User:Alissa Sabre/I18N Issues

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This page summarizes internationalization/locatization related JIRA issues.

I searched in JIRA for unresolved issues that are more or less related to internationalization/locatization. I followed a style similar to bug triage agenda, although no such triage is scheduled, at least for now. I may miss something. Please feel free to add more issues here. I'm updating this list in a future as more issues are added to JIRA. Issues will be removed from the list as they are resolved.

I've listed the issues as groups, but the order of importance/appropriateness.

I'm not including issues that are only related to the viewer internals, because they are more appropriate for the regular bug triage. (Example: VWR-1180 Inappropriate uses of ctype (is*) functions in prevalidate methods for LLLineEditor.)

UI Translation

Translation to new language

  • VWR-1293 - Votes: 0 - Traditional Chinese UI for Second Life Viewer - LandRover McMillan
    • Looks ready for import, although I'm not eligible to evaluate the texts themselves. -- Alissa
  • VWR-1822 - Votes: 2 - First draft of English (British) translation - Gudmund Shepherd
    • Looks ready for import. -- Alissa
  • VWR-774 - Votes: 2 - First draft of Swedish translation - Danne Carfagno
    • Still in an early stage. -- Alissa

Related issues

  • VWR-1594 - Votes: 2 - Inconsistent ' & ' use in en-us locale file - Gudmund Shepherd
  • VWR-1719 - Votes: 2 - Need for a better mechanism to add new UI translation - Alissa Sabre
  • VWR-335 - Votes: 0 - Needs two Chinese on Language selection - Alissa Sabre
  • VWR-87 - Votes: 1 - Inappropriate texts in About floater translations - Alissa Sabre
  • VWR-1841 - Votes: 0 - Switching of UI language requires viewer restart - Alissa Sabre
  • VWR-146 - Votes: 0 - First Look clients don't acknowledge language changes under Edit, Preferences,Language - Bastien Culdesac
    • This issue was against 1.13.2. I don't think it is still there. -- Alissa

Cultural conventions

International Character Handling

Displaying Non-ASCII texts

  • VWR-1742 - Votes: 0 - Unicode problem when using Turkish alphabet characters in viewer. - Vixen Heron
  • VWR-1629 - Votes: 0 - Hebrew is not usable in the Viewer since 1.11/1.12 unless you have once installed at least 1.10 . - Smiley Barry
  • VWR-593 - Votes: 2 - Better display of UTF characters - catherine pfeffer
    • This issue is on Russian (Cyllilic) alphabets, although the detailed problem statement is unreadable due to a JIRA bug (WEB-67). -- Alissa
  • VWR-252 - Votes: 1 - Poor line folding (word wrap) behaviour on Japanese text - Alissa Sabre
    • I know fixing only for Japanese texts is not hard, but I believe we need to take care of other languages such as Arabic and Thai. That needs some general mechanism. -- Alissa
  • VWR-112 - Votes: 1 - Arabic language needs to be displayed right to left rather than left to right - Rob Linden


  • VWR-298 - Votes: 1 - Practically impossible to enter Japanese text when viewer is running full-screen on MacOS - Alissa Sabre
  • VWR-250 - Votes: 0 - Preedit (composition) strings are shown poorly when typing Japanese text on Windows - Alissa Sabre
  • VWR-240 - Votes: 3 - Cannot input Japanese characters from keyboard on Linux - Alissa Sabre

LSL issues

Keyboard issues

  • VWR-1541 - Votes: 1 - Shortcut key Ctrl-` cannot be entered on Japanese version of Windows with 104 keyboard - Sat Nemeth
  • VWR-1676 - Votes: 0 - Cmd+A causes the viewer to quit with french keyboards (Mac OS) - Ben Vanguard

Chat/IM Log

  • VWR-1373 - Votes: 0 - Wrong characters in Chat Log and IM Log when using umlaut characters (e.g. German äöüÄÖÜ) - Nati Gynoid


Unfiendliness for no English speaking residents

  • VWR-1563 - Votes: 4 - Profile Mute button should display muted state (confuses international Residents) - Winter Ventura
  • SVC-311 - Votes: 1 - Translate the OIHUD and Orientation Island Tutorials to languages other than English - Boroondas Gupte
  • MISC-264 - Votes: 1 - Request for new password fails, primary account locked out - Akash Gausman
    • This issue may look inappropriate here, but I intentionally included it. I think this one reveals a problem of SL as a service for non-English speaking residents. -- Alissa
  • WEB-67 - Votes: 4 - Unable to report bug that essentially depends on presense of non-ASCII characters - Alissa Sabre
  • SVC-412 - Votes: 1 - Include "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" header in the messages forwarded from second life. - Carty Capra

Unawareness of non-English

Language demography

  • WEB-201 - Votes: 0 - Group Active Users metrics currently by Country - by National Language - meta linden