User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2009 03 17

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Transcript of Andrew Linden's office hours:

[11:00] Moon Metty: hello Andrew :)
[11:00] Kitto Flora: Hi Andrew
[11:00] Andrew Linden: hello everyone
[11:01] Moon Metty: nice hat Rex!
[11:01] Rex Cronon: hello everybody
[11:01] Andrew Linden: hrm... I'm all decked out in St. Patty's greenery in RL, but nothing here
[11:01] Rex Cronon: thank:)
[11:01] Moon Metty: ahhh, st Patrick's day
[11:01] Moon Metty: that's not really a tradition in holland
[11:01] Rex Cronon: :)
[11:02] Rex Cronon: u don't have to be irish to celebrate:)
[11:02] xstorm Radek: i did not do it what ever it was *GIGGLES* :)Andrew Linden 23:53, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
[11:02] Arawn Spitteler gave you St Patick's Bear. By Till..........Just wear..
[11:02] xstorm Radek: are we going to sit ?
[11:02] xstorm Radek: hi open
[11:03] Moon Metty: hey Storm :)
[11:03] xstorm Radek: hi Moon
[11:03] Andrew Linden: wow, my first blingy
[11:03] Arawn Spitteler'd like Andrew to sit at the booth, or read
[11:03] Moon Metty: hi Arawn !
[11:03] Yann Dufaux: heya Simone!!! :))
[11:04] xstorm Radek: i had a sim crash running my sculpty tool
[11:04] Yann Dufaux: i'm appy of see you! :)
[11:04] xstorm Radek: it was fun
[11:04] Kitto Flora: Works for me
[11:04] Andrew Linden: Where is the booth Arawn?
[11:04] Andrew Linden: ah, the green thing
[11:04] Rex Cronon: u have 2 rotate it a little:)
[11:04] Yann Dufaux: Simon, oups sorry!! LOL
[11:05] Simon Linden: ah, I was wondering where Simone was :)
[11:05] Andrew Linden: ok, I'll try to sit on the booth. The outer edge I take it?
[11:05] Yann Dufaux: Hehehe
[11:05] xstorm Radek: he he he he
[11:05] Arawn Spitteler: You're able to sit? I wasn't
[11:06] Yann Dufaux: i,m habitued to see simone, and noelle with CT project :)
[11:06] Keith Tungsten: keith tungsten
[11:06] Andrew Linden: something is standing me up again
[11:06] Arawn Spitteler: Did someone take a copy?
[11:06] xstorm Radek: yes 7 time
[11:07] Arawn Spitteler: We get stood, when someone takes a copy, but Sitting seems to've become a problem, in 1.25.6; I don't know if it's a sim dependant problem
[11:07] xstorm Radek: hi
[11:07] xstorm Radek: :-)
[11:07] Rex Cronon: hi
[11:07] Andrew Linden: oh right... taking a copy would unsit. I should fix that.
[11:07] xstorm Radek: hi Stev come have a chair
[11:07] Arawn Spitteler: For all I know, Sim Lag could be blocking hte ray casting.
[11:07] Yann Dufaux: hello andrew :)
[11:08] Andrew Linden: No, ray casting shouldnt be affected by ray casting.
[11:08] Andrew Linden: Note, one change post Havok4 is that you tend to sit closer to where you actually clicked on the object
[11:08] Morgaine Dinova: And that works very well too
[11:09] Andrew Linden: so if you take care with where you click you should be able to sit where you actually want
[11:09] Andrew Linden: but if you're sloppy and just click the object you may get oriented funny
[11:09] Moon Metty: when exactly is a surface not suitable to sit on?
[11:09] Keith Tungsten: mocha
[11:09] Andrew Linden: the "find a place to sit" code searches for an edge to sit on
[11:09] Andrew Linden: so you'll probably sit on the edge closest to where you clicked.
[11:09] Morgaine Dinova: I think those should be separate actions: sit(), and sitAtSelectedPosition()
[11:09] Simon Linden: Keith - you gotta go back to the platform for the next clues
[11:10] xstorm Radek: Keith the clues are very plane
[11:10] Andrew Linden: Announcements... do we have any?
[11:11] Arawn Spitteler: SVC-3945, I think it is, shows something borked in Sit, with 1.25.6. It seems more variable than in 1.25.0, on which I filed SVC-3411
[11:11] Arawn Spitteler:
[11:11] Andrew Linden: The only thing I've got to announce is that I'm still working on "object-parcel collision query" stuff for allowing land owners to be able to return stuff that overlaps their parcel.
[11:12] Arawn Spitteler: Make the parcel a virtual object?
[11:12] Andrew Linden: I think we may indeed have an override for "Linden Content", such that some Linden owned content is not returnable.
[11:12] Andrew Linden: Not 100% sure. That is still in discussion.
[11:12] Simon Linden: I had some info on 1.26 and the beta grid ... we had a few fixes applied over the weekend and yesterday, so it should be running OK there now
[11:13] Andrew Linden: but someone pointed out that Luna currently uses small parcels loaned out to Residents, while the mall is Linden owned.
[11:13] Morgaine Dinova: Andrew: how about making the non-returnable set user-defineable?
[11:13] Moon Metty: interesting Simon
[11:13] Kitto Flora: Depends how nasty the Linden ROW neighbors are
[11:13] Kitto Flora: If they get antsy - a lotta linden content could need rebuilding
[11:13] Andrew Linden: Morgaine, I'm adding a per-region switch on the "return on overlap" feature.
[11:14] Morgaine Dinova: Sure, but I meant, instead of treating Linden context as special, make the set extensible.
[11:14] Andrew Linden: Simon, are there recent bug fixes to discuss in server-1.26?
[11:14] Morgaine Dinova: And just populate the set with Linden only by default
[11:15] Andrew Linden: I would expect estate owners to want an "Estate content" override flag.
[11:15] Kitto Flora: More work for group flags?
[11:16] Andrew Linden: I think there was some bug about estate access lists or groups that were messed up in server-1.26. That was fixed this morning.
[11:16] Arawn Spitteler: Linden Content would generally be Linden as Estate Officer, as opposed to Linden as Parcel Owner or Linden as Server or Grid Owners
[11:16] Simon Linden: I don't know where the bug fix or release notes for 1.26 are, I'll ping someone and ask....
[11:16] Andrew Linden: Alas, there is a special hard-coded whitelist of Linden's whose objects are "Linden Content"
[11:17] Andrew Linden: I wonder if that whitelist is active in private estates... I'll have to check.
[11:17] Simon Linden:
[11:17] Andrew Linden: But Governor Linden, and others who have built content for Linden in the past are on that list.
[11:17] Kitto Flora: Andrew: does that linden list work by owner's name?
[11:17] Yann Dufaux: i have tested an thing about other bugs yesterday, but i don,t know where is fixed ^^
[11:18] Andrew Linden: We should probably move all of their content to be owned by Governor (and Cyan Linden for Teen SL) and then clear out that big long whitelist.
[11:18] Andrew Linden: Kitto, the whitelist works by owner_id, so it is a list of their id's.
[11:18] Kitto Flora: THousands of objects?
[11:18] Arawn Spitteler: Isn't the Governor a Waldo?
[11:19] Kitto Flora: I have been looking at stuff on Linden Land - group Maintainance - and the object owners are a whole array of Lindens.
[11:19] Kitto Flora: The objects are in group Maintenance of course
[11:20] Morgaine Dinova: Array of Lindens is all well and good, but we wants arrays in LSL :-)
[11:20] Andrew Linden: I think that whitelist is something that needs to be cleaned up eventually, but not too high priority.
[11:21] Arawn Spitteler'd lik to expand the Access Lists, to allow and deny group and country buyilds, mostly so that merchants won't need more than 25 groups
[11:21] Andrew Linden: Arrays in LSL. I'd much rather have a llpython version of the scripting language. It would have arrays be default.
[11:21] Kitto Flora: Seing how long it takes anything in infrastructure to get fixed - even when severly broken, that could take centuries.
[11:21] Morgaine Dinova: Andrew++
[11:21] Andrew Linden: Indeed Kitto.
[11:21] Andrew Linden: Although if you believe some of the futurists we should hit the singularity before 2050.
[11:22] Morgaine Dinova: You can't hit the singularity, by definition ;-)
[11:22] Arawn Spitteler: Is thee a way of searching the objects of a particular owner? It sounds like a good map feature, for lost balloon vehicles.
[11:22] Kitto Flora: Really! Humm - taht would prove that motion exceeding lightspeed is possible!
[11:22] Rex Cronon: arrays are such a simple structure, but so hard to implement?
[11:22] Kitto Flora: Not here though - you'd crash first :)
[11:23] Andrew Linden: Well.. you can hit the singularity under one theory... it just means the theory breaks down and you need a new more correct one.
[11:23] Arawn Spitteler: Light travels at the speed of Space Creation, and actually has a wide variable
[11:23] Morgaine Dinova: Nah, trivial to implement, I've done it in several languages. And Don Linden had arrays already working in LSL, 3 years ago. But that's how things happen in LL, projects mysteriously get dropped.
[11:23] Andrew Linden: So if the paradigm shift is big enough then it is a singularity from the initial theory.
[11:24] Kitto Flora: Are you talking singularity - as in black-hole?
[11:24] Andrew Linden: Hrm... I don't remember Don's arrays, but I'd believe that he had them worked out.
[11:24] Andrew Linden: I'll ask him what happened.
[11:24] Morgaine Dinova: Kitto: nah, the futurist singularity, as in Vernor Vinge
[11:25] Simon Linden: As in Skynet's TP problems are solved, and it takes over?
[11:25] Andrew Linden: Actually, I was talking singularities in general. Black holes and infinite masses of electrons in early QED
[11:25] Morgaine Dinova: Heh
[11:25] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Andrew Linden 23:53, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
[11:26] Arawn Spitteler doesn't recall if an object would actually slow to the speed of light, when falling into a black star, but seems to recall the experiments used to be a lot of fun: are we talking about AD2012?
[11:26] xstorm Radek: then you get sucked in by it
[11:26] Andrew Linden: The rule of thumb is... if you ask a theory a question and it answers you with a singularity, then you have a bad theory.
[11:26] Moon Metty: :)
[11:26] Morgaine Dinova: As happened with all attempts to unify the other forces with gravity.
[11:26] Kitto Flora: The problem here is more about the singularity of group permissions
[11:27] Morgaine Dinova: :-)
[11:27] Andrew Linden: Er... nto a "bad" theory, but one that breaks down. You need a better theory to answer the question.
[11:27] Keith Tungsten: That would be " is happening" as grvity is still not unified.
[11:27] Arawn Spitteler: Gravity is simply a gradient of retardation around administrators and other cumbersome objects
[11:27] Andrew Linden: But, on to SL matters... anyone have questions or issues?
[11:27] Moon Metty: what's happening with emails?
[11:27] Kitto Flora: Maybe andrew's Linden Encroachment problem and an emerging multi-sim vehicle problems could be dealt with by the same solution?
[11:28] Arawn Spitteler wonders how to conjoin SVC-3945 wiht SVC-22
[11:28] Morgaine Dinova: Wow, 22?
[11:28] Andrew Linden: SVC-22 is a region crossing bug, as I recall.
[11:28] Simon Linden: I'd like to mine the office hour transcripts someday and chart how long it takes SVC-22 to come up :)
[11:28] Arawn Spitteler: Could SVC-22 be handled, if encroaching objects were allowed the time to prove themselves non-temp?
[11:30] Andrew Linden looks up SVC-22 to refresh his memory.
[11:30] Simon Linden: "Parcel restrictions inappropriately applied to vehicles on border crossings."
[11:30] Andrew Linden: Yeah, the problem is that the parcel restrictions in the other region are not transferred properly to the current region.
[11:31] Andrew Linden: So there is a check that needs to be done on the simulator before the vehicle + avatar crosses, but the simulator doesn't even have the information that it needs for the logic.
[11:31] Andrew Linden: So we have to add that info to some message, or add a new communication message, and then add the logic.
[11:32] Moon Metty: it's not something that is updated often
[11:32] Moon Metty: only on the connecting of the regions
[11:32] Kitto Flora: The sim needs a table of data about what lies beyond its borders?
[11:32] Arawn Spitteler: It seems the avatar is the only datum that knows of the sitting relationship.
[11:33] Andrew Linden: yeah, the access info can change, and we'd have to catch that event and update across the border, or else just retransmit the info at some interval
[11:33] Kitto Flora: Sounds like a sim needs to build a table about perms at its border lines
[11:33] Kitto Flora: and adjoing sims need to read that
[11:33] Andrew Linden: In short, I could fix it if I had time to devote to it.
[11:34] Morgaine Dinova: Sitting is such a bizarre concept. I really don't know how we're going to get that into the MMOX protocol.
[11:34] Morgaine Dinova: Random action on object I guess, non-portable.
[11:35] Arawn Spitteler doesn't want to open this page but, is the lsl_guide lost? \
[11:35] Andrew Linden: here's an issue... what do you think about L$0 transactions? Should L$0 transactions be allowed? Do they have utility?
[11:35] xstorm Radek: LSL is old script will it matter ?
[11:36] Arawn Spitteler: L$0 Purchases are used to deistribute freebies, and class packs
[11:36] xstorm Radek: yes please keep L$0
[11:36] Moon Metty: the ability to pay 0L$ ...
[11:36] Kitto Flora: L$0 transactions are the only way for residents to transfer in-world assets
[11:36] Andrew Linden: Someone added an internal jira to disallow L$0 transactions
[11:36] xstorm Radek: what ?
[11:36] Moon Metty: o_O
[11:36] Andrew Linden: I think there is a debate going on about it... but they aren't carrying it out in the comments of the bug. hrm.
[11:36] xstorm Radek: thats crazy
[11:36] Morgaine Dinova: Andrew: I'm pretty sure $0 currency exchanges are going into a generic MMOX protocol, so you'd better keep them :-)
[11:37] xstorm Radek: inder what grounds ?
[11:37] Kitto Flora: And LSL-guide download - *NEVER* used it -always used the web-accessed stuff
[11:37] Rex Cronon: money linden:)
[11:37] Arawn Spitteler: The ability to pay L$0 is only a problem, because only 3rd Party Viewers would kknow about the possibility. It should probably be mentioned in the Wikis
[11:37] Kitto Flora: It was waste of d/l space
[11:37] Andrew Linden: Didn't we remove the downloaded LSL guide already?
[11:37] Opensource Obscure: you did.
[11:37] xstorm Radek: they have no real base for having it removed
[11:38] Morgaine Dinova: Zero is the only value that is portable across currencies </chuckle>
[11:38] Andrew Linden: Yeah, that is what I thought. James Linden did that.
[11:38] Opensource Obscure: -
[11:38] xstorm Radek: :-S
[11:38] Arawn Spitteler: I've still got an LSL Guide, but it might be from previous downloads
[11:38] Opensource Obscure: here's an out-of-date mirror
[11:38] Kitto Flora: <--- Best LSL guide
[11:38] Opensource Obscure: i never i used but i thought an 'official' documentation was cool to have.
[11:39] Andrew Linden: Ok, so what are the main reasons for keeping L$0 transactions? I'll list your arguments in the discussion.
[11:39] Opensource Obscure: is it up-to-date, Kitto?
[11:39] xstorm Radek: yes it is
[11:39] Kitto Flora: Yes
[11:39] Kitto Flora: AFAIK
[11:39] xstorm Radek: yes please
[11:39] Moon Metty: what is the main reason for removing 0L$ transactions?
[11:39] Andrew Linden: Let me check...
[11:40] Arawn Spitteler: Pay L$0 could be useful, if the Viewers could use them.
[11:40] Morgaine Dinova: Andrew: token currency exchange to update virtual wallets with peer names
[11:40] Kitto Flora: L$0 transactions are the *ONLY* way for residents to transfer ownership of in-situ content.
[11:40] Arawn Spitteler: Touch for instructions; Pay L$0 for gifts
[11:40] xstorm Radek: thats right
[11:40] Andrew Linden: Woops, I followed the wrong link. There is a long discussion ensuing in the comments.
[11:40] Kitto Flora: Or is the proposal that it must be a L$1 transaction?
[11:40] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Andrew Linden 23:53, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
[11:40] Arawn Spitteler'd like a Buy event, to help with accounting
[11:40] Morgaine Dinova: Andrew: credit card companies already use token value charging to check that a card "works"
[11:41] Morgaine Dinova: So it's important for interop
[11:41] Andrew Linden: Here is the opening argument:
[11:41] Andrew Linden: A L$0 payment isn't meaningful, and can only really tickle LSL bugs. For example, there is a common rental box that tells users to set the quarterly and annual rates to L$0 to "disable" them. You can guess what the buggy script does here.
[11:41] xstorm Radek: not true
[11:42] xstorm Radek: i see it on account data
[11:42] xstorm Radek: and account history
[11:42] Arawn Spitteler: I can't seem to give you nothing, as a pay option, but I understand that's a Viewer Limitation. Could someone link that SVC to a New Feature for the Browser?
[11:42] Morgaine Dinova: I think it's totally meaningful. No less meaningful than two transactions for the same amount in opposite directions.
[11:42] xstorm Radek: plus xstreet use it all the time
[11:42] Kitto Flora: I do not recall ever seeing a LSL bug in 0$ transactions
[11:42] Andrew Linden: I think scripts can currently send L$0, but the default SL viewer does not allow sending L$0... it just drops such transactions as no-ops (I believe).
[11:42] xstorm Radek: nope
[11:42] Arawn Spitteler: Until it's cdocumented, it's a security issue, but sellers should already be examining whether the offering is sufficient
[11:43] xstorm Radek: no bug just bad programmers
[11:43] Rex Cronon: why is a issue?
[11:43] Kitto Flora: A L$0 transaction is a 'free gift' - theres no other way to make an automated free gift
[11:43] Kitto Flora: Er - non-automated
[11:43] Morgaine Dinova: I don't see how x += L$0 can even generate a bug.
[11:43] Andrew Linden: Cg Linden is campaigning that L$0 transactions should be allowed by the viewer. It should be opened as a supported feature.
[11:44] Kitto Flora: Why is someone wasting valuable linden time trying to break a feature that works just fine?
[11:44] Andrew Linden: Here is another argument:
[11:44] Andrew Linden: My argument against adding L$0 support to the viewer (instead of removing it from the server) would be that we encourage people to start habitually accepting whatever is set in a payment dialog. Ten L$0 requests followed by a L$100 is an easy trick.
[ Show » ]
Soft Linden added a comment - 2009/Mar/17 08:50 AM My argument against adding L$0 support to the viewer (instead of removing it from the server) would be that we encourage people to start habitually accepting whatever is set in a payment dialog. Ten L$0 requests followed by a L$100 is an easy trick.
[11:44] Arawn Spitteler: Never a shot wasted in target practice
[11:44] Andrew Linden: oops
[11:45] Andrew Linden: I forgot that copying from jira adds that hidden meta data.
[11:45] Moon Metty: heehee
[11:45] Morgaine Dinova: Andrew: weak argument I think. It applies just as well to many L$1 payments, followwed by L$100
[11:46] Kitto Flora: Er - is this really about changing the mecanism for what makes the L$0 transaction (sim - v - viewer) ?
[11:46] Opensource Obscure: FWIW personally I think it's convincing
[11:46] Andrew Linden: Yes, someone made that argument already, but really... you're much more likely to refuse a L$1 payment than a L$0 one.
[11:47] xstorm Radek: ok lets put another spin on it
[11:47] xstorm Radek: lets do away with all the free accounts
[11:47] Rex Cronon: if somebody harases u with pyments u mute them:)
[11:47] Rex Cronon: simple solution:)
[11:47] Morgaine Dinova: I don't like exceptions which are not obviously harmful, it's arbitrary. And L$0 is actually useful.
[11:48] xstorm Radek: the 0$L is in line of thinking as the free account system
[11:48] Saijanai Kuhn: well that is annoying. My new password works for logging into the world, but not the wiki. But my old password doesn't work either
[11:48] Andrew Linden: simple logic solutions like that tend to be insufficient, in my experience
[11:48] Andrew Linden: there are often corner cases that they cut out
[11:48] Kitto Flora: Er - is this really about changing the mecanism for what makes the L$0 transaction (sim - v - viewer) ?
[11:48] Arawn Spitteler: File a WEB Jira
[11:49] xstorm Radek: doing away with the $L0 is in turn doing away with the free account system
[11:49] Andrew Linden: Kitto, could you elaborate on that question? Or rephrase it? I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.
[11:49] Morgaine Dinova: Well I agree, remove corner cases wherever possible. I.e make L$0 a normal currency value, everywhere, no exceptions.
[11:50] Twisted Laws: i think 0 payments should be automatic by viewer
[11:50] Kitto Flora: In this discussion about L$0 transactions - there have been mentions of 'doing it in the viewer'... which seems to imply someone really want to move the op from the Sim to the viewer
[11:51] Arawn Spitteler: Would that e in lne with P2P? It might be part of the commercial algorhythm lab
[11:51] Morgaine Dinova: The only problem here seems to be that one viewer has a special case programmed in, totally inappropriately.
[11:51] Andrew Linden: No, we wouldn't move the code that authenticates the money transactions to the viewer. I don't think this is about that.
[11:51] Andrew Linden: However, we are working on moving most (all?) money transactions out of the simulator and into some distributed web services.
[11:51] Andrew Linden: I
[11:51] Twisted Laws: i mean it just doesn't show the dialog
[11:51] Andrew Linden: I've mentioned that project in the past. Internally it is called "Rad Chilies"
[11:52] Kitto Flora: So - give the usefulness of L$0 sales - why does someone want to disable them?
[11:52] Morgaine Dinova: lol
[11:52] Rex Cronon: let me get this straight. somebody made a borked script, and now to fix it u have to remvoe 0L$ transactions. lol
[11:52] Andrew Linden: Only for those reasons I posted. I was just curious to see what you all throught.
[11:52] xstorm Radek: ok the web billing systems is still not that good
[11:52] Andrew Linden: My guess is that eliminating L$0 transactions will not fly... there is already content that relies on it.
[11:53] xstorm Radek: i hate to think of all the new errors that will happen
[11:53] Kitto Flora: Those reasons make no sense to me. The ability to transfer content inworld as a free gift makes huge sense.
[11:53] xstorm Radek: true
[11:53] Andrew Linden: er... by web services I mean a REST-ful protocol that goes over HTTP or something, rather than our legacy UDP messages that the simulator speaks
[11:54] Morgaine Dinova: It won't work for interop either. Interop viewers will certainly remove any special cases like that and treat a currency value of 0 as normal, is my guess.
[11:54] Kitto Flora: Huh?
[11:54] xstorm Radek: no i hope HTTPS
[11:54] Andrew Linden: REST is some category of protocols that have certain qualities. I forget what it stands for.
[11:54] xstorm Radek: not HTTP
[11:54] Kitto Flora: Do transactions use UDP?
[11:54] Andrew Linden: yeah, HTTPS sorry.
[11:54] Morgaine Dinova: Representational State Transfer
[11:54] xstorm Radek: there is no safe way over a HTTP system
[11:54] Saijanai Kuhn: plain ole webpage-like transactions = REST
[11:55] Andrew Linden: I'm going to have to leave at 12:00, since I have a meeting that follows this one.
[11:55] Morgaine Dinova: xstorm: yeah, it's HTTPS
[11:55] Andrew Linden: Anyone have last minute questions or issues they've been saving up?
[11:55] Opensource Obscure: are questions about Camera in-topic here? I'd like a comment about - request of new feature - option to center the draw distance around the camera, not the avatar
[11:56] Morgaine Dinova: The camera's a mess. I think I'll work on that in Imprudence.
[11:56] Opensource Obscure: oo
[11:56] Andrew Linden: I think VWR-11781 is more to do with what we call the "interestlist"
[11:56] Kitto Flora: Andrew: Please think about ability to add groups to a parcel as 'allowed' objects - that would fix the linden encroachment problem, and also the problems residents get with vehicles.
[11:56] Andrew Linden: which is the logic on the simulator that figures out what info to send
[11:57] Andrew Linden: the viewer far-clip already follows the camera
[11:57] Twisted Laws: changing to camera would introduce all sorts of permissions wars, i think
[11:57] Morgaine Dinova: Too many things coupled together in the camera behaviour, that need factoring out and separately enabling. And the code as a bunch of annoying free camera reset in it, legacy stuff.
[11:57] Opensource Obscure: A problem I found is that if I want to see a whole region with the Flycam, I have to move around my avatar too, because Draw Distance starts from the avatar's position - not the camera's one .. apparently
[11:57] Arawn Spitteler: Is Interest List in the Wiki?
[11:57] Andrew Linden: but if you wander far from your avatar the interestlist doesn't necessarily adjust for relative visibility
[11:58] Saijanai Kuhn: there's a page for it, but its pretty much blank
[11:58] Andrew Linden: no Arawn, the interestlist is some pretty old internal code in the server
[11:58] Arawn Spitteler might even have stubbed it
[11:58] Kitto Flora: Open: Advanced/ Dsable Camera Constraints
[11:58] Opensource Obscure: 'the interestlist doesn't necessarily adjust for relative visibility' -> and do you think this could be changed/improved with a reasonable amount of work?
[11:58] Morgaine Dinova: More controls are needed too, there's no way of using a camera pivot with it moving the center of the screen with it. Pile of things
[11:58] Andrew Linden: Hrm... draw distance could be changed... it should follow the camera I think
[11:59] Andrew Linden: but I would guess that the simulator might not send data that is far away from your avatar.
[11:59] Arawn Spitteler: Extenmsible Draw Distance?
[11:59] Opensource Obscure: no kitto , I already disabled constraints, the problems is objects disappear if you 'fix' the camera and then move your avatar far away
[11:59] xstorm Radek: moving the cam to far from your av may unlink you from your Av and may maker errors
[11:59] Opensource Obscure: i'm going to make a video about this
[11:59] Moon Metty: only in the Z direction drawdistance is used
[11:59] Andrew Linden: (In any case, the topic is certainly within the range of what we cover here)
[11:59] Kitto Flora: Open: OK ... true
[11:59] xstorm Radek: this can even make ghosting
[11:59] Moon Metty: foe smaller objects
[11:59] Morgaine Dinova: Follow another big issue. Really the viewer lags badly in that area. EverQuest's viewer had 5 different camera modes 10 years ago.
[11:59] Morgaine Dinova: Follow is*
[12:00] Kitto Flora: Andrew: Please think about ability to add groups to a parcel as 'allowed' objects - that would fix the linden encroachment problem, and also the problems residents get with vehicles.
[12:00] Arawn Spitteler: Groups as allowed objects?
[12:00] Andrew Linden: I'm not sure I understand what you mean Kitto.
[12:00] Andrew Linden: Do you have a jira proposal somewhere?
[12:00] Andrew Linden: Or perhaps you can send me an email with more details. I've got to run.
[12:00] Kitto Flora: Parcels are in one group
[12:00] Andrew Linden: Thanks for coming everyone.
[12:01] Morgaine Dinova: Thanks Andrew
[12:01] Opensource Obscure: thanks Andrew and Simon
[12:01] Opensource Obscure: bye all
[12:01] Rex Cronon: bye andrew
[12:01] xstorm Radek: i must go too
[12:01] Moon Metty: see you soon Andrew!
[12:01] Kitto Flora: Well - whenever you want it explained...
[12:01] Rex Cronon: bye e3verybody
[12:01] Morgaine Dinova: See you Simon