User talk:DanielRavenNest Noe
Collars and adult content
Hi Daniel!
I got a question related to adult content and since you seem to be very well versed and up-to-date on that I wanted to ask if you'd know anything specific. My question is related to the collar article. Specificly the last sentence where I state that it's not sure, whether or not specific collars are counted amongs adult content or not. The root of that remark is, that a friend of mine - who build collars with certain scripts (like OpenColar and XCite) - was asked to remove them from one of his stores in a mall. Do you know anything specific and could add it to the article if you do so? Would be kewl :-)
Thanks for all the hard work you're putting in the adult content documentation! Way to go!
Greetz, (talk|contribs) 00:22, 29 June 2009 (UTC)