchable Inventory
[SETUP] 1 User, 2nd User Required for Very Short amount of Time to give an object. A possible selection of each item of inventory filter content.
[Verify default Inventory Search UI elements]
[0010] Open the Inventory
[0020] Verify you see the following under the "File", "Create" and "Sort" Menus
[0030] "Search" text in seach text entry field.
[0040] Click the "File" menu and select "Show Filters".
[0050] Verify the Filters window appears with its Top aligned next to the top of the Inventory window if possible or the bottom aligned to the chatbar.
[0060] Verify that if the space between the inventory window and the edge of the client window is too small, that the Filters window appears on the opposite side of, but still adjacent to, the Inventory window.
[Verify default for filters window]
[0070] Verify you see the following List of Filters (by default all are selected):
[0080] "Animation", "Calling Cards", "Clothing", "Gestures", "Landmarks", "Notecards", "Objects", "Scripts", "Sounds", " Textures", "Snapshots"
[0090] Verify you see an "All" and a "None" Button
[0100] Verify you see a "Always show folders" Checkbox (unchecked by default)
[0110] Verify you see a "Close" Button
[0120] Click the Checkboxes for a Filter type and Verify:
[0130] The Title bar for the Inventory shows what Filters are selected / deselected
[NOTE] The way this works is that if less than half are selected, then the items on the title bar of the Inventory window will show the items that are selected. If the number is 5 or more, then the items that are NOT selected will appear in the title bar of the Inventory window.
[0140] So Try and Verify several different combinations of this and make sure that it is being correctly reported.
[0150] Also Verify Items selected / deselected will appear / disappear in the Inventory window as chosen. Test against various combinations of this. (ie Textures will disappear from inventory list when you deselect the Textures Filter)
[0160] Click on "All", "None" and "All" again
[0170] Verify the Filters list, Gets All Selected, Then All Deselected, Then All Reselected
[0180] Verify at the same time your inventory shows the Full Contents, Then Nothing, Then The Full Contents again.
[0190] Click on the "None" Button
[0200] Select and Deselect "Always show folders"
[0210] Verify that all folders Appear and Disappear when all of the filters are unchecked.
[0220] Click the Inventory Button three or 4 times
[0230] Verify the Inventory Button Still Opens only one Window
[0240] Open an Inventory Window
[0250] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[0260] Verify it opens a New Inventory window.
[0270] Close the Second Window
[0280] Click the File menu and select "Show Filters" in your Inventory window
[0290] Untick a Filter (e.g. Objects) and Tick the "Always show folders" Tickbox
[0300] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[0310] In your New Inventory Window, Click the File menu and select "Show Filters"
[0320] Verify that the Filter you Unticked has stayed Unticked, But the "Always show folders" Checkbox has Reverted back to Its Default of Unticked.
[0330] Close all Filters Windows and Inventory Windows
[0340] Click the Inventory Button to open a New Window
[0350] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[0360] Repeat the "File > New Window" on each new window Until you have several open
[0370] Click the Inventory Button and Verify It closes all the Windows in the Reverse order that you opened them.
[0380] With the Inventory Window Closed, Click the Inventory Button to Open A Window
[0390] Click the Inventory Button again to Close the Window
[0400] Verify Inventory button closes Inventory window when only 1 window is open.
[0410] Click the Inventory Button to Open A Window
[0420] Left-click and drag the Inventory Window to another location on your screen.
[0430] Click the Inventory Button again to Close the Window
[0440] Click the Inventory Button to Open the Window
[0450] Verify Inventory window retains its last position on the screen.
[0460] Reposition back to the Normal location and close.
[0470] Click the Inventory Button to open a New Window
[0480] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[0490] Repeat the "File > New Window" on each new window Until you have 15 windows open
[0500] Verify that they do not cause performance lag.
[0510] Click the Inventory Button 15 times to Close all the Windows
[0520] Click the Inventory Button to open a New Window
[0530] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[0540] In the First window Click the "Create" Menu and "New Note"
[0550] Verify you can see the "New Note" in the Notecards Folder
[0560] Look in the Second Inventory Window's Notecard Folder
[0570] Verify the new item appears in both windows.
[0580] In the Original Window, Delete the "New Note" you just Created
[0590] Look in the Second Inventory Window's Notecard Folder
[0600] Verify the item disappears in both windows.
[0610] In the First window Click the "Create" Menu and "New Folder"
[0620] Verify you can see a Folder called "New Folder"
[0630] Look in the Second Inventory Window
[0640] Verify the "New Folder" appears in both windows.
[0650] In the Original Window, Delete the "New Folder" you just Created
[0660] Look in the Second Inventory Window
[0670] Verify the Folder is removed from both Inventory windows.
[0680] Close all Inventory Windows
[0690] Click the "Inventory" Button to Open a Window
[0700] Click the File menu and select "Show Filters"
[0710] Turn on "All" the Filters if not already on.
[0720] Conduct a one word search on a default inventory item of each type. (ie Animation, Texture, etc)
[NOTE] If the default item isn't there, create or acquire it for this test.
[0730] Verify that the search located the item. Search term will highlighted in the item's name.
[0740] Click the "None" Button
[0750] Enable Each Filter In Turn then Conduct a one word search on a default inventory item of that type (ie Tick Animation, and Search for some Animations, then Disable that Filter and Move on to the Next)
[0760] Verify that the search located the item. Search term will appear highlighted in the item's name.
[0770] Click the "None" Button
[0780] Conduct a one word search on a default inventory item of each type. (ie Animation, Texture, etc)
[0790] Verify they do not appear.
[0800] Click the "All" Button to enable the Filters
[0810] Search for items with a common name, such as Object or New Script
[0820] Verify the search results are correct.
[0830] Conduct a search for an item that is known NOT to be in inventory
[0840] Verify SL handles it gracefully
[0850] Attempt to enter non-alphanumeric characters in the search field. (ie áéíóú)
[0860] Verify this is not possible.
[0870] Type a string into the Search field
[0880] Select it all by Dragging the mouse over the text, Double Clicking in the Window or Pressing Ctrl-a
[0890] Copy the Text by Clicking the "Edit" Menu and "Copy" or Pressing Ctrl-c
[0900] Remove the Text from the Window (Otherwise it will be copied automatically into new window)
[0900] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[0910] Click in the New Windows Text Entry Box, and Press Ctrl-v or Click Edit > Paste to Paste the copied text in
[0920] Verify that Copy and Paste works between windows.
[0930] Close the Second Window
[0940] Look in your Inventory for a Multiple Word item e.g. (New Script)
[0950] Conduct a Multiple Word Inventory search on a known item.
[0960] Verify the item is located and that both words appear highlighted in the Inventory.
[0970] Enter a search string 63 characters long.
[0980] Verify that is the maximum length, and you can't enter any longer.
[0990] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[1000] In the first Window, Use the Search and Search for an Item that you can delete
[1010] In the new window, find the item manually and delete it
[1020] Verify the removal of the item from both windows.
[1030] Close the Inventory Windows
[NOTE] A Second User is Needed Briefly for this Next Test
[1040] Tester 1: Click the Inventory Button to Open a Window
[1050] Tester 2: Send an item to Tester 1: (make sure the user doesnt have it already)
[1060] Tester 1: Accept the Object
[1070] Tester 1: Search for the New Inventory item
[1080] Tester 1: Verify it has been found.
[1090] Open a Second Inventory Window
[1100] Try different searches in each, using a variety of filters.
[1110] Verify each window returns the correct results.
[1120] Close all Inventory Windows
[1130] Click the Inventory Button to open a Window
[1140] Click the File menu and select "Show Filters"
[1150] Click the "None" Button"
[1160] Click a Filter for an item type, and remove an item of that type from your Inventory.
[1170] Verify that the item is removed from the Filter search results.
[1180] Click the "All" button and Close the Filter Window
[1190] Start an image, animation, sound or bulk upload. From the Main File menu
[1200] While the upload is in progress, Conduct an Inventory Search
[1210] Verify the search can handle it, and that the items uploaded during the search are reported correctly..
[1220] Click the File menu and select "Show Filters"
[1230] Click the "None" and then the "All" Buttons
[1240] Verify the results in the Inventory Window. When 'None' is selected, Nothing will Show unless "Always show folders" is Selected.
[1250] Click the "All" Button, then Close the Filters Window
[1260] Click the "File" Menu in the Inventory and Select "New Window"
[1270] Enter identical search entries in the two open Inventry Windows and start the search.
[1280] Verify the results are identical.