User:SullyBaby Gomez

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Revision as of 11:57, 14 August 2007 by SullyBaby Gomez (talk | contribs)
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I am a clothing designer for both men and women, I can also create furniture, jewelry shoes and business owner here in Second Life. I have been on the program aproximately three years as of now and am logged in on a very regular basis, usually for multiple hours each day. I also many years of experience dealing with the general public in retail and in retail management posistions for different business's and know how to give short and informative answers in a very polite and understandable way. I would also like to personally thank my long time friend Doctor Gascoigne and Bastien Culdesac who are both my fellow mentors. Linden Labs has created a great envrionment here and I try to help as much as I can with what I can.