Posting events

This article is part of the Extended Second Life Knowledge Base that includes advanced and specialized information. This information was originally provided by Linden Lab, but is not actively maintained nor guaranteed to be accurate. Linden Lab does not certify nor assume any responsibility for this information.
See the official Second Life Knowledge Base for the most current information.
Go to the Community: Events page and click Add Event to announce it to the world. Be sure to read the Events Posting Rules fully!
Events Posting Rules
You may currently post up to 5 events per day (including event edits). In addition, your friends are able to post events on a parcel that you own. However, you must set that parcel to show up in in the Places tab of the Search window as a Hangout (in the Options tab of the About Land window). If your parcel is not set up as a Hangout, the parcel is not available to your friends, but is still subject to other availability rules.
To further clarify, you may post an event on a parcel if:
- You personally own the parcel and it is at least 512 square meters in size.
- The parcel is owned by a group that you are a member of, and is at least 512 square meters.
- The parcel is in a private island that you are on the access list of, and is at least 512 square meters.
- The parcel belongs to Governor Linden and is set to show in Search Places as a Hangout.
- The parcel belongs to a friend, it is set to show in Search Places as a Hangout, and is at least 512 square meters.
- The parcel has a name.
- The parcel has a landing point set (for SLurls to events to function properly, the parcel's Teleport Routing must be set to Landing Point; this can be found on the Options tab of the About Land window).
An event is defined as a special group activity that is led by a host on land owned either by the host or by a group the host belongs to. Examples include discussions, group meetings, hosted dances, classes, tours, and competitions.
An event is framed by a beginning and an end time. Thus, "24hr Sales" are not events.
The "Commercial" category was created for the purpose of grand openings, demonstrations, product launches etc. Each of these types of events should have a clear beginning and end time attached. Otherwise, they belong in the Second Life® Classifieds, not the Events calendar. Posting events that are simply advertisements is not acceptable.
The use of alts to post more than 5 events per day will not be permitted either.
The event descriptions need to conform to PG guidelines, consistent with the overall Second Life website policy -- so no overt sex descriptions; sex for money, sex chat, simulated sex, strong violence, or anything else broadly offensive.
Mature events must be listed as Mature, and held in M-rated regions.
Respect the work of others -- respect copyrights and trademarks! Event hosts are responsible for making sure that all applicable rights and permissions are in order. See Digital Millenium Copyright Act for more information about Copyrights and Second Life.