This text says that you rotate a vector Q by a rotation z with the formula :
Q' = zQz-1
but LSL proceeds in reverse order then it rotates a vector by a rotation (* operator) :
Q' = z-1Qz
Just give a try if you don't believe me... ;-). The reason is LSL follows the right-hand rule for direction of positive rotations.
This has consequence over the rest of computations.
-- Catherine Pfeffer, 2007-12-06
This text has two shemas at the end. If you look well at it, the 90° rotation in the first schema and
in the second schema are supposed to be opposite (once in z direction, the other time in -z direction)
but the pink arrow materializing the rotation is the same.
It's the first schema that is correct (LSL follows right-hand rule for direction of positive rotations)
-- Catherine Pfeffer, 2007-12-07