Business Articles
- Inside Story: Virtual Visions, The Independent, 27 August 2007.
- Companies Show Real Interest in Virtual World, Morris Malakoff, Greater Fort Wayne Business Daily, 24 August 2007
- Virtual Recruiting for Real-World Jobs,, 22 August 2007
- IBM to Staff Virtual Business Center 24 Hours Five Days a Week With Addition of Live Sales Avatars From Australia, Singapore and Malaysia,, 22 August 2007
- Five Rules For Bringing Your Real-Life Business Into Second Life, Mitch Wagner, Information Week, 21 August 2007
- Second Life plus Twitter for enterprise?, Dennis Howlett, ZDNet Blog, 12 August 2007.
- 10 Steps to a Perfect Corporate SL Project, MindBlizzard Blog, 9 August 2007
- Phoenix soars into Second Life: Virtual avatars credited with boosting film's Imax 3D showing, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 August 2007
- Coldwell Banker Puts Real House on Second Life Block, ABC, 2 August 2007
- Going Green, New World Notes, Blog post by Wagner James Au, 30 July 2007
- Alternate Universe Jessica Bennett and Malcolm Beith, Newsweek International, 30 July 2007
- Getting real about business in Second Life, Dominic Rushe, The Sunday Times, 29 July 2007
- Second Life: What Is It (And Why Should Manufacturers Care?), Industry Week, 27 July 2007
- Wii + Second Life = New Training Simulator, Wired, 27 July 2007
- Banking Matters: Real-life lessons about customers learned in virtual worlds, International Herald Tribune, 23 July 2007
- Debunking 5 Business Myths about Second Life, GigaOm by Wagner James Au, 12 July 2007
- Second Life: Two Lives to Live, URB, 24 May 2007
- Using Second Life As A Business-To-Business Tool, InformationWeek Blog, 26 April 2007, Mitch Wagner
- Exploring the potential of Second Life for business communications, information dissemination and innovation Business Communicators of Second Life blog
- Tech Report Special: Virtual Life, Business Week 16 April 2007
- Could Second Life kill off the call centre, 10 April 2007
- Guide to Doing Business in Second Life - a good short intro to getting started in Second Life, (April 2007 but not dated)
- Virtual World Transition: What SL Business Model Works Best?, Marketing Profs (reprint on SLQ Explorer), 31 March 2007
- Press release by Komjuniti, a German Brand Management company of a survey of residents about Brands
- How Second Life Impacts Our First Life, Blog post by Henry Jenkins
- A Dialogue on Virtual Worlds, Blog post by Irving Wladawsky-Berger
- Second Life: Is Business Ready For Virtual Worlds?, David F. Carr, Baseline, 1 March 2007.
- The Brand Owners Guide to Entering the Metaverse, Personalize Blog, 4 February 2007
- Second Life: It's Not a Game, Fortune 22 January 2007
- Starting a Second Life Business,, 9 January 2007
- Warren Ellis to write weekly SL column for Reuters, Reuters, 12/22/06
- IBM to Give Birth to 'Second Life Business Group",, 12 December 2006
- Virtual worlds to boost telcos- Can you get outsourced to Second Life?,, 12/7/06
- Second Life's PR Avatar,, 11/29/06
- Second Life Tip Sheet, Business Week, 11/27/06 (This is a 10 tips for businesses considering Second Life and is a great intro for any business)
- Information week article about IBM, 11/10/06
- No, Second Life is not Overhyped, CNN Money, 11/9/06
- Irving in (a Virtual World) Wonderland, 11/7/06
- NYTimes Travel section article about Second Life, 11/03/06
- Irving in (a Virtual World) Wonderland, Blog post by Irving Wladawsky-Berger
- Is Your Business Ready for Virtual Business?, Publish, 10/20/06,
- 11 Reasons Why Massively Multiplayer Games Will Change How Business Works: Part 1, Poynteronline, 10/25/06
- The Digital 'Second Life' Has Its Own Culture and Economy Red Orbit, 10/17/06
- Businesses find real opportunity in the virtual world of Second Life, My, 10/17/06
- Second Life for Amazon, Yahoo Finance, 10/17/06
- Proceedings of the Second Life Educational Workshop at SLCC, 10/2006
- Wired Travel Guide, Second Life, Oct 2006
- Big Media Gets a Second Life, Business Week, 10/17/06
- Breathing Second Life into Business, Business Week, 10/10/06
- Eric Rice's How to Learn about Second Life..., March 2006