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< Pyogp
Revision as of 13:46, 13 July 2009 by Enus Linden (talk | contribs)
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  1. Update the published docs at:
    1. Pyogp
    2. pWiki Pyogp Tech Overview
  2. we need to spend time improving unit test coverage very soon
  3. we need to use pylint to help clean up pyogp
  4. we need to come up with pyogp specific coding guidelines
  5. extend test case coverage in the pyogp-scut branch and prep it for a QAR run

Functional Changes

  1. Raise an application event when disconnected
  2. Messaging changes
    1. add a MessagingManager, refactor UDPDispatcher and EventQueueClient to purely parse/pack data, and handle messaging concerns in this new class
      1. incorporate message.xml handling
    2. remove and refactor accordingly
    3. Merge UPDPacket and Message (Done)
    4. merge packet_handler and event_queue_handler (Done)
    5. fix (kotler)
  3. update the event handler (Done)
    1. create a generic event message class with name and payload (Done)
    2. add convenience methods (e.g. to_llsd(), to_dict())
  4. PyOGP Application support
    1. adding application level events throughout
  5. Functional Additions
    1. further parcel and object related functionality to support Parcel_API_Phase_1_Test#PyOGP_.2F_SCUT
    2. teleport
      • teleport to region/x/y/z (Done 2009-06-15)
      • teleport to landmark
      • receive teleport request
      • accept teleport request
      • accept god teleport request
      • teleport status (Done 2009-06-15)
    3. L$
      • Send money (Done 2009-06-17)
      • money balance updates (Done 2009-06-17)
    4. Actions
      • Sit on ground
      • Sit on target
      • Stand
      • Gestures
    5. Friends
      • List of friends (Done 2009-06-15)
      • offline/online notifications (Done 2009-06-15)
      • send/accept friend invite
      • de-friending
    6. Parcels
      • parcel update events (media)
    7. Voice
      • Voice URI (Can be done using caps; should we bother with it outside a sample?)
      • Voice credentials
    8. Object Tracking
      • Avatars (name cache)
    9. Appearance management (e.g. avoid having to bake locally)
      • Initialization of appearance manager and required messages (Done)
      • Requesting cached Texture ids(Done)
      • VisualParams classes (Done)
      • AgentSetAppearance (Done)
      • Fetch own avatar visualParams from wearables
      • Cases where sim does not have cached TextureEntry(ObjectUpdate) or TextureIDs (AgentCachedTextureResponse)
      • Attachments
      • Animations
    10. a thousand other things

Apps to develop using pyogp

  1. create a viewer proxy using pyogp
  2. create something akin to libomv's TestClient