User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2007-08-10

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Revision as of 15:54, 10 August 2007 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: == 6 AM == ''Torley Linden:'' HEY EVERYONE!<br> Nage Archer: I'm good, thanks... wakas seldom sit lol<br> Simon Kline: hehehhee<br> Evangeline Wind: hi nage<br> Randal Kline: hi torley<br>...)
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6 AM

Torley Linden: HEY EVERYONE!
Nage Archer: I'm good, thanks... wakas seldom sit lol
Simon Kline: hehehhee
Evangeline Wind: hi nage
Randal Kline: hi torley
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hio!!!
Evangeline Wind: hi torley
Simon Kline: Hey! torley!!!
Chase Marellan: Hey, Torley!
Nage Archer: Hey! Torley
Angsty Rossini: standing room only :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hi Doctor Nick! Oh, wait.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: heeh
Torley Linden: Oh look who's here already...
Torley Linden: nice to see y'all.
Orzga Aabye: hello torley.
Wolfie Rankin: Hi there
Chase Marellan: You can have my seat if you want it
Amon26 Yellowjacket: the audience keeps gettin bigger an bigger
Torley Linden: Hahaha Doctor Nick is, incidentally, one of my fave Simpsons characters.
Chase Marellan: The "get tickled by Simon" seat is taken. :)
Randal Kline: torley: out of prims today
Nage Archer: lol
Torley Linden: "Here's a man named Mr. McCaig..." (or something)
Simon Kline: lol chase
Torley Linden: Whoa, I don't remember putting any other prims out...
Torley Linden: there's bizarre...
Nage Archer: I'll just stand here and look pretty lol
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hmmmm
Juko Tempel: all used up..
Torley Linden: Hmm I'll have to check that seating later.
Simon Kline: love the av nage
Amon26 Yellowjacket: how ya been torley!?
Nage Archer: ty, made it myself
Chase Marellan: nothing wrong iwth the seats, the parcel's just full
Torley Linden: I've been good, busy busy week, and you? Everyone's still rezzing in for me...
Angsty Rossini: Torley - Must. ..Resist. ..Smart-alek... Comment.....
Nage Archer: lol
Torley Linden: What's odd is I don't recall placing any new prims out...
Amon26 Yellowjacket: busy also, i get vacation next week tho
Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
Wolfie Rankin: um... what do you get if you were to um... eat a linden?
Nage Archer: I'm always busy
Amon26 Yellowjacket: im worried about this punchline
Torley Linden: Eat a Linden, like Pac-Man, or a cannibal-style?
Angsty Rossini: Wolfie - company manners!!
Chase Marellan: maybe somebody left you a present?
Torley Linden: Hehehe.
Psyra Extraordinaire: There's 40 or so prims unaccounted for.
Torley Linden: Hmmm...
Orzga Aabye: lindigestion .>??
Wolfie Rankin: I'm sorry, I'm a werewolf
Juko Tempel: hehe
Nage Archer: wow, I'm a pacman descendant lol
Amon26 Yellowjacket: oh lordy!
Angsty Rossini: It's not a full moon tonight!
Wolfie Rankin: my stomache doesn't care
Nage Archer: lol
Torley Linden: Yeah, this parcel is not showing correct counts -- I think, sounds like a bug we've been having. I apologize for lack of seating right now (will investigate this later) but feel free to sit anywhere.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: how many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Wolfie Rankin: hey, it's watermelon and it's free
Torley Linden: How many? :)
Amon26 Yellowjacket: only one, but the lightbulb really has to want to change
Nage Archer: just one, but the lightbulb really has to want to change
Amon26 Yellowjacket: dangit
Nage Archer: lol
Amon26 Yellowjacket: smart alec hehe
Nage Archer: sorry
Orzga Aabye: lol
Amon26 Yellowjacket: issokay ^,^
Wolfie Rankin: gods, that was on that "I'm tuff" record in the 80s
Wolfie Rankin: hehe
Nage Archer: it's a waka thang
Juko Tempel: parcel counts related to inventory loss?
Neo Rebus: g
Neo Rebus: g'morning
Torley Linden: Juko -- sometimes, I won't know until I check with our devs.
Orzga Aabye: So LL runs Debian?
Psyra Extraordinaire: We've not had any issues like that, this is news.
Juko Tempel: hmm people very upset about that..
Torley Linden: I know Andrew mentioned a prob earlier where taking stuff from a parcel doesn't necessarily delete it...
Torley Linden: Yes, inventory loss (with several causes) continues to be a big prob, I hope we'll have a blog post with more details about that, and what we're working on to fight it.
Orzga Aabye: can inventory be recovered?
Nage Archer: I think my biggest problem lately is lag
Juko Tempel: lots of people harrassing sellers too
Amon26 Yellowjacket: eeee, inventories *grapples my inventory* dont goo
Torley Linden: It depends on the specific case.
Nage Archer: lol Amon
Juko Tempel: not much consolation..
Orzga Aabye: if a coyp of inventory items is squerred awa, can it be "backed up" in that manner?
Psyra Extraordinaire: I still wonder if there's a user-side partial cause to that. i've been here four years, and I've yet to ever lose *anything*.
Torley Linden: "Inventory loss" isn't caused by one single thing, and there are also lots of false positives to weed out (e.g., sometimes people just aren't good at searching inventory, so it helps to heighten education about that too).
Nage Archer: Psyra, I've lost a few things, here and there
Torley Linden: Packet loss is often a factor, Psyra. If you're on a reliable connection, chances of something going wonky is lessened.
Juko Tempel: again, not much consolation
Randal Kline: i see a cage above and some other stuffs too
Orzga Aabye: i learend about clearing cache this week/
Amon26 Yellowjacket: eee that has to be a fun mess to work through
Nage Archer: ah, see, I'm in Tasmania lol
Angsty Rossini: with the size of my inventry, I wouldn't have a clue if I lost something :(
Nage Archer: we don't even have reliable in our dictionary
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hhehe thats useful isnt it ?
Wolfie Rankin: wow, two guys close to me
Juko Tempel: we're losing things on rez..
Nage Archer: where are you wolfie?
Wolfie Rankin: Melbourne, across the water
Psyra Extraordinaire: I have about 24000 items, thanks to all the avatar parts floating in my work dir. :D
Nage Archer: ah okay
Nage Archer: not that near lol
Wolfie Rankin: nearer than washington :)
Nage Archer: wow. you're THE Psyra lol
Torley Linden: Juko: The previous bug we fixed last Friday (as detailed on ) applied to rezzing no-copy objects on land you can't rez them on, e.g., no-build or a full parcel.
Nage Archer: just hit me
Torley Linden: Yes, THE Psyra, isn't that cool? =)
Juko Tempel: no consolation if you lost something..
Torley Linden: Psyra was one of the first I ever met in the Ahern Welcome Area!
Nage Archer: totally
Juko Tempel: and it included owned parcels
Nage Archer: I'm an avatar junkie
Amon26 Yellowjacket: has anyone tried using the "There" program? its like a weird bizarro version of SL
Juko Tempel: nearly full
Torley Linden: Juko: It's certainly harsh, which is why we want to prevent this in the future. :(
Neo Rebus: oh cool, i was just testing that bug a couple of days ago to see if i should have resubmitted my bug report about it
Amon26 Yellowjacket: by bizarro i mean.. deformed sorta
Juko Tempel: glad to hear it..
Psyra Extraordinaire: I was on There before I came to SL.
Chase Marellan: I've used it; yes, definitely bizarro
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yeah, i wansnt thrilled by all the hoops i had to jump through just to build or customize my look
Torley Linden: I have used There a fair bit, I was in There for a few days before I came to Second Life.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I'm a Thereian, I just didn't know that the Thereians group was FOR those, and I liked Extraordinaire better as a last name. :D
Nage Archer: I've never been to there..just moove and active worlds
Neo Rebus: i never made it to There, I was a The Sims Onliner before
Torley Linden: I did find it kinda strange in There that I had to go to a special hut to change my appearance... I've also tried other worlds like Kaneva, IMVU, etc.
Shinee Jewell: hi everyone
Amon26 Yellowjacket: haha sims online! i remember that!
Torley Linden: Hey Shinee!
Evangeline Wind: hi shinee
Simon Kline: Hey! shinee
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yeah that was real weird. the spas?
Chase Marellan: I've also just rediscovered SW Galaxies
Wolfie Rankin: Therianthrope?
Nage Archer: hi Shinee :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Caww! ^_^
Torley Linden: Welcome everyone who just came, and pardon if we look kinda awkward standing -- outta prims here and I'll have to check later to see what's up with that.
Juko Tempel: cages above
Torley Linden: I've seen some very funny dance videos of SW Galaxies.
Torley Linden: I like watching wookies dance. :)
Amon26 Yellowjacket: i saw one of ice ice baby
Shinee Jewell: search wasn't working here an hour ago either Torley
Nage Archer: you haven't seen anything tillyou've seen a waka dance on SL lol
Amon26 Yellowjacket: thats about it tho
Chase Marellan: That's fummy
Wolfie Rankin: I have a prob with inventory which is different
Shinee Jewell: hey Juko
Juko Tempel: hiya Shineee
Amon26 Yellowjacket: ooo speaking of machinima did you ever check out that french video i sent you Torley?
Wolfie Rankin: when I go to recent items, why do ALL the folders have to be open?
Torley Linden: Yes Amon26 -- I liked the inflight video camera style wobbliness, was that part of the game or post-processed?
Simon Kline: hehe and rob linden was ruthed earlier and ppl were takin photos of him too
Amon26 Yellowjacket: probably, im not sure what it was made in
Torley Linden: Wolfie: ARGH that bug, I think that is fixed for a future release but let me check that later. *makes a note*
Orzga Aabye: recent seems not to work (for me) correctly
Amon26 Yellowjacket: it made me giggle
Evangeline Wind: i have that same problem wolfie
ZHAO-II - Vivi: Couldn't find animation hd_Landing_2
ZHAO-II - Vivi: Couldn't find animation hd_Landing_2
Psyra Extraordinaire: I upset a lot of people when SWG first started. Out of boredom I made a very convincing Jean-Luc Picard and brought down the wrath of the fanbois. If anyone ever tells you about the "battle" between SW'ers and Trekkers, it's TRUE.
Torley Linden: Philip was ruthed awhile ago at Ben's UI bug triage.
ZHAO-II - Vivi: Couldn't find animation hd_Landing_2
Wolfie Rankin: thankyou
Angsty Rossini: Shinee, try sitting on one of the cushions behind us
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hehe
Orzga Aabye: it used to work more sane-some.
Wolfie Rankin: also I'd like to ask for a feature
Wolfie Rankin: could sl ever have toolbars like a browser?
Torley Linden: Please make a feature request @ :) so we can formally track it.
Simon Kline: lol torley we were joking that even phillip gets ruthed once in a while, that kinda photo is ebayable
Torley Linden: We get many ideas and it's important to keep a record.
Wolfie Rankin: ohh cool
Torley Linden: Simon: I have a photo of that, exactly. :)
Angsty Rossini: are you painting my toenails Simon?
Simon Kline: i start the bidding at 10 lindens!
Nage Archer: lol
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hehe
Torley Linden: OK, re: Recent Items showing everything, try this: in Inventory, go to File menu > Show Filters and check "Since Logoff" if it isn't already. See if that persists (the setting sticks) the next time you login. I think this bug had to do with a default being set wrong.
Shinee Jewell: thx Angsty I don't mind standing
Amon26 Yellowjacket: is anyone much of a fan of id games, like doom or quake? i got to see a nifty video about a big project theyre working on called "rage"
Juko Tempel: it wasn't sticking.. until today
Angsty Rossini: no worries :)
Torley Linden: I like the early id games very much; I haven't played the recent ones as much.
ZHAO-II - Vivi: Couldn't find animation hd_Landing_2
Gentle Heron: I was wondering if this is the appropriate forum to ask for some assistance for some of our group members who are unable to DRAG. They have trouble managing their inventory, such as creating new folders and putting things in them. Any ideas that could help us?
Psyra Extraordinaire: I used to play Doom, hehs.
ZHAO-II - Vivi: Couldn't find animation hd_Landing_2
ZHAO-II - Vivi: Couldn't find animation hd_Landing_2
Nage Archer: those games made me motionsick
Simon Kline: ahh thanks torley i'd noticed the inv thing too
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yeah, im big on the doom franchise
Shinee Jewell: wow Simon spending Lindens? lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: And Quake with the original Team Fortress.
Nage Archer: lol
Shinee Jewell notes he is talking here because I teased him about being silent
Simon Kline: you're seeing things shinee shhhh
Wolfie Rankin: oh lovely, wonderful... all done!
Juko Tempel: why can't they drag Gentle?
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hm, the first quake was neat, but i kinda got outa it after then.
Gentle Heron: Because of specific handicaps. For instance, one member types with a pencil between her teeth because she is quadraplegic
Amon26 Yellowjacket: adolesence hit, suddenly i was afraid what my friends would think if i played videogames
Amon26 Yellowjacket: wow
Randal Kline: sometimes when u stay inworld too long, your left mouse click can malfunction, could be the reason for not draggin
Torley Linden: Gentle, while my office hour (details in my profile :) ) aren't generally for support like that, I do investigate bugs, so if that's happening to a bunch of people, I'd get the specific details and perhaps report it @ if it's not ruled out as something else. I hope we can find out what's going on.
Torley Linden: There are a number of "possible" causes for that and we should narrow it down.
Wolfie Rankin: worrying what friends might think sometimes holds us back or gets us into trouble ;)
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yeah, a bit of either
Neo Rebus: eef, i still don't even have everything rezzed on my screen. i'm *assuming* psyra actually has a bird outfit on and isn't just hunched over for fun, but i don't see anything on him.
Gentle Heron: Torley it is not a bug. It is a barrier to access for disabled peple we are trying to find workarounds for
Torley Linden: Gentle: Oh, you mean you want easier access features? Do you have something specific in mind?
Gentle Heron: Yes is this the appropriate forum or is there another?
Amon26 Yellowjacket: peer pressure, i just kinda do my own thang now ^_^ my bed is covered in plastic clothes, pez, NES games, and makeup, theres a pellet gun at the foot of the bed too
Torley Linden: Like, for example -- something that might be useful is seeing what's helped in other programs, and applying that model in a similar way to Second Life.
Gentle Heron: Yes we try to model RL assistive tech
Angsty Rossini: I've been trolling Jira and adding comments and votes for current feature requests
Torley Linden: Gentle, you can sketch out your ideas to me, but I'd really recommend requesting new features @ so they don't get lost. There may be some similar requests there, already.
Gentle Heron: sometimes it works and sometimes not
Orzga Aabye: I know "Sticky Click" is used in vertain programs, rather than hold-and-drag
Juko Tempel: Inventory menus would help?
Vivienne Graves: there are user-created text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools available for SL, through SL Exchange, if I'm not mistaken
Torley Linden: Yeah... sometimes there are user-assitive features that are operating-system dependent too, depending on whether you're on Mac, Windows, etc.
Torley Linden: *assistive
Gentle Heron: thanks these are good potential resources
Wolfie Rankin: mmm there's my thoughts, if you're trying to get rid of griefers, sometimes you want to stop scripts, fly, physics etc NOW... and while trying to remember where that's all kept, they've had their fun and left
Torley Linden: Gentle: Also, general usability suggestions for improvement fall under the providence
Torley Linden: of Benjamin Linden...
Orzga Aabye: Torley, is ti possible to get sim streams outside SL w/ a sim URL?
Torley Linden: he has Office Hours on Thursday to discuss such things.
Orzga Aabye: streams as in music
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hmmm.. i know theres an open source build of SL client out there, has anyone made one that renders the world in cel-shading?
Gentle Heron: thanks to all
Torley Linden: Orgza: Not sure what you mean?
Torley Linden: You're welcome Gentle.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: or is that sorta, impossible?
Torley Linden: Amon26: We have some internal prototypes playing around with similar things... ;)
Torley Linden: It IS possible...
Torley Linden: that's what WindLight is leading to.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: oooooiiiiee!
Orzga Aabye: people play music streams into a sim,
Torley Linden: WindLight isn't just pretty skies, but encapsulates various rendering improvements and cleans up buggy code.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: snazz!!
Randal Kline: torley: any eta for windlight?
Torley Linden: Amongst those improvements include greater support for OpenGL shaders...
Psyra Extraordinaire: Real Soon Now!
Orzga Aabye: can the clients get the sound ..
Torley Linden: WindLight was delayed after this week's Grid issues, ETA is still within next few weeks (I hope).
Angsty Rossini: More new features??..... gulp!
Simon Kline: yay!
Nage Archer: WOOT!!!!!!!!!
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yeah, we're all getting jealous of your fashionable screenshottery torley ^_^
Torley Linden: Hehe.
Torley Linden: Orgza, it sounds like you mean parcel media URLs? We don't have region-level streams for music/movies.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: oh, and. this is going to sound a bit creepy-ish but i should say thanks for doing all those keyboard movies on youtube! you kinda got the ball rolling for me to pick up piano again
Torley Linden: Oh that's not creepy at all, you're welcome... I like playing piano, it's fun. :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Most every workaround for the disabled seems to be a case of shutters that open one path and close another... because the trick is that both of those rely on the other's weak point. The hearing impaired's main asset is their eyes, the visually impaired's main asset is their hearing.
Simon Kline: hahah yes i love the keyboard movies on youtube!
Amon26 Yellowjacket: ive never seen someone have so much fun playing the piano, you'd do well at making a "piano for beginners/children dvd"
Simon Kline: i've been sharing them with my friends
Torley Linden: Psyra: That's a really good point... and "disabled" can encapsulate so many things.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Indeed, that was very different, listening to that. :D
Torley Linden: Amon26: Haha, yeah, it sure is a lot of fun. =D
Orzga Aabye: yes, that's what I mean.
Gentle Heron: Psyra, we understand. We are trying to provide personalized assistance, matching help with needs.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Sometime you need to do something live streaming. ;>
Gentle Heron: We just need to get a lot smarter about SL resources
Amon26 Yellowjacket: eekers i got bumped
Psyra Extraordinaire: Live and Direct from Network 23. :D
Torley Linden: When we do our website, I know Creative Services people focus on making things readable for color-blind.
Angsty Rossini: striiiie!
Torley Linden: That's like, Max Headroom!
Drew Greenwood: Just wanted to say that your renditions of the MGS theme brought a tear to my eye, Torley :D
Gentle Heron: I have to admit I wish I were colorblind in here. My MS is making this a difficult environment visually for me.
Torley Linden: You know, another idea would be, if someone hasn't done it already (I haven't seen it yet), compile a list of help resources for disabilities and Second Life @ -- anyone can edit and add new pages.
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Simon Kline: lol cab!
Torley Linden: I add new pages of compilations of resources myself to save time for future people who ask me the same questions.
Angsty Rossini: No Gentle, this keeps me awake!!
Torley Linden: Metal Gear Solid is a brilliant work of genius, I strive to honor it.
Torley Linden: And thanks Drew.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hehe i want a braile SL client ^,^
Angsty Rossini: :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hola Neo, LTNS. :D
Gentle Heron: We have a list of SL related disability assistance groups at
Torley Linden: We have spatialized sound in SL, I wonder about sonic echolocator-type devices for the visually impaired.
Torley Linden: Oh great Gentle!
Torley Linden: *makes a note*
Randal Kline: any idea who is incharge of the website, sometimes when i click on the blog, it will redirect me to wordpress
Shinee Jewell: hey Cab
Amon26 Yellowjacket: ooo that'd be interesting. like dopplar systems?
Gentle Heron: Please everyone is welcome to visit our place on EduIsland 4. IM first so we can welcome you properly though.
Neo Rebus: Gentle: It'll make everyone's avatar look weird, but you can turn off all the objects using the debug menu. ctrl-shift-alt-1 and ctrl-shift-alt-9 will leave it just ground and avatars-without-attachments. :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: I'd wager from LL's list of employment positions available that there's no one person responsible for the webpages. :D
Torley Linden: Randal: I admin the blog; if you have a solid repro for a bug please put it on and let me know... others may have the same problem too.
Torley Linden: Psyra: We recently hired a web content editor to focus better on that -- Brett Linden.
Torley Linden: Neo: That is one of my fave longtime tricks to temp-boost FPS.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hehe anything to spare the windlight sky? ;)
Gentle Heron: Most of us are tech-tyros so we need all the assistance we can get.
Torley Linden: Amon26: How do you mean? :)
Torley Linden: Intriguing term, "tech-tyros"!
Amon26 Yellowjacket: i was teasing,
Torley Linden: Hehe.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Well, I'm just happy that Windlight will keep the Classic Clouds option.
Torley Linden: Yes, Classic Clouds until we get... 3d volumetric clouds...
Gentle Heron: new to this level of technology
Psyra Extraordinaire: Avaria was built to take advantage of those clouds. :D
Amon26 Yellowjacket: ohh wow
Shinee Jewell: no attachments? that can be scary for a female
Torley Linden: Like Classic Cloud's mighty grandchild with OOMPH!
Amon26 Yellowjacket: holy snaz!
Gentle Heron: The disabled in SL already are teaching us so much about what is necessary to adapt to this environment
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've used Nimbus before through Bryce.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Very nice.
Gentle Heron: And those coming in teach us what they need help with
Orzga Aabye: Nimbus?? a cloud model?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Cloud rendering system.
Torley Linden: Similar but I think it's different tech, Psyra? WindwardMark's tech that we acquired is Nimble, sort of a play on words I think. But both referring to "nimbus"-type clouds.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: tricky to render clouds. theyre all.. particle-ey
Torley Linden: aka
Torley Linden: Yeah current clouds are particles, the classic clouds that is.
Nage Archer: anyone having trouble sending files?
Torley Linden: Future ones are intended to have more depth...
Torley Linden: And "feel" like clouds, not just projected pictures.
Nage Archer: I'm trying to drop a texture to someone now and it's not transfering
Torley Linden: Hmm...
Amon26 Yellowjacket: that might take a lot of hosepower tho, yesno?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Actually it's pretty smooth and I'd wager quite efficient, added in as a Bryce process render it added less than a second to the rendering time of some high rez 1600x1200 stuff I tested it with.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: ..horsepower even
Shinee Jewell: I had trouble creatig a new notecard at one point today
Torley Linden: Amon26, such functionality would run on your graphics card, so like games that have really elaborate visual effect, it depends on that.
Nage Archer: going to go try to give it directly
Torley Linden: A good example of a current game with a lot of environmental beauty is FarCry... and in the future, Crysis.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hmmm true
Nage Archer: bbs
Simon Kline: hehe i noticed the other day that you can't transfer a lm from one notecard to another without an error
Simon Kline: i must search to see if that's on jiara
Psyra Extraordinaire: I'd say it would seem to be no more laginducing than it is to tturn on the current particle clouds;.... so basically, the performance for it in SL all depends on how well SL can mesh with it :>
Shinee Jewell: yesterday I still couldn't read a nc from a nc
Shinee Jewell: no permission
Torley Linden: Simon: I think I'm familiar with that one too. :( That makes it hard to merge notecards. There's actually something by-design that resulted in that bug, permissions subtleties.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: one of the prettiest games ive played recently was probably prey
Torley Linden: Prey looks great too...
Shinee Jewell: I thought that was meant to have been fixed
Neo Rebus: simon: there's a few interesting bugs around embedded objects in notecards copying to another notecard :)
Torley Linden: I've only seen videos of it...
Amon26 Yellowjacket: no super fancy outside stuff tho
Amon26 Yellowjacket: but the walking on walls/ceilings stuff is really fun!
Torley Linden: It's interesting because Second Life has such a broad and diverse community...
Simon Kline: ahhh handy to know torley and neo
Psyra Extraordinaire: Best I've seen was Gothic 3 and STALKER... But both of those use the Oblivion engine which hates my machine (sky effects are wonky, FPS is less than 1, and it crashes my video card) :D
Orzga Aabye: diverse, that's for sure.
Shinee Jewell: on a positive note..... I loved the snapshots you have on your site for your skies Torley
Amon26 Yellowjacket: haha psyra
Torley Linden: Thanks a lot Shinee!
Neo Rebus: the one i resubmitted the other day was copying the contents of a notecard (with embedded objects), then closing the original notecard before pasting into a new one, the embedded objects all get replaced by ?'s
Torley Linden: I really enjoy sharing them and hope more will get to experience them soon.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yeah, i have the same problem with f.e.a.r the frame rates are real icky
Shinee Jewell: would rather a stable Sl than the skies, but they look great
Torley Linden: Neo: Yeah, I've seen that one too.
Torley Linden: F.E.A.R. is so freaky.
Torley Linden: Those are the types of games that need a lot of horsepower...
Psyra Extraordinaire: Oh, and Overlord. :D
Amon26 Yellowjacket: wee bit of lag ther
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yiius! i ehard theyre making a sequel too. im geekd!
Amon26 Yellowjacket: wow my typing's getting real bad. i think i oughta get some snoozes in ^-^
Torley Linden: I like games with a lot of atmosphere...
Amon26 Yellowjacket: hehe every time i see you im always sleep depped, im sorries
Torley Linden: awwwwe.
Torley Linden: It must be late where you are?
Torley Linden: :O
Amon26 Yellowjacket: *twerk-tickwtich*
Amon26 Yellowjacket: nah i live in Michigan
Amon26 Yellowjacket: i just usually pull all nighters till 9:00 on fridays. i keep weird hours.
Orzga Aabye: is this your time to wake up or go to sleep AMon?
Torley Linden: Ahhh.
Amon26 Yellowjacket: i sleep during the daytime
Torley Linden: *nods*
Torley Linden: I used to be a night owl but now I wake up much earlier.
Shinee Jewell: almost 11:30pm east coast of Australia
Orzga Aabye: not weird for some ..
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yeah, hopefully this vacation is going to set me straight
Torley Linden: It's really cool to know how spread out across the globe we are...
Torley Linden: and yet we're connected here.
Neo Rebus: i can't handle being a night owl. i'm sleepy before 8pm, and i wake up around 5-6am.
Juko Tempel: in a sleepy fashion lol
Cabsav Lane: hehehe
Amon26 Yellowjacket: next week i get sun and beaches! wee!
Wolfie Rankin: Hello Cab
Angsty Rossini: insomniac over here
Evangeline Wind: hi cab
Torley Linden: Fun in the sun! Splish splash!
Psyra Extraordinaire: I usually crash around 2am, get up around 7am.... my time..... 1am/6am SL time. :D
Torley Linden: Heya Cabsav!
Amon26 Yellowjacket: yesyes!
Chase Marellan: It is amazing; I'd say "if only the whole workd could be like that" but then I'm thinking about real world griefing....
Amon26 Yellowjacket: okies, im off to bed tho
Torley Linden: I like rising early an' coming inworld... different moods around the clock.
Neo Rebus: byeeeeeeeee amon
Evangeline Wind: night amon
Torley Linden: Havea good sleep Amon26!
Orzga Aabye: idk seems people hack(in the good senseofthe word) more at night.
Chase Marellan: Bye Amon!
Angsty Rossini: by Amon26
Juko Tempel: night all.. thanks Torley
Amon26 Yellowjacket: baibai everyone!
Amon26 Yellowjacket: thanks for hanging out torley
Torley Linden: Welcome Juko!
Wolfie Rankin: I'd like to invite some of you [who'll be awake] to my gameshow on Monday night 8:30pm aussie time
Chase Marellan: Good night, Juko!
Orzga Aabye: cu amon
Torley Linden: You're welcome...
Shinee Jewell: u off too Juko?
Torley Linden: Wolfie, what kinda gameshow?
Torley Linden likes gameshows.
Juko Tempel: beauty sleep :-)
Simon Kline: hehe night juko
Wolfie Rankin: music quiz
Chase Marellan: when is that in real time? :)
Evangeline Wind: night juko
Wolfie Rankin: 3:30am pdt
Shinee Jewell: nite hun
Torley Linden: Any specific genres of music, or music in general?
Chase Marellan: Yike!
Angsty Rossini: 8:30 pm - AEST Real time :)
Shinee Jewell: 3:30am SL time
Drew Greenwood: It was great seeing you in "person" torley, hope to catch around :D
Wolfie Rankin: I usually hover around 80s pop, but... it's mostly stuff people would know
Psyra Extraordinaire: Please, nothin' end up in me buttocks.
Shinee Jewell: make it Aussie music wolfie
Wolfie Rankin: it will have some Aussie content
Torley Linden: What kinda Aussie music do you like?
Chase Marellan: So would that be Sunday morning or Monday morning SL time?
Angsty Rossini: I'll answer all the Bay City Rollers questions :)
Chase Marellan: Bye Drew
Shinee Jewell: Monday
Drew Greenwood: Bye guys :)
Chase Marellan: cool, where?
Wolfie Rankin: hrmm, I was a DJ in RL, my likes vary a lot really
Torley Linden: Bye Drew!
Drew Greenwood: Off to hang out at waterhead
Drew Greenwood: hehe
Wolfie Rankin: but I liked the stuff around the early 80s
Torley Linden: I like seeing different kinds of music mixed and matched...
Wolfie Rankin: yes
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: I like mashups, but big 80s melodies and those reverberant snare drums realy get me going.
Psyra Extraordinaire: You ever surf the old game remix sites? :D
Torley Linden: I sure do!
Psyra Extraordinaire: and the like? :D
Torley Linden: I like chiptunes a lot...
Evangeline Wind: wolfie i think theyre still kinda confused bout what day maybe?
Torley Linden: I like new music that sounds like old music. ;)
Wolfie Rankin: have you heard the mashup of riders on the storm and blondies Rapture?
Angsty Rossini: Early hours of onday morning Eva
Torley Linden: Yeah Psyra! It's been awhile but I often find stuff on YouTube too, like Commodore 64 games accompanied by the music...
Angsty Rossini: Monday
Shinee Jewell: 3:30am Monday SL-time
Wolfie Rankin: yes the day is... I'm not sure what day PDT
Torley Linden: Wolfie: I haven't heard that but it sounds pretty neat.
Wolfie Rankin: thankyou
Shinee Jewell: np
Evangeline Wind: yes but monday sl or monday oz?
Wolfie Rankin: Torley, get it, it's brilliant
Shinee Jewell: both Ev
Evangeline Wind: ok ty
Psyra Extraordinaire: The "I Adore my 64" remix by Press Play On Tape, played and sung to the tune of Larger than Life. :D
Wolfie Rankin: hehe
Wolfie Rankin: I heard Bad by Michael Jackson, sung to Ghostbusters
Wolfie Rankin: that was just weird, but fun
Torley Linden: HAHAHAAHAH.
Torley Linden: OMG...
Torley Linden: that sounds so hilarious.
Psyra Extraordinaire: .... for later. :D
Torley Linden: Ghostbusters is so catchy, and Bad too.
Torley Linden: Thanks Psyra.
Torley Linden: Have you guys ever heard of the movie "Be Kind Rewind"?
Chase Marellan: Actually, that's 6:30am EST; I can actually do that. :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've heard the title, that's all.
Rock Pond Pose ball: llStopAnimation: Script trying to stop animations but agent not found
Wolfie Rankin: great
Torley Linden: It's directed by Michel Gondry, who has done a lot of Bjork videos and surreal stuff... the movie is about these guys who recreate a lot of popular movies...
Torley Linden: Ghostbusters is among them.
Torley Linden: I don't wanna spoil too much of the plot but the trailer is freakin' hee-larious.
Wolfie Rankin: I want a full sized Mr Stay Puft avatar
Wolfie Rankin: but have yet to find one
Torley Linden: Haha I've seen some smaller ones, but haven't seen one yet that was "to scale".
Shinee Jewell: lol
Torley Linden: WOW Psyra!! When did you make that av? :D
Torley Linden: I just backed up and I was like WHOA.
Evangeline Wind: wolfie i bet jon can make you one
Shinee Jewell: you could create a sculptie one and sit in it
Psyra Extraordinaire: Flea and I have been tackling some dinos. Stegs and Ankys, and this guy. :D
Torley Linden: OMG, I'm so interested. :D
Neo Rebus: it's a My Favorite Dino Pony.
Torley Linden: Eyes blink too!
Torley Linden: I really like the barrels... can someone ride you Psyra?
Torley Linden: That's great sculpties too...
Torley Linden: Organic shapes, what are you using to model them?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Not yet but that doesn't mean it won't be. :D
Vivienne Graves: If you haven't already you should do an archaeopteryx av, too
Shinee Jewell: gret dino
Psyra Extraordinaire: Flea does the sculpties, with Maya.
Neo Rebus: gaaah, i need to figure out sculpties. i hate 'em after the one or two failures i've had. :(
Torley Linden: Aw. :(
Neo Rebus: i hate bein' obsolete with not bein' able to do sculpties for building.
Torley Linden: I've had various sculptie failures myself, I'm trying to find an easier way to learn... have you guys played with Sculptypaint?
Torley Linden: It's really quick 'n' easy!
Orzga Aabye: keeping a pos. attitude after failure is sometimes hard to do ...
Wolfie Rankin: my youtube page, lots of songs faved there:
Angsty Rossini: I don't hate sculpties, but there is such a learning curve - I'm finding it hard to find the time
Neo Rebus: what is sculptypaint?
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've only used Snurb a bit, and mostly Sculptypaint.... I have 3DSmax but *real* 3D programs... spacial relationships I just can't figger. :D
Torley Linden:
Vivienne Graves: Blender is a bit of a pain in the arse...create shape in Blender, looks fine, export sculpt texture and upload, and 'hey, what's this deformed-looking blob? THat's not what this is supposed to be...'
Psyra Extraordinaire: I'm too used to carving in prims. :D
Torley Linden: It's really simple to use, I've been talking with Cel Edman (who made it)... about how easy it is.
Torley Linden: I definitely want a more hands-on means...
Torley Linden: Haha Vivienne yeah, I've had those probs too.
Torley Linden: The jaw opens too? Unreal...
Shinee Jewell: Cab where's TheB;ack Box's in-world sculpties stuff?
Shinee Jewell: I'm seacrching my inventory
Neo Rebus: vivienne: yeah, i had the same thing with the sculpty tool for breeze designer.
Torley Linden: Hehe can hear ya Psyra, kewl.
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Gotta fix that. :D
Torley Linden: A dinosaur goes "blah blah"? :D
Neo Rebus: i'm trying to decide whether or not to shell out the L$5k for the in-world sculpty creation tool.
Torley Linden: Hmmm...
Shinee Jewell: there's a cheaper version
Shinee Jewell: he has a more affordable one
Torley Linden: I have a SnurbO'matic... pretty neat figuring out how the system works...
Neo Rebus: yeah, but i want the full-mesh version
Angsty Rossini: I hope so, my budget is "freeware"...
Psyra Extraordinaire: I like Snurb.... since I am only good at playing with prims and can't seem to "grasp" 3d programs.
Shinee Jewell: Cab and I bought the other but I haven't had time to play with it
Shinee Jewell: I'm gonna get him to do another presentation for my workshop
Wolfie Rankin: would anyone like a notecard on the gameshow [with landmark]?
Psyra Extraordinaire: I make stuff in prims, scale it up, and then SNURBITIZE it.
Neo Rebus: the kinda stuff i'm thinking about would prolly fail horribly at the low-mesh.
Chase Marellan: Wolfie: I would
Shinee Jewell: maybe next Fri 3pm sl-time if he's back from vacation
Orzga Aabye: snurb is an inworld tool, Psyra?
Cabsav Lane: yes
Torley Linden: I want to learn more about painting on sculpties directly.
Shinee Jewell: thx wolfie - yes
Torley Linden: Er, well, painting on 3D models outside of SL...
Psyra Extraordinaire: Torley's been using it, curious how Mr. Turtle turned out. ;D
Torley Linden: That is a wild design Psyra...
Wolfie Rankin: there
Cabsav Lane: grr cant show the Black box Sculptie box, parcel full
Shinee Jewell: yes Cab
Torley Linden: Hahaha... Psyra, that cracked me up, Mr. Turtle looked like a malformed peanut, but part of that can be attributed to him having previously been a sculptie with some degree of complexity.
Angsty Rossini: gawd, a watermelon-aptor :)
Torley Linden: Sorry Cabsav I hope to find out what's going on with parcel prim-counts.
Torley Linden: I'd lurve a watermelon dino! :D
Shinee Jewell: they are really great Psyra
Wolfie Rankin: I guess it's true
Wolfie Rankin: you are what you eat
Psyra Extraordinaire: What a coincedence! And I was about to ask what your favorite was. Though I'm sure in the past you told me and I forgot. :D
Torley Linden: Psyra gave me this awhile back...
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Shinee Jewell: Cab attach it to your head with zero rotation
Shinee Jewell: lol
Wolfie Rankin: remind me to keep off the screaming babies
Neo Rebus: wow, that's bright
Torley Linden: My fave dino of all time is T-Rex, I also like Triceratops.
Cabsav Lane: lol
Angsty Rossini: that's BIG!! :)
Torley Linden: I remember having this Squoofy MelonJay and going to the Second Life movie trailer contest...
Torley Linden: Haha IMMA BIG BIRD! :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: =D
Angsty Rossini: sooo, how do you type with no fingers? :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: That was during the.... errr, video trailer contest thing. :D
Torley Linden: Yes it was Psyra! Great memory...
Torley Linden: Haha Angsty, I have telepathic pecking!
Vivienne Graves: the hunt and peck method?
Angsty Rossini: Heehee
Torley Linden: I like the zipper on my back too, so cute.
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Chase Marellan: I love it.
Torley Linden: =^_^=
Psyra Extraordinaire: =D
Gentle Heron: Angsty- some of our members use Dragon Naturally Speaking for speech to text
Angsty Rossini: Hi Vivienne, welcome to the foot fetish couch :)
Alice Cale: Holy wow, Torley, you look like a puffin...thing.
Cabsav Lane: got Pyjammas in the back ?
Torley Linden: Thanks Psyra again for making this, I should totally show up in this today at meetings.
Torley Linden: OMG Spawn of Sotek!
Shinee Jewell: lol Cab
Angsty Rossini: Thanks Gentle :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Nawwww, the downside of those is that they take up so mch room. :D
Vivienne Graves: lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: You don't want to eat the guests.
Torley Linden becomes Spawny Sotek too... ;)
SpawnofSotek AO DX: 3477 bytes free
Gentle Heron: There are other programs as well Angsty
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Chase Marellan: Gentle -- I use it too; works very well for me.
Torley Linden: Gentle: How are you finding Dragon to work? Chase, it's pretty smooth? I wonder about that because I thought it was pretty CPU-intensive.
Torley Linden: Ahhh avatar show!
Wolfie Rankin: Blondie Vs The Doors
Torley Linden: Gosh Psyra, how many avs have you collaborated on with Flea already?
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: Seems like so many.
Psyra Extraordinaire: About 40.
Gentle Heron: TOrley Dragon is great for text creation
Gentle Heron: Some of us can use it for navigation in here
Torley Linden: One of my fave Doors songs is "I LOVE YOU"; the Adam Freeland remix is disturbing!
Gentle Heron: I am not that skilled
Shinee Jewell: anyone getting snapshots?
Torley Linden: WOW 40... :O
Psyra Extraordinaire: We've churned out several a week lately.
Torley Linden: I'm taking snapshots here...
Chase Marellan: It is; unfortunately, I haven't gotten it reinstalled on this machine, so it's been about 7 weeks, but from what I remember, it worked OK but was a little slow.
Shinee Jewell: lol good
Chase Marellan: Also I didn't have as good a connection as I have now, so I was laggy in general.
Torley Linden: *nods*
Chase Marellan: But it definitely worked.
Shinee Jewell: talking about lag......
Tree Kyomoon: hello folks!
Torley Linden: Good to know. It's amazing how speech-to-text has been advancing.
Gentle Heron: Our problem with using Dragon to text-chat in here is that we freqently stay in touch through Skype while navigating and overcoming problems inworld
Psyra Extraordinaire: Mornin'.
Torley Linden: Hello Tree!
Evangeline Wind: hi tree
Shinee Jewell: it's not as laggy here as it was the other times I've come
Gentle Heron: That disturbs Dragon
Chase Marellan: Might have trouble keeping up with this conversation, though. :)
Torley Linden: And Tree, first thing I'll note is your av looks great and appearing as expected (I'm on WindLight).
Torley Linden: Gentle: Ah, good to know that.
Angsty Rossini: Now see Torley, this is where I bring out the can of insect spray!
Torley Linden: Nice skullhawk too!
Torley Linden: Hahah Angsty but I'M NOTTA BUG!
Tree Kyomoon: oh good, ive started replacing bits with sculpties so thats good to hear
Psyra Extraordinaire: Definately I'll be moving my visits here to this time slot, things are usually more ... anarchic in the afternoon meetings.
Tree Kyomoon: :)
Torley Linden: *nods* Good to see you Psyra...
Neo Rebus: zat a luck dragon?
Tree Kyomoon: my hair is made of silicone
Torley Linden: Oh, the word "NOTTA" reminds me of "NOTTA LINDEN"... ;)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hehe, based on classic Chinese, Japanese, and Korean design. :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: Not a mutant sheepdog. :D
Torley Linden: Tree, kewl, Benjamin Linden and I visited TreeEstates the other day, the big sculpty forest in the sky.
Torley Linden: That was great.
Neo Rebus: aww, i was hopin' for a luck dragon. :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Caaaaawwww! ^v^
Neo Rebus: he was cute in the movie.
Torley Linden: I am really eager to check out sculpties and heck, any cool places in general... each and all of you are welcome to send me landmarks... =o)
Tree Kyomoon: oh cool Im glad you like it! ITs there for people to enjoy :)
Shinee Jewell: can we get a lm for that please Torley?
Torley Linden: Shinee I don't have one offhand but... I'm sure Tree does!
Tree Kyomoon: yes I do!
Shinee Jewell: please tree
Torley Linden: w00t w00t!
Shinee Jewell: give it to the yellow roo
Shinee Jewell: Cabsav
Torley Linden: Yello roo, that's great. :D
Shinee Jewell: he's easier to find than me
Torley Linden: I've always wanted to ride in a kangaroo's pouch, until I realized this would physically be impossible. In Second Life however, such constraints are relaxed.
Wolfie Rankin: Hi Verm
Vermus Dryke: hi
Shinee Jewell: lol
Neo Rebus: i go poof now. see y'all later :)
Cabsav Lane: yes !
Chase Marellan: lol
Evangeline Wind: hi verm
Chase Marellan: bye neo
Psyra Extraordinaire: Oop, database is being pokey now.
Wolfie Rankin: I believe a roo pouch is lined with mucous :)
Torley Linden: Wolfie, is that... LABYRINTH on your shirt!?
Wolfie Rankin: yes
Torley Linden: Hahaha yeah it's all slimey.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Yeps.
Vermus Dryke: no lag this time round
Torley Linden: OMG, Labyrinth is totally one of my fave movies...
Chase Marellan: Ewwwww.
Torley Linden: *zooms in*
Wolfie Rankin: want a copy? I make shirts
Vivienne Graves: Yay for asset server glitches
Torley Linden: I haven't seen it in so long...
Torley Linden: Yes please!
Psyra Extraordinaire: oh come on, rezzzzzzzzzzzz.
Vivienne Graves: 'attempt to rez an object failed'
Psyra Extraordinaire: it was fine for the longest time.
Tree Kyomoon: hmm my inventory seems to be un givable
Neo Rebus: hmm, i'll go poof as soon as the map starts working
Torley Linden: I abhor seeing that message Vivienne... :O
Psyra Extraordinaire: Witha good red? Mmmm, what year? is it a good vintage?
Vivienne Graves: as do I...especially when it's a no-copy item
Psyra Extraordinaire: The surreality of 'pouch-licking' ensues.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Psyra Extraordinaire: Well, this is slightly embarassing.
Torley Linden: Hmmm... we may have Grid problems right now... :(
Torley Linden: *checks*
Angsty Rossini: Um, ewww
Torley Linden: I did a quick test...
Torley Linden: whenever I suspect Grid issues,
Torley Linden: I try to send a postcard.
Torley Linden: If "Your Email" is blank and doesn't show up...
Torley Linden: that's likely a sign.
Cabsav Lane: 701/703 prims !
Shinee Jewell: bit sad when Linden Land is an affected area
Angsty Rossini: Um, welcome to our world Torley.....
Wolfie Rankin: that's odd, it's not copying over
Torley Linden: I'd say 9/10 times, after I check this and my email addy isn't showing up, I hear word from another Linden that something is wrong.
Shinee Jewell: it was 703 earlier Cab
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hmm, yes, textures are slow loading too.
Torley Linden: Angsty: I've been in the same world since I've started.
Shinee Jewell: makes me feel not so bad about our land
Neo Rebus: yeah, 'your email' is blank
Psyra Extraordinaire: Whatever it is it juuuuust hit.
Randal Kline: yup blank
Angsty Rossini: not being able to do the basics in here :(
Torley Linden: OK, pinging other Lindens...
Torley Linden: Yes, agreeably frustrating.
Chase Marellan: Nah, I was having trouble teleporting this morning.
Angsty Rossini: Torley pressing the red button
Wolfie Rankin: no probs, I can send it later
Tree Kyomoon: well, here is the forest Slurl...unfortunately my inventory is inaccessible to me
Tree Kyomoon: TreeEstates IV (111, 89, 327)
Shinee Jewell: we sorta noticed over the last few days something was wrong too Torley lol
Angsty Rossini: Ghostbusters-like siren sounds....
Psyra Extraordinaire: Whenever Sl gets pokey, I go to Smith and change there, Smith seems to be ANOTHER WORLD cut off from the grid where everything works.... well.... almost always. :D
Wolfie Rankin: oh no, can't find you on search :/ grr
Shinee Jewell: but when they can't even take care of you - well... no respect lol
Orzga Aabye: what's Smith?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Smith's one of the original void sims.
Neo Rebus: i guess i'll stay here while i eat breakfast and try t'porting again in a bit
Orzga Aabye: a void sim?
Torley Linden: Hang tight...
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Tree Kyomoon: /i discovered some sims near by that are just ocean, no land, but accessible
Psyra Extraordinaire: Everybody hold hands!
Psyra Extraordinaire: =D
Angsty Rossini: I'm taking a photo Vivienne :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: (Well, we gotta hold tight to somethign!)
Randal Kline: hold on to your prims
Vivienne Graves: Void sim has a much lower prim limit...used for load balancing on servers AFAIK
Psyra Extraordinaire: We don't have any free prims to rez to hold on to!
Wolfie Rankin: Purr softly and erotically into your router
Torley Linden: OK... I tried to send another postcard and email now showing up...
Shinee Jewell: lol
Lina Lageos: Good morning everyone...
Torley Linden: Good morning!
Psyra Extraordinaire: G'morning.
shilova Babenco: hi
Randal Kline: showing up now
Tree Kyomoon: morning Lina
Orzga Aabye: suggested bug fix: fake the email lol
Conselheiro Oh: morning people
Shinee Jewell: at least it's not lagging
Torley Linden: I just checked with support and, no uprise in tickets, so the problems may've not happened for long yet... but we're keeping an eye on it.
Lvis Allen: Good afternoon!
Shinee Jewell: lol
Tree Kyomoon: ah there we go
Psyra Extraordinaire: mmmmmmm, map's not functioning. You can click on the map, but the pointer gets stuck at 'Loading' :D
shilova Babenco: evangeline, you are very beautiful
Torley Linden: I often do the "postcard test" to quickly check. It's not 100% infallible but has, in my experience, been a good indicator of bigger problems without putting any inventory or other stuff at risk.
Torley Linden: Hmmm...
Torley Linden: *tries*
Shinee Jewell: no Torley I got here an hour before this started and the sim was playing up then
Evangeline Wind: ty
Cabsav Lane: profile picks stuffed too
Psyra Extraordinaire: Everythign just suddenly cleared up on my end. Oh.
Torley Linden: Psyra my map is loading... of course sometimes after a relog I'll notice different results.
Neo Rebus: yeah, my map is working again
Shinee Jewell: no search or map and no tp from here
Wolfie Rankin: can't change clothes
Orzga Aabye: i seem to have a map
Neo Rebus: so now i really do gotta go poof. b'byeeee :)
Wolfie Rankin: very odd
Torley Linden: Thanks for checking guys.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Seeya Neo! :D
Torley Linden: Take care Neo!
Wolfie Rankin: Night Neo
Angsty Rossini: hmm, last week we couldn't tp out of here....
Torley Linden: Thanks for visiting!
Chase Marellan: bye neo
Psyra Extraordinaire: Gonna quickly peek into Smith. See if it's still Old Reliable. :D
Torley Linden: It's been a rough week and I hope future weeks get smoother again....
Shinee Jewell: I went looking in the blog for a way to let you know
Orzga Aabye: bye Neo.
Chase Marellan: really!
Shinee Jewell: but I got distracted
Wolfie Rankin: Has the flu hit the US yet?
Lina Lageos: Very rough if you live in Welsh!
Orzga Aabye: Torley, is every copy of an object distnict?
Chase Marellan: I guess it's like trying to build railroad tracks with the train barrelling down on you.
Torley Linden: Orzga, how do you mean?
Lina Lageos: Ha ha Chase,that's a great analogy!
Orzga Aabye: is there resource sharing ..
Torley Linden: Yeah Chase, that sort of sentiment has been expressed by some of our Ops folks...
Conselheiro Oh: brasil give congratulations bye
Chase Marellan: Well, been there, done that.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Smith worked fine.
Orzga Aabye: for instance.. one Torley Teture X for all references in world?
Chase Marellan: :)
Tree Kyomoon: is windlight available again?
Torley Linden: Whoa Psyra, don't eat me!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Perhaps it's sim-specific.
Torley Linden: Tree, not yet, but hopefully in a few weeks.
Psyra Extraordinaire: You're not a tree!
Torley Linden: Orgza: Yes, right, if the asset ID is the same, then it's one copy being referenced many times.
Orzga Aabye: kindda like how certain languages will merge string references ..
Vivienne Graves: One single database UUID for each unique object, isn't it? Whether a texture or a prim or whatever.
Shinee Jewell: the texture ID should be distinct
Tree Kyomoon: oh thats cool, so if a texture is cached, its reusable grid wide?
Torley Linden: Tree: Yes.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Some already are.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Like the Linden Clouds.
Orzga Aabye: and there'd be some sort of copy-on=modify?
Shinee Jewell: so if all SL was watermeloned we'd be a better place
Torley Linden: Provided that it's actually the same texture and not one that looks the same but has a different UUID (like if someone else uploads the same source file, those end up being different assets).
Tree Kyomoon: excellent...I envision similar guis for ease of use, like common teleporter standards....
Torley Linden: Yes...
Wolfie Rankin: ewww... the melons infested with aussies. ;)
Torley Linden: Linden trees too are another example.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Most everything in the Library seems to load at enough of a speed that it appears that it's either cached, or available directly off the SL program.
Torley Linden: Since if you load certain types of trees nearby, the textures will have already been loaded in another instance (if you encounter the same trees on the other side of the Grid.)
Tree Kyomoon: are there any actual 'lindens" in the linden tree selections?
Torley Linden: We do some pre-caching for Orientation Island stuff too, I believe.
Torley Linden: Tree: HA HA HA VERY FUNNY, and the answer is no. ;) I love observing that myself.
Torley Linden: I've said, "How come we don't actually have a literal Linden tree?!???"
Tree Kyomoon: hmm sounds like a job to do!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Haney's old Linden Tree. But it was a tree full of photographs.
Lina Lageos: a serious oversight!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Not actual Lindens.
Torley Linden: And BTW... for anyone wondering whatever happened to SpeedTree... we did some integration tests earlier but it sadly caused too much of a performance hit... so... that's on hold for now... :( but WindLight is more of a certainty and we will hopefully come up with ways to do enhanced foliage in the future.
Wolfie Rankin: oh, try this... take a printscrn pic of your sl, and then photoshop it so you have $800,000,000L it impresses the hell out of people
Torley Linden: Psyra: I never saw that tree.
Vivienne Graves: Linden = lime (like Unter den Linden in Berlin)
Psyra Extraordinaire: It may not have been Haney's.
Torley Linden: Haha Wolfie.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I can't remember just who.
Psyra Extraordinaire: One of the "Olden Days" Lindens tho. :D
Chase Marellan: I did that with my bank statement and taped it to my bathroom window.
Wolfie Rankin: hahaha
Torley Linden: :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: the days of Jill and Haney and the gang. :D
Torley Linden: Yeah...
Torley Linden: Jill's still @ LL!
Psyra Extraordinaire: So I heard. :>
Wolfie Rankin: also on the same screen I had "queen elizabeth II is Offline"
Torley Linden: She does billing currently. A lot of the early Liaisons have moved on to different roles.
Torley Linden: HAHAHAAHAH Wolfie!!!
Torley Linden: That is freakin' funny.
Psyra Extraordinaire: The boat or the queen?
Torley Linden: Hahahaha. Even funnier.
Orzga Aabye: SL in NYT's yesterday ..
Orzga Aabye: big article ..
Chase Marellan pictures a huge ship typing with tiny little arms....
Lina Lageos giggles
Torley Linden: So much press on Second Life nowadays, I remember when stories would trickle in...
Wolfie Rankin: and in my skype it said "daniel radcliff"
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hmm, that's one set of sims I've been meaning to visit, that three-sim-long luxury liner cruise ship.
Torley Linden: now it's "virtual world this, virtual world that"...
Orzga Aabye: prepare for server load ..
Torley Linden: HARRY POTTER!???
Torley Linden: Psyra, which place is that?
Vivienne Graves: Galaxy, the sim is
Lina Lageos: That's Galaxy
Torley Linden: Galaxy!!!
Lina Lageos: It's quite a build!
Torley Linden: Thanks.
Torley Linden: *makes a note*
Vivienne Graves: Four sims long
Lvis Allen: where are you from Torley?
Torley Linden: Lvis, I'm a Canadian.
Torley Linden: =o)
Lvis Allen: where is ur office based?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Looks only three sims long to me. :D
Torley Linden: Canada, of course.
Lina Lageos: Yes three, Psyra
Torley Linden: =^_^=
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'Galaxe Forward', 'Galaxy Mid' and 'Galaxy Aft' :D
Torley Linden: But my office in Second Life is in Grasmere.
Lvis Allen: I didn´t know there was one there :)
Torley Linden: Yeah we have international Lindens...
Lvis Allen: ok
Wolfie Rankin: hey, that's weird, a couple of other things will transfer, all my own stuff, but other things refuse to
Torley Linden: Lindens all over the world... Aussie Lindens, European Lindens, Asian Lindens... I think we've got continents covered except for South America (altho some of the US Lindens have roots there) and Antarctica.
Wolfie Rankin: "You will be assimilated" ;)
Cabsav Lane: lol
Angsty Rossini: hee-hee, residents from Antractica hang out in beach sims )
Torley Linden: A-sim-ilated!?
Torley Linden: Hah that's funny Angsty I can imagine that.
Wolfie Rankin: oh noooo
Lina Lageos: boooooo ;)
Wolfie Rankin: "I make a wish to the northern lights, that I could get a decent pair of whale skin tights, I'm the only gay eskimo, in my tribe"
Torley Linden: What song is that?
Torley Linden likes aurora borealis stuff.
Lina Lageos: now THAT is weird
Wolfie Rankin: "the only gay eskimo" I forget the band
Torley Linden: Intriguing...
Angsty Rossini: Not Blubber Boy??
Lina Lageos: That's the second time in 12 hours I've heard about that song!
Torley Linden: Really Lina?
Torley Linden: Wowee.
Shinee Jewell: this is a fascinating torley time
Torley Linden: I like synchronicity like that...
Lina Lageos: And never heard of it before!
Shinee Jewell: lol
Torley Linden: events that normally happen far apart happen together.
Wolfie Rankin: it's rather old
Psyra Extraordinaire: Oops, forgot. Rezzy broke.
Wolfie Rankin: well, that was weird
Wolfie Rankin: premature eject-ulation
Angsty Rossini: LOL
Torley Linden: :O
Torley Linden: Roach!
Lina Lageos: Infestation!
Torley Linden: I think!?
Shinee Jewell: Gary Hazlitt was talking ejectulation today
Angsty Rossini: ok, so next week it avatar show-and-tell session??
Wolfie Rankin: he got it from me
Torley Linden: Angsty you can always feel free to show off your av here... :D
Torley Linden: Hehe.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Pyrophorous beetles. Luminiscient freaky lil' nature's kiddies. :D
Torley Linden: AHHH! My mistake...
Torley Linden: Psyra I bet that would look rad with the new Glow build parameter in WindLight, then.
Tree Kyomoon: sorry my phone interrupted me
Psyra Extraordinaire: Heard about that.
SpawnofSotek AO DX: 3477 bytes free
Angsty Rossini: night Eva
Psyra Extraordinaire: Crashes are a way of life. :D
Wolfie Rankin: bye
Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
Lina Lageos: wb Torley
Tree Kyomoon: whoa!
Lina Lageos: crashtastic are we?
Torley Linden: Sorry about that, crashed.
Angsty Rossini: Is that the Torley Dance?
Angsty Rossini: LOL
Tree Kyomoon: now I can actually see Torleys avatar!
Torley Linden: OK I look very crazy right now...
Torley Linden: @_@
Cabsav Lane: bye guys
Torley Linden: So weird!
Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
Chase Marellan: Bye Cabsav!
Shinee Jewell: a swimming dragon
Shinee Jewell: rofl
Orzga Aabye: Torley, now after crashing there seems to be a throtle on relog's //
Shinee Jewell: sit quick
Tree Kyomoon: at least you will keep the horseflies away with all that waving
Torley Linden: Orzga, I don't think that's new -- but there should actually be less of a wait than before, there was a bug that was fixed too.
Shinee Jewell: find something to sit on hun
Orzga Aabye: ie given a "hold time" before which no relog alloed.
Torley Linden: Ah I just did want to come back and thank all of you for coming to my inworld office hour!
Torley Linden: I have to return to my other work...
Shinee Jewell giggles uncontrollably
Torley Linden: I can land!
Orzga Aabye: but ..
Tree Kyomoon: thanks Torley!
Orzga Aabye: i mean bye ..
Chase Marellan: Thanks Torley, have a great day!
Shinee Jewell: thx for having us Torley
Torley Linden: You're welcome, you too! Bye for now... =o)

2 PM

Torley Linden: Wheeeeee!
Torley Linden: Hello everyone!
Torley Linden: Cold where?
Dimitrio Lewis: hey Torley!
Squirrel Wood: Holla Torley ^^
Wyn Galbraith: Wheee! Cold Watermelon seat.
Wyn Galbraith: Hola como sta.
Torley Linden: Aw rats yeah sorry for no seating, outta prims on this parcel, some prims unaccounted for... gotta find out what's up when things cool down a bit.
Dimitrio Lewis: hi Bridie too :)
Gale Barzane: hi bridie
Bridie Linden: howdy all!
JayR Cela: hey there Torley :_)
Wyn Galbraith: Look underground.
Scope Cleaver: Hey Dimi, Torley
Squirrel Wood: you have the multi seat ring? ^^
Gale Barzane: hello again torley :)
Wyn Galbraith: That's where I found mine ;)
Bridie Linden: So nice to be seeing the same faces!
Dimitrio Lewis: hey Scope!
Wyn Galbraith: Hey Bridie.
Igel Hawks: Hey Torley
Torley Linden: Yeah nice to have regulars...
Igel Hawks: Hi Bridie
Torley Linden: I know some of you attend multiple Lindens' office hours...
Igel Hawks: :-)
Kat2 Kit: can i share a URL with the group, something i want to show Torley
Dimitrio Lewis has been doing the office tour this week
Torley Linden: Later on I'll ask for this region to be investigated further and hopefully we can get seats back, but for now, feel free to sit/stand anywhere you'd like.
Kat2 Kit: time lapse video of a build
Wyn Galbraith: yah, we're like virtual cows, moving from one educational pasture to the next ;)
Gale Barzane: i try to make all of the ones i can
Torley Linden: What's that Kat2? Tell us more please. :)
Torley Linden: Hahaha "virtual cows", grazing on info!
Wyn Galbraith: Sure.
No room to sit here, try another spot.
Squirrel Wood: We have a strange thing happen at the pony club. one of the regulars there had 88 temp prims out there that counted towards his primcount and even after they vanished they are still counted.
Kat2 Kit: sure i'm part of a group called phonenix embers
Wyn Galbraith: Use to be a member of the Space Cows moving from one Hspace MU* to the next.
Kat2 Kit: they are building out their sim and i have been filming
Torley Linden: Hmmm... Squirrel yes we've had similar problems in some cases where people take prims...
Wyn Galbraith: Like space grazing.
Kat2 Kit: people suggested i show you torley
Torley Linden: and then they're still on the parcel...
Torley Linden: What's the URL Kat2?
Torley Linden: And yes I do like timelapse photography.
Kat2 Kit:
Squirrel Wood: mayhaps that's the case here too`
SI_AO: Couldn't find animation roof-top-crouch
SI_AO: Couldn't find animation roof-top-crouch
Torley Linden: Thanks Kat2, I've bookmarked it to watch soon.
Torley Linden: I really like time-lapse video a lot...
Kat2 Kit: cool, was that the best way toshare this info with you?
Wyn Galbraith: phantom prims, I had that too, takes a restart to get rid of them.
Kat2 Kit: everyone else, please look too
Torley Linden: Yes, Kat2, or if you don't see me personally inworld, then... email me,
Torley Linden: I usually don't check my IMs.
Torley Linden: (Too much inworld work happening!)
Igel Hawks: hehe
Torley Linden: Earlier today I saw a lot of ruthing...
Sierra Larsen: can i ask a question that probably isint on topic :)
Wyn Galbraith: Looks like watching the dress shop window in the first Time Machine movie.
Sierra Larsen: LOL
Torley Linden: If you don't know what that is, it means your actual avatar shape fails to load and you look like an ugly pseudo-woman with a mullet.
Torley Linden: Wyn: Which Time Machine one? The black & white one?
Gale Barzane: points to self
Wyn Galbraith has a picture of Ruth'dRob
Squirrel Wood: <= particle burst on other avatars on active group change
Wyn Galbraith: The old one is my favorite.
Torley Linden: Hahaha I have a pic of ruthed Philip...
Wyn Galbraith: black & white.
Squirrel Wood: bug or feature?
Kat2 Kit: the video is also playing in my movie theater on the land, i can give a landmark
Wyn Galbraith: I think I have one of those too.
Torley Linden: Squirrel that's been around for ages, and you know, only you can see it, I think.
Torley Linden: I think others don't see that particle emission -- UNLESS that behavior changed.
Wyn Galbraith: Going to start an album at my blog of Ruth'd Lindens.
Squirrel Wood: I saw it on YOU
Torley Linden: Squirrel, for the sake of simplicity, I lean on the side of "bug" because "I didn't ask to activate particles! I just wanted to change groups!"
Wyn Galbraith: It's Torley!
Torley Linden: Hmmm Squirrel, when you change your group title, you see particles from me?
Squirrel Wood: yes
Wyn Galbraith tries it
Torley Linden: Yeah, that's what I'm familiar with...
Torley Linden: only the person changing group titles will see theirs + others' particles.
Torley Linden: Wow sense of space feels really weird today, seating does make a perceived difference (!).
Squirrel Wood: right now it won't let me change groups at all
Wyn Galbraith: Can't change groups right now.
Dimitrio Lewis: changing groups seems to cause all particle emitters on screen to activate for a nanosecond (locally)
Torley Linden: I can't change groups either right now.
Torley Linden: Sorry I can't reply to IMs at the moment, feel free to say it out in the open, or if it's sensitive, please email me ( :)
Wyn Galbraith: Now that's a real problem if three of us can't.
Torley Linden: Yeah... that's consistent with earlier Grid issues... :\
Sierra Larsen: ok i was hacked and they delted all my photos and textures and notecards any way toget them back :(
Wyn Galbraith: Ah.
Torley Linden: I did my "postcard test" and it failed.
Gale Barzane: :(
Torley Linden: Just about always when I suspect Grid issues...
Wyn Galbraith: Oh well, I think of stuff like that as SL storms, this too shall pass...
Torley Linden: I try to send a postcard.
Scope Cleaver: How did you get hacked Sierra? sombody broke into your account?
Torley Linden: And if "Your Email" is blank...
Sierra Larsen: yesh
Torley Linden: and fails to auto-populate... then... it's likely there are worse problems.
Sierra Larsen: and then imd me in yahoo laughing about it
Torley Linden: Sorry to hear that, Sierra. :( Did you set your password securely? Unfortunately I don't think you can get your stuff back... if it's deleted, that's pretty permanent.
Sierra Larsen: so there is no such thing as a rollback inventory ppl been telling me about ?
Scope Cleaver: It's for regions only I believe
Sierra Larsen: or the correct term inventory rstore
Torley Linden: Yes, just regions, there's no "rollback inventory", generally speaking.
Scope Cleaver: Otherwise people would just abuse that.
Bridie Linden nods
Sierra Larsen: yah know three pll told me they got back stuff through it
Midtown Bienenstich: I'm guessing it would rollback everyone's Inventory.
Wyn Galbraith: I sent you a postcard Torley.
Torley Linden: Inventory backup is fraught with complexities including permissions -- but in the future, we'd like to figure a way to make that happen.
Midtown Bienenstich: What a fun mess that would be! :D
Sierra Larsen: well that sucks then
Torley Linden: My Your Email field is autopopulating again...
Torley Linden: thanks Wyn.
Igel Hawks: That would be great torley
Scope Cleaver: I suggest a strong password, impossible to guess.
Sierra Larsen: oh well looks like i am say bye to second life lots 5 k of items
Sierra Larsen: lost
Sierra Larsen: about 80k of money down the dunny
Torley Linden: Yeah, I'm not sure how they got into your account Sierra, but we always recommend changing your password regularly to something unguessable, easy for you to remember but hard for others to figure out.
Sierra Larsen: ok thanx
Torley Linden: A password should never be a word that you can find in the dictionary unless you mix it up with UPPER/lowercase and put numbers around it to make it stronger.
Sierra Larsen: i think iam gunna kill my girl off :P
Torley Linden: :(
Wyn Galbraith: Did you clear your cache Sierra?
Scope Cleaver: Oh and you may want to report it, it's illegal to break into accounts even in SL I believe.
Sierra Larsen: i did that yesterday
Sierra Larsen: and i know he delted it he told me he did
Sierra Larsen: and cleared out the trash too
No room to sit here, try another spot.
Wyn Galbraith: Sometimes you have to do it more than once. Oh someone told you they deleted your inventory?
Sierra Larsen: NOOOOOOOOO he delted all mah shit 9 hours ago
Torley Linden: That is pretty invasive and scary-sounding. :(
Sierra Larsen: after i cleared the cache yestreday
Dimitrio Lewis: it's awful that there are people like that in SL :\
Midtown Bienenstich: I wonder if you were targeting specifically, Sierra?
Sierra Larsen: he did it coz he said i had a notecard of a convo we had
Sierra Larsen: and got pissed off
Midtown Bienenstich: *targeted
Sierra Larsen: yehs
Sierra Larsen: he targeted me
Wyn Galbraith: You need to report that then. And change your password, like 8 characters or more and include at least one number and one cap.
Sierra Larsen: i knwo the exact time he did it
Sierra Larsen: i have done all that
Torley Linden: Yes, I'd definitely abuse report him if you have those details -- OK, good that you already did.
Wyn Galbraith: Good.
Torley Linden: Because we keep logs of that activity, our Governance Team can investigate...
Sierra Larsen: i have the yahoo convo where he boasted about it too
Midtown Bienenstich: If it's ok to ask, was your password relatively easy to figure out?
Wyn Galbraith: Incoming Tree.
Gale Barzane: GRRRRR i cant tp either *whines*
Torley Linden: Unfortunately we can't accept outside convos as evidence (since it's easy to fake/alter/tamper with those), but anything within Second Life is admissable.
Sierra Larsen: i dont wanan talk about the stuffin password he is 17 a nd the shits know everythign
Sierra Larsen: LOL
Dimitrio Lewis: hey Tree
Wyn Galbraith: Have a nice fall Tree?
Tree Kyomoon: hey folks
Tree Kyomoon: oh yes, it was better than the spring!
Torley Linden: Wow that was a pretty dramatic entry...
Wyn Galbraith: Torley ran out of prims so we're sitting whereever or nowhere.
Torley Linden: Haha, fall. ;P
Sierra Larsen: anyway i am really pissed off ok thanx
Torley Linden: Yes, my apologies... ah well, variety.
Tree Kyomoon: oh no prim free!
Dimitrio Lewis: I would be too Sierra
Scope Cleaver: It feels more like a cocktail now.
Torley Linden: Good to have you all here with me...
SkyCat Ranger: hi all, hi torley, an honor to meet you
Torley Linden: Hey SkyCat! Good to see you inworld... :)
Wyn Galbraith: Don't give out your passworld to anyone Sierra, and if this person knows you in RL don't leave it laying around.
Torley Linden: After seeing the pics you took on Flickr!
Tree Kyomoon: oh well, we all need to take a stand some time
SkyCat Ranger: yea LOL exciting
Sierra Larsen: its more about a trust issue for me taht someone u thought was friend could violate u like that and laugh about it
SkyCat Ranger: im sure taking pics of ya LOL
Midtown Bienenstich: Torley, any word on WindLight? :o
Torley Linden: Haha.
Dimitrio Lewis: I know exactly what you mean Sierra
Wyn Galbraith: Yeah, trust no one.
Midtown Bienenstich: I want the sexy sunsets back!
Torley Linden: Midtown, yes -- it's been delayed due to current Grid issues but I'm hoping it'll still be out in First Look again in the next few weeks.
Dimitrio Lewis: well, trust some people.. but also be realistic
Midtown Bienenstich: Wonderful.
Tree Kyomoon: what makes this "no one" person so trustworthy anyway?
Wyn Galbraith can't wait.
Sierra Larsen: LOL yeh no one trustworthy lOL
Sierra Larsen: ok thanx ciao
Tree Kyomoon: I dont even trust "Anyone"
Torley Linden: Take care.
Dimitrio Lewis: you've gotta trust some people.. this is a social platform :P
Wyn Galbraith: bye
Torley Linden: It's like the jokes about "anonymous".
Sierra Larsen: ok no teleporting gah
Scope Cleaver: Torley, when IM's get capped are they still delivered to ones email address?
Torley Linden: "Anonymous sure is a great author, he wrote so many poems!"
Wyn Galbraith: Just don't trust them with your password or Lindens.
Sierra Larsen: nooooo cant trust anyone everyone lies LOL
Tree Kyomoon: heh or whos on first
Torley Linden: Scope, they can be, depending on what someone sets in Preferences.
Wyn Galbraith: LOL Torley!
Dimitrio Lewis: wait.. I don't lie... I'm just creative with the truth....
Torley Linden: And then I go "What makes you think Anonymous is a HE!?"
Saijanai Kuhn: it?
Squirrel Wood: Your password is yours and yours alone. Nobody else has a right to know it.
Tree Kyomoon: nice festive hat Saij!
Torley Linden: "Creative with the truth"... that's like "Creative differences"...
Saijanai Kuhn: I'm working on voice control for it atm
Sierra Larsen: crap looks like i am stuck here ......
Torley Linden: "Wardrobe malfunction"...
Dimitrio Lewis: hehe
Torley Linden: Sierra you should still be able to fly...
Torley Linden: Wow Saijanai, what a trippy hat.
Sierra Larsen: i cant fly home from here LOL
Tree Kyomoon: well, Id rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy
Torley Linden: That's pretty abstract magic.
Wyn Galbraith: Did you get my postscard Torley?
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Saijanai Kuhn: Hoing to get complete control of size, shape, texture by voice
Scope Cleaver: If it's set to "Send IM to Email" does it get delivered even if it's capped inworld?
Torley Linden: Wyn, I did. Thanks!
Wyn Galbraith: Well that worked.
Kat2 Kit: torley if you like the movie i'd like to tlak more
Wyn Galbraith: I can change groups now too, the storm is passing?
Wyn Galbraith: I like your movie Kat2
Kat2 Kit: thank you wyn
Tree Kyomoon: can I see the movie?
Kat2 Kit:
Kat2 Kit: yes or i can give you alndmark for where it's playing inworld
Tree Kyomoon: thanks!
Tree Kyomoon: thats good got it
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Car1: llStopAnimation: Unable to find agent, releasing animation permissions
Wyn Galbraith: Where is that and who's build was it?
Wyn Galbraith: You wouldn't want to do that with me, I always seem to be experimenting.
Kat2 Kit: it's it's own island, Sub Lupia
Kat2 Kit: and it's gonna be a mission sim based ona novel
Wyn Galbraith: Oh
Bridie Linden: helloo again!
Wyn Galbraith: Looks very good.
Torley Linden: Oooh... based on a novel?
Torley Linden: How does that work? Elaborate more please?
Tree Kyomoon: hello birdy
Kat2 Kit: yes they have written a wounderful story
Torley Linden: WB Bridie!
Kat2 Kit: and now the sim will let you experience it
Igel Hawks: wb Bridie
Kat2 Kit: there will also be an alternative to camping involving the novel
Tree Kyomoon: cool shirt birdie
Wyn Galbraith: Sub Lupina?
Kat2 Kit: it's from the novel
sculpt test: Blå bär rööda
Wyn Galbraith: Thanks for the LM
Kat2 Kit: oh wait did i spell it wrong
Kat2 Kit: Sub Lupina
Wyn Galbraith figured it out ;)
Kim Link: Oh, Torley....i have a technical question"
Kim Link: client side
Torley Linden: Oh please ask...
Torley Linden: I'll see if I can answer it, and if not, I'll let you know who could. :)
Kat2 Kit: troley can i give you a landmark for where the video took place?
Kim Link: I have two is wide-screen and one is 5:4
Kat2 Kit: anyone else
Torley Linden: Please do, I really welcome having landmarks...
Kim Link: when i move SL to my 5:4, my HUD buttons are messed fact anything i click onscreen is "off"
Torley Linden: if anyone has cool landmarks feel free to send them to me.
Torley Linden: Ahhh yes Kim I think I'm familiar with this... go on please...
Kim Link: used to work ok...except the chat line was super short
Kim Link: but now, its unusable
Saijanai Kuhn: you've seen the Mars Crater sim, right torley?
Wyn Galbraith: *gasps*
Orzga Aabye: i think that i've had this too.
Kim Link: I'm not sure how to get around this..ususally i use my wide monitor, but i'd like to be able to move SL over....
Wyn Galbraith wants to see Burroughs Mars here.
Tree Kyomoon: saij do you have an LM for that?
Orzga Aabye: the client doesn't notice monitor changes promptly and correctly
Kim Link: promptly? ever.
JayR Cela: Torley I have a landmark for you or you can find it in myprofile under picks
Kim Link: short of reinstalling...i'm not sure what to do
Orzga Aabye: right , i have no resolution ..
Torley Linden: I haven't yet been to Mars Crater, is that near the NASA CoLab?
Torley Linden: Hmmm...
Torley Linden: Kim... so you want Second Life to ALWAYS start up on your wider monitor?
Wyn Galbraith would love to see Mars as well.
Saijanai Kuhn: think so. Someone invited me. Qarl didn't even know it was done. LOL
Kim Link: it always does, but sometimes I'd like to move it to my "normal" second monitor
Kim Link: i have it there now...
Kim Link: for example..if i click on my AO hud (Zhoa) i get an unexpected result
Torley Linden: Hmmm...
Torley Linden: OK... monitors with different resolutions and aspect ratios, will unfortunately get messed up somewhat re: positioning of HUDs...
Torley Linden: I'm on dual monitors... and what I do...
Torley Linden: (on Windows XP SP2)
Wyn Galbraith listens to this.
Torley Linden: is move Second Life to the monitor I want to start it up on, launch it, and then quit. I find that it recognizes that monitor.
Kim Link: its dual but different aspects thats messing with it
Torley Linden: If that doesn't work for you, you may have to go to Control Panel > Display and set your Primary monitor to be your other monitor.
Kim Link: i could try that....hey, have you discovered "wndhop"
Torley Linden: Unfortunately Second Life doesn't "memorize" sets of windows, HUDs, etc. for different screens (e.g., when I test at 1024x768 resolution, everything stays scrunched up when I maximize, with no easy way to snap between settings).
Torley Linden: "wndhop", what's that?
Kim Link: its a little utility that lets you move windows across monitors with a keyboard command
Kim Link: its Windows key Enter
Kim Link: the active window jumps monitors
Kim Link: i'm lost without it
Kim Link: just Google "wndhop"
Squirrel Wood: Mayhaps saving and restoring settings.xml helps SL to remember certain window positions ?
Torley Linden: Oh neat. I use something similar, Resizer.
Jansen Miles: I hear Ultramon is very good.
Kim Link: oh...and the other cool dual-monitor thing: the MS Color cpl?
Kim Link: you can set different profiles for each a mac?
Kim Link: nothing to do with SL...sorry!
Kim Link: haha
Dimitrio Lewis: wb Scope
Scope Cleaver: Thanks (crashing) :)
Igel Hawks: Hihi. The SL sports last days
Dimitrio Lewis: I had a weird crash a few weeks back
Dimitrio Lewis: found an avatar frozen in a sim which didn't register as being there, focused camera on him and the screen went black and crashed
Wyn Galbraith wanders off in RL to find excedrine.
Wyn Galbraith idles.
Torley Linden: Hmmm...
Torley Linden: On my setup I use the NVIDIA Control Panel.
Torley Linden: I can set color independently for each monitor.
Torley Linden: Weird Dimi... that's kinda surreal.
Kim Link: hmmm. i guess i didn't look in there!
Kat2 Kit: it's was great to meet you torley, i have to run. the moive url one last time for everyone
Kim Link: i found the MS thing before i had an nVidia card
Kim Link: i'm gonna try the relog
Torley Linden: Good to meet you too Kat2...
Torley Linden: :)
Torley Linden: If you're on NVIDIA... right now I've upgraded to 162.18 drivers.
Igel Hawks: Kimi is crashed I think
Kat2 Kit: torley will you find me again if you wanta see more?
Benja Kepler: hi Torley, you well?
Igel Hawks: And getting any troubles till now Torley?
Torley Linden: Kat2, I hope to watch them soon. :)
Torley Linden: Benja, on the whole, yes...
Torley Linden: Igel: 162.18 has been relatively stable overall.
Igel Hawks: I saw the driver but didn't install it yet
Torley Linden: Only weird quirks I found with them have to do with WindLight specifically...
Kat2 Kit: awsome, c u all.
Torley Linden: We're debugging why stuff appears black underwater. @_@
Kat2 Kit: i can't wait for windlight for my timelaspe
Igel Hawks: cu Kat2
Torley Linden: Yes, WindLight reminds me of Koyaansqatsi --
Torley Linden: when we have full-on 3D volumetric clouds, that'll be really glorious.
Torley Linden: Koyaansqatsi is one of the greatest time-lapse movies ever.
Dimitrio Lewis has lots of machinima in mind for when windlight returns :)
Torley Linden: Hehehe.
Torley Linden: Opportunities and ideas!
Torley Linden: It's already intriguing to see what we have this year that didn't exist at the same time last year...
Torley Linden: Even small changes that've made a really big difference.
Igel Hawks: wb Kim
Kim Link: ty
Dimitrio Lewis: it's true, second life is changing in major ways too
Igel Hawks: Yw :-)
Kim Link: ive never figured out a way to force an app to open on my second monitor
Wyn Galbraith returns
Torley Linden: Yeah... changes on many levels...
Torley Linden: I certainly like to look at forest AND trees.
Torley Linden: :)
Squirrel Wood: changes... what people fear the most.... at least they insist on it ^^
Wyn Galbraith has some forests, some in process and trees.
Wyn Galbraith: I seem to build in stages. Come back and add more detail.
Tree Kyomoon: :) yay trees
Torley Linden: :D
Torley Linden: Mmmm trees...
Torley Linden: I like tricks with trees.
Wyn Galbraith: I've always wanted to build the 100 acre woods.
Torley Linden: I should mention Tree Kyomoon's big sculptie forest!
Wyn Galbraith: From Winnie the Pooh books.
Torley Linden: I also like combining lots of smaller Linden trees... to form ONE GIANT MEGATREE.
Squirrel Wood: 69 pending downloads..
Wyn Galbraith: Tree's forest is so cool.
Torley Linden: I remember when Adam Zaius did it for Christmas on Azure Islands... that cracked me up...
Torley Linden: *stares at Pending Downloads too*
Wyn Galbraith: Interesting idea Torley.
Dimitrio Lewis: sculptie forest?
Kim Link: the new Nvidia drivers are working OK for you Torley?
Torley Linden: Yes, Tree over here can tell you more.
Torley Linden: Kim, yes they are.
Torley Linden: I have two systems using them...
Wyn Galbraith: Tree has a sculptie forest.
Torley Linden: Q6600 w/8800GTS and Opteron 170 w/7800GT.
Wyn Galbraith: A HUGE sculptie forest.
Torley Linden: Feel free to inquire for more details.
Torley Linden: A HUGE sculptie forest... in the sky!
Igel Hawks: Maybe an EntAv possible?
Wyn Galbraith: I mean the trees are huge.
Torley Linden: *watches Tree poof*
Dimitrio Lewis: I must see it :P
Squirrel Wood: wb tree
Wyn Galbraith: oops
Torley Linden: We can embellish. Haha.
Wyn Galbraith: Ruth'd.
Kim Link: thats my same setup exactly...the 6600/8800GTS
Tree Kyomoon: i crashed ;)
Torley Linden: Really Kim? Kewl.
Torley Linden: I find it's working well for me so far...
Torley Linden: I really like having quad-cores...
Wyn Galbraith: No kiddin' Tree ;)
Torley Linden: very beneficial with my favorite apps (Filter Forge, Sony Vegas, etc.).
Wyn Galbraith: You have quads Torley?
Torley Linden: Tree! You're back!
Torley Linden: Tell us about your sculptie forest!
Kim Link: oh, mine is dual core
Glove Ewing: sup guys,havent been here in a while
Torley Linden: Wyn: Yes... I got them out of necessity.
Wyn Galbraith: Do you assign the cpus to apps?
Torley Linden: Heya Glove!
Wyn Galbraith wants them.
Squirrel Wood: Torley! Did you look at werkkzeug3 yet?
Tree Kyomoon: oh well I made a big forest with sculpties
lufpleh Obstreperous: when is windlight due to hit either beta grid or first look?
Torley Linden: Yes, or you can have one app (if it's properly multithreaded and optimized) use all four CPUs.
Tree Kyomoon: I adopted a method I call potatoe painting with sculpties
Torley Linden: lufpleh: Hopefully within a few weeks, pending delays (current Grid issues take first priority).
Torley Linden: You'll be sure to see an announcement on the Official Linden Blog when it's back.
Wyn Galbraith: It defaults using all cpus, but what is better, should someone gave an app only one cpu to run on?
Glove Ewing: im having LOTS of problems with second life today,"man linden labs must have screwed something up"
Scope Cleaver: Does four cores change much with your SL experince?
Tree Kyomoon: because you cant make sculpties in world, I made a few shapes and then reused them with all sizes and textures
Wyn Galbraith has a dual core on her laptop.
Torley Linden: Glove: We have lots of Lindens fighting fires and working on those issues right now.
Dimitrio Lewis: the servers are on fire? omg
Torley Linden: Scope: Not really, since Second Life itself isn't multithreaded... BUT where it does help... is running SL alongside Photoshop (!).
Wyn Galbraith: Don't use water.
Glove Ewing: indeed omg
Dimitrio Lewis: :p
Torley Linden: Correction, I mean Second Life isn't FULLY-multithreaded... some things like texture decoding can experimentally be set to use multiple threads.
Scope Cleaver: Are there plans to make SL use 2 and more cores?
Wyn Galbraith: So it's better to let a app use all cpus then?
Scope Cleaver: Ah yes
Torley Linden: Client menu > Rendering > Run Multiple Threads.
Talirion Loon: Torley Linden i need a linden from the gaming team, who would be the right person to chk my games? if they are still ok or not?
Torley Linden: Wyn: Yes, apps must specially be programmed to do that to take full advantage of all 4 cores. Most 3D rendering and mathematics apps do...
Torley Linden: some games are starting to...
Torley Linden: I think World of Warcraft is? Not sure.
Torley Linden: But I know the forthcoming Alan Wake and Crysis are, and they look VERY VERY good.
Torley Linden: Talirion: Please explain more?
Wyn Galbraith: What's Cheesy Beacon, which I read as bacon and thought it was a Monty Python option.
Scope Cleaver: Alan Wake will be able to use 4 yes
Orzga Aabye: meaning that the soruce code doesn't explicity use threads?
Talirion Loon: im a game developer, Streetz, gemds, Dragonz..... and all games are skill based .... but now i dont know if the game is allowed or not, if not i need to contact all my cousomers ....
Torley Linden: Talirion: Oh, you're concerned about gambling? Did you see the latest blog post?
Torley Linden: Orzga: Basically, as an oversimplification, but yes.
Igel Hawks: wb Kim
Talirion Loon: yes i see it ... but its still not coplete clear ...
Glove Ewing: gambling is banned from sl :P
Kim Link: crash
Talirion Loon: this is why i need now inworld help
Igel Hawks: I thought so dear
Orzga Aabye: i thought the multiple cores would just take care of themselves .. or is that super-scalar and i'm confusing the two?
Kim Link: oh....i have a question:
lufpleh Obstreperous thinks the latest gambling blog stirred the fog of confusion
Torley Linden: Unfortunately we aren't able to check all the games in person but I would highly recommend if you haven't read it yet.
Torley Linden: How so, lufpleh?
Torley Linden: Legal matters are tricky. :O
Talirion Loon: [14:51] Glove Ewing: gambling is banned from sl :P --- i talk about my games ...
Tree Kyomoon: crashycrashy
lufpleh Obstreperous: exactly LL wont call a spade a spade becasue of legal implications
Torley Linden: Orzga: Hmmm... well in many higher-end workstations, the people that program applications for them are aware that they require multiple cores. On consumer-grade machines, not so much...
Torley Linden: although clearly, there's a popular surge in dual cores... which are very common now.
Talirion Loon: thx Torley, but i have read it more than one time ... and if you ask me and some other developer all think for example streetz is still allowed .... but i need to know it ...
Torley Linden: Another benefit for me is running multiple SL accounts...
Wyn Galbraith loves her dual, wants a quad.
Torley Linden: since I often need to test with more than a single avatar at a time.
Torley Linden: Talirion: Hm, I won't be the right one to ask -- you could try Chadrick Linden's office hours (he's on the Governance Team) but we're generally unable to advise on a game-by-game basis... since there are so many (!).
Orzga Aabye: yes .. come to think of it .. the os treats thedual cores as dual processor ..
Orzga Aabye: and scheudles at the proces granularity more or less .. but i'm no expert
Torley Linden:
Igel Hawks: Maybe banning the random number function will help?
Talirion Loon: lol yes i know .... and i think this helps ....
Torley Linden: Random numbers are needed for many non-gambling things.
Igel Hawks: Heh
Igel Hawks: just kidding
Torley Linden: ;)
Wyn Galbraith: Mine runs pretty fast, I can imagine what a quad would do. My desktop is sooo slow now just being a lonely pentium
Igel Hawks: ;-)
Torley Linden: I won't get into the finer points of what exactly constitutes a random number since anyone well-versed in computer security knows there are many fine subtleties...
Torley Linden: Awww Wyn. :D
Torley Linden: I find my usage patterns often run the gamut...
Torley Linden: I like to have Firefox, Photoshop, and Second Life all open and usable at the same time.
Torley Linden: Thus, quad-core was a logical extension.
Kim Link: i've crashed more times today here than in the last month
Torley Linden: Plus, Intel dropped prices on Jul 22...
Torley Linden: So I was like "HOLY MOLY!"
Talirion Loon: Torley one more is "micheal linden" in the same team?
Torley Linden: That sucks Kim, I wonder why... hmmm...
Torley Linden: I wonder what about my place is crashing you -- Kim, did you send in crash logs?
Torley Linden: We can check those after...
Torley Linden: Talirion: Yes, he is.
Talirion Loon: thx
Kim Link: i went into Preferences, and it was blank....soon as i click on a button, i crash
Torley Linden: NP.
Wyn Galbraith: I have firefox, photoshop and sl, plus textpad and whatever else I need at the moment.
Torley Linden: Kim, I haven't seen that before.
Wyn Galbraith: Word.
Torley Linden: Firefox can be such a RAM hog...
Torley Linden: My Photoshop routinely uses over 1 GB...
Wyn Galbraith: One thing I require is the ability to open many many windows.
Torley Linden: I have 4 GB of RAM in this system, only 3.25 GB usable because of 32-bit memory allocation limits... Squirrel knows more about this than me, I think... ;) (from a convo some weeks back...)
Orzga Aabye: what do people do for RAM// 2G per core? is 8G ona quad unrealistic?
Wyn Galbraith: I'm a great stress tester for hardware ;)
Igel Hawks: Hmm, here: Firefox, GIMp, SL and Paint.NET
Glove Ewing: i use internet explorer,firefox makes me feel unsecure lol
Wyn Galbraith: Or the OS
Torley Linden: I also have a Western Digital Raptor hard drive... costly, but so far, I say, worth it!
Wyn Galbraith: Oh I have firefox and IE up.
Torley Linden: Glove: Usually it's the other way around!
Kim Link: cant upload a snapshot :-(
Torley Linden: Why's Firefox make you feel unsecure? :O
Tree Kyomoon thinks Torley needs a solid state hard drive
Glove Ewing: cuz firefoxes will burn me
Glove Ewing: roflamo
Glove Ewing: '
Wyn Galbraith: My BF uses IE and I use firefox, but sometimes I open both because some sites won't run on firefox.
Igel Hawks: LMAO
Sumaron Slade: haw haw :o
Scope Cleaver: Do you have that same memory allocation problem on Vista?
Wyn Galbraith: LOL Glove
Wyn Galbraith doesn't want Vista. "I might switch to Linux first, if the display drivers get better.
Tree Kyomoon likes my vista box
Dawoc Gustafson: I must have one of the strangest avatars here.
Torley Linden: I am waiting for Windows Vista SP1...
Torley Linden: work out some of the kinks...
Torley Linden: Oh Dawoc, what creature are you?
Wyn Galbraith would wait for Vista SP2
Glove Ewing: i got vista once,i dont recommend it though
Wyn Galbraith: LOL
Torley Linden: Earlier today I had an av that would've complemented you well.
Torley Linden: Scope: You will still have that memory allocation prob on Vista 32-bit.
Wyn Galbraith: A hand?
Torley Linden: If you want to address LARGE amounts of RAM, like 8GB, go for Windows 64-bit... BUT make sure drivers for required stuff are already provided.
Dawoc Gustafson: Tried to make a dragon like thing, but ended up with this.
Tree Kyomoon: lol
Torley Linden: You created that, Dawoc? Cute. :)
Torley Linden: I had a pretty funneh avatar earlier today.
Dawoc Gustafson: Thanks.
Tree Kyomoon: Some of the best art comes from "attempts"
Torley Linden: It's strange because I'm walking about today... normally I stay still sitting...
Torley Linden: Yes... I can attest and support that too...
Torley Linden: "Happy accidents", isn't that what some people say?
Tree Kyomoon: potatoe painting!
Laetizia Coronet: hi everyone... I appear Ruthed... oh well
Kim Link: i'm Ruthed too
Torley Linden: Ruthing's been a theme of the day. :\
Kim Link: Hi Laetizia!
Laetizia Coronet: hi Kim!
Torley Linden: Heya Laetizia and Jansen!
Glove Ewing: i try make stuff,but i alwas come up with,......retarded crap ROFL
Torley Linden: *looks*
Jansen Miles: I'm Ruthed. And just back from my fourth crash since I got here at 2. :(
Torley Linden: 80 pending downloads still...
Torley Linden: :(
Wyn Galbraith needs a Gecko avatar.
Torley Linden: My first building attempts ended up in a lot of crap too.
Torley Linden: I really hope things will get smoother soon...
Tree Kyomoon wonders if jackson pollack secretly thought his stuff was all retarted crap
Torley Linden: it's been a very rough day for all of us.
Torley Linden: Tree, hahaha.
Igel Hawks: Hi Leatizia
Glove Ewing: omg!!!!we're so related!
Torley Linden: SPLISH SPLASH!
Glove Ewing: lol
Laetizia Coronet: *looks around* Really ? ;)
Torley Linden: The first thing I "made" was a synthesizer. It was really just a stretched box with textures mapped half-decently.
Wyn Galbraith: The default voice gestures remind me of a certain gecko.
Torley Linden: It was my first step on a road of experimentation.
Torley Linden: Really Wyn?
Torley Linden: Which one? Geico Gecko?
Wyn Galbraith: Watch.
Dawoc Gustafson is made of entirely ovals and cones!
Torley Linden: *watches*
Jansen Miles: I have a 10Mbit connection and people still aren't rezzed for me after 30 mins.
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Torley Linden: Hmmm...
Glove Ewing: ~~+-+-+Send Me An Angel+-+-+~~
Glove Ewing: ~~+-+-+Send Me An Angel+-+-+~~
Glove Ewing: ~~+-+-+Riiiight Now+-+-+~~
Tree Kyomoon: I think the first thing I made was a plywood cube of some sort
Torley Linden: Jansen, yeah some of that has to do with stuff being "jammed in the pipe"...
Wyn Galbraith: See?
Glove Ewing: i had this gesture i always thought it wwas funny
Torley Linden: if you check Pending Downloads right now, it says 110...
Squirrel Wood: 110 pending downloads....
Orzga Aabye: the first thing i made .. that's like an SL rochak test
Torley Linden: all of those have to complete for things to be rezzed within the region...
Kim Link: oh well, this was fun, but i need my SL to work again...see you all!
Torley Linden: I see Squirrel's keeping a close eye on that.
Scope Cleaver: Where do you see that?
Torley Linden: I hope it works again well for you, for all of us, Kim!
Torley Linden: Ctrl-Shift-1...
Torley Linden: Statistics Bar!
Laetizia Coronet: hmmm in mouselook I at least don't see myself
Wyn Galbraith: Well, Squirrel is a squirrel. Got to keep track of stuff.
Orzga Aabye: /rorschach/
Glove Ewing: neat
Kim Link: cant tp, what a shock
Laetizia Coronet: it's borked again then
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Laetizia Coronet: it was ok a few hours agoo
Torley Linden: It's been on/off today for me...
Torley Linden: This morning I showed up at a meeting with 3 ruthed Lindens...
Dawoc Gustafson: Don't even know how to do it :P
Squirrel Wood: Oh My
Glove Ewing: "attempt to rez an object failed" + "could not teleport" =two of my most hated messges
Jansen Miles: What kind of data is represented by "Pending Downloads"?
Squirrel Wood: The new SL curse... "You have been RUTHed!" ^^
Torley Linden: Yes, Glove, I detest those.
Igel Hawks: Hmm and content loss starts again I heared right now
Laetizia Coronet: Torley, next time we expect embarrrassing FLickrs of that ;)
Torley Linden: Laetizia: I uploaded my one of Philip the other day!
Torley Linden: Maybe I should do a whole RUTHED LINDENS gallery...
Laetizia Coronet: oh good, will go and see
Wyn Galbraith is making an album of Ruth'd Lindens ;)
Torley Linden: This morning I was saying how much ruth sucks... I mean, not as important as being able to login, but after you do... gosh, your eyes just hurt from looking at the mullet.
Laetizia Coronet: I did some of Brenner by the way]
Torley Linden: Wyn, when you compile that, and get it to a nice point... please show it to me.
Torley Linden: I really wanna send that around to all the Lindens...
Tree Kyomoon: yeah ruth needs a fashion make over
Laetizia Coronet: yeah that mullet lol
Torley Linden: And oh Jansen, I don't know *all* of what's represented in Pending Downloads, but textures you see around you is one of them...
Igel Hawks: Oh yeah pls
Torley Linden: so if a lot of textures are blank and fail to load...
Wyn Galbraith: Ok, got to catch more Lindens like that, only have two right now though the prize is Ruth'dRob.
Torley Linden: they could be stuck in pending downloads...
Igel Hawks: redress ruth finally
Torley Linden: Hahaha Wyn.
Laetizia Coronet: I have a black mullet now - new speciality for the mullet websites
Torley Linden: RUTHROB!!
Torley Linden: ARGHHH.
Torley Linden: CUT... THE... MULLET...
Wyn Galbraith: Like RobRoy ;)
Sumaron Slade: mullet?
Torley Linden: Anyone else here know Wesley Willis? :)
Sumaron Slade: :)
Glove Ewing: brb guys ordering pizza
Claryssa Schmidt: :)
Torley Linden: Hmmm... a Wesley Willis avatar would be something.
Laetizia Coronet: Sumaron, mullet = hasircut, short front, long in the neck
Wyn Galbraith: That sounds like a name I've heard before.
Wyn Galbraith: Oh.
Sumaron Slade: i konws and i ahve a mullet song gesture but the song isnt playing ;-;
Juggalette McBride: hi
Torley Linden: Wesley Willis isn't a Resident, he's dead now. :( RIP. But he was an eccentric musician who sang songs like, "CUT THE MULLET" and... "I WHOPPED BATMAN'S ASS" etc.
Wyn Galbraith: I still want to make a Ruth alt.
Glove Ewing: nvm
Torley Linden: Aw Sumaron, the timing!
Tree Kyomoon thinks ruth is like a red head version of mrs brady
Laetizia Coronet: usualy associated with the less fortunate / educated
Dawoc Gustafson: He Wooped Batmans ASS?
Sumaron Slade: :p
Torley Linden: I want to have a Ruth alt too, but every time I've been Ruthed lately, Appearance is grayed out so I can't overwrite my shape (what a horrible thing to wish for).
Torley Linden: Dawoc: Or so he claimed.
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Wyn Galbraith: Did I tell you about the nightmare I had where I was being attacked by a group of Ruth'd Zombies? I think some have already heard that one.
Torley Linden: Mrs. Brady, I love the intro to that show.
Dawoc Gustafson: /lol
Laetizia Coronet: just pick a default one from inventory Torley
Torley Linden: Oh gosh Wyn, I may have heard part of it. How positively dreadful.
Igel Hawks: why dont you use the female test AV?
Igel Hawks: LOL
Wyn Galbraith: There is a default one in the library.
Torley Linden: Laetizia: The default ones are like, different aren't they? I don't know of an actual ruth avatar in there?
Torley Linden: Female test AV is the same!??
Torley Linden: OMG...
Dawoc Gustafson: I'm a guy, why do I have a feminine laugh?
Torley Linden: OK... I'll research that later.
Igel Hawks: I think so
Torley Linden: Thanks, I didn't know that before.
Torley Linden: Learn something new everyday.
Wyn Galbraith: You got the wrong set loaded, Dawoc.
Laetizia Coronet: Dawoc you can change that I believe
Dawoc Gustafson: I see.
Torley Linden: Dawoc, yeah, try searching your gestures... :)
Igel Hawks: I used it by acident some months agoo
Torley Linden: You can customize gestures...
Torley Linden: You can have a laugh more befitting of the creature you appear to be.
Sumaron Slade: i have a laugh track
Sumaron Slade: :]
Sumaron Slade: lol
Laetizia Coronet: some furries even have a dog-like laugh
Torley Linden: Yeah...
Laetizia Coronet: they are not Ruthed but Wrroothed
Glove Ewing: lol
Torley Linden: HAHAHAH.
Dawoc Gustafson: I like the feminine Laugh, makes me calm somehow.
Igel Hawks: LOL
Wyn Galbraith: LOL Laetizia.
Torley Linden: Reminds me of how Frontier Linden laughs to me...
Torley Linden: AROOOOOOOO!
Igel Hawks: hehe
Wyn Galbraith: It's a good laugh, wonder who's it is, the male one is nice too.
Laetizia Coronet: lol never met Frontier I believe
Igel Hawks: I dont remember
Sumaron Slade: V^vv^V HoWlLLzZz V^vv^V
Wyn Galbraith: wb R'Tree ;)
Dawoc Gustafson: Ah, Hate it when I accidently drop my foot or hand.
Torley Linden: Well, it's Friday... and I hope things get smoother over the weekend. I also hope next time we have seats. But for now, I've got to go. Thanks each of you for being with me despite the Grid pains -- we gotta keep working on those.
Tree Kyomoon: arg crash number three
Claryssa Schmidt: bye :)
Torley Linden: Dawoc: That's an "only in Second Life" moment.
Laetizia Coronet: bye Torley
Tree Kyomoon: and when Im ruthed I cant edit my appearance
Sumaron Slade: Byyyyyyye :D
Jansen Miles: Crash five for me! Heehee.
Torley Linden: Bye for now each and everyone. =) Have a good weekend!