User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2007-12-14

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Revision as of 10:50, 17 December 2007 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: == 6 AM == '''Torley Linden:''' HELLO EVERYONE!<br> '''Torley Linden:''' Apologies I am a bit late!<br> Psyra Extraordinaire: Hey hey hey.<br> '''Torley Linden:''' I have no excuses, only ...)
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6 AM

Torley Linden: HELLO EVERYONE!
Torley Linden: Apologies I am a bit late!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hey hey hey.
Torley Linden: I have no excuses, only that I am here now!
Psyra Extraordinaire: The RL emergency wasn't so ... full of... emergence?
Torley Linden: aliceinwire, that avatar continues to crack me up!
Torley Linden: Please come and have a seat!
Torley Linden: Good to see you here... Psyra, Ichigo, Latok, Randal, Kitty... who else is here...
aliceinwire Bleac: :P
aliceinwire Bleac: sorry
Torley Linden: OMG BASKET OF KITTENS!????
Kitty Barnett: *waves*
Kitty Barnett: hehe yesh :o
Psyra Extraordinaire: Alloallo. :>
Torley Linden: Ack I should update my wiki page, I had a RL crisis but it's mostly been averted...
aliceinwire Bleac: where is a seat ?
Latok Neumann: heyhey
aliceinwire Bleac: chair
Torley Linden: Across from me, aliceinwire.
aliceinwire Bleac: mmm lag lag lag
Latok Neumann: /ao off
Torley Linden: You don't have to sit if you don't want to... feel free to chat tho!
aliceinwire Bleac gave you sleight - aliceinwire (torley version).
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ooof. my spinal cord.
Latok Neumann: wow, that is beautiful Psyra
Torley Linden: Yikes Psyra, you look more anthropormophic all of a sudden!
Torley Linden: This avatar looks like a classic!
Torley Linden: I wish the flexible prims detail slider actually did more tho... right now it doesn't affect much.
Torley Linden: *watches the flexiprims around*
izumi Schnyder: mew~(´???`)
Psyra Extraordinaire: I only wish we had flexisculpts. That would finish SL off in the Awesome Book.
Latok Neumann: it would be gret if flexible objects would have some sort of collision detection
Gellan Glenelg: hi
Latok Neumann: great*
Torley Linden: Latok, haha, that would be good for whips and stuff.
Torley Linden: Or even wet towels!
Kitty Barnett: lol
Latok Neumann: also for hair, so it doesn't move into my avatar
Lisaine Raymaker: hee hee... YES, Latok!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Mmmm, wet towels. *Fh-pssh!*
Latok Neumann: : )
Torley Linden: Yes, hair is a very good candidate...
Torley Linden: I know flexiprims made hair look a lot more realistic, and it could be extended even further.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Flexis just can't bend enough to make them perfect. Short ones hardly bend at all.
Kitty Barnett: the base of the hair is stuck in your head to make it fit right though with the end of the prims... would be a pain to say "this end of the prim can stick into my body but not that end"
Torley Linden: That's a good point too, Kitty... appearance tricks like that...
Psyra Extraordinaire: There's some ways you can cheat having a flexi with two attached ends and a free middle, but it's not very convincing.
Torley Linden: It is pretty amazing what ingenuity comes up with...
Kitty Barnett: or necessity :)
aliceinwire Bleac: hello everyone
Psyra Extraordinaire: Caw! ^_^
Torley Linden: Hello hello!
Fargis Ewing: hi alice
Torley Linden: Friendly greetings. ;)
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
izumi Schnyder: hello
Torley Linden: Hey Fargis, izumi!
Fargis Ewing: hello torley :)
Latok Neumann: hi : )
Dragonfly85 Mayo: hi!
Ichigo Mayo: hello:)
Psyra Extraordinaire: G'morrrrrning.
aliceinwire Bleac: the object i have give you is a sleight in torley style
aliceinwire Bleac: but i want make it better with the follow script
Fargis Ewing: wow psyra
Psyra Extraordinaire: Caw?
Torley Linden: I want to... check that out!
Torley Linden: *rezzes it, or tries to*
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hehe. :>
Torley Linden: Awww thanks aliceinwire! Rock on for the watermelon sleigh!
ROMSEY Homewood: hello every one! :O))
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: Now you'll just have to pull it around. You look like the sleigh-pullin' type.
Fargis Ewing: hi romsey
Kitty Barnett: hey-ies Romsey *waves*
Tamasin Demina: OK SO how do you get down without falling?
Torley Linden: Tamasin, oh, you can fly!
Torley Linden: And here you are. :)
Tamasin Demina: morning!
Latok Neumann: hehe
Torley Linden: Aye, I know, no stairs... what a novel concept eh? ;)
Torley Linden: How's everyone doing today, and what's of interest?
Torley Linden: Anything you'd like to ask me about? :D
ROMSEY Homewood: cool!
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Tamasin Demina: nicholaz is back = me happy
Psyra Extraordinaire: "Are you suggesting cocoanuts migrate?"
Fargis Ewing: i came for the freebies :)
aliceinwire Bleac: i have see the of yesterday :d
aliceinwire Bleac: it rocks !
Tamasin Demina: african or european swallows?
Latok Neumann: I had an update fopr quiktime today from Apple. does that mean the possible exploits in SL are gone too now?
Jeanni Nishi: hello, Torley--- thanks for the latest texture tip on the blog :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: I only have one Q. It's a Q that's been around for a looong time, I think since 1.15 or so. :>
Torley Linden: You're welcome Jeanni!
Torley Linden: Latok, I'm not sure offhand, I haven't caught up with the latest news about that but we were very concerned that Apple fix it ASAP.
ROMSEY Homewood: how is OpenLife going, havent tried it yet.
Fargis Ewing: yeah thanks, wheres the free textures?
Torley Linden: You're wecome Fargis... ah, if you fly out some... to the front of this building...
Fargis Ewing: ok, thankyou
Torley Linden: look for the wall... or I can give you a mini-pack too that you can rez!
Torley Linden: Sec...
Fargis Ewing: thats great thanks
Fargis Ewing accepted your inventory offer.
Tamasin Demina gave you mini rc sleigh.
Fargis Ewing: merci :0
aliceinwire Bleac: i have see the video of linden world
aliceinwire Bleac: is fantastic :D
Torley Linden: Ohh the very early one that James Linden made?
aliceinwire Bleac: for 2001 is a really super graphics
Torley Linden: I like how some of the paradigms are different... for example, it was kind of more like a first-person shooter!
aliceinwire Bleac: i have think it
Torley Linden: If anyone missed that movie, you can see it here...
aliceinwire Bleac: so second life is born like a shotter game ?
Psyra Extraordinaire: It was back then.
Psyra Extraordinaire: With deformable landscape. The ONLY other game back then that you could do that was Red Faction.
Torley Linden: James was one of the very first Lindens...
Torley Linden: Really Psyra? I didn't know that. Intriguing.
aliceinwire Bleac: the first is phoenix linden i think
Torley Linden: I've had a craving for classic games recently... I've been trying out and on the whole, it's pretty nifty.
Psyra Extraordinaire: RF was the first recognized game with deformable landscape.
Torley Linden: Yeah, Phoenix's rezdate is the oldest.
Torley Linden: Phoenix is HISTORICAL AWESOME!
Psyra Extraordinaire:
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Torley Linden: *checks out*
Psyra Extraordinaire: Red Faction takes place on Mars in the 22nd century. The player controls a miner named Parker who helps lead a rebellion against the Ultor Corporation. The premiere feature of the game is its "Geo-Mod" technology, short for "geometry modification", which provided destructible environments, allowing the player to destroy certain sections of the scenery in the game. For example, instead of opening a door, a player could blast through the rock surrounding the door.
Torley Linden: Oooh, "Geo-Mod" eh? Fascinating.
aliceinwire Bleac: lol
Torley Linden: They gotta give everything a fun name...
aliceinwire Bleac: yoyo check this out :D
Torley Linden: That's interesting about Descent 4...
Tamasin Demina: i had a question about the follow cam thing is it plausible(?) possible to put that in something that confused me for minutes and minutes this morning
izumi Schnyder: mew~(´???`)
aliceinwire Bleac: i have play on descent one in my pentum 75mhz :D
aliceinwire Bleac: and redalert :O
Torley Linden: The original Descent music made me smile a lot.
Torley Linden: I was trying out Myst Online (Uru) the other day.
aliceinwire Bleac: red alert was a fantastic strategic game too
Torley Linden: Really gorgeous landscapes, it's kind of slow-paced but that's good if you prefer relaxation.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Descent sounded a lot different when the Wavetable cards came out. :D
ROMSEY Homewood: graphics are great in Myst
aliceinwire Bleac:
Torley Linden: Ohh you remember wavetable cards too? I remember when SoundBlaster 16 was like, de facto common standard.
aliceinwire Bleac: this is my preferred avi torley :D
ROMSEY Homewood: not sure what number its up to now, i think i got to Myst Riven
Torley Linden: Haha aliceinwire! Thanx to Grendel's Children for it.
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Torley Linden: It got up to Myst V, not counting Uru.
ROMSEY Homewood: ah! might have a go then.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I only played Myst3D a bit.
ROMSEY Homewood: tricky puzzles though!
ROMSEY Homewood: some of them i would have never got!!! without some help
aliceinwire Bleac:
Latok Neumann: red alert! I spend soo much time on that
Torley Linden: Yup, I think the music puzzle in the original Myst in the rocketship was pretty hard for anyone who didn't already have some musical training...
Torley Linden: I found it pretty easy.
aliceinwire Bleac: from westwood
Moard Ling: Captive
Torley Linden: But some of the other puzzles were nuts!
Torley Linden: OMG Red Alert, more of these classic names are coming back!
Torley Linden: I didn't play Red Alert but I always thought the name "Tiberian" was pretty kewl.
Torley Linden: *is fond of parallel universes*
aliceinwire Bleac: yep but when i have buy the game for playx
aliceinwire Bleac: redalert retaletion
aliceinwire Bleac: i have exchenge it
ROMSEY Homewood: yup! tricky but you get your moneys worth!!!
aliceinwire Bleac: with jade cocon
aliceinwire Bleac: with a friend
aliceinwire Bleac: and is no more return :'(
Latok Neumann: I'm realy into Japanese action rpg's nw. Anyone ever played Oath in Felghana? from the Ys series?
Torley Linden: Awww. Jade Cocoon, I know that name too.
Torley Linden: I haven't heard of Oath in Felghana...
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ahhhhh, I loved that game. :D
Torley Linden: I played Y's... one of the early games... on TurboGraphx-16.
Torley Linden: *nostalgic*
aliceinwire Bleac: retalation was the version with the ants lol
Latok Neumann: : ) Felgnana is a 3D remake of Ys3
Torley Linden: My brother used to play a lot of SNES RPGs, it was always intriguing to see how the game design differed, like how battles were plotted out, adventures were paced, etc.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Heyo Flea. :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: Flea needs to eat more.
Torley Linden: Hey hey Flea! Nice avatar! But I've said that many times with good reason!
Moard Ling: Ultima I-III
Flea Bussy: rarity is thy pheonix, and thus is equally difficult to find- unless you have 'track pheonix skill'
aliceinwire Bleac: rampage :P
Torley Linden: You could use a bite, Flea... haha... spelling out doom with your fingers!
aliceinwire Bleac: syndacate wars
Torley Linden: Rampage, the movie monster game, aliceinwire?
aliceinwire Bleac: i love that game
Psyra Extraordinaire: Flea's got a +3 to Finger Painting skill.
Torley Linden: OMG Syndicate, I played that a lot. Cyberpunk stylings.
Moard Ling: Powermonger, bbq those sheep
Tamasin Demina: Hiya flea
aliceinwire Bleac: rampage the game for pc in floppy disk :P
Psyra Extraordinaire: Syndicate also had destructable landscape, but wasn't true 3D, so it never beat Red Faction to the punch. ;D
aliceinwire Bleac: one floppy
Torley Linden: I played Rampage on Commodore 64.
Torley Linden: Haha Psyra.
Flea Bussy: heehee
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Flea Bussy: heyoo
Torley Linden: All of these games influenced me, to this day...
Latok Neumann: happy 25th bithday for the C64
aliceinwire Bleac: i had love syndacate
Tamasin Demina: keep it real vic 20 all the way
Moard Ling: Realms Of The Haunting
Torley Linden: Flea, do you bring prophecies of doom and forboding to us?
Torley Linden: ;)
ROMSEY Homewood: who wants a snowball? and i mean a ball made of snow...hehe!
aliceinwire Bleac: GRAVITON GUN
aliceinwire Bleac: lol
Torley Linden: :D
Latok Neumann: uhmmm
Torley Linden: Sounds rather festive. =)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Apeture Science Handheld Portal Device.
aliceinwire Bleac:
Torley Linden: It was only a matter of time before PORTAL came up!
Torley Linden: I swear nowadays, Portal is like Godwin's Law... only more portals, less Nazis!
aliceinwire Bleac: yes torley why here there is no snow ??????
Torley Linden: aliceinwire, hmmm... you have a point... I was thinking about retexturing the whole region...
Torley Linden: not sure if my neighbors would all agree...
ROMSEY Homewood: i have my skates on but no ice to be seen
Torley Linden: Or even putting out snow-y objects...
Psyra Extraordinaire: Just add a few snow particles.
Torley Linden: Eventually in Second Life we hope to have materials, more versatile texturing options for objects.
Torley Linden: AHHH Psyra good idea!
Torley Linden: Who has a good snow maker?
Moard Ling: No Santa Linden then
Flea Bussy: Your neighbors are could retexture the mainland for all that, and play godling!
Torley Linden: Haha Flea, this is true, there are some Residents in the vicinity tho.
Flea Bussy: PSH
ROMSEY Homewood: and let it snow......
Torley Linden: I remember first seeing my first particle "weather" maker in the Welcome Area.
Flea Bussy: COPE
Psyra Extraordinaire: No dankes. :D
Latok Neumann: yay
Flea Bussy: hehe
Torley Linden: I see Patchouli and takeji!
Psyra Extraordinaire: No danks, again. :>
Torley Linden: Glad to have you all here with me...
Torley Linden: My gosh.
Patchouli Woollahra: hey all... coffee?
Torley Linden: Thanks for the snow!
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'So long and thanks for all the snow?' :D
Torley Linden: Patch, whoa, that's a 'nother very neat-looking avatar.
Kitty Barnett: hey-ies Patchouli :)
Torley Linden: I'll try some coffee..
Hazelea Servobot whispers: Please hold on one moment while I prepare your Cats' Swill Coffee, Randal Kline
Torley Linden: ...
Torley Linden: Thanx aliceinwire!
Fargis Ewing: ive got some snowflakes you can wear
Hazelea Servobot whispers: Now serving Cats' Swill Coffee to Randal Kline...
Hazelea Servobot whispers: Have a nice day, Randal Kline! :D
Latok Neumann: this is always a great place to see the most amazing avatars
Patchouli Woollahra kicks herself in the noggin for using a delay on the brewing xD
waelya Tenk: hi all!
Patchouli Woollahra: you got a mention from NPIRL, Torley.
Tamasin Demina: i needs me something a bit more fun
JetZep Zabelin: hi Torley!
Patchouli Woollahra: last week's photos, some of them got teh wow.
Cats' Swill Coffee : Hot strong coffee!!
aliceinwire Bleac: persuadertron in syndacate wars was fantastic lol
Torley Linden: Haha yes, aliceinwire, that's such a great word.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Cat's swill? *shivers nervously*
aliceinwire Bleac: i want one here too
Torley Linden: Oh yes Patch? Thanks for catching that!
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Torley Linden: I agree, Latok, I'm biased but overjoyed that cool avatars have come to visit.
Torley Linden: Hiya JetZep!
aliceinwire Bleac gave you snow emitter.
Torley Linden: I can never say enough thank-yous.
Patchouli Woollahra points at the little sign up on her headdress. "One at a time? ^^;"
aliceinwire Bleac: i use it on all the avatars of second life than i can persuadetron the torley boss
Torley Linden: I have a background in cyberpunk, so I really dig that stuff.
Torley Linden: HAHAHAHA!
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Latok Neumann: :D
Torley Linden: The last level of the original Syndicate was very difficult...
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: all these factions and forces out to get you. What a frustrater!
Patchouli Woollahra: yeah, what was with that acelerator thing?
aliceinwire Bleac: on the space
Flea Bussy: okay so now we need to make torley a little gun that makes avs go 'baa' and turn blue white for a moment
Psyra Extraordinaire: Walk into a crowd with that sort of message over yer head at this hour, expect to get flooded.
Flea Bussy: 'congradulations, you've been persuadatron'd, a la syndicate style!'
Torley Linden: Everyone comes forth!
Tamasin Demina: you see bits of neuromancer in SL torley?
Torley Linden: Haha Flea!
Patchouli Woollahra: my bad, Psyra.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hee hee.
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Torley Linden: Tamasin, yes I do... to some extent, both literal and more metaphorical.
Psyra Extraordinaire: KEEP MOVING. MOVE ALONG.
Torley Linden: One of the early regions IS named Gibson...
Patchouli Woollahra: I hadn't considered the implications of actually doing a 15-second boil between coffees.
Tamasin Demina: ah very cool
Torley Linden: Tyrell Corporation in Second Life has a Neuromancer strain in their DNA... ;)
Moard Ling: Gibson, after the Guitar or the 2000ad artist ?
waelya Tenk: sorry i have a qstion.. when is a big atack griefer the best is make report? or i can make another thing?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Augh! Just read about Terry Pratchett. :(
Torley Linden: Gibson, after William Gibson, author of Neuromancer.
Torley Linden: Yes, sad news about Mr. Pratchett. :(
Flea Bussy: ?
Torley Linden: Also sad to hear about Robert Jordan lately.
Flea Bussy: What happened?
Latok Neumann: what about him?
Tamasin Demina: and johnn mnemonic
Patchouli Woollahra: what is it with old men with white hair, black leather and hats?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Early-Onset Alzheimers. :(
waelya Tenk: in this moments Cartmel
Flea Bussy: eww
Latok Neumann: eeew :(
Flea Bussy: well, happens to the best wizards ;)
Patchouli Woollahra: robert Jordan and Terry Pratchett wore the same attire in public ^^;
Torley Linden: waelya: You should report as soon and as detailed as possible from Help menu > Report Abuse. Usually with the big ones, we get multiple reports that help alert our Governance Team.
Torley Linden: Really Patch? I had no idea.
aliceinwire Bleac: john mnemonic is the ex boyfriend of monna
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'Pratchett remains optimistic: 'I would just like to draw attention to everyone reading the above that this should be interpreted as 'I am not dead'. I will, of course, be dead at some future point, as will everybody else. For me, this maybe further off than you think - it's too soon to tell.'"'
Torley Linden: Harlan Ellison still seems to be going pretty bright 'n' cranky.
aliceinwire Bleac: jhonny die at the end
Patchouli Woollahra: yeah, keeping active is a strong method of fixing alzhemiers.
Torley Linden: I like Ellison's works a lot, don't care so much for some of his mean-spiritedness, but it HAS got him attention throughout the years. :\
Psyra Extraordinaire: If laughter is the best medicine, he's not gonna die.
Patchouli Woollahra starts a jug of Chrysanthenum tea.
Torley Linden: "AM" is one of the most sinsister AI's ever written.
Torley Linden: Mmm I like that Chrys-y tea, one of my f aves.
Patchouli Woollahra: Who iz Shodan?
Jeska Torok: Lag
Jeska Torok: :\
Torley Linden: Shodan is pretty bad too, I like malevolent AIs.
aliceinwire Bleac: jhonny die in here house killed by a agent
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hee. Wintermute. :D
Torley Linden: I've been ruminating every now and then about writing blog posts from the perspective of an evil AI.
Moard Ling: JN won the razzie award in 1996 for *best* actor
Torley Linden: I'd do amber-on-black text as a tribute to DOS.
Patchouli Woollahra: Wintermute is the name of a popular EVE comic artist.
Torley Linden: Moard: WHOA. (Keanu Reeves impersonation.)
Torley Linden: All these connections!
Patchouli Woollahra: oh wait, that's Winter Blink.
Latok Neumann: lol
Tamasin Demina: dont go below 50
Moard Ling: Party on dude
Torley Linden: I wonder if the words "Wintermute" and "Falldeaf" have any connection.
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: Activating...
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: setting botname to Hal_9000
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: setting bot id to f1569d732e3607d5
Patchouli Woollahra: Possibly.
Jeska Torok cries.
Patchouli Woollahra: all possibilities are possible in Second Life.
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: What are the odds?
Torley Linden: What a great ensemble of avatars here... we are THE COOL.
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: it is a great ensemble of avatars here. Do you think I am THE COOL too?
Flea Bussy: and the firey, and the dead
Patchouli Woollahra: In other news SL pwnz Zombo.
aliceinwire Bleac: my wintermute
aliceinwire Bleac: :)
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Flea Bussy: And the robotic, and so on, ad naseum
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: Who told you that?
Torley Linden: What is Zombo!?
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: I have to process that one for a while.
Patchouli Woollahra makes like a Nigerian scammer "You can do ANYTHING AT ZOMBO.COM"
aliceinwire Bleac whispers: YOU? Thanks for that web address.
Hazelea Servobot whispers: Please exit the restaurant in an orderly fashion through any available exits in a calm and orderly fashion. We hope you have had a wonderful time at our establishment and hope to see you after post-fire renovations. Have a nice day!
Patchouli Woollahra: I suck at snappy snark.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Now now, could you keep it down, nobody's talking about a 'fire sale'. :D
Latok Neumann: I want to turn this robot into an avatar some day
Patchouli Woollahra: I said the same thing when I first primmed this up.
Torley Linden: Whoa Latok, that is pretty cool.
Patchouli Woollahra: four invisiprims and several extra scripts later... eh xD
Torley Linden: I like t he coiled design... and the joints...
Latok Neumann: : )
Moard Ling: dont you have to be swallowed by a whale or summithing
aliceinwire Bleac: torley i have see there is a aiml linden council you know something about ?
Jeska Torok: Do lindens hate furries?
Patchouli Woollahra: btw, today is the 14th, right?
Torley Linden: Yes. At least in some time zones.
Patchouli Woollahra: Sun Microsystems is opening a really schweet christmas sim.
Torley Linden: Jeska, not I. I am sometimes a furre.
Torley Linden: aliceinwire: No, I don't know offhand, lemme see if I can find out more, tho...
Patchouli Woollahra: secondlife://Sun Microsystems 5/
Psyra Extraordinaire: Most of the Lindens don't. Many of them are.
Patchouli Woollahra: it's got a wishing tree full of cocooned wish butterflies.
aliceinwire Bleac: i have remind another super game
Torley Linden: Hm, sec, aliceinwire: what do you mean exactly by "AIML Linden Council"?
aliceinwire Bleac: theme ospital
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Patchouli Woollahra: There is a group specifically for Furry Lindens.
Torley Linden: Like, Linden-bots?
aliceinwire Bleac: by bullfrog
aliceinwire Bleac: yes
Psyra Extraordinaire: And I've not seen Hermia for AGES. I wonder if she's still alive. :<
aliceinwire Bleac: yes torley
Patchouli Woollahra: the feeling is mutual, Psyra.
Patchouli Woollahra: I haven't seen her in my duties as a volunteer for ages.
Torley Linden: Hermia isn't with Linden Lab, she left awhile ago.
Torley Linden: :|
Patchouli Woollahra: :(
Torley Linden: She used to be my neighbor here too.
aliceinwire Bleac: who remember theme hospital ?
Moard Ling: Has Ethan Hunt ever broken into Linden lab
Psyra Extraordinaire: Yeah, she gave me the cc of her alt, but I forgot who it was. Me dumb. :(
Torley Linden: Not yet, Moard, but I'm liking these fictional character references!
Torley Linden: I used to play some Bullfrog games like Populous.
Latok Neumann: populous!
Moard Ling: Powermonger
Flea Bussy: Dungeon keeper. *nod me*
aliceinwire Bleac: mmm
Moard Ling: Peter M rocks
aliceinwire Bleac: better theme hospital :D
JetZep Zabelin: hehe populous was cool
Patchouli Woollahra: The socalled sequel to Theme Hospital was a a bad joke and a horrible title.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Populous 1 was good, 2 was... not what it coulda been. :/
Moard Ling: Flood !
Patchouli Woollahra: the diseases was half-hearted, and the patients were dumber than OI griefers on a friday night.
aliceinwire Bleac: dungeon kepper lol
Torley Linden: Patch, hahaha...
Flea Bussy: sadly, peter M is becoming increasingly reliable to shortcome his earlier works with each release
Patchouli Woollahra: yes, we have griefers on OI sometimes.
Psyra Extraordinaire: The Settlers 1 was still the best of the Settlers games IMHO.
Patchouli Woollahra: I don't intend to fall victim to the same issue.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Moard Ling: I still have soem dragon steaks in the freezer left from Dungeon Master
Dizzy Banjo: howdy
Torley Linden: I liked killing worms for food. I know, that sounds cruel.
aliceinwire Bleac: i love close the patientc in a room with any exit ahahaha
Moard Ling: Then Eye Of The Beholders
Torley Linden: Howdy Dizzy!
Tamasin Demina: i guess theres a couple of levels of griefers, people who are just annoying and people who use naughty things?
aliceinwire Bleac: noone exit
Psyra Extraordinaire: My, that was a yummy slime mold!
aliceinwire Bleac: with no exit
Torley Linden: Those D&D Beholders are creepy! There's apparently a friendly one who runs a bar somewhere in the Spelljammer universe tho?
Patchouli Woollahra: we also have one in SL, it eats avatars and comes as a animation overriding attachment.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Not sure about Spelljammer, but there was a beholder bartender in Sigil.
Moard Ling: "runs a bar soemwhere" happens to us all
Patchouli Woollahra: I still await the obvious pun of a beholder casting "Swarm".
aliceinwire Bleac: the best game was monkey island :D
Patchouli Woollahra: full of bees.
aliceinwire Bleac: a monkey with three head
Psyra Extraordinaire: I liked the Gobliiins trilogy. :D
Moard Ling: Loom was good for us tone deafers
Tamasin Demina: theres a monkey island trinute here, seen it?
aliceinwire Bleac: i'm guybrush treepwhood
Torley Linden: I never played Gobliiins but I'm reminded of, what was that, Lemmings.
Torley Linden: I played Monkey Island LOTS, the first two games.
Torley Linden: I like a lot of the Sierra and LucasArts adventures. Great games.
aliceinwire Bleac: in the island of melee
Dizzy Banjo: this may be the source of these discussions.. but thanks for that link to gametap torley.. wonderful wonderful thing.. lol
Moard Ling: Little Computer People
Torley Linden: I was playing one of the recent Sam & Max episodes too.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Erk, yer ruthed. :(
Tamasin Demina: i am rubber you are glue
Torley Linden: You're welcome Dizzy! Ha ha ha!
Psyra Extraordinaire: LCP I played to death.
Torley Linden: Yea I hope adds more classic games, big titles, and other favorites...
Dizzy Banjo: did anyone play a game called Little Big Adventure ?
Torley Linden: I was into Little Computer People too on my C64!
Latok Neumann: I did Dizzy
Dizzy Banjo: that was properly weird..
Torley Linden: Gosh, I'm so glad you guys are bringing these up!
Moard Ling: Corporation
Psyra Extraordinaire: I was a bit brutal back then, tried so hard to kill off lil' cory, but he just got sick all the time was the best I could do. :D
Dizzy Banjo: it had great sounds in it though
Latok Neumann: I was very impressed by it's graphics
Torley Linden: Oooh I knew that game under the name of "Twinsen's Adventure" I think.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Yeps.
Moard Ling: Oh Magic Carpet
Dizzy Banjo: yeh thats it
aliceinwire Bleac: Guybrush (to LeChuck): Leg or no leg, I trust you about as far as I can throw Manhattan.
JetZep Zabelin: i used to play zork when it first came out, almost figured it out
Latok Neumann: yes, that's it Torley
Psyra Extraordinaire: Magic Carpet I hated, just too hard to control on the PS1. :D
Moard Ling: Magnetic Scrolls
ROMSEY Homewood: wow! this is a walk down memory lane!
aliceinwire Bleac: LeChuck: "Any more questions?" Guybrush: "Where do babies come from?"
Psyra Extraordinaire: It was like Bump-n-Go action. :D
Moard Ling: nice to watch though
Torley Linden: Trivia, does anyone know who wrote the sword-fighting insult lines for the first Monkey Island?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Let's see what else... Starglider/Starglider 2. Also known as "Space Geometry Lessons" :D
Patchouli Woollahra: Not me.
Moard Ling: Tom Stoppard ?
Dizzy Banjo: lol
ROMSEY Homewood: John Cleese?
Torley Linden: Orson Scott Card, AKA "the author of Ender's Game". =D
Moard Ling: David Mamet
Torley Linden: Good guesses tho.
ROMSEY Homewood: oh!
Latok Neumann: must have been a john cleese fan
Torley Linden:
ROMSEY Homewood: it was a long time ago!
Torley Linden: I wonder, Monty Python certainly is seminal.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Bahhhh, John Cleese takes it for his role in Jade Empire. :D
Dizzy Banjo: patch thats a very unusual avatar.. even by your standards..
Patchouli Woollahra: Let's all sing the Catholic Song together and break parcel rating.
Hazelea Servobot whispers: Please hold on one moment while I prepare your Cats' Swill Coffee, Dizzy Banjo
Hazelea Servobot whispers: Now serving Cats' Swill Coffee to Dizzy Banjo...
Tamasin Demina: has anypone thought to voicover pirates of the caribean with monkey island lines?
Hazelea Servobot whispers: Have a nice day, Dizzy Banjo! :D
Moard Ling: Michael Caine in The Prestige
Dizzy Banjo: woot
aliceinwire Bleac: Guybrush: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Carpenter: "A woodchuck could chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can't chuck wood." Guybrush: "But if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck?" Carpenter: "Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood?" Guybrush: "A woodchuck should chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood." Carpenter: "Oh shut up."
Psyra Extraordinaire: Sir Rodrick Von Ponce Fontlebottom The Magnificent Bastard :D
ROMSEY Homewood: 1, 2,3 every sperm is sacred...
Cats' Swill Coffee : Hot strong coffee!!
Moard Ling: If I were a carpenter but then again no
Patchouli Woollahra: this is worse than my line about a crash logger for the SL crash logger.
Torley Linden: Hahah what classic quotes!
Torley Linden: Great character names.
Moard Ling: wasnt there ZX Crash ?
Torley Linden: Psyra: That's almost/even better than Lord Chung-Sik Finkle-McGraw from The Diamond Age.
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Moard Ling: Covers by Oliover Frey
Flea Bussy: Deekin!
Patchouli Woollahra: "If the SL crash logger keeps crashing while logging SL client crashes, what we should do is create a crash logger for the crash logger that logs crash logger crashes whenever the crash logger crashes while logging a crash.
Patchouli Woollahra: Try saying that four times real fast.
Dizzy Banjo: argh!.. just noticed flea's avatar.. whoa thats scary
Torley Linden: We're currently overhauling the crash reporter in a number of ways... Cube Linden's the expert on that.
ROMSEY Homewood: funny no-ones thought of that before :O)
Latok Neumann: hmmm, me reads that a second time
Psyra Extraordinaire: She's not scary, she's squishy and huggable.
Moard Ling: Cube .. wil we be assimualted
Dizzy Banjo: hey that reminds me i actually did have a "proper" question for you Torley.. lol
Torley Linden: Oh for sure, Dizzy.
Dizzy Banjo: whoa flea !
JetZep Zabelin: reminds me of a video game i forget the name
Moard Ling: Treasure Island DIzzy ?
Flea Bussy: Startopia?
Moard Ling: Damocles
Dizzy Banjo: i wondered if you think the replacement of FMOD with OpenAL will actually open up any possibilities sound wise..
Flea Bussy: Monopoly?
Dizzy Banjo: i dont know the technologies well enough really
Torley Linden: I don't know enough about that to make an informed opinion yet, Dizzy.
Patchouli Woollahra: OpenAL, OpenGL. wow.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Jenga!
Torley Linden: So I'm sort of in the same camp...
aliceinwire Bleac: lol monopoly
aliceinwire Bleac: yatze
Dizzy Banjo: i had a bit of a chat about it at a triage
Patchouli Woollahra: Congak
Moard Ling: Edible Monolpoly
Dizzy Banjo: still investigating...
Dizzy Banjo: oh well thanks anyway :D
Torley Linden: When I think of "Yahtzee", I think of that dude who does Zero Punctuation game reviews.
aliceinwire Bleac: secondopoly
Torley Linden: NP Dizzy, I hope to learn more... then I'll have more of an opinion.
Dizzy Banjo: that guy "voicedude" who was here last week.. is really funny
Moard Ling: Beetle Drives
Dizzy Banjo: he does voiceovers in SL.. was going to get involved in my voice over agency for a bit..
Dizzy Banjo: whilst i had time to organise it
aliceinwire Bleac: Violets are blue Roses are red we're coming aboard so prepare to eat lead.
Torley Linden: Dizzy, what's his full Second Life name?
JK Lab HUD 7+ AO Delux for Lady: Communication with the server.....
Dizzy Banjo: im not sure..
Promenade Pro: The Edge Exclusive Promenade Pro version 1.07 activated. Type /99help for Help.
Dizzy Banjo: ill check
Torley Linden: I'm a fan of voiceover stuff, including Don LaFontaine...
Torley Linden: IN A WORLD...
Torley Linden: IN A TIME...
Torley Linden: ONE AVATAR...
Dizzy Banjo: yeh totally
Dizzy Banjo: he really does that
Psyra Extraordinaire: "Please state your first name, last name, and occupation." "Ah, Lizardman, Lizardman, and, uh, lizardman."
Torley Linden: AWESOME!
Torley Linden: My name is "Not Sure". (If anyone gets that reference.)
Dizzy Banjo: voicedude Reinoir
Torley Linden: Thanx Dizzy!
Dizzy Banjo: ah he has gone ahead and set up his own agency.. lol..
Dizzy Banjo: serves me right.. lol
Torley Linden: Go figure, that's what people do in SL, eh? Start businesses and whatnots?
Psyra Extraordinaire: My name is Not sure. I'm not sure. In my pocket i've got not and sure. I like not and i don't like sure. Sometimes i think about not sure. I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.
Moard Ling: Is it true all the class 3 sims are being turned into to a senior citizens grid ?
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Patchouli Woollahra: Either that or engage in games of chance.
Patchouli Woollahra pauses.
Patchouli Woollahra: or sexual ageplay.
Patchouli Woollahra: so i've been told.
Flea Bussy: 'Secksual hijinks'
Patchouli Woollahra: of course, it's one thing to be told and another to experience it.
Dizzy Banjo: ok.. well that gives me a good excuse to disband my group now and encourage them to all join his.. lol
Patchouli Woollahra: silly media.
Patchouli Woollahra: lolz, dizzy.
Moard Ling: Mr T on the Wow adverts, great !
Flea Bussy: remember, media has shown all to be disabled ftally diseased socially inept fools with no possibility of leading normal lives. that and secksual hijinksers.
aliceinwire Bleac: yet another second life
Torley Linden: Moard, that's the craziest rumor I've ever heard!
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'Cept you can tell they probably haven't actually touched the game in their lives. :D
Torley Linden: I like those Mr. T WOW adverts a lot.
Patchouli Woollahra has a lvl 56 Mohawk.
Dizzy Banjo:
Psyra Extraordinaire: Especially Shatner. :D
Torley Linden: I have yet to see a convincing retirement home in Second Life.
Moard Ling: SL carousel is not oto far away
Torley Linden: The Shatner one was "OK", I preferred the Mr. T one.
Flea Bussy: Great, now we gotta make one
Patchouli Woollahra: it's a second life. wtf wants to retire from it so fast?
Flea Bussy: make dragons with walkers, little canes n beards
Dizzy Banjo: "Mother... there is no other..."
Psyra Extraordinaire: Pffff, Avaria IS a retirement home, lots of people have retired to there. :D
Moard Ling: LIke RL somteimes you are pushed
Flea Bussy: true.
Patchouli Woollahra: rebirth in here makes for more youth -oriented facilities.
Psyra Extraordinaire: But maybe we need to put wheelchair lifts in thecanyons?
Torley Linden: I'd like an elderly avatar with a cane, one of those canes with a compass and emergency light and telescoping functionality.
Patchouli Woollahra: And this week, Jeremy Linden is channelling Yoda.
Torley Linden: Haha Patch I SO DIG his subject line!
Flea Bussy: hee, or little ramps so they go real fast n go 'areeeba!' when they go off them
Psyra Extraordinaire: And a cafeteria that serves lunch on Wednesdays.
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Moard Ling: *mop ups have tps*
Psyra Extraordinaire: Quiche, Roast Beef, no pasta, pasta gets tangled in denturework...
Patchouli Woollahra: actually, a lot of SL-friendly builds would be also more friendly to the disabled and the elderly.
Patchouli Woollahra: teleports - they're like lifts.
Torley Linden: Nice croc teeth, Psyra.
Patchouli Woollahra: ramps.
Torley Linden: Altho you are more of a Lizardman, yes?
Flea Bussy: he's got a grin that's oh so pearly
Patchouli Woollahra: wide spaces with lots of railings.
Psyra Extraordinaire: =D
Torley Linden: Flea, very kewl bitonal eyes.
Torley Linden: I haven't seen enuff of those!
Psyra Extraordinaire: I need a lil' tickburd. :D
Patchouli Woollahra: that sounds like a futuristic retirement home... or a sensible SL build.
Flea Bussy: where'd you put yer little green one psyra?
Torley Linden: Accessibility is important.
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Patchouli Woollahra: indeed.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Oop. forgot Greep.
Flea Bussy: there he is, aww
Patchouli Woollahra: more people should try looking at SL as a architectural planning tool, I say.
Dizzy Banjo: yeh defo patch
Patchouli Woollahra: so what if we only have 15k prims in a single island?
Moard Ling: you must be more than 100 years to use this poseball
Patchouli Woollahra: it's not like we're asking for every nail to be primmed in.
Be a mentor v.3: Psyra Extraordinaire you can be a volunteer mentor

Dizzy Banjo: im actually doing some seminars with the university of manchester about using it as that
Patchouli Woollahra: just the boards.
Patchouli Woollahra: maybe the more important structural members.
aliceinwire Bleac: is a lot get alpha patchouli
aliceinwire Bleac: for make it
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've been a mentor twice. As long as HI Public exists I can just be my own volunteer. :D
Moard Ling: Has SL bid for the 1026 olympics
Patchouli Woollahra: lolz.
Tamasin Demina: Dizzy it was a relative of mine who passed the private members bill regarding disabled access in the UK
Patchouli Woollahra: The 400m duck waddle.
Patchouli Woollahra: the high jump (jump boosts not allowed)
Dizzy Banjo: lol patch
Latok Neumann: LOL!
Moard Ling: synchornised slow dance v6
Torley Linden: I once was a Resident Mentor.
Patchouli Woollahra: hurdles (sit on a running poseball and keep tapping W near the hurdles.
Torley Linden: Physics are so much fun.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I did the mentor thing back in 2004.... and again in 2005-6/
Dizzy Banjo: mentoring is great.. but alas i dont have much time for it these days
Moard Ling: number of marriages in a minute
Torley Linden: Psyra, I remember you helping me in the classic Ahern-Morris Welcome Area!
Psyra Extraordinaire: I miss that wa.
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Patchouli Woollahra: I wish the new Orientations had some acknowledgement of physics in Second Life.
Torley Linden: I find it always helpful to write down stuff you think would be useful for others... obvious I know, but so true.
Torley Linden: Patch: Like the beach ball on the older OI?
Be a mentor v.3: Dizzy Banjo you can be a volunteer mentor

Be a mentor v.3: Dizzy Banjo you can be a volunteer mentor

Psyra Extraordinaire: head back to Lime occassionally to relive those old memories.
Patchouli Woollahra: the beach ball that snapped back if you got too rough with it was gorgeous.
JetZep Zabelin: hehe the beachball is my hangout
Patchouli Woollahra: as was the signboard with writing on the back.
Torley Linden: Ah yes, Lime, it's a real antiquity.
Psyra Extraordinaire: But then they removed that old WA. :(
Torley Linden: And the Governor's Mansion is still around...
Psyra Extraordinaire: ANd we were sad.
Torley Linden: *nod*
Psyra Extraordinaire: Lime's 90% gone.
Patchouli Woollahra: sadly, the quality of our newbie intake these days seems to have traded places with our quantity.
Psyra Extraordinaire: There's only a piece of the end of the boardwalk still left.
Psyra Extraordinaire: You can see it on the NW corner of the Lime worldmap.
Patchouli Woollahra: no offense to the bright ones I still meet, but on average... eh.
Dizzy Banjo sometimes wishes we could take a snapshot of the entire of SL.. every few months.. as historical document
Patchouli Woollahra: "Can I haz sexx0rs".
Moard Ling: is bruce willis singing about it
Patchouli Woollahra: I hear that too often.
Torley Linden: I wonder how that got removed, Psyra. :(
Torley Linden: That sounds like an accident/inadvertent.
Patchouli Woollahra: the old fashioned way... gradual neglect.
Dizzy Banjo: would that be possible in any way Torley ? lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: I fiddled with the client to get a 1024m view distance and Torley's note on making a 10:1 fog cutoff.
Torley Linden: I know part of Waterhead was removed too.
Psyra Extraordinaire: And took a few pics that way.
Torley Linden: Awwwwe.
Patchouli Woollahra: a lot of original Linden content has been disappeared in recent years.
Patchouli Woollahra: Lindenworld for instance.
Torley Linden: Dizzy, what sort of "snapshot"? Simstate backups?
Psyra Extraordinaire: And I have the pics somewhere, but I never renamed them, so they're 3-4 of the 300 or so pictures named 'Snapshot' in my inv.
Patchouli Woollahra: sort by age.
Dizzy Banjo: well yeh .. like just copying the entire grid.. and archiving it
Torley Linden: We do keep backups for each region. I wish we could travel back in time easier.
waelya Tenk: that is great idea! history SL photo!
Moard Ling:
Patchouli Woollahra: with the grid that big these days, no.
Torley Linden: We don't have any permanent preservation tho, but I think the oldest backups go back a few months.
Dizzy Banjo: so in 20 years we can visit
Al3xia Ferraris: melontongue.....
Al3xia Ferraris: ouhh
Torley Linden: It is important that this leads to tomorrow, what happens today.
Torley Linden: Hi Al3xia. :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: I remember visiting Lime WA a few times.
Al3xia Ferraris: hi
Psyra Extraordinaire: Every time there was more and more parts missing.
Psyra Extraordinaire: i think it can be classified as "natural decay"
Patchouli Woollahra: damn shame really.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I'd guess probably from the sandbox closeby.
aliceinwire Bleac: "If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, what color is the tree?"
Patchouli Woollahra: blue, sadly.
Patchouli Woollahra: not a happy shade of blue either.
Patchouli Woollahra: trust me, I've been there before.
ROMSEY Homewood: brown probably 'cos its dead?
Moard Ling: all blue is cool
Torley Linden: That sounds like some sort of synaesthasia.
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: Probably got cleaned up by accident by Lindens with overzealous delete fingers when cleaning the sandbox. :D
Torley Linden: Yeah, it's not a "graceful degradation" either. :(
JetZep Zabelin: hehe
Patchouli Woollahra: well, the only way to fix it now is to build more.
JetZep Zabelin: accidents
Patchouli Woollahra: people keep forgetting it and see only the empty place.
Moard Ling: have you ever seen a sim disappear in front of your eyes
Patchouli Woollahra: I have.
Psyra Extraordinaire: many times,
Patchouli Woollahra: several times.
Patchouli Woollahra: it's amazing.
Latok Neumann: yep
Marianne McCann: Oh ya
Moard Ling: its is great
Patchouli Woollahra: one minute the world is infront of you...
Psyra Extraordinaire: Some that do exist, but dont exist in the eye of the neighbouring sim.
Flea Bussy: regularly, every saturday n friday, hehe
Patchouli Woollahra: the next... BAM
aliceinwire Bleac: lol
Patchouli Woollahra: Houghton gets a lot of that.
Marianne McCann: Hiya
waelya Tenk: hahaaa
Torley Linden: Hiya Mari!
Psyra Extraordinaire: I sat by the Ivory Tower, chatting with a friend in Zoe, and each of us couldn't see each other's sim.
Torley Linden: Gotta keep on going...
waelya Tenk: hi marioanne
Patchouli Woollahra: especially annoying during fishing matches.
Torley Linden: Oh yes, the Ivory Tower.
Psyra Extraordinaire: So we were both talking to empty space.
Torley Linden:
Torley Linden: ^ it's a good image.
aliceinwire Bleac: the ivy tower a piece of ihistory
Marianne McCann: I remember one night sitting t the edge of my home sim, an it doin dat over an over. There, then gone, there, then gone
Patchouli Woollahra: well got an anime convention tomorrow morning. turning in for some rest now.
Moard Ling: quyite often have chats where our Ims dont make it or are jumbled or missing
Patchouli Woollahra: Marianne: how fast was it going?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Heh, we have the color poster of that in our office.
aliceinwire Bleac: the ivory tower was the frst welcome area
Marianne McCann: Every two minutes
Moard Ling: there no gate of "No deal"
Marianne McCann gave you Rudolph's Nose (wear me).
Patchouli Woollahra: occasionally, someone forgets that you're not supposed to restart a region manually until 30 minutes have elapsed.
Moard Ling: does /1 restart work still for a region
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've always wondered who the Caruso mentioned in Caruso can't touch you was. :D
Moard Ling: mario lanza ?
Patchouli Woollahra: if you see a flickering, what might be going on is that the simulator has accidentally gotten two simstates loaded in.
ROMSEY Homewood: ta! could i look more Christmasy...:O
Marianne McCann: (I think I got everyone. Have a nose!)
Moard Ling: ty m
Psyra Extraordinaire: Thankie Marianne. :D
Torley Linden: Thanx, the nose knows!
Patchouli Woollahra: so the simulator starts getting real confused and flickering back and forth between simstates for the same sim.
Latok Neumann: ty Marianne
Patchouli Woollahra: yay, thanks for nose!
ROMSEY Homewood: now i dont look silly do i?
Marianne McCann grins
Latok Neumann: naah
Marianne McCann: I recomend silly
aliceinwire Bleac: ahahah rudolph is the commercial reindeer
aliceinwire Bleac: lol
aliceinwire Bleac: the seven reinder of santa clause
Patchouli Woollahra: if you see that happen, just file a report through the... erm... what report was it again for problematic sims?
Torley Linden: Rudolph's a star, no doubt about it.
aliceinwire Bleac: that don't exist but is created for commercial
ROMSEY Homewood: Venison burgers now available.
Tamasin Demina: 9th?
Marianne McCann gave you Rudolph's Nose (wear me).
Tamasin Demina: Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
Tamasin Demina: To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!
Tamasin Demina: ummm sorry
Torley Linden: Patch, Concierge customers can do that through the Second Life website.
Patchouli Woollahra: but for mainland owners? it's a bit tougher, isn't it?
Patchouli Woollahra: they'd be more reliant on the monitoring system to catch that a sim is running two simstates at once by accident.
Torley Linden: Patch: Easier than it once was because we have better detection/monitoring tools to find patterns and more Lindens around the clock — in particular here too, I'd ask Prospero Linden or another "DNOC" Linden.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hmm, I made these for larger dragons, not smaller lizards.
Torley Linden: Propsero did related work in this area lately...
Patchouli Woollahra: DNOC? Do Not Over-Clock?
Torley Linden: Haha, it's Distributed Network Operations Center.
aliceinwire Bleac: i have overclock my printer
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Torley Linden: I haven't really heard of overclocking printers before... !
Flea Bussy: I overclocked my ham sandwich once
Patchouli Woollahra: I've made a HP scanner play Fur Elise before.
aliceinwire Bleac: :DDD
Marianne McCann: I need to overclock myself
Marianne McCann giggles
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Torley Linden: Too funneh.
Torley Linden: Ah my gosh, thanx each and all for being with me at my Office Hour, pardon but I've got to go!
Psyra Extraordinaire: that's better.
Torley Linden: I'll be back here at 2 PM Pacific today if all goes well... =)
Flea Bussy: no worries, torley
ROMSEY Homewood: ciao! TL nice to see yo again
Tamasin Demina: have a good one torley
aliceinwire Bleac: see you torley :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Seeya T. :D
aliceinwire Bleac: see you soon
Patchouli Woollahra: baibai
Marianne McCann: Have good'un!
Latok Neumann: cya Torley : )
Torley Linden: It's been fun reminiscing and looking forward to the future. Bye bye for now!
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
aliceinwire Bleac: bye bye
Flea Bussy gave you Grunge Angel (Female).
Flea Bussy gave you Grunge Angel (Male).
aliceinwire Bleac Kisses You GOOD NIGHT!
JetZep Zabelin: bye Torley
Torley Linden: Thanx! *waves and smiles*

2 PM

Torley Linden: Good to see you all.
Torley Linden: Oh my gosh, rezzings in!
Torley Linden: Xenius, amazing...
Torley Linden: *waits*
Xenius Revere: :-P
Chance Abattoir: Hello, there.
Gumby Roffo: g'day Chance
Xenius Revere: Torley, can one rez objects here?
Gumby Roffo: yes
Chance Abattoir: Are you ruthed, Torley?
Torley Linden: Yes, please do. I'm ruthed intentionally.
Torley Linden: By my own hand, as it were...
Torley Linden: a long time since I've last seen ya inworld, Chance!
Chance Abattoir: Yeah!
Xenius Revere: that has to make it into the dictionary
Chance Abattoir: I've been >.> <.< alting
Xenius Revere: ruth - verb
Xenius Revere: Torley, would you mind if i made a cube prim to put a picture on to show ya?
Torley Linden: Oh, you don't have to disclose that, but your avatar doth make me smile a lot.
Torley Linden: Sure Xenius, please do!
Torley Linden: And welcome everyone to my Office Hours!
Torley Linden: It feels like a quieter day here for some reason... which is nice because most of my work today was decisions, decisions, decisions.
Torley Linden: Can never make too many of those. ;)
Chance Abattoir: I just stopped by to say hi and see what was new with you.
Chance Abattoir: No more Torlop, I see.
Torley Linden: Xenius, you remind me of a mech out of... Appleseed perhaps, what were your influences in creating this?
Torley Linden: Aw Chance, Torlop gets rotated in and out.
Xenius Revere: honestly, my only influence was sleep deprivation
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Xenius Revere: i suffer from insomnia
Torley Linden: There's a quote for inspiration. Aw. :(
Xenius Revere: some of my best work occurs on day 3 or 4 without sleep
Torley Linden: That's harsh... I like your creations but hope you're not going to collapse!
Gumby Roffo: nice tunnel work Xen
Torley Linden: Chance, I still have this picture... Fugly... haha.
Torley Linden: *watches the wall*
Torley Linden: Gumby, I like your colors. Then again, I'm partial.
Gumby Roffo: I know hence the mod
Xenius Revere: i think you have autoreturn on torley
Xenius Revere: if i deselect these cubes theyll dissapear
Torley Linden: I do, let me extend it.
Entering god mode, level 200
Likmai Woodget: Hiya All!
Torley Linden: 100 minutes now.
Gumby Roffo: By the way I was doing cartwheels about your flicker page
Torley Linden: Hey Likmai! Good to see you inworld!
Torley Linden: Oh yes Gumby, why's that?
Likmai Woodget: Hello, Torley!
Xenius Revere: let me know when its extended
Chance Abattoir: Haha. I remember that.
Torley Linden: Likmai I know I'm in a rather plain avatar right now but if you want to take a picture with another Torley variant just let me know, and I'll change.
Chance Abattoir: Took forever for the page to load for some reason.
Gumby Roffo: I printed out the pic of the mech on A3
Marianne McCann: Hiya
Likmai Woodget: Torley is Torley to me :D No worries :D
Torley Linden: Hee hee, right on.
Likmai Woodget: WooT
Torley Linden: I'm glad to see ya at my Office Hours... happy you could make it.
Torley Linden: w00t is like, the word of the year.
Likmai Woodget: hahaha
Kerry Giha: :)
Xenius Revere: indeed it is
Likmai Woodget: :D
Al Sonic wonders if he's seeing Ruth-Torley right now.
Marianne McCann: Can ya believe dat? Of all words!
Gumby Roffo: G'DAY MATE !!
Likmai Woodget does too, Al
Gumby Roffo: you are Al
Torley Linden: I saw Idiocracy yesterday and it made me laugh about what's happening to language.
Likmai Woodget: I love that movie....
Xenius Revere: haha
Torley Linden: I take it in good fun, however.
Torley Linden: Oh yeah Likmai? Haha!
Torley Linden: I am indeed ruthed by design.
Likmai Woodget: Good stuff
Torley Linden: I was testing stuff earlier, and needed a really plain, banal avatar.
Likmai Woodget: :D
Torley Linden: So, here I am... Toruth.
Marianne McCann: Ya know, a company is actually marketing Brawno for reals
Torley Linden: The Toruth will set you free...
Torley Linden: Really Mari... HAHAHAA.
Likmai Woodget: hehehe
Torley Linden: OMG that cracks me up.
Chance Abattoir: What is Brawno?
Al Sonic smiles and nods to that. Then laughs.
Torley Linden: The Thirst Mutilator!
Likmai Woodget: haha
Marianne McCann: Ya! I'm not sure if dat good nor not!
Torley Linden: HAHAHAHAHA...
Marianne McCann grins
Likmai Woodget: xD
Torley Linden: Did you want me to stand up or anything Likmai? Take a picture whenever you want...
Torley Linden:
Gumby Roffo: very nice work Xen
Torley Linden: Good gosh.
Likmai Woodget: However you wiah Torley :D
Likmai Woodget: wish*
Xenius Revere: so Torley, i just wanted to show you those pics, im loving windlight, and integrated it into my latest texture bake
Torley Linden: OK I can stand too!
Likmai Woodget: WooT
Likmai Woodget: :D
Torley Linden: Awesome Xenius. How did you... "integrate" it exactly? *looks closely*
Torley Linden: Whups!
Likmai Woodget: eeps!
Likmai Woodget: lol
Torley Linden: That looks sinister and atmospheric. Where is that build? I'd like to visit!
Torley Linden: Amazing.
Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
Entering god mode, level 200
Torley Linden: Oh my gosh, region went down momentarily.
Torley Linden: *sees the classic picture Chance put up*
Xenius Revere: o wow
Xenius Revere: so that was the region that went down?
Torley Linden: Yes, I don't know what caused it but it blinked out for a bit.
Xenius Revere: weird
Xenius Revere: anywho, what i was typing when i crashed was:
Torley Linden: Welcome back everyone!
Likmai Woodget: Thanks!
Xenius Revere: i grabbed the normal map from windlight, recreated the water, to get proper light refraction in the scene
Squirrel Wood: stupid simcrashings
Torley Linden: Likmai: Did you get the pictures you wanted? =)
Xenius Revere: so when i brought up the waterline to the proper place it all matched
Likmai Woodget: hehe crash took me out, but I can get one from here :D
Torley Linden: OK!
Torley Linden: Let me know if you want me to stand, pose, or anything...
Torley Linden: Xevius that's really cool. Where is this inworld?
Likmai Woodget: odd
Torley Linden: I was just letting Team WindLight know about your visual endeavors...
Likmai Woodget: lol
Xenius Revere: its at RIOT combat 1
Gumby Roffo: Riot Combat Sim 1
Torley Linden: *makes a note*
Torley Linden: Thanks!
Xenius Revere: i wanted to invite you, give you a quick tour
Torley Linden: Aw thanks! Very nice of ya.
Xenius Revere: i also would have to give you the xml file so you could see the water as i have it set
Torley Linden: Yes... have you created many WindLight presets, Xenius?
Torley Linden: Heya Bridie!
Bridie Linden: ouch!
Torley Linden: Good to see you back too, Jason and Kerry.
Xenius Revere: i havent saved a lot of them, but ive played with the tools for hours
Torley Linden: Looks like you landed on your feet tho.
Xenius Revere: mostly the water
Jason Swain: Thank you torley
Torley Linden: Xenius: Ahh. I'd be intrigued to see what you did, or what will happen when WindLight does go server-side...
Kerry Giha: Yea that was fun :)
Torley Linden: These pictures have a lot of nuances.
Xenius Revere: the sky stuff im not going to do a ton with till it goes global
Squirrel Wood: Just to let you know...
Squirrel Wood: Age Verification Beta Select Language: Your information has been successfully verified.
aliceinwire Bleac: hello bridie :
Bridie Linden: Hey aliceinwire
Torley Linden: That sounds good, Squirrel. AFAIK the Lindens involved with that have been working hard to straighten out kinks.
Xenius Revere: im going to make very complex night/day cycles for the RIOT combat sim, i want to do a pitch-black (movie) kind of thing, have the planet be in a binary system, two suns, with different colors
Squirrel Wood: took me 20 tries till it worked
Torley Linden: Wow, that sounds pretty intense, Xenius. I'd like to check that out. I've never seen Pitch Black but I do like sci-fi atmospheres.
Xenius Revere: so one sun will set, then the other will rise
Torley Linden: Argh Squirrel, you kept inputting the same info over and over?
Squirrel Wood: Yep
Squirrel Wood: once or twice each day
Kerry Giha: I found the whole age verification thing quite simple and quick
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
aliceinwire Bleac: hello everyone
Kerry Giha: course it is supose to work well for US
Likmai Woodget: Hiya!
Torley Linden: Eventually we hope to add more de facto celestial bodies... but that's awhiles off.
Monalisa Robbiani: hi tehre
Jurin Juran: hello aliceinwire
Torley Linden: Heya aliceinwire!
aliceinwire Bleac: i'm returned now from havok4 sim testing
Monalisa Robbiani: hi torley:)
Squirrel Wood: work well... some people had to input nine year old information
Bridie Linden: cool alice!
Xenius Revere: o Torley, imporatna question
Torley Linden: You seem to be everywhere nowadays, aliceinwire! What'd you find @ Havok4?
Monalisa Robbiani: where can i play with havok4?
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Xenius Revere: is it possible to have particles get the same glow attribute prims have?
aliceinwire Bleac: crash me 1 is realllyyyy sloowww
Xenius Revere: yeah, Havok 4 is.... not working
Torley Linden: Xenius: All particles, or a new parameter... ?
Xenius Revere: new parameter
Squirrel Wood: Cash Me was not letting me in the other day
Xenius Revere: frankly, glow on particles is most useful way glow could be used
Bridie Linden: Xenius are you reporting issues in PJIRA?
Torley Linden: I've definitely heard the feature suggestion before. I've got to take a look at WindLight issues in "buckets", e.g., there's a glow Meta-Issue. *nods to Bridie*
Torley Linden: I'd love to see a glowing Dragon's Tooth sword.
Xenius Revere: hehe
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Xenius Revere: also, one thing that i think needs to be taken care of with the water is that sky reflection should be a toggleable trait
Xenius Revere: ie. have it reflect environment and ignore sky
Likmai Woodget: Please excuse me everyone, but I have to leave :( Theres a big snowstorm here and I must get to the grocery store before it hits.
Bridie Linden: By Likmai
Torley Linden: Right now we're focusing on harsh bugs but I'd highly recommend that any desired features be recorded on the Issue Tracker (PJIRA) so they can be kept track of!
Torley Linden: Awww Likmai, I hope the weather gets better.
Torley Linden: Thanks for coming to see me!
Torley Linden: Glow Meta-Issue...
Aleks Castaignede: hi guys
Squirrel Wood: iGlow :p
Likmai Woodget: Thanks again Torley! Ill come next week too. Bye :D
Jason Swain: See you Likmai
Torley Linden: Bye bye!
Torley Linden: Hiya Aleks!
Torley Linden: Xenius, what are some example cool usages for that?
Squirrel Wood: I have my Perlin Noise code working now ^^
Torley Linden: For example, when would I want to ignore sky?
Xenius Revere: well as an example, the environment in the picture
Torley Linden: Ken Perlin is too kewl, my, to have a kind of noise named after you...
Kerry Giha 1.1: AFK a moment, work.
Xenius Revere: its all subterrainin, the only place youll see the water is underground, it makes no sense to have frensel refraction of the sun or moon
Torley Linden: Oh, so... if I'm understanding this correctly, interior kinds of scenes, Xenius?
Xenius Revere: yep
Squirrel Wood: I had to come up with my own random number generator though as the one typically used for perlin noise fails to work in SL
Xenius Revere: so underground caves, bases, indoor swimmingpools
Torley Linden: Aye.
Torley Linden: I see what you mean.
Xenius Revere: it would be soooo immensely useful
Al Sonic: Yeah that seems to be coming up a lot ever since Windlight came in:
Xenius Revere: and would i think make people more likely to integrate water into builds with that control
Torley Linden: A complaint I've heard a number of times is that WindLight affects how things look indoor too strongly; well, overall WL is more atmospherically nuanced than "the old way" but I understand what's meant.
Al Sonic: the difficulty of making anything indoors look indoors.
Torley Linden: Aye, Al!
Monalisa Robbiani: ???
Xenius Revere: well the solution is simple
Xenius Revere: in an indoor environment, your lighting solution is more controlled so fullbright things and texture them appropriatelly
Xenius Revere: atmospheric lighting implies outdoors, or light coming from outside
Torley Linden: I think some folks don't quite know the value of full bright yet... knowledge gotta spread!
Xenius Revere: indeed
Torley Linden: Yeah, you have a very good point there.
Xenius Revere: the build in those pictures is 100% fullbright
Squirrel Wood: Mayhaps "phantom" invisible prims could have a property "Indoor Lighting" and anything inside that prim uses more indoor type lighting ?
Torley Linden: Ahhhh.
Xenius Revere: squirrel, that would be a nightmare of collisioon detection
Torley Linden: Squirrel, that's a sort of "bounding box" approach I've heard mentioned...
Steel Halasy: Indoors to look indoors should work properly if you have localized lights enabled and enough "lights" inside...
Torley Linden: it came up in weather discussions.
Chance Abattoir: Anyone else seeing a large golden sphere?
Squirrel Wood: Black spheres
Xenius Revere: i think the computational cost of that would outweigh the benefit
Monalisa Robbiani: black one
Torley Linden: aliceinwire, what IS that? :)
Al Sonic: Large black spheres now.
Chance Abattoir: Ah, I'm using dynamic reflections
Monalisa Robbiani: but i can see the sun being reflected in the sphere
Chance Abattoir: So it's golden to me.
DougCaraffini Forcella: jkjl
Torley Linden: Dynamic reflections hasn't worked for me for a long time.
Xenius Revere: yeah..
Chance Abattoir: Works for me just fine.
Steel Halasy: It is black to me.... It's the biggest bowling ball I've ever seen.
Torley Linden: Haha...
DougCaraffini Forcella: o filho da puta
Torley Linden: someone's gonna take that... and knock over some PINS!
Monalisa Robbiani: it popped, finally
DougCaraffini Forcella: fucker
Torley Linden: Hi DougCaraffini. :)
Chance Abattoir: Have you tried it recently?
aliceinwire Bleac: yes is a test for dynamic reflection _:)
DougCaraffini Forcella: _!_
Torley Linden: Last time I tried dynamic reflections was a few weeks ago.
Xenius Revere: im running top of the line hardware and dynamic reflections freaks out
Torley Linden: On my older compy, it crashed. On this one, it doesn't really... reflect.
DougCaraffini Forcella: bando de filhos da puataaaaaaa _)_
Chance Abattoir: Guess it's buggy.
aliceinwire Bleac: sorry for what's happen
Marianne McCann: I love dynamic reflections. Great if I don't plan on moving
aliceinwire Bleac: i have think to have fail the droop
Xenius Revere: from what ive found, counter to logic, it workd better on crappy ATI cards than on good Nvidia cards
DougCaraffini Forcella: (_));;;;;;;;;;D
Torley Linden: It can induce a noticeable performance hit, but can be very pretty.
Torley Linden: Yeah, that is uh rather the opposite.
Xenius Revere: indeed
Torley Linden: DougCaraffini: That's a strange sort of... ASCII art... @_@
Xenius Revere: especially seeing as ATI cant seem to do anything right these days
aliceinwire Bleac: if i put the ball you make a photo with the mirror ?
Jason Swain: I am really excited to hear that Nicholaz Beresford, has fixed/patched the VWR-374 issue in his client. @
Marianne McCann: /m uses an older NIVIDIA
Torley Linden: Yes, one of the biggest WindLight problems we face is shader incompatibilities on various ATI cards... Team WindLight hopes it'll be fixed by 7.12 but, we'll see.
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Here's some wisdom for you:
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Junk is not like alchohol or weed, a means to inreased enjoyment of life. Junk is not a kick. It is a way of life. -- William S. Burroughs
Xenius Revere: its typical for ATI, worst drivers in the biz
Torley Linden: Jason: I heard earlier news about that, that's something Studio Blacklight would be interested in. Thanks for the heads-up!
Xenius Revere: in the classes i teach, one of my first day topics is on why its suicide to by ATI hardware
Jason Swain: Your welcome ^^
Torley Linden: Bridie, that's the attachments-in-butt one...
Squirrel Wood: ass-tachments ^^
Bridie Linden: o.O
Torley Linden: *makes a note* Worth checking out further under your watchful eye, Bridie? =)
Squirrel Wood:
Gumby Roffo: off topic but Terry Pratchet has been diagnosed with alzheimers
Chance Abattoir: Early onset, at that.
aliceinwire Bleac: you see the mirror?
Marianne McCann: That's sad
Bridie Linden: I saw that Gumby
Torley Linden: That came up at my morning Office Hour too, Gumby, and that's sad.
Torley Linden: :(
Chance Abattoir: Yep, alice
Bridie Linden: :(
aliceinwire Bleac: make the photo :D
Gumby Roffo: yes I love his boos
Gumby Roffo: Books*
Squirrel Wood: life generally tends to be cruel and unfair
Nel Shan: He aten't dead yet
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Xenius Revere: dont mourn him, celebrate him
Torley Linden: He's got a resolute spirit.
aliceinwire Bleac: i have see the site of the energy drink
aliceinwire Bleac: too much fun
Gumby Roffo: true, I wonder if the series will start from the begining again
Torley Linden: That's always important.
aliceinwire Bleac: :P
Torley Linden: Oh, you've learned about Brawndo now, have ya aliceinwire!
Nel Shan: Yeah, he says he's got a few books left in him
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
aliceinwire Bleac: i need brawndo now
aliceinwire Bleac: i have to purchase ten brawndo
aliceinwire Bleac: :P
Torley Linden: I like sci-fi & fantasy a lot in general and specifically...
Marianne McCann: Use it in your garden!
Torley Linden: rich worlds to be created and explored.
Chance Abattoir: Get it, Alice?
aliceinwire Bleac: sure
Gumby Roffo: as for good DVD's this week , UltraViolet
Marianne McCann: I spent much of my RL years reading fantasy stuff
aliceinwire Bleac: wow
Zuffy Frua eeps!
Torley Linden: I liked Equilibrium a lot, saw part of Ultraviolet (teaser bit).
Al Sonic: *looks at Nicholaz's blog* Wow, yet more proof that Nicholaz would have become a very worthy Linden by now if he didn't have his own occupation to attend to.
Torley Linden: Gun-kata rules, I actually have some gun-kata animations from Kenzington Fairlight way back.
aliceinwire Bleac: you see not a lot but is really fun
sleight - aliceinwire (torley version): You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
Torley Linden: Al: I certainly appreciate his help and enthusiasm for Second Life.
Torley Linden: Open source contributors are inspiring.
Al Sonic: Hehe yeah, I understand the Lindens have already found a sorta means to pay him ^_^
Al Sonic: At least in one fine award.
Torley Linden: Ah yes!
PGR2280 Orbit Gun whispers: Use Mouselook (press 'M') to shoot me.
PGR2280 Orbit Gun whispers: Choose 'Detach' from my menu to take me off.
Torley Linden: I hope to see more proliferation in the future... it only makes sense, because Second Life is a Resident-created world...
Gumby Roffo: /visor off
Xenius Revere: is there a specific reason someone is pulling out an orbitting weapon?
Gumby Roffo: /Guard off
Torley Linden: So the tools that we use to be a part of SL, like the viewer itself, can benefit from those advances.
Zuffy Frua scratchies his bum
Torley Linden: Please don't shoot violently! This is a house of peace!
Torley Linden: =)
Monalisa Robbiani: snowballs are fine?
Squirrel Wood: Hey Fuzzy ^^
Gumby Roffo: false alarm, its just in the inventory folder as this AV
Torley Linden: Hehe yeah, as long as they don't have ROCKS in them.
Torley Linden: That could HURT an avatar head. ;)
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Monalisa Robbiani: lol
Al Sonic: *nodnodnod* the word of the residents becoming code. It's a great thing. *think, trying to remember something...*
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Torley Linden: We all have a part of play, pieces of the puzzle which make this up.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Al Sonic: Oh yeah... A windlight terrain lighting bug/quirk. (I needa find myself a Windlight meeting to attend sometime...)
Torley Linden: Al: You can feel free to bring it up here too.
Torley Linden: Since WindLight is one of my professional responsibilities! =)
Zuffy Frua: what are these pictures of?
Xenius Revere: an environment of mine
Torley Linden: Hiya Zuffy.
aliceinwire Bleac: the merror work only with windlight ?
Zuffy Frua: hihi ^_^
Monalisa Robbiani: I had a chunk of water missing lately, it looked like a missing sim, but there was supposed to be empty ocean.
Torley Linden: Monalisa: Is it the notorious occlusion bug or another one?
sleight - aliceinwire (torley version): You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
Xenius Revere: o, i found a windlight issue, when set at 512 draw distance, if one zooms back a lot, the water in teh distance gets clipped
Torley Linden: That occlusion bug should be fixed soon in a future WindLight update, it's already resolved in an internal version...
Squirrel Wood: I am curious... when will we get PRIM_TYPE_CARROT ? ^^
Monalisa Robbiani: i dont know... a sim sized square of empty water didn't rez. But only I couldnt see it.
aliceinwire Bleac: in the next version come out the gamma correction
aliceinwire Bleac: :)
Torley Linden: Xenius: That sounds like it could be put under the category of "stuff near distant draw distance gets clipped harshly". I've noticed a bunch of stuff like that.
Xenius Revere: wait, what gamma correction?
Xenius Revere: please dont tell me youre changing lighting intensities
Xenius Revere: theyre wonderful!
Monalisa Robbiani: global brightness adjustmust would be great
Kerry Giha: Oooo good idea PRIM_TYPE_CARROT
Zuffy Frua: \o/ for PRIM_TYPE_CARROT!
aliceinwire Bleac: no but you can adjust it
Zuffy Frua: us ponies needs that one!
Chance Abattoir: I want PRIM_TYPE_NAUTILUS
Kerry Giha: just don't put that hollow bit in it
Monalisa Robbiani: if you adjust gamma the day won't progress i think
Torley Linden: We will be changing the default day cycle, tweaking it so as to not look so "washed out" at times of day.
aliceinwire Bleac: :)
Torley Linden: "DODECAHEDRON" is a funny word.
Xenius Revere: i think the problem lies with people monitor color temperature being set to high
Xenius Revere: at 6500 instead of 5000
Al Sonic: *nodnod* well you see if you've ever seen a sudden drop in terrain, a cliff of sorts, the edge of it appears wrongly lit... and I understand why smoothing would do that for the length of 1 vertex, but I'm getting an incorrect-lighting effect that reaches TWO vertexes away from that cliff.
Monalisa Robbiani: triskaidekaphobia is an SL last name:)
Kerry Giha: really I thought Tetahedron is funny
Torley Linden: I'm also familiar with the "checkerboarding" look of distant terrain in WindLight... that's buggy too.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: Sometimes patches of terrain are drawn but others aren't.
Nel Shan: Took me ages to learn the difference between icosehedrons an dodecahedrons
Erwann Zerbino: ????
sleight - aliceinwire (torley version): You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
Nel Shan: Now, if they'd called them D12s and D20s...
aliceinwire Bleac: also pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a funny word :D
Chance Abattoir: Then you can't roll percentiles.
Torley Linden: Hahahah Nel!
Torley Linden: I get that reference.
Gumby Roffo: take me just as long to get the spelling correct
Marianne McCann has been suffering through no noticable WL bugs this week, which makes me quite happy
Torley Linden: What a crazy word that is, what's it even mean (!!!!).
Torley Linden: That's good to hear, Mari. I'm glad we could get that snapshot one fixed up soon, Runitai jumped on that one...
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
aliceinwire Bleac: meaning ‘a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust.’ You can find it under the prefix pneumono- in the online edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, as well as the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.
Xenius Revere: o
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Al Sonic: Do ya understand that lighting trouble I explained?
Steel Halasy: and R2D2 up to R20D20
Xenius Revere: Torley, theres a bug in the renderDynamicLOD property
Torley Linden: Xenius: What's that?
Torley Linden: Al: Pardon, I think I missed something?
Kart 1.0: 0.571568
Torley Linden: *scrolls up*
Torley Linden: Hm Al, I'm not intuitively familiar with that but if you have pictures, or already have a # on the Issue Tracker I'd be more than happy to look.
Al Sonic: Hm, oops, I'll go make an issue with screenshots and stuff then.
Torley Linden: Yeah, feel free to email me the #, torley at lindenlab dot com, IM ain't good for me (often gets capped or I log in/out and miss stuff in the midst of other work).
Torley Linden: I look forward to seeing it.
Al Sonic: Okie dokie then =)
Xenius Revere: back
Monalisa Robbiani: I found something really exciting in JIRA, a 3d viewer patch! what do you think about that?
Torley Linden: Monalisa, oooh intriguing.
Monalisa Robbiani can'T wait
Bridie Linden: It's been imported Monalisa and Torley...
Xenius Revere: anywho, as i was saying Torley, while the tesselation remains maxed when you disable LOD, objects that are smaller than 1m still dissapear when youre not close to them
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: I'm glad we got a patch for that, I know some people had "wanted to" do that but, here's help!
Monalisa Robbiani: great
Monalisa Robbiani: when will it be out?
Torley Linden: Xenius: Ah, I think that has to do with how the "interest list" is populated... that's happened pre-WindLight IIRC.
Torley Linden: Small objects aren't drawn until you're close to them.
Xenius Revere: hmm
Xenius Revere: yeah, but when you walk away, they dont stay either
Torley Linden: Like, if you rez a default plywood cube. It's done for performance reasons mainly, I think.
Torley Linden: I remember recommending builders in the past to link small objects to bigger ones as a workaround...
Xenius Revere: yeah, that works
Torley Linden: but I think it's kind of odd to see stuff pop in and out.
Xenius Revere: but isnt the point is disabling LOD to not worry about performance
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Xenius Revere: its kind of critical for machinima producers
Torley Linden: Yes, you do have a point there, Xenius.
Torley Linden: *makes a note to ask our devs*
Xenius Revere: i must say, SL without LOD is sooo muc more beautiful of a place
Torley Linden: Machinima is a very good example.
Squirrel Wood: What I am noticing is blurry textures... you TP from one place somewhere else and after a couple minutes back to the first place... textures are all blurry again and loading as slowly as if you had to reload them all from the server - even though they are in the local cache
aliceinwire Bleac: i want machinima
aliceinwire Bleac: but now i have no money for take it :(
Torley Linden: Squirrel, that sounds pretty straightforward to repro?
Torley Linden: Aw alice.
Marianne McCann: Gotta run - have fun!
Squirrel Wood: yep
Torley Linden: Hey Chance, wasn't that picture you have up taken in Dave Zeeman's "Matrix box"?
Theodore Folsom: ooo have to run again, sowwy ... take care everybody =)
Torley Linden: Take care Mari!
Torley Linden: Have a good weekend!
Torley Linden: See ya Theodore!
Theodore Folsom: *waves*
Marianne McCann: You too!
Chance Abattoir: I think so.
Gumby Roffo: Got to go too RL is waking up
Chance Abattoir: It was a looong time agol.
Chance Abattoir: ago.
Gumby Roffo: Nice to meet you all again
Torley Linden: OK Gumby! Bye bye.
Torley Linden: Nice to see yas!
aliceinwire Bleac: torley you want make your hours a windlight bug triage?
Torley Linden: aliceinwire: I think it's prolly better to use WindLight Office Hours for that, in the future.
Torley Linden: Elle Pollack raised the question the other day.
Torley Linden: It's a good one to keep in mind for future possibilities.
Bridie Linden nods
aliceinwire Bleac: you need the jira coin for do it
aliceinwire Bleac: :)
Torley Linden: Right now, most of the new WL bugs I'm seeing are dupes and aesthetic ones that call for discussion, not-so-much "here's action we can take immediately".
Torley Linden: Yes, I would need the URL-er!
Torley Linden: Haha "JIRA coin", I like that.
Chance Abattoir: Must log out for a while. Don't be a stranger, Torley.
Torley Linden: By all means, any hot WindLight bugs, let me know and email me about them.
Torley Linden: ESPECIALLY if they're reproducible crashes.
Torley Linden: Have a good one Chance!
Torley Linden: It's been a long time!
aliceinwire Bleac: sure
Squirrel Wood: invisible avatars... to become visible as soon as they sit or stand up ...
aliceinwire Bleac: :)
lapo Couples MultiAnimator v2d whispers: * Abranimations Couples Animator Ready...
Squirrel Wood: all you see is the name tag and voice dot
aliceinwire Bleac: change the color of the coin
Squirrel Wood: I spy an Iridium Linden somewhere...
aliceinwire Bleac: like a good watermellon green :D
Torley Linden: I miss Iridium!
Squirrel Wood: [14:54] Iridium Linden is Online
aliceinwire Bleac: oh
Torley Linden: :O
aliceinwire Bleac: lol
aliceinwire Bleac: he can be everywhere :)
Torley Linden: Avatars can be such a motivational force.
Torley Linden: And then it got so quiet, why????
Torley Linden: ;)
aliceinwire Bleac: but yesterday was the windlight hours office
You decline Bushy Beard Pub, dance room, bar, Hellsdeep (109, 147, 23) from A group member named Norris Shepherd.
Torley Linden: WindLight Office Hour times are listed here @
Torley Linden: In case you ever wanna come on over, I'm at all of them too.
Torley Linden: We usually have a good set from the core WindLight Team, 5-6 Lindens I reckon.
Al Sonic: I might finally come over because my classes were on Tuesday and Thursday evenings but they've ended now.
aliceinwire Bleac: i'm a italian age verified :)
Torley Linden: Oooh.
Torley Linden: Good to know.
Xenius Revere: well i must run
Xenius Revere: you all take care
Al Sonic: ByBye!
Torley Linden: Good to see you Xenius, hope to check out your new works soon!
Xenius Revere: id love to have you pop by :-)
Torley Linden: =^_^=
Squirrel Wood: Oooo
Torley Linden: So what else is new and exciting?
Squirrel Wood: Let me know when you have time Torley... I still want to show you the terrain generation of my terraformer ^^
Torley Linden: This morning we had a lot of talk about, ah, classic video game experiences.
Torley Linden: Thanks Squirrel, I appreciate you thinking of me!
Torley Linden: I really wish I had clones.
Torley Linden: Terraforming is such an art...
Squirrel Wood: hehe
Al Sonic: Ah yeah... *smiles at the thought of those*
Torley Linden: Squirrel, is your terraformer out on the market now?
Al Sonic: (teh gaming!)
Squirrel Wood: Not yet
Torley Linden: Ah, was curious if you had anyone use it on their entire region yet...
Squirrel Wood: I am still finetuning things
Torley Linden: I like examples like that, hehe.
Squirrel Wood: for now it can generate landscapes, islands, atols, ..
Al Sonic: Ooh.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: "Atoll" is a fun word.
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Squirrel Wood: Yep
Torley Linden: I've long wanted to see a region that keeps transforming itself...
Torley Linden: over and over... live throughout the day.
Al Sonic wonders where the quiet came from too.
Squirrel Wood: It does ring shaped ones
Nel Shan: I can't see that atoll
Jason Swain: Its an amasing sight to see
Squirrel Wood: with perlin noise I could do such "live" transformations
Torley Linden: I'd like to have live algorithmic textures in the future in SL...
Torley Linden: I'm not sure if that's such a possibility...
Torley Linden: but we do eventually hope to have a materials system.
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Torley Linden: Which would lend itself to far more versatile multitexturing and depth-of-detail.
Squirrel Wood: Yes!
Squirrel Wood: though it requires skill
Al Sonic: Mhmm...
Squirrel Wood: and you'd have to provide shaders of various types
Torley Linden: Yes... I played around a bit with the NVIDIA materials tools, and if we could have such flexibility made easy for Resis, that'd be a big win.
Squirrel Wood: I'd love to be able to set a prim to use water rendering
Torley Linden: I know it relates to the suggestion of "can we use the actual water shader on prim surfaces too to make them match"?
Torley Linden: OMG, good timing.
Torley Linden: It's a great idea.
Jason Swain: Water rendering would be amasing
Squirrel Wood: I really want to try my terraformer on mono...
Squirrel Wood: becauise 4 million script ionstructions per second is quite the load on a sim
Al Sonic: Have you ever considered adding a touch of glow to this build? like a 7% glow to that yellow...thing up there? Oh just for example.
Torley Linden: Lots of possibilities. Just like previously, there was no WindLight... and now, this is a big advance. There's a lot of big features + fixes landing.
Jason Swain: Mono is going to make such a large impact on LSL
You decline Bibis stage from A group member named Blue4u Nowicka.
Torley Linden: Al, you know what, I have been thinking of that. Haven't had the time, but I should do that soon.
Torley Linden: Thanks for the idea!
Al Sonic: Ah.
Torley Linden: I'm a BIG glow fan and some touches would be welcome.
Squirrel Wood: I usually find that a very slight glow of 0.01 to 0.02 usually is more than enough
Torley Linden: I haven't really had much of a chance to explore inworld lately, been busy with work and First Life domestic stuffs.
Torley Linden: I'd like to build more, tho...
Bridie Linden: /i've gotta run! cya!
Torley Linden: that's one thing I keep thing of!
Torley Linden: Have a lovely weekend Bridie!
Squirrel Wood: Cya Bridie ^^
Torley Linden: Thanx for coming!
Jason Swain: See you Bridie
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Here's some wisdom for you:
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: What soon grows old? Gratitude. -- Aristotle
aliceinwire Bleac: see you bridie
Torley Linden: What does THAT mean? :o
aliceinwire Bleac: sorry lot of im
Torley Linden: I like bring freshly grateful!
Torley Linden: Er, *being.
Squirrel Wood: Wish I knew ^^
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Here's some wisdom for you:
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: "Destiny is an invention of the cowardly and the resigned." -- Ignazio Silone
Nel Shan: That's fate, surely
Torley Linden: That one kills romance!
Torley Linden: ;)
Al Sonic: Well best ya test the use of that glow firsthand from time to time I figure. Hmhmm.
Torley Linden: *nods and smiles*
Torley Linden: I wholeheartedly agree.
Torley Linden: Ah I'd like to thank all and each fo you for coming to my Office Hours today! I hope you have a fun and entertaining weekend and I've got to go for now.
Al Sonic smiles back.
Al Sonic: Yeah it got pretty quiet so...
Torley Linden: Next time, I hope this place has glow!
Al Sonic: Seeya!
Squirrel Wood: Have a nice weekend ^^
aliceinwire Bleac: yeaaah
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
aliceinwire Bleac: i love glow ^_^
Kerry Giha: Been great
Steel Halasy: Take care, Torley... thanks for inviting us to your watermellonerific place for the chat! :)
aliceinwire Bleac: sorry if i'm quiet
Squirrel Wood: May the mighty watermellon always be with you ^^
Jason Swain: Have a nice weekend Torley *waves*
aliceinwire Bleac: but i have lot i'm
Kerry Giha: Have a nice weekend
aliceinwire Bleac: for help people
Torley Linden: <3 And thanxarama! You're most graciously welcome... friendly byebye for now!