Revision as of 20:29, 29 September 2007 by Ppaatt Lynagh (talk | contribs) (let's demo combining llGetOwner with llMD5String to choose by owner)
Perhaps we should explain how to choose by owner ... either in this article or linked nearby ...
For example, to choose between 0 and 99 inclusive, making the same choice for the same owner every time while yet likely making a different choice for any few owners, is:
integer byOwner(integer beyond) { string nybbles = llMD5String(llGetOwner(), 0); string literal = "0x" + llGetSubString(nybbles, -8, -1); integer choice = (integer) literal; return (choice % beyond); } default { state_entry() { llOwnerSay((string) byOwner(100)); } }
See also: 32bit_Hash