User:Torley Linden/Project updates

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Catch up on my past project updates:


[2007-12-13] [WINDLIGHT] Alpha textures becoming opaque at a distance

Yes, it's intentional that alpha (32-bit, see-through) textures become opaque (solid) at a distance — this was done as a speed booster, since layered alpha textures decrease performance.

At the same time, I know how ugly it looks in some situations, and how it impairs other things — for example, if want to take a picture of an apartment building and the contents of its floors, but when I zoom out, the glass windows (alpha textures) go opaque, blocking my view.

I wonder if it'd be a good idea to map this to Objects Mesh Detail... or provide an option in Debug Settings.

Next steps: collate Issue Tracker stuff related to this like VWR-3101, forward to our Developers on Team WindLight for a better solution...

[2007-12-11] [MISC] Keep on going!

Today was a long day with moments of joy interspersed amidst the awkwardness of Second Life undergoing a longer-than-expected service outage. Whenever this happens, you know for sure that our people are working intensely behind-the-scenes. It tends to be valleys of pandemonium alternating with peaks of calm across our internal comm. channels.

Since the inworld experience was splotchy, I worked on giving feedback to an exciting part of our website that's going to be updated. I don't wanna leak/spoil the surprise, so you'll find out soon enuff (I hope).

I also did a lot of here-and-there wiki tweakage, including adding a picture to brighten up the Office Hours page. It's amazing what one well-placed illustration can do. Seraph Linden is very good at putting eye-catching comics (and stuff) on our internal wiki pages, so I thought I'd sort of follow his model.

I wanted to spend more time on the Issue Tracker (AKA PJIRA) today but due to database probs, wasn't able to. I'll run through my triage queue, WindLight and otherwise, thoroughly tomorrow. I promise.

Gotta film a new Tip o' the Week too. What's it gonna be? Prolly texture optimization, I can't go wrong with that popular and need-to-know topic.

More Resis — that means you if you have an interest! — should start their own public wiki pages. I don't think there's enough knowhow yet but some of our Volunteers have, like one of our most frequent editors, SignpostMarv Martin. To start your own, either (1) click your Second Life name at the top of the page (to the left of to "my talk"), or (2) go here and replace the "FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME" in the address with your Second Life name. Like, mine's:

Pretty easy. You'll want to learn how to edit the wiki if you don't yet know how, and you'll learn by doing.

[2007-12-07] [MISC] I'm reorganizing this...

Instead of having a separate header for each project, which is arguably neater, I'm going to try updates under a single "Updates" header for the time being, and instead use the subject line of each update to indicate what it's about — one reason is because so much of my work is interconnected.

I also plan to use this not just to record "Project updates" per se but to take notes that need future fleshing-out and may come in handy. As the GTD and other time & life management practices espouse, you gotta write these things down.