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pfText 1.0

I admire the work being put into xyText, but life is short, and so should be Source Code. That's why I made my own version. pfText might not be the most powerful version of Text Systems in SL, but it's by far the shortest, and thereby easiest version.

Features: You can easily add your own favourite characters, like diactitics and other funny stuff. Just make textures, 10x10 characters. You'll probably need at least 2 textures. Write down the printable chars one by one in the showable var. Put the texture's UUIDs into the chartextures list. That's about it.


Drop the 2 scripts into the root of a linkset of 5 Face prims, as described in xyText et. al.. Say something in chat.


pfText uses llSetLinkPrimitiveParams. By making a herd of parallel scripts, you would fill a sheet faster than with one of them. bt;dt


The Scripts are Copyright 2007- Torrid Luna <> The Scripts and any derivative work are licensed as follow:

Some rights reserved: You may use and remix/improve this work as you like, but: Make a visible mark on the project and script, that your work is based on me, Torrid Luna, or My sister is a lawyer in RL, and she's leading a Karate school in Berlin, Kreuzberg, Germany, Terra. You have been warned.


pfText Script

<lsl> // pfText // Copyright 2007- Torrid Luna <> // Some rights reserved: You may use and remix/improve this work as you like, but: // Make a visible mark on the project and script, that your work is based on me, Torrid Luna, and/or // My sister is a lawyer in RL, and she's leading a Karate school in Berlin, Kreuzberg, Germany, Terra. You have been warned.^^

string showable; list chartextures; list faces = [1,6,4,7,3];

list offsets = [<0.12, 0.1, 0>, <0.037, 0, 0>, <0.05, 0.1, 0>, <0,0,0>, <-0.74, 0.1, 0>, <0.244, 0, 0>, <0.05, 0.1, 0>, <0,0,0>, <0.12, 0.1, 0>, <-0.037, 0, 0>];


       showable = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
       showable += "[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~·";
       showable += "\n\n\n\n";
       showable +="ÄäÖöÜüßſÅåĄąÆæƏəĆćÇÐðđĘęĦħIJijŁłŃńÑñŊŋÓóÕõ";
       showable +="ŒœØø\n\nȘșŦțȚțÞþŨũŸÿÝý";
       chartextures = ["f8638022-4e35-d9de-053b-072b3cdd31ce", "d68b35a5-8f3d-b19c-6455-fd1d2bc9521b"];

   link_message(integer sender, integer num, string str, key id){
       integer i;
       list alletters;
           string thischar = llGetSubString(str, i,i);
           integer charindex = llSubStringIndex(showable, thischar);
           integer row = charindex / 10;
           integer col = charindex % 10;
           vector offset = <-0.45 + 0.1 * col, 0.45 - 0.1 * row, 0.0>;
           key texture = llList2Key(chartextures, charindex / 100);
           integer face = llList2Integer(faces, i);
           vector offset1 = llList2Vector(offsets, i*2);
           vector offset2 = llList2Vector(offsets, i*2 +1);
           // llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXTURE, face, texture, offset1, offset + offset2, PI]);
           alletters += [PRIM_TEXTURE, face, texture, offset1, offset + offset2, PI];
       llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(num+1, alletters);

} </lsl>

pfText chat Example

<lsl> // pfText example // Copyright 2007- Torrid Luna <> // Some rights reserved: You may use and remix/improve this work as you like, but: // Make a visible mark on the project and script, that your work is based on me, Torrid Luna, and/or // My sister is a lawyer in RL, and she's leading a Karate school in Berlin, Kreuzberg, Germany, Terra. You have been warned.


       llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), "");
   listen(integer c, string name, key k, string msg){
       // meant for up to 5 prims. Know what you do. 
       msg = llGetSubString(msg + "                      ", 0, 24);
       // llOwnerSay("stringlength: " + (string)llStringLength(msg));
       integer length = (llStringLength(msg) - 1)/ 5 +1;
       integer i;
           string sub = llGetSubString(msg, i*5, ((i+1)*5 - 1));
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, i, sub, NULL_KEY);