LSL Tutorial/ko
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LSL을 배우기 전 갖추어야 할 것들: LSL 학습을 시작하기 전에, 세컨드라이프 전반에 대한 기초적인 것을 알아두는 것이 좋다. 시작하기 위해 알아야 할 몇 가지 사항들.
LSL을 시작하자: 완전한 초심자를 위한 교습서. 세컨드라이프의 사용자함(inventory)과 탐험에 대한 기본지식이 필요하다.
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Video Tutorial/Script editor featurettes(en): 내부세계 스크립트 편집기 동영상 안내서. 외부 편집기에 대해서는 LSL 대체편집기를 참조.
내부세계 교습서
Free interactive in-world Linden Script Tutorial: Bromley College has developed a free interactive scripting tutorial exhibition in-world.
You can also find the tutorial in-world by choosing Search > Classifieds and searching for the phrase linden script tutorial
Bromley College in-world Virtual Learning trials: Please feel free to come over and look around
Many free scripting tutorials that are easy to read at our College of Scripting, Music and Science: Come by to learn scripting and building.
외부 교습서
Using LSL introductory tutorial Dr. Dobb's tutorial
Building a Clock in Second Life - Full Video Tutorial: Video tutorial for building and scripting a clock.
Using the Linden Script Language: A very comprehensive tutorial on basic scripting from Kan-ed.
Scripting Basics (Part 1): Scripting basics from Johanna Hyacinth. Also try part2 and part3.
Peter Nelson's Guide to LSL: A series of LSL tutorials from Peter Nelson. A work in progress.
A New Hampshire Coder in Linden Lab's Court: An article on discussing software engineering strategies for LSL
Scripting in Second Life: by oceanspray
Programming in Second Life tutorial for teen grid and others
Configuring LSL Scripts Using a Notecard Tutorial on configuring with notecards.
An easy to follow tutorial for LSL Guides you through creating your first fun script explaining the basic language features.
스크립트 도구
These tools are designed to ease the process of scripting, whether it's autogenerating scripts or helping you to edit them. Some of them were featured in Torley's Autoscript post:
- Autoscript - Ann Enigma's versatile tool lets you make a script with a few clicks, then examine and edit it further. Easily add interactivity to your objects and get started scripting! Available in Français and Deutsch too.
- Scratch for Second Life - Eric Rosenbaums’s exciting app (for Mac and Windows) in development which lets you arrange scripts visually as if they were Legos. I haven’t had a chance to even scratch (ha!) its surface yet, but watch Eric’s video to better understand:
- Particle script generator - This formatted webpage may be easier to use than SL’s own script editor. Change your parameters and try it out inworld.
- Encog's Particle Machine - "The particle machine allows you to specify particle effects and see them created in the Second Life world."