Samurai Edo

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Revision as of 09:06, 27 July 2009 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Graciously provided by Esprite Xavier, who responded when Torley was making the '''Event Moderation Guide''' and looking for Resident tips. : Samurai Ed...')
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Graciously provided by Esprite Xavier, who responded when Torley was making the Event Moderation Guide and looking for Resident tips.

Samurai Edo is our C:SI combat sim, which had a few problems, the number 1 being new people who search and see "combat" in the title thinking it's time to whip out the guns. It was a huge problem before so we had to think of a way to keep those "misinformed" along with the greifers from entering the sim.
So the first thing we did was make the land group only, and you had to be invited into our "Samurai Island Warriors" group to get in. We had several clans devoted to C:SI so we had the clan leaders regulate who was invited into the groups. However this presented many problems. Clans complained people were joining for the sole purpose of wanting to get into the Sim, and often the clan leaders might leave or put someone else in charge, the amount of people and the constant need to change user roles in clans when you are trying to develop content for a game was too much. So we had to think of something else.
Alright, so what we did as a solution: When we launched our new website and grid wide scoring system we also included a registration system that would tie your avatar to a forum account on the website. What this also did was tie an IP address to an avatar and an email address. To register you had to have bought a C:SI sword and have worn the hud. Our swords are not exactly cheap (I still think they are a good value for the amount of work that are put into them) but they are a minimum $800l. We figured we'd be ok dealing with a greifer if they were going to pay us $800L every time, haha.
So the combat simulator was opened to all, but included security devices across the sim that would detect if an avatar would first have payment info (if they did they were allowed to stay), and if not, had they registered by checking their name against our membership database. We could also ban avatars from our website via IP and email, which in turn would ban them from access in our sim. However it let people without payment info who had obtained a sword entry into the sim and freed clans and staff the responsibilities of micromanaging group memberships.

From a second part:

The actual combat sim can be found here: and you can find entrance along with our main shop area in Samurai Island here:
Our website is powered by e107 but we have PHP written to process the avatar registrations into our mySQL database. Oh I guess the website can be found here: , we have some fun gridwide stat tracking, and recently RobbyRacoon Olmstead got weekly stats incorporated into the site as well. ^^
Archanox Underthorne as usual is our main coder and got most of our ideas working to make this system possible. Also newer LSL functions like httprequest and being able to detect an avatars payment status helped get around many of previous hurdles!

Supporting imagery:



Esprite-Xavier-Samurai Edo Secutiy Box.jpg

Esprite-Xavier-Warning Sign.jpg