User:Wayne Blachere

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Revision as of 05:18, 25 November 2007 by Wayne Blachere (talk | contribs)
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Hello My Name Is Wayne Blachere, in RL I am from Stillwater, Oklahoma. I have been with SL for about a lil over 10 months. how about your self?

Just a breif outlook about my self being in SL for 10 months i found the pitfalls.

1.) Greifers. 2.) Being Agravating to many people! 3.) Learning how to get along. 4.) looking for SL relationships 5.) Mending those old relationships between people alike piper oppewall! 6.) Learning i could do more good for SL than i thought i could * Second Life Mentor Status. 7.) Actually learning how to build things.

Well if you want to meet me in-world and figure some more out about me just go to the search button tap people tab at the top, then search for wayne blachere.

Message me and we will have a discussion if i perhaps am on at the same time you are!

BTW, My SL Fiance's name is SexyLady Flagstaff. BTW, I love her to death you mess with her your messing with me understood? as long as that was a yes. then your welcome to speak to her too!