User:SignpostMarv Martin/MMOX/SL actions

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Revision as of 03:08, 22 April 2009 by SignpostMarv Martin (talk | contribs) (initial work on SL Actions)
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Residents, via their avatars, can move via locomotion or teleportation. objects and scripts can also affect the location of a Resident's avatar.


  • walk/run
  • fly

Residents can walk/run via their avatars, although access can be restricted by:

  • Parcel access control
  • Region access control
  • Solid Objects obstructing direct access
    • obstructions can be bypassed by achieving sufficient velocity to force their avatar through the obstruction
      • Usually requires flight to be enabled on the parcel
      • Usually requires script-assisted flight
    • obstructions can be bypassed by causing the avatar to sit on an object, then modifying the position properties of said object, alighting from the object once the obstruction has been passed.


Residents can move from place to place, unassisted by assets, without appearing to occupy the space between each place in the process.

  • Teleportation can be triggered manually (action evoked by the Resident via the UI)
  • Teleportation can be triggered by scripts via llMapDestination
  • Teleportation can be triggered by system override (God Summon)

Teleportation can be deliberately prevented in a few ways:

  • destination Parcel access control
  • destination Region access control
  • system override of inter-region teleportation (Resident does not have ability/permission to leave region)

Although not technically teleportation, Residents can move between parcels and regions by terminating their session (logging out), then causing the user agent (SL Viewer) to use a different location (Home, Previous Location, Secondlife:// URL scheme, and manual input of a region & co-ordinates). Since the session is terminated to achieve this method, it is not considered a form of movement, but is still considered an action a Resident can take.