User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2007-11-30

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Revision as of 13:21, 3 December 2007 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: == 6 AM == Shady Fox shouts: Torley!<br> '''Torley Linden:''' Friendly greetings!<br> Psyra Extraordinaire: Torleh!<br> '''Torley Linden:''' Heee hee, hello everyone!<br> Patchouli Woollah...)
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6 AM

Shady Fox shouts: Torley!
Torley Linden: Friendly greetings!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Torleh!
Torley Linden: Heee hee, hello everyone!
Patchouli Woollahra: wewt wewt!
JetZep Zabelin: hi Torley =)
Ryder Dryke: heya torley!
Heiko Decatur: god Shady I never considered that
Patchouli Woollahra: psyra: I could use some of that cold.
Torley Linden: I'm waiting to fully rez in, good to see you all here already!
Shady Fox: Hey, no kicking lindens off their own platform.
Chase Marellan: morning all
Patchouli Woollahra: how was turkey last week?
Ryder Dryke: wow torley ... are you a insect eating plant?
Torley Linden: Hahahah I am plantlife anthropomorphized, fo' sho. I'm a DRYAD!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: hi everyone
Psyra Extraordinaire: Sundude dryad. :D
Torley Linden: And turkey was very good thanks but I feel kinda guilty that there are actual living turkeys that come by.
Monalisa Robbiani: good afternoon:))
JetZep Zabelin: wow what a psychadelic setting this is
Flea Bussy gave you Venus Flytrap Dryad (Female).
Heiko Decatur: heh and that thats the dryad thats surpose to be not as popular :)
Torley Linden: Ooh Flea Bussy just sent me more kewl dryads.
Flea Bussy gave you Venus Flytrap Dryad (Male).
Shady Fox: Heh.
Torley Linden: How's everyone?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Foofeh.
Torley Linden: TURTLE TURTLE!
Patchouli Woollahra: torley: there are some parts of america where peopel arebegging hunters to shoot the godammed turkeys.
Heiko Decatur: green :)
Torley Linden: So many great avatars!
Patchouli Woollahra: also: please.
Monalisa Robbiani: hihi *giggle*
JetZep Zabelin: XLNT
Shady Fox hasn't gotten to hang out with Torley for ages.
Ryder Dryke: i just feel bad to be normal :))
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lol
Patchouli Woollahra: first full build here. it does silly stuff if you leave it to afk.
Chase Marellan: ha
Torley Linden waits for everyone to rez...
Heiko Decatur: silly stuff?
Eriq Rosca: lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've noticed since getting windlight that swapping between the clients causes my cache to empty when switching, so I have to waaaaaait every time. Rarr.
Torley Linden: Such a colorful assortment of characters today.
Shady Fox: heh. Torley is in obsure group mode with that title.
Torley Linden: LOL Shady, yes, it doesn't say very much eh?
Torley Linden: I was testing group bugs...
Torley Linden: specifically, one where you join a group, but it does NOT show up in your Groups tab.
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'Second Life Belongs to Torley Linden'
Flea Bussy: no, it's perfect, he obviously owns. duh!
Torley Linden: Tab, er, list.
Shady Fox: Are group bugs crunchy?
Torley Linden: LOL that message cracks me up Psyra.
JetZep Zabelin: i had that bug
Aleks Castaignede: Hi Torley
Torley Linden: Hahaha Flea.
Monalisa Robbiani: hi sergey
Torley Linden: That group bug is definitely reproducible and limited to certain groups. Nevertheless, as it sounds like, it's a pain.
Sergey Wollongong: hello everyone
Ryder Dryke: hi sergey
Heiko Decatur: Hello
Torley Linden: I'm so glad each and all of you could visit me today! We all look so great in WindLight... and if you're using WindLight, download the update that came out yesterday.
Heiko Decatur: ooh your prefsets are fun too
Ryder Dryke: yes torley thanks for windlight ... my butt is much more sexier now *LOL*
Torley Linden: Haha "WindLight: makes butts sexier".
Torley Linden: Oh thanks for trying them out Heiko!
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: its ok on my maclap but my pc desktop has decided that windlight is too powerful
Shady Fox: Yeah.. that Windlight update still has teh invisible av bug... you know, the one you have to change groups to make them appear.
Ryder Dryke: yes .make a notice :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Not currently in windlight, it seems to enjoy not loading some prims in it. Which is a bit grumpening, I got a slideshow to make! :(
Aleks Castaignede: makes evry one sexier hehehehe
Flea Bussy: yeah, wait'll ya see what psyra's been cookin' heeheehee
Torley Linden: Shady: Hmmm I haven't seen *that* invisible av bug but there's another which happens at high heights where changing groups didn't help me.
Heiko Decatur gave you Grendel's Children Chameleon - mellon.
Torley Linden: Oooh a Chameleon av, I'll have to try that soon! I like those lizards!
Heiko Decatur: that explains why the people in the build vanish
Heiko Decatur: build box even
Torley Linden: There's also an occlusion bug which made avatars invisible from time to time...
Torley Linden: Hey Prospero!
Prospero Linden: Hey!
Prospero Linden waits for everybody to rez.....
Shady Fox: Does the karma cameleon have independant eye movement?
Shady Fox: :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: Allooalloo.
Torley Linden: WindLight open bug list, I look at it daily @ but if there's any particular hot issues in dire need of more attention let me know.
Torley Linden: We also have WindLight office hours on Tues. and Thurs. (times are on that WindLight wiki page).
Flea Bussy: and don't forget to vote on that jira no less
Shady Fox: Heeeere leezard leezard leezard!
Heiko Decatur: of course :)
Harleen Gretzky: I'm using WindLight with Benjamin's Dazzle patch :)
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i keep losing the water with my mac
Torley Linden: Harleen: Ah yes I have yet to use Dazzle patch on the latest WindLight.
Torley Linden: Glad to hear you're doing that, tho... I like having all these awesome features together.
Prospero Linden hums. "Voice didn't start up :/"
Ryder Dryke: torley i have a question on the awesome ocean water ... will there be a possibility to use those technique on normals prims to make prinwater more nice looking?
Torley Linden: Handmadeandroid: Is it water in specific regions? There's a bug where water height of > 20 m will cause it to disappear momentarily under a number of conditions.
JetZep Zabelin: loss of water level the sim looks like its on a drydock
Shady Fox: There's voice here? lol
Prospero Linden: Ryder : I asked the Windlight people the same thing a couple of weeks ago :)
Torley Linden: Oh sorry Prospero I had voice turned off awhile ago here while testing, and never turned it back on 'cuz I haven't done voice office hours.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: its a private sim and the water i set to 20m
Prospero Linden: Answer : they've thought about it. But it brings up a bunch of hard issues.
Ryder Dryke: propero: what did they say? :)
Psyra Extraordinaire hmm. 'WindLight: Default underwater fog is too thick & murky' ... actually, unless you are in the tropics, it's perfect. :D
Flea Bussy: it's bad enough torley has to read what we type
Ryder Dryke: ah
Ryder Dryke: well ... then go for it! :)
Torley Linden: LOL Flea, you're too funny.
Prospero Linden: torley : I keep forgetting that voice has an icon for "enabled", not "disabled" like everything else :)
Ryder Dryke: since windlight ... my primwater looks crappy :((
Torley Linden: Haha Psyra.
Prospero Linden: Flea : howdy!
Torley Linden: Prospero: Yeah, that one's flipped!
Flea Bussy: heyooo
JetZep Zabelin: Underwater is too dark
Psyra Extraordinaire: Turn voice on and suddenly there'll be 20-30 people trying to talk at once. :>
Shady Fox: Is there an official Watermelon language yet? :D
Prospero Linden: I don't know if we've met, but I sometimes wear your avatars. :)
Torley Linden: I know there've been other approaches to prim water too, like animated sculpties...
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: yeah i had to completely change all the water too
Torley Linden: Shady: Not yet but keep speaking and it may originate.
Prospero Linden: Psyra : you too, I think.
Heiko Decatur: melon melon melon mel-on?
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'Melonigna', the secret code machine stolen back by U571.
Torley Linden: Haha now that sounds like the start of a promising cartoon series!
Psyra Extraordinaire: *Melonigma
Eriq Rosca: hahahah
Prospero Linden is only half paying atteniton here because he's off chasing crashed regions in another window.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hee hee, hello. :>
Shady Fox lags and brings up Wikipedia. :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: RL has its storm chasers, SL has its crash chasers.
Prospero Linden: Except RL storm chasers don't try to stop the storm :)
Heiko Decatur: chasing them is probably what caused them to crash, check if its shoe laces were tied
Torley Linden: Riders of the storm... wait, isn't that a The Doors song?
Torley Linden: Prospero has teh mad grid skillz!
Shady Fox: Crashchaser Bob: We're in the thick of things now! Got a class 5 sim stopper just over the next.... <zap>
Psyra Extraordinaire: Master of Hamsters!
Monalisa Robbiani: i tried windlight today and i was wondering if there will be a setting to set daylight brightness... it all seems overexposed to me
Flea Bussy: Imagine if they were happy skills.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: yes i agree monalisa its veruy bright
Flea Bussy: you can adjust the gamma of the windlight, there's multiple ambient sliders
Moard Ling grumbles about forced updates and my computer no longer reaches minimum requirements
Flea Bussy: advanced light tabs open those options up
Torley Linden: Monalisa: Ah, long story short, we are continuing to adjust that. There will be some fixes so it's not so washed-out.
Monalisa Robbiani: but that would be client side only`?
Shady Fox: Durn eject chairs!
Psyra Extraordinaire: I noticed that the brightness is all settable in the environment editor.
Torley Linden: Long story Monalisa, also see:
Monalisa Robbiani: great to hear:) i also didnt like the way my prim attachments look:)
Heiko Decatur: there are varios settings in the advanced sky tab that alter that, but you can also adjust theoverall gamma in prefences
Psyra Extraordinaire: And you can turn down the exposure to compensate.
Prospero Linden: Yeah, I think ti's a bit overexposed too. You can fix it with gamma, but gamma is very touchy.
Torley Linden: We're going to modify the default day cycle but when WindLight goes server-side, estate owners can make their own day cycles.
Ryder Dryke: i think this will be solved then the light settings are set per region
Flea Bussy: FIX IT WITH GAMMA: Today!
Torley Linden: Some people will want to have that overexposure...
Prospero Linden: What makes me sad is all the dramatic shading really points out that the Linden trees are just a pair of intersecting planes :)
Shady Fox: Gamera! Full of meat!
Torley Linden: so we give them that *choice*.
Prospero Linden: I put in a "waaah waaah waaaah" internal JIRA on that.
Heiko Decatur: gamma rays fix everything
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: is there no way a property could be added to the build menu to set prims as water, so the reflection is right?
Torley Linden: Hahaha Prospero yeah the "cardboard cutout" one, I think Tofu worked on that yesterday...
Torley Linden: so yeah, Linden trees will hopefully look NOT SO FLAT!
Moard Ling: Is it true Windlight was sponsored by the Face Light Inc.
Monalisa Robbiani: it fits for a desert environvent
Torley Linden: Agrhrrhrhrhrh FLAT TREES.
Prospero Linden: Is Tofu in the Windlight team? I didn't know that.
Torley Linden: Prospero: Not formally but he's helped us here and theres with stuffs!
Prospero Linden: Cool beans
Psyra Extraordinaire: Wiggle wiggle
Prospero Linden: I know he's a major client guy. I think of him as "The Linux Guy".
Flea Bussy: wiggle wiggle
Prospero Linden: He was one of the Lindens whose role I knew well before I was a Linden myself :)
Shady Fox: Bill Nye, the Client Guy.
Heiko Decatur: mits a bit like amerlot, its really a carboard cutout
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Torley Linden: Oh that's a cool origin Prospero.
Truewind Ferraris: lol hey
Torley Linden: *likes origin stories*
Heiko Decatur: camletot even
Heiko Decatur: ...close enough
Prospero Linden has the following origin story : (x,y,z) = (0,0,0)
Torley Linden: Hahah we're so punny.
Eriq Rosca: lmfao
Psyra Extraordinaire: It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out! A door slammed. The maid screamed. Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the horizon! While millions of people were starving, the king lived in luxury. Meanwhile, on a small farm in Kansas, a boy was growing up...
Moard Ling: What no eigne vectors
Prospero Linden: Snoopy!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ooooo, someone got the reference. :D
Flea Bussy: No, prospero, thats what happens when you login. and all your prims thrust into your pelvis, and stay lodged there. it's primstipation!
Prospero Linden: Moard : I had a cat naemd 1/sqrt(2) |Zap> + 1/sqrt(2) |Dart>
Monalisa Robbiani: *ROTFLMAO*
Torley Linden: New words born by the hour.
Prospero Linden: primstipation! That's a great name for it!
Torley Linden: That's gonna prompt some unpleasant visual images!
Torley Linden: o.O
Moard Ling: homogenus cat !
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Heiko Decatur: and snapshots
Prospero Linden: I've heard it called "crotch prim"
Aleks Castaignede: torley will you be here 2pm today??
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lol
Chase Marellan: I've got one of my hair and my shoe in my crotch
Shady Fox: Torley, whatever you do, don't look this way.
Torley Linden: Aleks, yes I will.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: ring prim
Heiko Decatur: they have a cream for that now
Flea Bussy: 'This is you. And this is you once you enter a new region. Don't be a fool, prevent primstipation by disabling your bling today!'
Psyra Extraordinaire: Primmorhoids.
Torley Linden: Oh, the dreaded "hair in butt" or "attachments in butt" bug?
Prospero Linden: I've only had primstipation once myself.
Prospero Linden: I've bene lucky.
Prospero Linden: been
Torley Linden: It sure gives way to colorful names.
JetZep Zabelin: it can be like poop, sometimes it leaves "droppings"
Shady Fox: Head up your butt bug.
Aleks Castaignede: i llbe back later so have to go now i am very happy to be here
Moard Ling: dont wear face lights on your crotch
Torley Linden: (Sorry I can't reply to IMs at the moment, too much going on here in the open!)
Torley Linden: Cool Aleks, thanks for visiting!
Chase Marellan: bye aleks
Torley Linden: Haha Shady I've seen that one where your avatar folds...
Torley Linden: What an unstable and uncomfortable image.
Aleks Castaignede: bye Chase
Psyra Extraordinaire: I remember the old 'flipped torso' bug well.
Chase Marellan: That one was kind of fun
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ending up with your head between your legs.
Flea Bussy: well, if it was in a club you could charge cash for seeing the
Heiko Decatur: just be glad you can't see what my avatar looks like under the shell
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: some pay good money for taht even in avatar form
Moard Ling: is it real Heiko or mock
Torley Linden: It's kind of like an initiation ceremony, knowing what all these bugs are...
Flea Bussy: the crusty tough exterior of heiko hides a delicate fluffy center, filled with sweet corn and nougat
Prospero Linden: Is the "some people see your head too big" bug still around?
Psyra Extraordinaire: can't say i've seen that.
Heiko Decatur: even I am consdering turtle soup
Flea Bussy: that's called 'the Ego bug'
Moard Ling: noo just the 50 copies of the trash folder in your inv
Prospero Linden: heh
Torley Linden: Aw rats, I think the occlusion bug in WindLight is still a prob, I zoomed out and the water is gone. :(
Shady Fox: What? The .... you beat me to it Flea. lol
Flea Bussy: it's prominent in most populations in secondlife.
Psyra Extraordinaire: But I know people that act like their head should be a lot smaller than they appear to be, does that count?
Prospero Linden: heh
Torley Linden makes a note to let Runitai know.
Torley Linden: *takes a quick video*
Moard Ling: *wendlesdale*
Heiko Decatur: the waters not gone, its just on holliday
Prospero Linden: I saw it on Sally Linden at an internal meeting once. What happens is that your prim hair looks all wrong to just some people becasue head size is rendered slightly too big.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Those sort of 'Strong like Ox, Smart like Tractor' peoples.
Ryder Dryke: and the terrain of far SIMs is crappy in the windlight viewer
Prospero Linden: Ryder : checkerboard, you mean?
Heiko Decatur: up your terain slider?
Prospero Linden: I put in an internal JIRA on that as well :)
Flea Bussy: well it's called's disabling anything not wind, or light.
Torley Linden: Ryder: I have noticed weird patches and stuff. Yeah and cutoff appears too harsh.
Torley Linden: Hehe thanks Prospero!
Prospero Linden: heh
Ryder Dryke: oh okay
Truewind Ferraris: Btw thanks for the tutorials torly, really helps out especially when you don't know where else to turn but youtube lol :)
Torley Linden: I gotta check those up Prospero, do you have the #s handy?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hey, don't be rude, don't get all 'up yours' with me. ;>
Torley Linden: Otherwise I'll look at the internal WindLight bug list.
Prospero Linden: Torley, digging
Torley Linden: Thanks a lot Truewind! =)
Shady Fox: "Caution: Objects on Screen May Appear More Laggy Than They Actually Are"
Moard Ling: Does the windlight viewer shuffle IMs
Torley Linden: Shuffle? 'Splain more please?
Heiko Decatur: having a silly amount of fun with the presets
Moard Ling: i sent 60 al lnumbered
Moard Ling: and they were rcived out o forder
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've had that happen with both clients.
Prospero Linden: IMs and local chat sometimes gets shuffled anyway.
Moard Ling: yeah mucks up seduction
Torley Linden: Hmmm that doesn't sound viewer-specific. Did you also try doing that in the main viewer and RC viewer?
Prospero Linden: I *suspect* that's a feature of the presence servers.
Torley Linden: Thanks Prospero.
Psyra Extraordinaire: But usually the shuffling is only visible on your end.
Prospero Linden: Moard : You can't say "You hot, let me attach penis" in one line? :)
Heiko Decatur: heh
Moard Ling: foreplay !
Psyra Extraordinaire: Cuz even though some messages don't get recieved sometimes till 50 seconds later, people still respond to them as if immediate.
Moard Ling doesnt have penis just another wooden bit
Monalisa Robbiani: I'd like to see different colors for chat, group IMs and presonal IMs:)
Prospero Linden: Psyra : I think it can get stirred around any which way. :)
Heiko Decatur: unless its comming out you penis, let me attach hot?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Stirring. Mmmmm, chat soup.
Moard Ling: lol
Torley Linden: Monalisa: I was discussing some similar issues -- what do you think about having icons to differentiate message type, as opposed to color text?
Monalisa Robbiani: sounds good
Monalisa Robbiani: and its less intrusive
Chase Marellan: Can the icons be different colors?
Chase Marellan: Just quicker on the brain to not have to interpret what an object is
Monalisa Robbiani: as long as it wont look like mIRC:P
Truewind Ferraris: I've tried color text before... in other games and it gets really confusing, hard on the eyes sometimes too
Truewind Ferraris: lol i use icechat instead of mirc... lol
Prospero Linden: Torley : I like hte idea as an option, but I'd like the ability to turn it off.
Heiko Decatur: humans first recognise, colour then shape then text then keyline
Psyra Extraordinaire: I wish they'd seperate 'Mute Gestures' and 'Mute Chat'. Cuz there's sooo many times I don't want to mute someone, but at the same time they're spamming gesture after gesture... so I end up muting them, and then turning on Show Muted Text.
Prospero Linden: I'd also like the ability to assign colors to different speakers :)
Torley Linden: Prospero: Kinda like some of the better IRC clients let ya do it?
Flea Bussy: or possibly assign your own color to your text?
Truewind Ferraris: Heiko, i think the first thing we recognize as children though is shape, especially the face, as i remember
Psyra Extraordinaire: And if so, people that are showed that were muted would have different colored text. :>
Prospero Linden: Torley : yeah. I use xchat, and it gives colors to the speaker name.
Torley Linden: I got into this discussion because... of future viewer reskinning, AKA "Dazzle" project.
Prospero Linden: Psyra : the muted people can have rgba=(0,0,0,255) :)
Heiko Decatur: we have it hardwired to recognise the human face, but current visual language studies show that addults are first stimulated by colour then overal shape then text
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ahhh, didn't know that. I take it that's editing the ini?
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lol the new search is just the mac serach with the magnifying glass reversed
Prospero Linden really likes the idea of facilitating user-skilling of the viewer.
Torley Linden:
Heiko Decatur: which is why logo design is such an interseting and complicated bussiness
Torley Linden: Haha Handmadeandroid, well in all fairness it's similar to other sorts of searches, like Firefox's toolbar too.
Moard Ling: does black and white count as colour
Truewind Ferraris: Well i'm in Web desing, and when i'm making banners, shape and empty space are my number 1 worry
Torley Linden: Black and white are still legit on the spectrum. :)
Truewind Ferraris: design*
Torley Linden: There are so many approaches to design.
Monalisa Robbiani: but it works... i drove by here with my jetski and knew immediatly. this must be torley's place.. by the colors
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i saw a book in the store called 'designing the obvious'
Heiko Decatur: man the black and white as colour debate will never end ;)
Prospero Linden: I *really* *really* like hte new search
Torley Linden: Hahaha Monalisa, ooh you were on a jetski? Kewl.
Monalisa Robbiani: yep
Truewind Ferraris: lol handmadeandroid, this place is really unique, i want to see more of this in SL
Torley Linden: That is so awesome to hear!
Prospero Linden can't even spell... it's "teh" not "hte"
Moard Ling: i won some torley silks in the Treausre quest this month
Torley Linden: "Torley silks"? What are those? :D
Moard Ling: what are pasties ?
Torley Linden: Are they kinda Gorean?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Not sure how the new search is ordered. But dunno if they'll explain how or people may start gaming it. :<
Torley Linden: :D
Prospero Linden: pasties?
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: masties are an english hand sized flat single person piew
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: pasties*
Prospero Linden: The first time I heard that term it was in refrence to Janet Jackson at the Superbowl....
Heiko Decatur: small meat pies
Psyra Extraordinaire: But we do see Traffic no longer means squat in the new search. :>
Moard Ling: soem kind of chest attchment for silks
Ryder Dryke: oh now i remember another issue ... is it possible that the glow featore on prims is very bright and only useable on very low numbers?
Prospero Linden: The new search is run by a Google Search Appliance.
Moard Ling: the new search ROCKS
Prospero Linden: I don't know all the weightings, but *hopefully* it won't be too easily gamable.
Torley Linden: Ryder: It does get pretty intense at high values.
Prospero Linden: I'm happy to see the Tyranical Reign of Traffic approaching an end :)
Heiko Decatur: a relevance style search?
Torley Linden: Hahaha "TRoT" for short.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: yes its silly really
Torley Linden: *plays that Requiem for a Dream theme*
Psyra Extraordinaire: If it's really run by Google, then it's a case of "You can pay them cash to bump your listings up" .... s'trewth. :D
Flea Bussy: just seemed odd, places with a single word didn't show up, and ones with a single did...or ones gaming it did before ones who had actual items of that sort
Torley Linden: I am noticing some expected parcels not showing up yet...
Torley Linden: I may give it a few more hours and ask James & Search Team.
Moard Ling: More chance of Journeyman being renwed
Flea Bussy: we're baffled as to the anomaly of our sims being outside the 'search bubble'
Shady Fox: Does catfish taste like chicken?
Torley Linden: I have that test parcel in Rachleff, and alas, it hasn't appeared yet.
Flea Bussy: hence our queries, heh
Psyra Extraordinaire: Catfish does not taste like chicken at all. :>
Psyra Extraordinaire: Catfish is BETTER. :D
Torley Linden: Avaria doesn't show up?
Torley Linden: :O
Truewind Ferraris: lol you wish
Flea Bussy: nope
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: ill never forget where you are flea :D
Shady Fox: Does it taste like cat... or fish?
Flea Bussy: not on new search, we tried.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Fish.
Truewind Ferraris: lol never had cat.....
Torley Linden: Hmmm another WindLight bug, name tags disappearing unexpectedly.
Torley Linden: *makes another note*
Torley Linden: I've gotta admit, I'm curious about catfish.
Torley Linden: It sounds like something I'd enjoy.
Heiko Decatur: my profile doesn't show up at all....
Truewind Ferraris: scaleless fish... just like regular i'm guessing
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i get holes in the terrain
Psyra Extraordinaire: I don't see them vanish, I just see them get jumbled around, even if you turn down the 'name drift'.
Moard Ling: okra tatses of scrambled eggs ?
Torley Linden: Heiko, yup it's a known bug too that some avatars aren't showing up.
Shady Fox: Nametags never vanish... they just go on vacation.
Flea Bussy: for 'hexample, we searched 'dragon' where in ze old search, and due to product amounts labeled such as in store...we are up on search. new search? they list gamer places and we couldn't find ourselves
Torley Linden: So we hope to get you included in the future.
Harleen Gretzky: Avaria shows up for me
Torley Linden: Shady, what an optimistic way to look at it.
Moard Ling: tell me about it i had flesh before i came here
Torley Linden: Flea: Hm, that is frustrating. I thought since you have so many dragons on sale tho, that's part of a place's object listings...
Shady Fox: Well, when you start looking for them, they reappear.
Torley Linden: so that, I would think, should count higher.
Illusionary Sands: gah!
Flea Bussy: thats why we're baffled
Psyra Extraordinaire: brb, switching clients. :>
Randal Kline: i get this "Did you mean: randall kline" for my search :P
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i get avaria when i search 'bird avatar'
Flea Bussy: we thought it was lack of products listed for sale..but they are! so we've been scratching our heads on it
Torley Linden: Search still needs a lot of tweakage, through extended use it should be — I'm glad it's additive and hasn't outright replaced the older Search.
Illusionary Sands: sorry, trying to move :)\
Shady Fox: Is Dazzle part of Electric Sheep that did the OnRez SL Viewer?
Torley Linden: No, Shady.
Torley Linden: Dazzle is Linden Lab, Electric Sheep is a Resident-run company.
Moard Ling: love the search within profile
Prospero Linden: I search for "dragon avatar" in the new search and "Grendel's Children" is about 6 down.
Torley Linden: Yeah, and I wish more profile fields appeared and were searchable too. But it's a great step!
Shady Fox: Have you seen the OnRez client? :D
Truewind Ferraris: i'm really confused everyone... is this discussion about SL search?
Prospero Linden: eight down
Torley Linden: Yes Shady, haven't tried it myself though. Not lack of desire, lack of time.
Flea Bussy: heh, try just 'dragon' or 'dragons'
Torley Linden: Truewind, currently yes.
Torley Linden: My office hours tend to move pretty quickly through topics, like a DJ megamix!
Torley Linden: =)
Truewind Ferraris: lol, yea i can't keep up
JetZep Zabelin: TOrley, thanks for all the bug fixes, not sure which ones im missing anymore and thats nice
Truewind Ferraris: sorry for that :D
Torley Linden: No worries, I'll post a transcript later too...
Sammy Grigges: sup guys
Shady Fox puts in a request for more Information Society. :D
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: no results for dragon
Prospero Linden isn't reading everything :) Keeps falling behind as he looks at windows on the other screen
Shady Fox looks for Torley's Tip Jar.
Torley Linden: You're welcome JetZep, I like to advocate and get attention to them... bugs me that they're bugs!
Torley Linden: ;)
Flea Bussy gave you DJ Bot.
Torley Linden: Haha I don't have a tip jar. No worries though.
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Flea Bussy: and using the old search, the same terms have us listed. it's strange
Moard Ling: Need to be able to assign shortcut keys
Sammy Grigges: torley do you know moonlight
JetZep Zabelin: it would be nice to have a run that isnt only toggle
Randal Kline: maybe the spiders are tired?
Shady Fox: Esc-Meta-Alt-Ctrl-Shift!
Prospero Linden: JetZeP : agreed
Torley Linden: What about moonlight, Sammy?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Oddly enough, search 'dragon' with Mature filter on, and Birdworx comes up. Go figure, I don't even use the word Dragon in my listings. :>
Torley Linden: I'd like to tap forward twice and run... too used to that from various games!
JetZep Zabelin: flying in mouselook is fun :)
Sammy Grigges: she's my pal and she said she knew you
Prospero Linden: Again, I have high hopes for the Glorious Future when we have user-customizable command triggers in the viewer :)
Moard Ling: /follows Shady Fox's advice and realises where th ename came from
Torley Linden: Ooh Moonlight, what's her last name?
Shady Fox: Torley, like 'There'? :D
Sammy Grigges: monniko or something
Illusionary Sands: that would be nice, Prospero
Sammy Grigges: let me check my list
Shady Fox: Oops. I said the 'T' word. :O
Torley Linden: Haha Shady, I do like how avatar movement is very bouncy in There.
Torley Linden: I can really appreciate that.
Truewind Ferraris: The thing with user search... someone mentioned before letting google take it over
Truewind Ferraris: That seems like a great idea
Prospero Linden will brb
Truewind Ferraris: I mean they can manage the whole internet, they'd do a great job with SL
Flea Bussy: isn't the physics engine better? but ze content creation is horrific
Sammy Grigges: Moonlight Manamiko
Chase Marellan: I like Google, but I hope you're being sarchastic, Truewind
Torley Linden: Her name sounds a bit familiar Sammy but I'm sorry, I'm not sure offhand.
Chase Marellan: sarcastic, even
JetZep Zabelin: cool AV Flea
Torley Linden: Sarcastic + chasm = sarchasm!
Ryder Dryke: btw torley ... i like that the new viewers suppoprt my G15 keyboard!
JetZep Zabelin: LOL
Chase Marellan: hahaha...
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: Oh great Ryder, hmmm send an IM to Jake Linden about that, I believe he's the one who implemented that feature!
Truewind Ferraris: lol chase, i mean either the current search is working or people would like an improvement, rather than quick fixes
Illusionary Sands googles G15 keyboard
Torley Linden: He'll be happy to hear from you.
Shady Fox: Does the flashing Rudolph Nose make this av look too clowny? :D
Truewind Ferraris: wouldn't you save more time, by out sourcing to google?
Heiko Decatur: I fell into the sarchasm and was beaten by the irony gnomes
Ryder Dryke: coolie
Torley Linden: Let him know I sent you, hee hee.
Ryder Dryke: okay i doooo! :)
Torley Linden: Truewind: Not sure how you mean? We use Google Search Appliance.
Shady Fox: Google Duct Tape!
Chase Marellan: Truewind: so they're already handling search, sort of.
Truewind Ferraris: lol shady
Torley Linden: And to be clear, Google hasn't bought part of LL, but we're using their tech.
Chase Marellan: But I fear the rise of Google.
Truewind Ferraris: really chase?
Truewind Ferraris: They protect us so well though
Sammy Grigges: g15 keyboard is a keyboard that has an LCD screen on it
Psyra Extraordinaire: Awww,5000L$ a week for a classified listing and 'bird avatars' doesn't show me. :(
Moard Ling: wait for GLife
Chase Marellan: I fear any company that starts to get too large a hold on the Internet
Chase Marellan: don't get me wrong, I really love Google.
Shady Fox: Flea, get out in the sun more often, you need more color.
JetZep Zabelin: Google is the platform for my safe haven o nthe net =P
Chase Marellan: Honestly.
Igel Hawks: Hi @all
Torley Linden: DON'T BE EVIL!
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Torley Linden: hi hi!
Torley Linden: Ack Psyra.
Chase Marellan: But they're getting big enough that I just have the little niggling thing in the back of my head, you know?
Shady Fox: Welcome to Tea Time with Torley.
Illusionary Sands: well... LL will have a huge hold on the internet, though, if you think about future growth and technology
Torley Linden: Please send any search concerns to too, our Search Team reads it all.
Truewind Ferraris: lol they have a big presence, true chase, but i mean they're big because we love them :)
Prospero Linden: back
Eriq Rosca: wow just finished googling g15 keyboard thats one heavy duty keyboard
Eriq Rosca: hahahah
Torley Linden: Mmm tea.
Truewind Ferraris: everything we dislike, has shrunk
Igel Hawks: wb Prospero
Chase Marellan: Yes, LOVE the "don't be evil" thing -- but does it work for a publicly held company?
Truewind Ferraris: and if google gets bad, we'll shrink um!
Moard Ling: Have you seen their canteen ?
Flea Bussy: that logic doesn't work, not everyone likes microsoft and they grew.
Randal Kline: have to search under classified if you its an paid ad
Prospero Linden: Chase : I live in fear of Linden ever deciding to go public because I'm a total hippy :)
Moard Ling: Hippys rock
Truewind Ferraris: flea, if people, most people that is, didn't like microsoft, they wouldn't grow
Chase Marellan: Prospero: I'm not a hippy and I have the same fear. :)
Truewind Ferraris: most people liked them though
Prospero Linden: The whole "increase shareholder value" thing is a sickness of our economy that leads to short term thinking....
Chase Marellan shudders
Shady Fox: Most people 'Tolerate' Microsoft.
JetZep Zabelin: Torley do you have any idea if we will be able to add our own texture to the new About Landmarks?
Truewind Ferraris: well i'm socialistic by nature prospero, so that takes care of that
Chase Marellan: I completely agree.
Torley Linden: JetZep: Can you please explain further? :)
Prospero Linden: Well, I'm not *really* a hippie. I wear Birkenstocks, yes, and drive a Prius, but I also listen to classical music and have never had any pot first-hand :)
Torley Linden: Which new "About Landmarks"... ?
Chase Marellan: Adding to JetZep's question: is the texture stored with the landmark?
Igel Hawks: hehe
JetZep Zabelin: Well when you right click on a landmark .. about landmark
Heiko Decatur: opposed to second hand?
Shady Fox: Heiko, you need a little more work going camoflaged.
JetZep Zabelin: Theres a space there for a texture
Chase Marellan: then you can change the texture for the property, make the landmark, then change it back
Chase Marellan: Prospero: Love the criteria. :)
Heiko Decatur: its kinda hard to blend in here!
Prospero Linden: Chase : HEH
Prospero Linden: Oops, caps lock
Torley Linden: Ahhh JetZep, I think that's based on the place image in About Land > Options tab.
Shady Fox: Darn those shouting Lindens.
Torley Linden: So if you want to change that texture, change it on the land itself.
Psyra Extraordinaire: That;s the same image, yes
Igel Hawks gave you MiaSnow's Abode, Hwang (154, 3, 88).
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Chase Marellan: I'm just a tiny bit too young to have beena real hippie. My parents say that if I'd been 10 years older they'd have been bailing me out of jail every week in the 60's. :)
Truewind Ferraris: Prospero what i found really funny, and ironic, was that SL doesn't have any mechanisms for Monopolies, and i wonder when we'll start seeing them, but here that's not too much to worry about
Sammy Grigges: but then what about someone who rents a store on someone else's land
Sammy Grigges: or something
JetZep Zabelin: yeah, but it would be nice if we could add a texture uuid to it much like how Picks is =)
Torley Linden: Hmmm JetZep, you have a good point there.
Shady Fox: When Lindens shout, ears bleed particle blood!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Sammy: You can only make a Pick and hope that's enough.
Prospero Linden: heh
Torley Linden: Maybe that's a good future suggestion.
Torley Linden: Haha Shady!
Torley Linden: REIGN IN BLOOD!
Torley Linden: *plays Slayer riff*
Shady Fox: Nuuuuuuu!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'Mein hertz schwimdt in blud!'
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: fantastic CD
Heiko Decatur: can I reign in say nougart, its tasty
Shady Fox: Mmm.. cookies! Nahm! Nahm!
Truewind Ferraris takes out german dictionary
Torley Linden: If anyone likes really abrasive music, check out Concord Dawn's "Raining Blood", it's so vitriolic in a not-unpleasant way.
JetZep Zabelin: just an idea.. dont want anything breaking trying add my idea as a feature LOL
Psyra Extraordinaire: Heh, it's a quote from 'The Freshman'.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i thought you meant slayer torley
Moard Ling: did they esat the lizard ?
LadyIgelOtto Barthelmess: soory
Torley Linden: Handmadeandroid: Concord Dawn's version is a drum 'n' bass cover of Slayer's original.
Torley Linden: Compleat with the crazy, wacked-out guitar riffs!
Torley Linden: Yee-haw!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: oh dear
Psyra Extraordinaire: technically, 'Mein Herz Schwebt in Blut!'
Torley Linden: Wow, that is a nice chameleon avatar. Can't wait to wear mine.
Igel Hawks gave you "On Their Journeys" by Strawberry , Kush City (126, 240, 31).
Psyra Extraordinaire: But it's just how the guy pronounces it in the movie. :D
Torley Linden: Thanks for the landmarks! *accepts*
Sammy Grigges: what is my head doing
Moard Ling: why isnt there a "heavy metal has talent"
Truewind Ferraris: I feel out of place, i need an animal skin lol :D
Igel Hawks: Allways glad to found amazing places :-)
Truewind Ferraris: They look really nice actually lol
Heiko Decatur: tank you, flea did the body and fender work I did the scriptings and textures
Torley Linden: Haha, I always have such a nice assortment of cool avatars at my Office Hours!
Torley Linden: I can't take that for granted!
Kriss Lehmann: I settle for a hybrid when I don't go full animal
JetZep Zabelin: avatar zoo
Torley Linden: Cool kewl collaboration, Heiko!
Torley Linden: Hiya Kriss! Nice to see ya here!
Prospero Linden: Torley : re assortment of cool avatars, I was noticing that. You have much more wild avatars here than I typically get at my office hours :) Mine are mostly human.
Shady Fox: Torley, are those bits of your piano playing I hear?
Kriss Lehmann dances around at seeing Torley in the pixel
Torley Linden: (And thanks for the Friendship offers but sorry, I don't accept them on this account... too much to manage. I will still be friendly tho! =) )
Igel Hawks: Hi Kriss
Truewind Ferraris: btw torley, what time is it, where you're at
Torley Linden: Aw I've been missing out on your hours Prospero.
Al Sonic: Yep, there's a nice li'l record-player thing up on the second floor here.
Truewind Ferraris: it's awfully early here lol :D
Sammy Grigges: torley you have broken my heart :(
Torley Linden: And yes that's my piano recordings.
Igel Hawks: hehe
Torley Linden: I'm on Pacific Time but I usually start work at like 4 or 5 AM.
Moard Ling: 88 key s?
JetZep Zabelin: /lolaha
Shady Fox: Yay! For Torley piano!
Igel Hawks gave you The Fossil Shop, Isles of Eden (103, 9, 22).
Heiko Decatur: crazy man, i'm still in bed
Psyra Extraordinaire: Someone needs to visit Flea. ;D
Truewind Ferraris: woah, yea this is one of my rare early days, fridays i have an early college class lol
Truewind Ferraris: usually i'd be asleep
Kriss Lehmann: Torley has an amazing set of videos of playing the piano/keyboard on youtube
Ryder Dryke: torley its good time for office hourse for european residents
Igel Hawks: I am at my coffe break in the office :-)
Torley Linden: I had fun doing them.
Torley Linden: Yeah Ryder, and I have another at 2 PM... I like to be global-friendly.
Monalisa Robbiani: i liked the drum machine O.o
Ryder Dryke: are there german lindens too?
Prospero Linden: Ryder : at least a couple
Monalisa Robbiani: 3 i think
Prospero Linden: Lotte
Truewind Ferraris: Btw is there any music making medium in SL
Igel Hawks: Lotte, Mathew and ..?
Prospero Linden: Lotte Linden is the only one I can pull out of the top of my head
Ryder Dryke: ethan is the only i knew so far
Torley Linden: Truewind, some Residents like Octal Khan have made kewl instruments.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: my friend is messing with midi interface
Kriss Lehmann: Hyperflute let's you compose music
Igel Hawks: Oh, Mathew just speaks German?
Heiko Decatur: there are a few scripted musical intrsruements
Torley Linden: Data speaks German.
Kriss Lehmann: first on the top of my head
Shady Fox: Script timing sucks when there's ANY lag for doing music.
Truewind Ferraris: ooh awesome, i should definitely check them out
Torley Linden: Yeah, Hyperflute is a great example...
Psyra Extraordinaire: There, that'll add a little spice. :D
Torley Linden: I agree it's harsh Shady.
Heiko Decatur: I speak bad german
Torley Linden: It's hard for tight grooves!
Moard Ling: is there a Lore Linden
Igel Hawks: Yeah, Lottee has started office hours now, too
Kriss Lehmann: hahah
Prospero Linden: There's a Data Linden :)
Shady Fox: What? To counter Data?
Prospero Linden: In-world sound is a whole issue.
Kriss Lehmann: Evil brother of data?
Ryder Dryke: well i applied for the liaison team as german native speaker but i only got the standard email :((
Psyra Extraordinaire: An eeeevil Data.
Prospero Linden thinks Data LInden should get an alt "Lore Linden"
Igel Hawks: But ias far as I know they are not in the wiki
Shady Fox: Data usually dresses up in Starfleet attire too.
Torley Linden: Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Kriss Lehmann: hahahah
Psyra Extraordinaire: or B4 Linden.
Torley Linden: Data loves/hates hearing that, re: "Lore".
Monalisa Robbiani: me too :))
Torley Linden: B9!
Al Sonic: Heh, there was that one SL installation that allowed visitors to create musical sound by walking through a bunch of phantom prims.
Moard Ling: Spot
Torley Linden: One time I talked about "Linden Lab's Lore"...
Torley Linden: and Data was all like "WHERE?"
Torley Linden: Hahaha!
Torley Linden: It was a great moment...
Psyra Extraordinaire: "Why do you have a shiny head?"
Kriss Lehmann: I'm sorry if i'm ignorant to office hours, this is the first I've attended... how do discussions run?
Shady Fox: No way! :O
Torley Linden: Of course, I was referring to the esteemed history of Linden Lab.
Flea Bussy: they run away
Chase Marellan: Kriss: Just jump in. :)
Heiko Decatur: Oh I saw that, a lectuer at my uni made it, it was quite pretty
Truewind Ferraris: lol kirss, you just jump in
Kriss Lehmann: hahah
Torley Linden: Kriss, they're different at every Linden's, but mine is generally a chaotic vortex of ideas.
Sammy Grigges: torley what's your other account
Heiko Decatur: in circles somet times
Igel Hawks: The office hours are different
Prospero Linden: Torley : to answer the Windlight JIRA question you asked a million years ago :
Torley Linden: And then we tend to flow from place to place.
Flea Bussy: it's like a frieght train, jump on, don't stand in front
Prospero Linden: DEV-6367
Torley Linden: Sammy, Torley Olmstead but that's for pleasure purposes, I don't do work on it!
Prospero Linden: DEV-6282
Torley Linden: =o)
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Al Sonic: Discussions run differently depending on the Linden, I've begun to think.
Sammy Grigges: ok lets be pals
Torley Linden: Excellente... thank-you P!
Prospero Linden: and
Kriss Lehmann: well, mostly due to my business, I was wondering if there was any update/info to things I've heard about Speedtree integration....
Prospero Linden: um
Torley Linden: *grabs the #s*
Kriss Lehmann: if it's relevant as a topic
Torley Linden: Kriss: Oh very good question. AND I just asked other WindLighters about that the other day...
Prospero Linden's JIRA-fu isn't nearly as strong as Torley's
Al Sonic: TOrley's are pretty free-form for the most part.
Truewind Ferraris: lol it would be cool if all of a sudden, at next weeks office meeting, torley gets really official, and even takes minutes and all that lol :D, and then like 2 minutes later, he's like, psych!!
Shady Fox: Kriss was looking for the Arnold Horshack (Wellcome Back Kotter) gesture to hold up arm and go "Ooh! Ooh!"
Torley Linden: that isn't likely to happen any time soon, Kriss. But we still hope to do it eventually.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I think with that outfit we should just choose between calling him Rosencrantz Linden, or Guildenstern Linden.
Chase Marellan: hahahah
Truewind Ferraris: "Well ladies and gentlemen welcome to our meeting, please sit down, and let us be very offiicious"
Torley Linden: It's still an "open possibility" but for now, we're focusing on making prim trees look better in WindLight (less cardboard-cutouf 2Dish).
Torley Linden: *cutout
Kriss Lehmann: hahah
Moard Ling: KAR120C
Flea Bussy: Well, if you make your sim look like cardboard, it works already!
Kriss Lehmann: sculpts to a good job of that
Shady Fox patently aways Nimbus to be added next. :D
Moard Ling: ARent they both dead ?
Torley Linden: Well I think you make superb trees, Kriss.
Heiko Decatur: Nimbus is the 3d cloud add on yes?
Torley Linden: They have such depth and wonder in WindLight as ya know...
Shady Fox: Yeah. Volumetric.
JetZep Zabelin: Torley did you like to use that watermel launcher b4?
Torley Linden: yes Heiko, I believe that includes volumetric... ah what Shady said.
Torley Linden: You guys are fast!
Kriss Lehmann: I saw early how the 2/3 prim trees started looking like poo on windlight
Torley Linden: JetZep: Haha yes, I've used that one.
Prospero Linden: Torley, DEV-6368 is the other one
Psyra Extraordinaire: "Do you want to play questions?" "How do you play that?" "You have to ask a question." "Statement. One - Love."
Truewind Ferraris: what's windlight btw?
Torley Linden: Great, got it Prospero.
Heiko Decatur: nah we just slow personal time, makes us look fast
JetZep Zabelin: sorry off the wall question i just had to throw in there =P
Bau Ur: Torley can you recommend a place to get directionson how to record Chat in SL while filming a video here? My freind has been trying various ways but gets bizarre echoes. Two people associated with universites have asked me the same thing.
Prospero Linden: Torley, are you or Asi the Windlight PM?
Prospero Linden: I get all confused :)
Sasha Nurmi: you can try Fraps
Prospero Linden thinks "are you or is Asi" ... grammar, grammar
Shady Fox: There are Prime Ministers/
Torley Linden: Prospero, we collab but Asi is technically the WindLight Project Manager + Team Leader. I'm the "Product Manager" which overlaps to some degree in WindLight but is different.
Shady Fox: er. ?
Bau Ur: sorry, lag...didn't mean to interrupt what you were saying.
Heiko Decatur: winglight is an improvment to the environemental rendering of second life, gives its pretty skys and water
Prospero Linden: OK
Shady Fox: Oh. PRogject managers... same thing.
Prospero Linden: I've been assigning my Windlight JIRAs to Asi
Torley Linden: Prospero: But for future reference, YES... that's the thing to do.
Sasha Nurmi: I think it is free vid-recorder
Moard Ling: Isn't it "grammer" in the US ?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Well, it's free to an extent.
Kriss Lehmann: it watermarks, but it's free
Sammy Grigges: no
Al Sonic is surprised some here still didn't get what WindLight is.
Torley Linden: Assign 'em to Asi with "Affects Version/s = First Look: WindLight" and that's golden.
Shady Fox: Kelsey Grammer?
Prospero Linden: Moard : Grammer is my grandmoter
Prospero Linden: grandmother
Torley Linden: If anyone doesn't know about WindLight, I'm happy to share the good news!
Psyra Extraordinaire: It bannerizes your images and doesn't let you make ones longer than 30 seconds unless you register.
Prospero Linden can't type either
Moard Ling: Fraps is excellent
Shady Fox: Grammy!
Ryder Dryke: ok people ... have a nive weekend ... and see you soon!
Kriss Lehmann: Camstudio is a free non watermarking one
Torley Linden: Haha the Grandmote.
Torley Linden: Have a good one Ryder!
Heiko Decatur: have fun Ryder
Moard Ling: CamStudio is different but works
Shady Fox: Granddustmote.
Ryder Dryke waves around
Ryder Dryke: see youuu!
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Igel Hawks: Cu Ryder
Chase Marellan: bye ryder!
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Psyra Extraordinaire purchased it but seems to have a corrupt codec, as the videos it spits out lock up media player.
Shady Fox: :O
Bau Ur: Cost is no object -- we are talking about university Media sorts....gettingsomething that actually works well in SL is the issue. I am hoping there might be a good set of instructions and discussion of the options somehow.
Bau Ur: somewhere.
Truewind Ferraris: bau.. you mean like recording classes, with sound?
Bau Ur: Maybe in a Torley blog hint hint :)
Torley Linden: Bau, I haven't forgotten about your latest email either, will hope to reply today! Had to check with other Lindens.
Bau Ur: Certainly.
Heiko Decatur: Look into Machinima Bau theres a fair bit about it in the wiki
Torley Linden: Thanx for being sooo patient about it.
Torley Linden: I use FRAPS for video capture.
Moard Ling: Actually I think SL works rather well compared to the Holodeck
Truewind Ferraris: Worst case scenario, you could have everyone use an external chat client, record that, and record the video with fraps, bring the two together in Sony Vegas
Sammy Grigges: torley what is your job title
Truewind Ferraris: Actually that's what i'd do personally
Truewind Ferraris: If it got tricky
Torley Linden: Sammy: "Product Manager" but a lot of my role spills outside of that.
Sammy Grigges: Masakazu Kojima says hi
Shady Fox: What do you use for editing video after using FRAPS? All those zoomins?
Torley Linden: So I usually say "Product Manager & more".
Torley Linden: I use Sony Vegas!
Shady Fox: Woo!
Sammy Grigges: torley what's with SL and openGL
Psyra Extraordinaire: or just shorten it to 'Looney' :D
Moard Ling: The fat drunk comdeian ?
Torley Linden: Technical details on my process are here:
Truewind Ferraris: lol Yay, someone besides me who uses Sony vegas :)
Bau Ur: Benighn diety. Torley's job description is Benign Deity.
Torley Linden: Yeah I am really fond of Vegas...
Truewind Ferraris: I'm on 7 currently though.. haven't touched 8 yet
JetZep Zabelin: TotW Producer
Torley Linden: despite the crashes I come across sometimes, Vegas is pretty nice.
Shady Fox: Nuuuu! I don't want to be educated! Then everyone will ask ME questions!
Torley Linden: Very good NLE.
Shady Fox: Nuuuuuuu!
Truewind Ferraris: mind if i send you a link torley, in im?
Torley Linden: Haha JetZep, I like that.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: final cut pro :P
Torley Linden: Truewind, OK. =)
Torley Linden: I haven't used much Mac video editing stuff but I've played with iMovie and it's fun.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Every time I go to Vegas my wallet empties itself.
Torley Linden: Got the link Truewind, thanks.
Shady Fox: Heh.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Oh, wait, not the same one.
Torley Linden: Oooh classic video game images:
Torley Linden: These are making me nostalgic!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: final cut is very simple it all is, a lot of major broadcasting companies are migrating their whole systems to mac, bbc for one
Moard Ling: Is there an official Torley festive decoration that gets given out at this time of year ?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ahhhhhh, I remember playing that on my old Apple IIe.
Sammy Grigges: masa said hi anyway
Psyra Extraordinaire: And that's exactly how it looked.
JetZep Zabelin: hehe
Torley Linden: What a fun idea, Moard. ^_^
Psyra Extraordinaire: That, and Jet.
Shady Fox: Torley Underwear!
Shady Fox: Oh wait.. that's kinda perverted.
Randal Kline: @@
Torley Linden: One of the big strengths of Vegas is it can use tempo with bars/beats as a time unite.
Torley Linden: *unit
Heiko Decatur: a rockmelon, just to confuse people
Torley Linden: That makes it a good choice for syncing things to a rhythm.
Bau Ur: ah very good!
Shady Fox: Heh... Torley said 'unit'... heh...heh.heh...
JetZep Zabelin: I got started on atari 400
Torley Linden: Haha Shady, that reminds me of Beavis + Butthead.
Truewind Ferraris: What i find great is, our environment looks awesome, i recently looked it over while house hunting, in some very nice 3rd story views
Moard Ling: Acorn Atom
Truewind Ferraris: And then i hear about windlight, which will make it look EVEN more better
JetZep Zabelin: rofl
Kriss Lehmann: Windlight IS amazing
Torley Linden: :D
Shady Fox: Psst.. Windlight dont run too well on the Atari 400.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Edible Underwear. Watermelon Flavour.
Kriss Lehmann: hahah
Truewind Ferraris: lol i thought you'd atleast be satisfied with what we have lol
Torley Linden: WindLight Team is very thankful for all the feedback and support.
Heiko Decatur: i've been sitting here flicking through torley's presets
Flea Bussy: I run SL on an abacus
Moard Ling: yeas shady you'd need the 800
Torley Linden: More bug-fixin' to come!
Torley Linden: Again, thanx for trying them out Heiko.
Truewind Ferraris: I'm surprised and happy to hear everyone is working to make it even better
Torley Linden: And if anyone wants to try my WindLight settings, they're free... go to and scroll to the bottom.
Torley Linden: There's 124 sky + 24 water ones.
Shady Fox: I have a very low numbered Atari Falcon/030
Igel Hawks: The settings are cool Torley
Psyra Extraordinaire: I love the water, I make sure all my snappies now face the moon/sun just to get that glistening in. :D
Kriss Lehmann: are we able to shar setting easiely?
Sammy Grigges: torley does that make everything pink and green
Moard Ling: You werfe the one that bought the falcon
Torley Linden: Kriss: They're XML files right now on your local hard drive but we're hoping to make them inventory assets...
Shady Fox: Prolly the only one to buy one too. :P
Truewind Ferraris: Btw, hows second life in Direct x 10?
Truewind Ferraris: I'm still waiting for it to hit xp :(
Kriss Lehmann: that would be hot, Torley
Torley Linden: I haven't tried Second Life on Vista myself, really...
Torley Linden: HAWT!
JetZep Zabelin: The Day Cycle Editor is really cool
Kriss Lehmann: My dad runs SL on Vista
Moard Ling: Oh youi mean XP ME
Torley Linden: Yeah, and eventually we want to make it so you package custom day cycles + sky + water and make environment packs.
Chase Marellan: My son TRIES to run SL on vista but finally gave up
Torley Linden: Kinda like how today, you can bundle together clothing to make an outfit...
Truewind Ferraris: lol charse
Truewind Ferraris: chase*
Kriss Lehmann: I really really would love regional windlight settings
Chase Marellan: Torley: looking forward to that!
Torley Linden: this would be an "environmental suite".
JetZep Zabelin: that would be useful
Kriss Lehmann: custom day cycles etc on a sim basis
Shady Fox: Can't you just stick 'setting cards' in a folder?
Truewind Ferraris: idk i heard alot of hoopla about DX10, so maybe thought SL would benefit from it
Heiko Decatur: the that spells moon set is fun
Moard Ling: How about using shortcuts in your inv for otufits
Torley Linden: And yup we're counting on making it server-side and doing exactly that, Kriss.
Truewind Ferraris: haven't checked it out personally though
Torley Linden: Shady: That's what we do now but we want to facilitate the exchange of WindLight stuff within Second Life itself.
Torley Linden: Makes sense eh? =)
Chase Marellan: Moard: have you tried "make outfit" and folders?
Kriss Lehmann: I would dedicate a forest for you, if that happens Torley
Truewind Ferraris: lol kirss :D
Moard Ling: yeas but it moves non copyable items
Torley Linden: Or oh, you meant inventory folder in Second Life? Yeah, that's what we're going for.
Shady Fox: Oh, I can't hand settings to someone else, you mean.
Bau Ur: ooo thank you for the preset advice.
Chase Marellan: true
Psyra Extraordinaire: Linden trees would hav to be thickly rebuilt to handle physics the way games like World in Conflict and such do.
Al Sonic: I should start testing to see if running Windlight works just as well on the main viewer on this laptop (with the appropiate settings, of course...)
Torley Linden: You're welcome.
Bau Ur: Seeing the world thorugh Torley-colored glasses.
Torley Linden: Don't make me blush too much more!
Psyra Extraordinaire: And particles redone from scratch to support Soft Wrap.
Torley Linden: I just love seeing the energy that bounds around here.
Shady Fox: Green Sky, Magenta water! Yay!
Bau Ur: Psyra, right, particles.
Moard Ling: torley glasses = 1 pink 1 green, eveythign is in 3D
Heiko Decatur: soft wrap?
Al Sonic: (as well as)
Torley Linden: I know we've been exploring further particle possibilities too...
Kriss Lehmann: I noticed a change in particles on windlight
JetZep Zabelin: omg how can you read all the chat.. im lost =P
Torley Linden: Haha Moard! I have gotta try that!
Psyra Extraordinaire: I'd love to see particles intersect objects without the abrupt cutline. :D
Kriss Lehmann: just wasn't sure what happened
Torley Linden: Kriss: What change?
Chase Marellan: JetZep: Open your history and hang on tight. :)
Torley Linden: There's some known bugs with particles in WL...
Kriss Lehmann: very very... thick
Bau Ur: Jet, use chat history and make it a tall thin column on your screen. Much easier.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've noticed some oddities with particles, yea
Kriss Lehmann: not sure how to explain it more
Prospero Linden: Torley : particles far away go too fast?
JetZep Zabelin: Thanks for that tip
Truewind Ferraris: Has there been much talk about Weather in SL? Or would that be too laggy
Sammy Grigges: are you going to protect our freedom from the w-hat terrorists
Prospero Linden: I've seen that one, but haven't put in a JIRA because, I dunno, I'm lazy?
Kriss Lehmann: also... distance seems to have an interesting effect in WL on particles
JetZep Zabelin: ok what is w-hat?
Al Sonic: Thick? Heh, since when were particles anything but flat?
Prospero Linden: Anyway, gonna head out :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Some of our waterfalls don't gush particles all the time, if you adjust your POV the emitters flicker and spit out little puffs that last a split second instead.
Truewind Ferraris: white hats i think jetzep
Prospero Linden: Have fun all!
Torley Linden: Prospero: Hehe that may already be filed as an issue...
Chase Marellan: Bye, Prospero!
Shady Fox: So, when is the Torley Brand Watermellon Crisps coming out?.... oh wait... remove water from Watermellon....
Torley Linden: Have a good one Prospero, good to see ya!
Torley Linden: Thanks for visiting. :D
Bau Ur: they sorta blue sideways more
JetZep Zabelin: Bye Prospero
Prospero Linden: My pleasure!
Torley Linden: Watermelons WaTeRMelOnS WATERMELONS!!!! MMMM!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Adios, Prospero, enjoy your birdie. :D
Moard Ling: if tuis hatrs you want
Heiko Decatur: Bye Prospero
Moard Ling: c u Prospero
Igel Hawks: Bye Prospero
Torley Linden: And oh... about weather... part of the problem is detecting collisions, like rain hitting a roof... and the particles not going THROUGH the roof...
Kriss Lehmann: not thick in depth... hmmmmm alphas seem to add up faster... things that were faint seem much more solid
Torley Linden: but that's definitely an area worth more investigation.
Shady Fox: So do those six thinking hats all coned shaped and say DUNCE?
Marianne McCann: Hiya
Truewind Ferraris: idk in every game i've seen, rain has been so hard to tackle
Igel Hawks: Hi Mari :-))))
Truewind Ferraris: but think how beautiful it would be if it finally were solved
Marianne McCann: Hey Igel
Psyra Extraordinaire: Rain has worked in a few games I've been in. LOTRO did it good, and Timeshift did it beautifully.
Truewind Ferraris: sadly the engine driving the rain ends up lagging servers :(
Moard Ling: has anybody eye used the eye squint slider in appearence
JetZep Zabelin: someday we'll have water that seeks its own level
JetZep Zabelin: imagine the rivers
Al Sonic: Truwind: afraid you'd have to make your own weather out of particle effects and Windlight sky settings.
Sammy Grigges: :(
Kriss Lehmann: omigod
Torley Linden: I earnestly need to go out and play more games (I wanna try Crysis)...
Torley Linden: but I haven't had the time.
Kriss Lehmann: the water handling made me cry in WL
Torley Linden: It'll be amazing what happens ahead tho.
Psyra Extraordinaire: The beginning areas in Timeshift, the rain comes down, it runs over your 'face' distorting your view slightly, etc.
Truewind Ferraris: WL?
Al Sonic: Or big phantom rain-prims...
Kriss Lehmann: windlight
Torley Linden: WL = WindLight.
Shady Fox: WatermellonLight
Truewind Ferraris: ooh lol my bad
Truewind Ferraris: i'm sleepy
Moard Ling: i want green rain
Marianne McCann: I love WL. I'm hoping a fresh reinstall today will fix my issues, though
Chase Marellan: hahaha...
Torley Linden: No worries!
JetZep Zabelin: physical rain.. meteors even
Torley Linden: What sorta issues you been having, Mari?
Kriss Lehmann: spent a lot of time making some of the surrounding land of my sim with sculpts to counter the different water levels
Moard Ling: yeah meteors
Bau Ur: Are enginge changes in WL likely to affect megaprims in any way?
Sexywalk Override: 1970 bytes free
JetZep Zabelin: World > env. settings ...
Sammy Grigges: torley :(
Chase Marellan: I've got a Santa that really talks, if anybody wants to mess with their friends. :)
Torley Linden: I apologize, I crashed.
Couples MultiAnimator v2d whispers: * Abranimations Couples Animator Ready...
Torley Linden: I'm back!
Sammy Grigges: ok
JetZep Zabelin: Torley passed out
Marianne McCann: Welcome back!
Igel Hawks: wb Torley
Sammy Grigges: [7:06] Torley Linden: torley is there going to be estate windlight controls like how you can set the sun position
JetZep Zabelin: WB!
Torley Linden: I crashed when trying to take a snapshot...
Torley Linden: anyone else crash in WindLight while taking snapshots?
Moard Ling: oh that bug :)
Truewind Ferraris: that was the quickest crash i've ever seen
Igel Hawks: I am so happy to see that this happens to you, too
Truewind Ferraris is amazed
Igel Hawks: :-)))
Torley Linden: It's happened to me repeatedly.
Marianne McCann: Torley - dat's the prob;em I've been havin
Psyra Extraordinaire: I take screenshots using prtscreen/paste to PSP. :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: So I dunno. ;>
Kriss Lehmann: if anyone wants an example of the water level deal... you can swing by straylight and look for a dock that exits the sim... compare water levels on the normal and the windlight viewers
Torley Linden: AHHHH OK... just so we're clear here, anyone who has been using WindLight and crashes while taking snapshots, please say "ME TOO!" in chat. It's been hard for me to find others!
Moard Ling: Torley you need to add the logs for when you arent here
Moard Ling: ME TOO
Moard Ling: THREE
JetZep Zabelin: luckily i have not a crash yet with the new WL
Moard Ling: FOUR
Igel Hawks: ME FOUR
Igel Hawks: FIVE
Monalisa Robbiani: I crash when I change a shader option
Sammy Grigges: torley sir
Marianne McCann: I've been havin them for ya JetZep
Heiko Decatur: no crashes here
Psyra Extraordinaire: Water level's rising? SL's melting icecaps, I tell ya.
JetZep Zabelin: but then again i tiptoe everywhere
Kriss Lehmann: I haven't crashed, but most times if I'm using say... 512x512, the camera angle ends up not where I'm originally looking to
Truewind Ferraris: Global warming!!
Truewind Ferraris: oh nooezz
Torley Linden: LOL... okay, so Moard Ling, Igel Hawks, and Marianne McCann -- you all crash when taking snapshots in WL?
Kriss Lehmann: ahahah
Marianne McCann: All night an dis mornin
Torley Linden: I just gotta get your names to our devs...
Bau Ur: (sigh) I can't find the correlations for why I crash. I swear to god, last week I think I crashed every time I used a semicolon in a notecard. Really.
Kriss Lehmann: actually the water level drops
Moard Ling: yes the cam does swing more than david bailey
Torley Linden: And there's a bug with WindLight not focusing right on certain linksets.
Truewind Ferraris googles david bailey
Marianne McCann: Taking photos and logging out. Every time right now
Chase Marellan: No WL snapshot crash here.
Truewind Ferraris: yes google is a verb now lol :)
Marianne McCann: Yes, Torley
Psyra Extraordinaire: The Peak in Toggenburg is melting, causing water levels to rise in every sim,
Sammy Grigges: Torley is there going to be estate windlight environment settings
Psyra Extraordinaire: Yes. :D
Torley Linden: Thanx guys.
Moard Ling: Nvere seen a sewage works in SL
Torley Linden: And yes Sammy.
Al Sonic: I confirmed that windlight does go wacky during some fullscreen/windowed switches. Which may or may not require a change of resolution.
Randal Kline: global warming in sl!?
Truewind Ferraris: I'll take you to my job later moard
Truewind Ferraris winks ;)
Psyra Extraordinaire: SL has always gone wacky during swap from Windowed-Fullscreen on mine.
JetZep Zabelin: Theres a sewer system at Mirimar
Torley Linden: Al, thanks, I've been able to repro that too... weird vertex spike glitches or something when I switch from full screen to windowed.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Becomes terribly unstable.
Al Sonic: Those glitches are plants!
Moard Ling: all the avs names have disappeared
Marianne McCann: Oh - I gotta gotta brag. Anyone seen the interview with me in New World Notes after winning "Uncanny Valley"? Really proud of dat.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hee he
Mini Santa: Here's a "A lump of coal" for you, Marianne McCann
Moard Ling: oh they are abck again
Marianne McCann: Aww...
Marianne McCann giggles
Mini Santa: Here's a "Missing Image T-shirt" for you, Sammy Grigges
Mini Santa: Here's a "Baby Tux" for you, Sammy Grigges
Mini Santa: Here's a "Popgun" for you, Sammy Grigges
Torley Linden: Oh congrats Mari!
Chase Marellan: No, congratulations, Marianne
Mini Santa: Here's a "Einestine Head" for you, Kriss Lehmann
Moard Ling: Mini Santa You rock,
Mini Santa: Here's a "TPer" for you, Sammy Grigges
Truewind Ferraris: lol
Randal Kline: dont be greedy sammy
Marianne McCann: Thankoo, Torley an Chase
Sammy Grigges: what
JetZep Zabelin: where's mini santa?
Al Sonic: Seriously, the reason that one particular region glitches up so easily could be because it has so many plants.
Marianne McCann: ( for those who might wanna read it later)
Sammy Grigges: i'm going to donate this to all the orphaned children in second life
Randal Kline: nice one mari
Mini Santa: Here's a "Chicken Head" for you, Sammy Grigges
Moard Ling: i love the snowy aspens
Marianne McCann: On Randal's shoulder
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Mini Santa: Here's a "Popgun" for you, Marianne McCann
Moard Ling: and the eucalyptus
Truewind Ferraris plays with his lump of sugar
Kriss Lehmann: Texture lagging could account for a lot of that with a lot of plants
Truewind Ferraris ran out of coal
Truewind Ferraris: I needed to fuel my car
Truewind Ferraris: lol :D
Torley Linden: Haha.
Mini Santa: Here's a "TPer" for you, Kriss Lehmann
Torley Linden: Ahh I'd like to thank each and all of ya... for coming to visit me today! I've got to head out and do other work, but I'll be back here at 2 PM Pacific TIme.
Al Sonic: I was referring to a glitch that creates wildly stretched vertices on a few plants.
Torley Linden: It's been fun and terribly lively!
Marianne McCann: Have fun, Torley!
Moard Ling: Cheers Torley
Truewind Ferraris: thanks for having us, take care :)
Sammy Grigges: torley
Mini Santa: Here's a "Chicken Head" for you, Heiko Decatur
Kriss Lehmann: hmmmm
Heiko Decatur: be well Torley
Sammy Grigges: what are you wearing irl
Chase Marellan: Buy, Torley!
Truewind Ferraris smiles and waves
JetZep Zabelin: Thanks again Torley
Chase Marellan: bye, even. :)
Kriss Lehmann: nice seeing you Torley!
Al Sonic: (linden plants)
Torley Linden: Bye for now! :D Nice seeing you all!
Bau Ur: Thank you!
Moard Ling: Last day of Treasure uest
Kriss Lehmann: thank you for your coverage of Straylight
Al Sonic: bye!!

2 PM

Daaneth Kivioq: Torley!!!
Daedalus Young: hi Torley
Lyndsey Forager: hey torley!
Dizzy Banjo: wow.. lol
HUDDLES EZ Animator Deluxe v1.0.4: Couldn't find animation Risque` soft landing
HUDDLES EZ Animator Deluxe v1.0.4: Couldn't find animation Risque` soft landing
HUDDLES EZ Animator Deluxe v1.0.4: Couldn't find animation Risque` soft landing
Lyndsey Forager: good to see you torley
Dizzy Banjo: Torley is some kind of anenomememe
Torley Linden: Apparently I am a dryad!
Torley Linden: Hello everyone and good to see you too!
Sasha Nurmi: greetings orley
Daaneth Kivioq: more like a pinkad
Sasha Nurmi: Torley*
Tasia Tonic: hello Torley
Tasia Tonic: ahhh
Tasia Tonic: sorry caught
Lyndsey Forager: well, you are much coolnes torley
Torley Linden: Nice to see you all here today!
Torley Linden: Greenandpinkad?
Torley Linden: ;)
Eshi Otawara: Hi torley
JetZep Zabelin: Hi Torley
ZigZag Freenote: hello
Daaneth Kivioq: puts on his sunglasses, cause of the glow from Torley
Tasia Tonic: torley can I sit inthe watermelon
Tasia Tonic: ?
Dizzy Banjo: im just checking out this Animoto thing
Lyndsey Forager: well, torley, i think this will be the last time i am here is a wee while, Myself and DJ Jenns are off to Italy on monday for 5 weeks!
Daedalus Young: cool
JetZep Zabelin: Its gonna be a while before I fly into that worms mouth again, i got swallowed and couldnt get out
Tasia Tonic: oh how awesome
Torley Linden: Ohhh I hope you have a good voyage!
Lyndsey Forager: the person who has hired him to dj - first heard him performing in second life
Lyndsey Forager: so do i, thank you torley!
Lyndsey Forager: mind you, if it wasnt for second life i would never have met dj jenns
Lyndsey Forager: and he means so much to me
Lyndsey Forager: :)
Daaneth Kivioq: the music keeps stopping Torley
Dizzy Banjo: oops i think i just tried to upload my entire flickr stream to animoto
Dizzy Banjo: :S
Lyndsey Forager: owwwwy
Torley Linden: Hmmm I don't have the music on right now.
Lyndsey Forager: hmm is there chat lag or is it just very quiet lol
Lyndsey Forager: he he
Torley Linden: LOL it may've gotten very quiet but I'm listening.
Lyndsey Forager: so, whats new in linden land torley?
Daaneth Kivioq: I heer thsi dance pop tune - its quite neice
Lyndsey Forager: nice outfit colby
Daaneth Kivioq: Hiya Colby!
Colby Cournoyer: ty :)
Torley Linden: Oh all sorts of things!
Torley Linden: Today I was juggling all manner of issues...
Lyndsey Forager: must be very taxing at times
Torley Linden: sadly, some new bugs in the new WindLight which degrade snapshot quality, and trying to figure out what happened with SVC-930 which is quite serious.
Dizzy Banjo: Hey check this out :
Dizzy Banjo: its this remix thing ive been involved with for Pangaea island
Torley Linden: Alas I haven't had as much time to get some things done as I wanted... because I was doing more pressing work.
Tasia Tonic: my windlight wont let me change the water...everything else changes, just not the water
Lyndsey Forager: owwww, one of the best things about windlight is the pretty piccys
Torley Linden: Tasia, what's your graphics card?
Tasia Tonic: nvidia
ZigZag Freenote: Some good news: I was doing some comparisons today, Windlight viewer really seems to have less memory leaks ... are there any fixes that could be applied to mainstream? Or do you want to surprise us with a big boom?
Tasia Tonic: we ran a test on the card because I keep blue screening with parity memory errors as well...
Daaneth Kivioq: Hey Torley, is there any hope of SL supporting SLI?
Tasia Tonic: I only blue screen with second life...everything else including other applications are fine
Torley Linden: Hmmm down the road I think Daaneth. Runitai in particular is supportive of that.
Torley Linden: It's a "We'd like to do it in the future."
Daaneth Kivioq: my framerate would immediately double! :-)
Daedalus Young: I noticed the good old 'groups are missing' bug in the main viewer, while that seems fixed in the RC, oddly enough
Daaneth Kivioq drops a pin...
ZigZag Freenote: dang, I missed one RC
Lyndsey Forager: lol
Mars Trenchmouth drops a few more for emphasis.
Tasia Tonic: I do however notice a marked improvement since downloading the pagedefrag...
JetZep Zabelin: turn on music and u wont hear any pins
Lyndsey Forager: lolol
Eshi Otawara stares at the watermelon slice and drools
Torley Linden: Daedalus: Oh really?
Mars Trenchmouth: I'm listening to mc chris. hehe
Torley Linden: Daed: You couldn't repro it in the RC eh?
Daaneth Kivioq: I am still using Nicolaz Be-T2 - Its bee very solid
Torley Linden: I'll have to take a closer look at it...
Mars Trenchmouth: There a specific topic we're discussing?
Daedalus Young: no, I couldn't change my active group in the main viewer, then relogged in the RC and all was fine
Torley Linden: Not in particular, Mars, whatever comes up!
Lyndsey Forager: torley, did you make your av - its really cool
Daedalus Young: and I hadn't seen it for weeks either
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe, ok, cool
Torley Linden: I suppose that's pretty typical of my Office Hours.
Mars Trenchmouth: lol
McPhenius Swain: It's "watermelony"
Torley Linden: Daed: Just to confirm, which RC is this?
Tasia Tonic: this is my first time to you office hours :) nice place
Torley Linden: I didn't make my av, Grendel's Children did, but thank-you!
Torley Linden: And thanks Tasia! Do you know your specific graphics card tho? Client menu > About Second Life , it's in there.
Mars Trenchmouth: I've been trying to remember to show up here for weeks. X3
Hyacinth Hird wants to eat Torley's watermelinden land <.<
Torley Linden: Reason I ask is we DO have some known issues, e.g., with NVIDIA Go not being able to see shader water properly.
Torley Linden: (We use the term "shader water" now which is more meaningful than "ripple water".)
Torley Linden: Haha Hyacinth, I dare ya! ;)
Torley Linden: Awww I'm glad you could finally make it, Mars!
Daedalus Young: let's see, in RC, I just downloaded the new one, and in the latest WL it's fine
Daaneth Kivioq: I have twin 8800 GTS - I see it just fine
McPhenius Swain: watch for seeds Hyacinth
Lyndsey Forager: oh Torley - I almost forgot to tell you - Have you tried "Dragon Fruit" it tasts a bit like kiwi - but you should google image search it - it think you will like its colours
JetZep Zabelin: looks like your polyps are full of watermelon juice
Tasia Tonic: GE forced 7900
Tasia Tonic: force
Hyacinth Hird: 8800 GTS is not Go.
Torley Linden: Tasia: Can you please copy and paste from About Second Life?
Tasia Tonic: 256mb
Daaneth Kivioq: Hyacinth - I did not understand your comment
Tasia Tonic: i am sorry Torley I dont understand?
Torley Linden: Regular 7900s should work fine on stable systems. Second Life does tend to be pretty intensive but if you BSOD with it, I'd also recommend running some other stressful benchmark test apps for several hours at least.
Torley Linden: Tasia: In Client menu > About Second Life, please copy-and-paste what it says next to "Graphics Card".
Hyacinth Hird: Daaneth, Go is a line of mobile graphics cards not available for desktop computers.
Daaneth Kivioq: yes I have the 8700 GT in my Laptop
Mars Trenchmouth: Anyone know if non-Mobile Radeon cards work in notebooks?
Tasia Tonic: Graphics Card: GeForce Go 7900 GS/PCI/SSE2
Torley Linden: AHHH yes, you're on a Go Tasia...
Daaneth Kivioq: it also works fine
Torley Linden: I bet you are having WindLight: Enabling Atmospheric Shaders disables shader water on various NVIDIA GPUs -
Hyacinth Hird: I see, I see
Tasia Tonic: ? go
Hyacinth Hird: Geforce Go, mobile graphics cards
Daaneth Kivioq: yes
Hyacinth Hird: Geforce Go 7900 is not exactly the same as a GeForce 7900, for example
Tasia Tonic: it had been working fine until one day poof blue screen
Daaneth Kivioq: I ran windlight on my laptop - it worked fine
Hyacinth Hird: And it's the Go cards that have some issues with WL water
Tasia Tonic: but now that I downloaded the pagedefrag it is not so much
Torley Linden: Thanks for explaining, Hyacinth.
Torley Linden: is a good table to look at.
Torley Linden: Some of it gets pretty techy, but it shows what's different.
Tasia Tonic: great thank you :)
Hyacinth Hird kicks her 6800
Lyndsey Forager: This is a dragon fruit
Tasia Tonic: well if you hear anyone else having the issue, I can recommend that download for the pagedefrag...I could not believe the change
Torley Linden: That looks like a pretty colorful fruit!
Torley Linden: I wonder how it tastes.
Lyndsey Forager: i think its very torleyesque fruit
Lyndsey Forager: it tasts a bit like kiwi
Torley Linden: Tasia: It sounds like you're referring to another issue there, not the water one I just linked to.
Mars Trenchmouth: Torley, avatars' tags aren't selectable in Windlight. Is that a bug or an intentional change?
Torley Linden: It sure looks like my colors, thanx!
Torley Linden: Mars, bug.
Tasia Tonic: oh sorry
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Torley Linden: And fixed internally...
Mars Trenchmouth: ok
Torley Linden: will be fixed in upcoming version.
Mars Trenchmouth: cool
McPhenius Swain: Was the watermelon the "fruit" of SL since the "apple" is taken in RL?
Hyacinth Hird: Torley, you're quite welcome! I'm a big fan of your video tutorials and watermelony avatars ^^
Marianne McCann: I hadda downgrade offa Windlight. I'm hoping the next build works
JetZep Zabelin: oh ya dragonfruit is torleyish
Tasia Tonic: yeah I was referring to blue screening out of SL ...
Torley Linden: I recommend everyone curious about WindLight bugs to see :)
Mars Trenchmouth does so
Tasia Tonic: I will take a look at that for the water issue as well
Torley Linden: Awww thanx Hyacinth, I appreciate you watching!
Hyacinth Hird: If I can sneak in a non-technical question, where would one get a watermelony Mudkip, if you don't mind sharing your secrets? :D
Torley Linden: Yeah, the current WindLight 74642 has several bugs with snapshots too... so if anyone's been seeing odd things in your pictures (lack of antialiasing, weird cropping, UI not showing when desired), chances are that's related.
Marianne McCann: Torley - dies dat include ?
Torley Linden: Hahaha Hyacinth, well I got the free mudkip awhile ago... and I just recolored + retextured it.
Mars Trenchmouth: Gotta say torley, Windlight is fantastic. Major job well done.
ZigZag Freenote: oh, I noticed WL doesn't bother freeing the memory, lol, since when is that? Just the latest or was in some earlier one already?
Torley Linden: Thank-you Mars! I'll share that with our team.
Daedalus Young: I just had WL crash on me while taking a ctrl-` snapshot
ZigZag Freenote: I mean at the end
Mars Trenchmouth: ^^
Torley Linden: Mari, that is possibly related to an older one but... does it crash *every* time or just some of the time?
Hyacinth Hird: Well there's a reason that WL is still only FirstLook, there's still bugs for the technical team to quash, so it's good that it's being tested and bugs reported to Jira :3
Mars Trenchmouth: Yeah, SL usually leaves a chunk of my ram used up when I log off
Marianne McCann: Every time, Torley. Including at logout (the capture of "last location, presumablty)
Mars Trenchmouth: Windlight that is
Torley Linden: OK, well that sounds easy enough to repro. I'll make sure our devs check that out, Mari.
Daaneth Kivioq: bad windlight!
Hyacinth Hird: Mars, check to see if the program is still running in the background
Torley Linden: Thanks for the heads-up on it.
Marianne McCann: Thankoo, Torley.
Torley Linden: You're welcome, happy to help. =)
Marianne McCann grins
Hyacinth Hird: Also try starting some other RAM-intensive application and crash it to see if you get full ram back
Mars Trenchmouth: ok
Mars Trenchmouth: Probably is. I'll have to check next time.
Hyacinth Hird: I had a friend from class come install some game on my PC just so I can do that, works like a charm xD
Mars Trenchmouth: lol
Lyndsey Forager blows her nose, thinks she might have a cold starting
Mars Trenchmouth: ick
Lyndsey Forager: indeed
Torley Linden: Uh oh, you don't wanna be sick on your big trip!
JetZep Zabelin: the good side of hacking =)
Daaneth Kivioq hands Lyndsey some Vitamin C
Lyndsey Forager: totall, i need to his the eccanacia and the vit c
Mars Trenchmouth hooks up his EPFX.
Hyacinth Hird nibbles on her melon-strawberry flavoured lollypop
Mars Trenchmouth glances the lollipop hungrily.
Marianne McCann: Oh - an it's always at the point where the image is being captured. The UI for snapshot starts to come up, then the UI goes away an it goes to "beach ball"
Torley Linden: Can you please leave comments with more details Mari?
Torley Linden: That would be great. =)
Marianne McCann: Will do!
Daedalus Young: I'll have to check it using the Snapshot button too, but it seems that's also exactly the case on Intel Mac
Marianne McCann: Cuz I miss the pretties!
Daedalus Young: goes into beachball mode
Mars Trenchmouth: Oh, hey, I know it's completely on hold atm, but any predictions on when Avatar Puppeteering will be resurrected?
Torley Linden: I'll check out the "missing groups" thing on the RC too...
Lyndsey Forager: Torley, I am talking to dj jenns on msn just now, and he said he hope to drop one you your tunes into his mix when he is in italy as n ommage to you!
Daedalus Young: I'll have to check that in the latest RC, I saw it in the main viewer this afternoon
Torley Linden: Awww, please thank DJ for the fun Portal mix. :)
Lyndsey Forager: i will!
Hyacinth Hird: Portal? The game?
Lyndsey Forager: he says your very welcome
Tasia Tonic: Ty for the link Torley
Torley Linden: Yup.
Hyacinth Hird: Unweighted Companion Melon coming up, perhaps?
Tasia Tonic: have to run for work
Torley Linden: THE CAKE IS A LIE. Haha.
Tasia Tonic: ye all
Torley Linden: You're welcome Tasia, take care and thanks for coming by!
Lyndsey Forager: he did a remix of the end game song
Daaneth Kivioq: Watermelo Sherbert - mmm
Dizzy Banjo: nice !
Dizzy Banjo: id like to hear that
Dizzy Banjo: :D
Torley Linden: I really like the ASCII art at the end too... I haven't played Portal but I think it's so fun to see the sculptie creations inspired by it in SL.
Lyndsey Forager: I made a companion cube vanilla crazy cake
Sasha Nurmi: ooo... Ditto
Mars Trenchmouth: yeah
Hyacinth Hird: I'm still struggling to build simple things, I'm more amazed every day at what the greatest prim sculptors can create ^^
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Torley Linden: I've seen some builders evolve so much... how they started out relatively primitive and kept getting better.
Dizzy Banjo: a patchoulli special
Lyndsey Forager: ohh, can i have that prtal gesture please?
Mars Trenchmouth: Hey Torley, I know it's completely on hold atm, but any predictions on when Avatar Puppeteering will be resurrected?
Torley Linden: Mars: Sadly no news on that, it's indefinite right now.
Mars Trenchmouth: Aw. ok
Al Sonic: Primitive. Hehe.
Torley Linden: No Lindens plan to work on it anytime soon.
Mars Trenchmouth: Well, seriously looking forward to it =3
Mars Trenchmouth: But I can't wait to see the current project brought to completion as well, so I'm happy
Mars Trenchmouth: *projects
Torley Linden: I hope that someday we do get more expression... it's always a tough balance having innovation on one hand and the need for the everyday basics of performance & stability on the other.
Lyndsey Forager: this is my cake -
Mars Trenchmouth: yeah Torley
Torley Linden: I got to try an internal demo of puppeteering and it was pretty kewl.
Mars Trenchmouth: cool
Torley Linden: Hahaha what a fun cake!!!!
Hyacinth Hird: And, of course, with a virtual world like SL performance and stability isn't always that easy to attain
Torley Linden: OMG!
Daaneth Kivioq: Speaking of Stability - Sl has been about as stable as anewborn colt on ice skates - what is going on there Torley
Sasha Nurmi: damn, nice cake
Torley Linden: Lyndsey, that cake should totally appear on various gamer blogs, they'd... eat it up.
Lyndsey Forager: its been on one
Torley Linden: OMG it is on KOTAKU!
Torley Linden: Hahahahaha!
Lyndsey Forager:
Torley Linden: I was just gonna suggest it end up there!
Marianne McCann laughs
Daedalus Young: it looks so tasty
Lyndsey Forager:
Lyndsey Forager: mmmm it was very tasty
Torley Linden: Daaneth: What I know is on the blog, and we're going to keep posting updates and more technical post-mortems so if things do go wrong, we can explain why and how we'll prevent it.
Lyndsey Forager: me and dj jenns spen AGES ICING IT
Dizzy Banjo: hahahaha
Torley Linden: We hold ourselves accountable to update
Mars Trenchmouth: Well I've been playing SL for two years. Things are definitely more stable now, especially in comparison to early this year.
Mars Trenchmouth: slow but steady progress, I think, yes?
Marianne McCann: Mars - I'll take now over this time last year, any day
Hyacinth Hird: SL is pretty advanced technology that is always scaling, as is the user number
Mars Trenchmouth: gosh yeah
Daaneth Kivioq: the past couple of weeks have been horrid
Dizzy Banjo: that cake is superb.. lol
Hyacinth Hird: When I started, max online users was 35 000, now it's over 50 000, and that's in 10 months.
Mars Trenchmouth nods
Mars Trenchmouth: I joined on the Teen Grid Nov. 19th 05
Daedalus Young: I do think having an RC to find the most bugs before it goes live is a great enhancement
Mars Trenchmouth: X3
Marianne McCann: Hyacinth - when I started, it was about 7k concurrency, an dat was pushing it
Mars Trenchmouth: Yeah, I agree Dae
Hyacinth Hird: So improvements are being made
Daaneth Kivioq: no mumbers up there fr Octiber - and I really want to see the number for november
Lyndsey Forager: - DJ Jenns remix on the portal song
Daedalus Young: and now every region is at least class 4, right?
Mars Trenchmouth: I'm curious about total size of the asset servers now. I think it's at about 130TB, right?
Hyacinth Hird: There are a few class 3 left I believe.
Torley Linden: I'm not sure of those grid stats, I'm not personally involved/close to a lot of that currently, but it's definitely amazing growth.
Mars Trenchmouth: seriously o_O
Torley Linden: I remember when I joined, the total Residents registered was prolly around 50,000.
Lyndsey Forager: lol, thats a long time ago now
Dizzy Banjo: this animoto thing is rendering.. will be interesting to see what it does.. lol
Daaneth Kivioq: (crickets)
Lyndsey Forager: what a pretty outfit marrianne
Entering god mode, level 200
Zach Parvenu: Eep! o.O
Marianne McCann: Thankoo, Lyndsey. It's actually a couple things - basic from Chelsea's Children's Clothing, an cape an muff from Renee Roundfield
Zach Parvenu: wow this version sucks...omg i can see my avatar now
Lyndsey Forager: well, its very YOU!
Torley Linden: Apologies, flooded in IMs!
Marianne McCann: Thankoo
Marianne McCann smiles
Torley Linden: Gah, I really need clones.
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe yeah
Zach Parvenu: ill brb
Torley Linden: It went silent when I was not speaking, why, I'm not the only one here. LOLEX.
Torley Linden: But that's OK.
Hyacinth Hird: Hire me, I look good in watermelon
Daedalus Young: send in the clones
Marianne McCann: Robin's workin on new skins - with cold faces - so I figgured I should dress appropriately
Mars Trenchmouth: I saw Frontier's gif of the constant flow of incoming IMs you guys get
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Marianne McCann: Plus, well, our sim has gone snowy
Hyacinth Hird: I saw Torley's IM window in the interface trick window xD
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Dizzy Banjo:
Hyacinth Hird: erm, *video
Dizzy Banjo: this is funny lol
Mars Trenchmouth: I should go watch that again then
Torley Linden: Haha, Frontier wasn't exaggerating.
Eshi Otawara takes a hatchet, and cuts of a piece of melon for herself
Dizzy Banjo: its pretty cool this animoto thing
Mars Trenchmouth nods
Marianne McCann: I c'n only imagine what it looks like
Torley Linden: Hyacinth, which one? =)
Mars Trenchmouth: He's a developer now, isn't he?
JetZep Zabelin: Does busy mode prevent my friends from seeing me on the map if I have given them that right?
Auto-Teleport-Memory 3.0b (WEAR ME!) whispers: transfer'O'tronic free memory: 9701
Hyacinth Hird: I don't remember the exact one, but it was the one where you showed how to quickscroll in the IM window and use the right-click wheel with a single click and such
Mars Trenchmouth: Yeah, saw that one
Torley Linden: Ahhh yes Hyacinth, I know what you're talking about.
Zach Parvenu: i hope my peepee isnt out
Hyacinth Hird: It is.
Hyacinth Hird: And it's in the melons.
Mars Trenchmouth: It is.
Zach Parvenu: IT IS?>
Torley Linden: I haven't talked to Frontier lately but he's done a lot of great work advancing knowledge of Inventory Loss and possible causes...
Mars Trenchmouth: cool
Zach Parvenu: yes i have a that bad? lol
Zach Parvenu: i never use it
Sasha Nurmi: nope
Torley Linden: Hyacinth, that carrot-holder is just too cute.
Hyacinth Hird: Don't wave it in the watermelons D:
Hyacinth Hird: Torley isn't it? :)
JetZep Zabelin: only if you point it at Torley then you're dead LOL
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Torley Linden: LOL, I've been griefed so many times.
Hyacinth Hird: Water flask and munch munch bag is from the same store
Mars Trenchmouth: heh
Torley Linden: Oh, which store is that, Hyacinth? Got a landmark?
Zach Parvenu: ^_^ *Nahm Nahm Nahm!* ^_^
Zach Parvenu: torley
Torley Linden: Anyone with fun landmarks, feel free to drop 'em on me. :)
Zach Parvenu: where did the lagometer go?
Zach Parvenu: the search bar replaced it
Marianne McCann is not fond of weapons, having seen waaay too many
Hyacinth Hird: Have Landmark, searching for Linden
Eric Boyer: Torley does NCI count as fun??
Hyacinth Hird: Oh there you are
Hyacinth Hird: camouflaged
Torley Linden: Zach: Client menu > Lag Meter, but if you mean the old bandwidth & packet loss bars, they are coming back.
Torley Linden: Er, Help menu > Lag Meter.
Torley Linden: NOT Client, pardon.
Torley Linden: Eric: How do you mean?
Sasha Nurmi: yeaye!!!!
Zach Parvenu: ah
Marianne McCann digs into the ilandmark folder
Mars Trenchmouth gave you The Blue Bear, Jorunn (41, 223, 716).
Dizzy Banjo: lag meter is really useful
Torley Linden: Mari I know you go to lots of intriguing places.
Hyacinth Hird: Here you go Torley
Marianne McCann gave you Winter Skate Park, Livingtree (195, 89, 23).
Torley Linden: Thanks!
Zach Parvenu: lul lag meter is cool
Eric Boyer: You said drop fun land marks..does New Citizens Inc count as fun??
Lyndsey Forager: i like the laf meter
Miz Mizin: could you rep[lace bottom Search tab with lag meter
Hyacinth Hird: The bag exists in a larger version too, and different colours
Hyacinth Hird: But the carrot holder is love :3
Torley Linden: Hee hee...
Zach Parvenu: why they replace the packetloss and bandwidth meters with a dumb search abr?
Zach Parvenu: bar
JetZep Zabelin: LOL
Torley Linden: "carrot holder is love"! ;)
Marianne McCann: There ya go
Torley Linden: Zach, see what I said above. And there's been plenty of discussion on the Issue Tracker too.
Hyacinth Hird: Why am I sitting here? How did I come to sit here?
Hyacinth Hird: I thought I was standing
Hyacinth Hird: D:
Torley Linden: Context: the bandwidth & packet loss meters didn't make intuitive sense to new Residents. You see those things moving, but you don't know what the heck they mean.
Marianne McCann: "This is not my beautiful house"
Mars Trenchmouth: It's a mystery to me Hy
Zach Parvenu: k torley
Torley Linden: So we plan to make them better.
Sexywalk Override: 1970 bytes free
Sexywalk Override: 1970 bytes free
Hyacinth Hird: Is that one of those self-replciating rotating sit thingies?
JetZep Zabelin: i joined the Lag
Mars Trenchmouth: Welcome back Torley
Mars Trenchmouth: ^^
Torley Linden: Apologies, I suddenly crashed.
Daedalus Young: yes, rotating sit-thingy
Marianne McCann: Welcome back!
Mars Trenchmouth: According to the LL's recruitment page I meet or exceed all the requirements to be a Liason.
Daaneth Kivioq: oh noes!
Torley Linden: What fun did I miss?
Torley Linden: I see a glowing object!
Hyacinth Hird: 564% packet loss xD
Mars Trenchmouth: haha sheesh
Hyacinth Hird: I saw that once
JetZep Zabelin: lost more than you had
Hyacinth Hird: Of course, there was a megaprim rezed across several sims, and it disappeared once I got the owner to kill it
Marianne McCann: Mars - ya. I'm prob'ly gonna give it another try at bein one too
Torley Linden: How is that even physically possible... that much packet loss. :p
Mars Trenchmouth: Well hello Mr. Linden :P
Daaneth Kivioq: I once saw -32% packet loss - how, i dont know - iwas getting other peoples packets, I guess
Harleen Gretzky: It is a special multi-chair Timeless Prototype made for Torley
Hyacinth Hird: I have no diea, but the meter said so
Daedalus Young: I've had over 100% too
Torley Linden: Timeless helped me customize fun stuff... and yeah, his multi-chairs are great!
Marianne McCann: Ya, you dun wanna know the sorta packet loss I see sometimes
Hyacinth Hird: Overall I have very little packet loss though
Mars Trenchmouth: There's little more fun than modding the h*ll outta stuff
Daedalus Young: you know it's bad when the packets come dripping out your computer
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Hyacinth Hird: Oh yes, modding and customizing clothes and avatars, now that's fun!
Mars Trenchmouth: true dat
Auto-Teleport-Memory 3.0b (WEAR ME!) whispers: transfer'O'tronic free memory: 9701
Torley Linden: What a colorful assortment of avatars here today.
Mars Trenchmouth: I've got friends who mod weapons a lot
Mars Trenchmouth: no kidding Torley
Hyacinth Hird: Zach, Willy has been freed again.
Torley Linden: I like how easy it is to customize some stuff in Second Life...
Marianne McCann nods
Hyacinth Hird: Torley I have avatar ADHD, so I switch around a lot xD
JetZep Zabelin: I like taking apart freebies for their animations inside =)
Daaneth Kivioq: I tok a basic hoverpad and made a net steampunk pad
Hyacinth Hird: Grendel's Children = My crack
Daaneth Kivioq: neat
Marianne McCann: Wow, dat's more of you than I wanted to see, Zach
Hyacinth Hird: Freebies with ready-made scripts are great for blockheads like me
Torley Linden: I once joked that Grendel's Children is like... the bargain center of the metaverse for fantasy avatars.
Mars Trenchmouth: X3
Torley Linden: Hyacinth: Oh totally true, click it and change those colors!
Hyacinth Hird: The only thing that I hate in SL
Gigs Taggart: Torley: Congrats, you are the most prolific Jira commenter. 1365 | Torley Linden
Hyacinth Hird: Is No Copy on prim clothes attachments!
Marianne McCann: Oh ya. I seriously loooove Grendels. I never end up wearing my grendel avvies much, but I love to shp there
Torley Linden: Oh my gosh, Gigs, how did you find that out?
Torley Linden: And thanks for all the wonderful PJIRA help...
Hyacinth Hird: Have gift cards instead and make it all copy/mod/notransfer otherwise <.<
JetZep Zabelin: OH..I found a great tutorial exhibit. if you havent seen it yet TOrley heres the LM
Mars Trenchmouth prefers sci-fi oriented avatars himself.
Torley Linden: I've been trying for awhile to figure out how to get a better granular view of comments.
Gigs Taggart: Torley, I'm launching real soon now.. it'll be cool
JetZep Zabelin: script tutorial that is
Daedalus Young: cool
Torley Linden: And Gigs, I really like the Snow GLobe from Kesseret! That was so nice...
Hyacinth Hird: C-Tech has some great robot/assault armor stuff
Gigs Taggart: thanks :)
Torley Linden: *is already excited about*
Hyacinth Hird: On Overdrive Island
Gigs Taggart: hehe
Gigs Taggart: I know you'll be my best beta tester :)
Torley Linden: Ohhh... haha...
Hyacinth Hird: Torley you should get a C-Tech Assault Armor and make it watermelony!
JetZep Zabelin: o.O lol
Torley Linden: What else is it going to include, Gigs?
Mars Trenchmouth: nie!
Mars Trenchmouth: nice!
Al Sonic sometimes wonders how many other than himself truly have ADHD...
Mars Trenchmouth: I have ADD, Al
Mars Trenchmouth: and OCD, Tourette's and TSD
Torley Linden: I have a short attention span sometimes, but other times, I like to zoom in.
Gigs Taggart: Torley: lots o stats.. graphs, patch queue lenght, top bug reporters, fixed bugs by version, etc
Hyacinth Hird: I said avatar ADHD, no offense meant by it.
Torley Linden: I like how Second Life can be very healing/therapeutic for mental conditions.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Marianne McCann: Newest pinwheel for ya, Torley
Gigs Taggart: plus an advanced jira search engine
Torley Linden: Ahh Gigs, what inspired you to start work on this project?
Torley Linden: Thanks Mari!
Gigs Taggart: Rob asked for it
Gigs Taggart: hehe
Hyacinth Hird: Yes, I have a chronic depression and panic anxiety attacks, amongst other things, SL really helps me with that.
Al Sonic: Hehe, there's some OCD here too, possibly with a pinch of tourette's.
Marianne McCann: Seriously... it is VERY useful for me in dat, on a lootta levels
Mars Trenchmouth: lol
Hyacinth Hird: Gives me an opportunity to reach out and prepare myself for when I do stuff in first life
Gigs Taggart: also I think it will help devs see when they are slipping on open source patches too :)
Mars Trenchmouth: I have friends who are physically disabled as well who find SL helpful and healing.
Zach Parvenu: ^_^ *Nahm Nahm Nahm!* ^_^
Zach Parvenu: laggy
Marianne McCann: (It's part of the stuff in the interview on NWN, as I tootle my own horn again)
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe
Torley Linden: Ahhh yes Gigs, totally. Oh great...
Torley Linden: Well I'm really enthused to see more JIRA stats. That'll be excellent.
Gigs Taggart: I'll send you an email when it's ready enough for public consumption
Gigs Taggart: also one to sldev
Marianne McCann: ( )
Mars Trenchmouth: goshdarnit
Mars Trenchmouth: bettar
Hyacinth Hird: This is making me dizzy @.@
Torley Linden: Fantastique.
Mars Trenchmouth: Yeesh. If this is how crowded Torley's office hours get, I'd hate to see Philip's. :P
Daaneth Kivioq: phillip never has office hours :-(
Hyacinth Hird: Does Philip's avatar still have Linden Hair?
Mars Trenchmouth: Yeah, last I saw was, like, in the summer I think
JetZep Zabelin: I dont blame him
JetZep Zabelin: LOL
Hyacinth Hird: Fix him up with a giftcard or something, Torley!
Daedalus Young: he did show up once during a UI triage
Marianne McCann: I know, Daaneth. But what a madhouse dat would be!
Torley Linden: Awww. :(
Torley Linden: Well I don't know what happened to Philip's hours...
Torley Linden: but I'd recommend emailing him to ask. :)
Khamon Fate: My avatar still has linden everything
Daaneth Kivioq: He has them in the Cornfield
GlowDemo: Hello, Avatar!
Torley Linden: And awhile ago he did want to makeover his avatar but he wasn't "feelin'" the changes that were proposed.
Daedalus Young: there's linden everything under all the prims
Hyacinth Hird: DOes he like a certain fruit?
Hyacinth Hird: Get him a variation of the watermelopard with those colours :3
Daaneth Kivioq: get him watermelonhair
Torley Linden: He appreciates the feedback and curiosity, I don't think watermelon is quite his flava tho!
Torley Linden: ;)
GlowDemo: Touched.
JetZep Zabelin munches a piece of watermelon
Zach Parvenu: heyn torley
Zach Parvenu: how much L u got?
Ruud Lathrop: lol
Hyacinth Hird: haha
Daaneth Kivioq: Torley has meeeelions of L
Hyacinth Hird: Lindens don't have a whole lot of Lindens, so as to not break the economy
Conover's Flight-Helper (WEAR ME!): Flight-helper is ready and operational.
Marianne McCann: Torley has... um... wait, Loading?
Auto-Teleport-Memory 3.0b (WEAR ME!) whispers: transfer'O'tronic free memory: 9701
Daedalus Young: it's about 15,000 I think I saw in a video once
Marianne McCann laughs
Torley Linden: Hahahaahaha.
Torley Linden: This speculation is a lot of fun.
Torley Linden: Right now I have L$18,946.
JetZep Zabelin: theres only like a couple hundred Lindens anyway
Khamon Fate: Are you kidding? Linden Lab prints lindens and sells them on the Lindex
Daaneth Kivioq: but Torley is the secret master of thw world Watermelon Consortium
Mars Trenchmouth: OY! Crashing is bad, but accidentally hitting ctrl - Q is worse
Zach Parvenu: LOL
Hyacinth Hird: 386, June Dion took my money earlier
Torley Linden: Sometimes I take screenshots showing my UI and send it to Flickr, not because I want to show off my L$ but because I'm testing bugs.
Zach Parvenu: u are rich torley
Zach Parvenu: u wanna show off ur L
Zach Parvenu: lol
Mars Trenchmouth: I have over 25k in bank and investments :P
Torley Linden: Mars, at least now we have a popup to warn you before you accidentally quit... you can reenable it via Preferences if you need to.
Mars Trenchmouth: Yeah, I might do that
Daedalus Young: well last I heard was LL needed more L$ sinks
Hyacinth Hird: 18000 lindens isn't so rich, Simone had like 250 000 lindens stolen from her account, and the investment banks have been robbed of millions of lindens
Daedalus Young: so I volunteered to be one
Zach Parvenu: lol
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Zach Parvenu: ginko financial...loves that
Zach Parvenu: good thing i only had 1,000
Zach Parvenu: in there ahahha
Torley Linden: I am someone who transcends L$. ;)
Khamon Fate: Do we really? Where is that quit notice activation?
Mars Trenchmouth: haha yep
Marianne McCann: Zach - I wish I only had 1k in there
Mars Trenchmouth: Torley, if you want something all you have to do is ask for it. X3
Torley Linden: But in all seriousness, I get a lot of really nice gifts, and I'm really thankful for it.
Daaneth Kivioq: putting money in an Sl bank the equivalent of tossing it in the fire
Torley Linden: Like avatars for example.
Zach Parvenu: XD
Hyacinth Hird: Torley if I knew how to build something proper I'd give it to you
Torley Linden: In my early days in Second Life I was a gambler... then I did documentation proofreading and writing of various sorts.
Zach Parvenu: \o/
Zach Parvenu: | Yay!!
Zach Parvenu: /\
Zach Parvenu: torley is richer
JetZep Zabelin: Yes, "rich" in creativity
Torley Linden: Zach I totally didn't need that, but thanks! I insist you have it back. :)
Zach Parvenu: :O otays
Hyacinth Hird: I assume you already have the watermelon launcher though
Torley Linden: And yes, I see the irony of hindsight.
JetZep Zabelin: lol how much did you give him Xach
Torley Linden: Yup that classic watermelon launcher, how can I forget it? Easy answer: I can't.
ZigZag Freenote: Khamon, Preferences, last tab
Torley Linden: I think that's the one by Snoopy Pico eh?
Gigs Taggart: food time
Daaneth Kivioq: oh we have gad so much fun with that! Watermelon fights all across Selby!
Gigs Taggart: hugs torley, later all
Zach Parvenu: Eep! o.O
Torley Linden: Always nice to see folks I see on Issue Tracker or blog comments or elsewhere inworld!
Zach Parvenu: wewt wewt!
Torley Linden: Have a good one Gigs!
Torley Linden: Yum yum food.
Zach Parvenu: ~*nyu?*~
Mars Trenchmouth: mmmfewd
JetZep Zabelin: I think im gonna mod that Pie a linden into a watermelon pie
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe
Daaneth Kivioq: pi are square
Zach Parvenu: .hug torley
Amethyst Collar (slim): Zach would like give you a hug. Say [Yes] to accept.
Torley Linden: Haha Daaneth, that always cracks me up.
Daedalus Young: the weighted companion pie is square
Zach gives Torley a big hug.
Torley Linden: I'm not sure how hugging will work when I'm sitting but thanks!
Torley Linden: Awwwwwe!
Torley Linden: That's nice of ya!
Zach Parvenu: \o/
Zach Parvenu: | Yay!!
Zach Parvenu: /\
Mars Trenchmouth: Pi r not squared! Pi R round! cornbread r squared!
Zach Parvenu: yw
Torley Linden: Mmm reminds me of banana bread, I haven't had that in awhile.
Mars Trenchmouth: ooh, likewise
Torley Linden: Al, I like that glow demo.
Torley Linden: Glow gives objects such an ethereal feeling.
Daedalus Young: I often just take bread and put banana on it
Daaneth Kivioq: Pi are irational! dont eat Pi!
Hyacinth Hird: Make a Companion Melon
Torley Linden: A square melon?
Daedalus Young: bit the same idea
Mars Trenchmouth: Hey Tor, I haven't been able to get glow to show up in my builds B=
Torley Linden: I've wanted to eat a cubed melon for ages.
Hyacinth Hird: They sell square melons in Japan
Torley Linden: Mmmm.
Zach Parvenu: torley has big (.) (.)
Hyacinth Hird: Seriously
Zach Parvenu: xd
Hyacinth Hird: They grow them in boxes
Torley Linden: Mars, do you have supported hardware?
Torley Linden: OMG.
Torley Linden: @_@
Zach Parvenu: xd
Al Sonic: It's hardly my idea though.
Hyacinth Hird: And make them square to stack theme asier
Torley Linden: Like what's your graphics card, Mars?
Torley Linden: I know there's a bug on some ATI cards that should show glow, but they don't.
Torley Linden: We hope to fix that one.
Mars Trenchmouth: ATI Radeon Mobil x1300
Mars Trenchmouth: *Mobile
Mars Trenchmouth wants a new card
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe
Mars Trenchmouth: And extra RAM for that matter
Torley Linden: Hmmm I'm not sure offhand if that one's capable of it.
Mars Trenchmouth: ok
Torley Linden: Yeah, can never go wrong with more RAM!
Mars Trenchmouth: heck yes! ten gigs FTW!
Mars Trenchmouth: X3
Hyacinth Hird: I need to get more monies to buy a real PC instead of this xD
Mars Trenchmouth: that. would eb cool.
Daaneth Kivioq: Warning Windoze does not recognize RAM over #GB
Daaneth Kivioq: 3GB
Mars Trenchmouth: dude
Mars Trenchmouth: sucky
Al Sonic: I heard somewhere that if you turn glowy stuff transparent, it has a "spooky" effect.
Torley Linden: Daaneth, that's 32-bit Windows... and all 32-bit operating systems I think.
Daaneth Kivioq: Sadly, yes
Mars Trenchmouth: ooh. I have 64bit ^_^
Daaneth Kivioq: even though I have a 64 bit motherborad
Daaneth Kivioq: too many apps wont run under Xp64
Al Sonic: Ah THERE we go. FULLY transparent now.
Mars Trenchmouth: yeah
Torley Linden: Yes, sadly there are incompatibilities.
Torley Linden: Like I didn't go to 64-bit WinXP because I have drivers that haven't been upgraded.
Torley Linden: I didn't want to risk too much stuff breaking.
Mars Trenchmouth: Next notebook I get's gonna be a Mac, I swear
Hyacinth Hird: If -> all applications won't run under 64-bit, people won't migrate. If -> people won't migrate, applications will continue to be made for 32-bit
Torley Linden: But, I might consider putting WinXP 64-bit on another hard drive and booting between OSes.
Hyacinth Hird: this -> :(
Torley Linden: It sounds like such a chicken-and-egg situation, Hyacinth.
Torley Linden: At least at first glance.
ZigZag Freenote: come on Hyacinth, we got from 16 to 32
Torley Linden: Migration tends to be more painful than people expect...
Mars Trenchmouth is really looking forward to Dazzle.
Daaneth Kivioq: I dual boot with Unix
Torley Linden: Thanks Mars!
Torley Linden: And you can apply that Dazzle patch on WindLight too...
Mars Trenchmouth: ^^ already seen it!
Mars Trenchmouth: ooh, cool
Torley Linden: and of course new Search is now in the main viewer. So exciting!
Torley Linden: OSSM!
JetZep Zabelin: yeah OSSM! =)
Mars Trenchmouth: I about had a heart attack when I saw that Windlight had been rereleased
Hyacinth Hird: Torley, I have to ask, are you addicted to Tiny Empires or have you managed to avoid this fad? :)
Mars Trenchmouth: I've been looking forward to it for months
Mars Trenchmouth is an SL fanboy :P
Marianne McCann still hasn't managed to make any sense of new search
Daaneth Kivioq: BWHAHA! I just made Marquis!
Khamon Fate: What's a Tiny Empires?
Torley Linden: Hee he I played it for awhile and it was fun — Tiny Empires that is.
Torley Linden: Aww Mars I appreciate your enthusiasm!
Hyacinth Hird: Pyramid scheme! xD
Torley Linden: LOLEX.
Mars Trenchmouth: ^^
Hyacinth Hird: Khamon it's a hud game
Daaneth Kivioq: it is fun!
Hyacinth Hird: Based on a feudal pyramid scheme
Hyacinth Hird: I am also a Marquis!
Torley Linden: Tiny Empires sort of reminded me of Defender of the Crown, which I played back in the early 90s...
Hyacinth Hird: 250 acres~
Mars Trenchmouth: Yeah, I played it for a while but haven't buggered with it in a while
Torley Linden: I made it up to 100-something acres.
Khamon Fate: ah, thanks
Torley Linden: That was on my alt tho.
Hyacinth Hird: It's a very impressive effort
Torley Linden: On this Torley Linden account I have to swap HUDs and avatars etc. too much.
Hyacinth Hird: Just the coding part of it
Torley Linden: Mostly for work purposes.
JetZep Zabelin: Torly can I give my LOLAHA gesture?
Daaneth Kivioq: yes, hyacinth - we are in the same kingdom
Hyacinth Hird: :D
Torley Linden: Sure JetZep.
Marianne McCann: My SL daddy was a big big fan of tiny empires. not asked if he's played lately, though
Torley Linden: Aren't there still Tiny Empires parties inworld too where folks mingle while leaving the HUD on?
Marianne McCann: May I too please, Torley?
Daaneth Kivioq: yes, frequently
Hyacinth Hird: I am in the Avalon Royal Court group :3
Torley Linden: Aw, sad news, Evel Knievel died.
Mars Trenchmouth: Question: What are the rules for Lindens revealing their Linden identities to friends they've made on alts?
Mars Trenchmouth: if there are any
Daaneth Kivioq: sad to hear that
Marianne McCann: They was jes talkin about dat here, Torley. We need someone to jump a canyon in his honor
Torley Linden: Mars, the rules aren't set in stone because they're largely dependent on individual choice.
JetZep Zabelin: wow Evel Knievel !
Torley Linden: If a Linden wants to keep their alt private, they can.
Mars Trenchmouth: ok
Daedalus Young: ooh, I read it yes
Torley Linden: If they want to expose that alt publicly, they can.
Torley Linden: E.g., I'm obviously Torley Olmstead.
Mars Trenchmouth nods
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe
Daaneth Kivioq: "expose your alt" = sounds kinky
Torley Linden: Ah yeah it kinda does. o.O
Mars Trenchmouth notes that there is yet to be a Mars Linden
Torley Linden: ALTS GONE WILD!!!!
Mars Trenchmouth: X3
Torley Linden: Freakin' A, B, and C.
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
JetZep Zabelin: Its only right since your private account is private
Torley Linden: Yup no Mars Linden yet... :D How did you choose the name "Mars"?
Mars Trenchmouth: yeah
Al Sonic: And Qarl is obviously Qarl Fizz.
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Torley Linden: Hahaha yes Al.
Torley Linden: Qarl worked on The Matrix: Reloaded's special effects!
Marianne McCann: Mars = no Marianne Linden neither
Torley Linden: He's also worked on Riven and some other wonderful thangs.
Daaneth Kivioq is really Phillip Linden (grin)
Mars Trenchmouth: Well, the planet Mars represents to me an amazing new frontier for humanity
Daedalus Young: with one or two l's in Philip? ;)
Miz Mizin: me Riven fan and Myst
Daaneth Kivioq: 3!
Mars Trenchmouth: the first step in a long evolution away from our mother world
Torley Linden: Ooh really Mars, that feels kinda Philip K. Dickian.
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe
Daaneth Kivioq: Phiilip
Mars Trenchmouth: I'm a futurist. What can I say?
Torley Linden: Philip Linden AKA Rosedale has "one l".
Torley Linden: Philip sometimes lets reporters know this.
Torley Linden: *gets excited about futurology*
Hyacinth Hird: Did you just cal Philip a dick? :O
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Marianne McCann: P. K. Dick? Reminds me dat I wanna see the new cut of Blade Runner
Torley Linden: That's a great way to put it, Mars, thanks for sharing!
Daaneth Kivioq: I have seven L's but they are invisible & silent
Mars Trenchmouth: thanks :)
Torley Linden: Hahah no... PKD is a phenomenal, alas dead author.
Torley Linden: He wrote some seminal works, and Blade Runner is one of my favorites.
Daaneth Kivioq: oooh yes, I have all his books
Torley Linden: I saw Scanner Darkly the other day and thought, if we could have real-time cel-shaded FX like that in SL, that'd be hawt.
Mars Trenchmouth: I'm privy to certain young technologies that are going to truly revolutionize our way of life when they're allowed to become widespread.
Daedalus Young: I thought there needed to be a Terrance Linden too, so we get Terrance & Philip
Torley Linden: I think Ubik should be made into a movie but it's exceedingly difficult to translate that sort of vision onto the screen.
Torley Linden: Hahah Daed, oh that's so funny.
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Torley Linden: Oooh Mars. Well said, that should be a quote.
Mars Trenchmouth: ^^
Hyacinth Hird: Philip is totally Canadian
Hyacinth Hird: Look at his head
Daaneth Kivioq: There should be a Marlowe Linden, then
Daedalus Young: lol
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Mars Trenchmouth: Tree Linden...
Torley Linden: So many fun puns.
Mars Trenchmouth: Street Linden
Daedalus Young: London Linden
Mars Trenchmouth: Warehouse Liniden
Mars Trenchmouth: Linden even
Daaneth Kivioq: Unterden Linden
Torley Linden: You know that song that goes MIYAAA HEEEEEEEEE, apparently its real name translates into "Love under the Linden trees".
Mars Trenchmouth: Dibs on Mars Linden!
Torley Linden: Which makes it even more appropriate when gestures of it get played in SL!
Mars Trenchmouth: haha nice
Torley Linden: Linden Linden.
Mars Trenchmouth: I love the Numa song
Mars Trenchmouth: X3
Mars Trenchmouth: nice
Marianne McCann wants to be Wendy Linden.
Hyacinth Hird: I think that the next Linden should have a name that connects more to the community, like "666sweetieprincess57"
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Mars Trenchmouth: Nu.
Torley Linden: LOL, hahahahahaa.
Al Sonic: XD
Torley Linden: AOLer!
Hyacinth Hird: Maiya hiii, maiya hoo, maiya haaa, maaaiyaa ah-aaaah
Torley Linden: :O
Mars Trenchmouth: rofl
Hyacinth Hird: Razor-blaaaaade da numa numa nay
Blogland Oh: OMFG
Blogland Oh: you are still here YES!
Daaneth Kivioq: how about Nednil Linden?
JetZep Zabelin: rofl
Blogland Oh: SCOOOORE!
JetZep Zabelin: it would have to be nedniL
Torley Linden: Nednil, does he like backwards-speak?
Al Sonic: Heh, I was thinking that too. Daan.
Daedalus Young: Lolita Linden, an ironical favourite name of Laetizia Coronet
Torley Linden: He's full of palindromic goodness.
Daaneth Kivioq: Yoda Linden, speak backwards, he would
Mars Trenchmouth: "Shouting me too! like some braindead AOLer/I'm about to cap you like Old Yeller/you're just about as useless as jpegs to hellen keller!"
Torley Linden: This is too dang hilarious.
Hyacinth Hird: I just know we're gonna get a Lassie Linden some day
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Torley Linden: Mars, I like Weird Al a lot.
Daaneth Kivioq: ROFL!
Hyacinth Hird: Collie avatar. Runs around saving people.
Mars Trenchmouth: I'm a huge Al fan
Torley Linden: That is one of my fave lines from a Weird Al song, BTW.
Daaneth Kivioq: WeirdAl Linden!!
Mars Trenchmouth: XDD
Mars Trenchmouth: heck yes!
Mars Trenchmouth: LL should make Al an honorary Linden!
Al Sonic likes Wierd Al too ;D
Mars Trenchmouth: X3
Hyacinth Hird: How about Ludacris Linden
Mars Trenchmouth: haha..
Hyacinth Hird: Or Xzibit Linden
Torley Linden: Ahhh it's been so incredibly fun, thanks everyone for coming to visit me. I've got to return to my other scheduled work *makes funny TV tuning sound* but I'll be back here next Friday at the same time. I hope you each and all have an awesome weekend, HOLLA DAWG!
Mars Trenchmouth: Along with George Lucas and whoever wrote Snow Crash
Hyacinth Hird: Pimp My Parcel
Mars Trenchmouth: haha
Marianne McCann met Weird Al, and has his autograph somewhere at home
Daaneth Kivioq: Take care!
Mars Trenchmouth: Later Torley. Have a good one
Mars Trenchmouth: Nice Marianne
Daedalus Young: thanks Torley
Torley Linden: Bai bai for now, t'carez!
Al Sonic: Yup, guhbye!
JetZep Zabelin: OK have a good weekend Torley
Hyacinth Hird: Friendly goodbyes, Torley!
Mars Trenchmouth will try to be here next week.
Hyacinth Hird as well
Mars Trenchmouth: Hey, I got to meet Burt Rutan
Marianne McCann: Have fun, Torley! May the crashes be soft!
Zach Parvenu: xd
Mars Trenchmouth: hehe
Zach Parvenu: laggy here bah
Torley Linden: *smiles and waves*