SL Volunteer Education Center
This page is for the documentation and organization of the new SLVEC. Please check back for frequent updates.
General SLVEC Guidelines
If you are a Mentor participating in the use of SLVEC you must also add any contribution you make to the wiki documentation. All wiki pages created about SLVEC need to be linked on this main page in the appropriate section, alphabetically please.
Linguist Center
Prim limit per parcel: 70
- Each language building should have a sign displayed on top stating what language that location uses.
- Each language building should have an English wiki page linked to this page section documenting the goal, contributions by contributor name, item and date
- Each building may use a screen for presentations or slides on that parcel
- Dispensers of other information should use minimal prims. If your dispenser offers one item please consider grouping it with other related information in a low prim dispenser.
Buddy Center
- This area is in progress.
- Buddies will be able to have their picture on a prim and be notified if they are needed. Check back for more details soon!
- Auto-return will be set at 2 hours
- Sandbox priority is for classes that require that type space (building, scripting etc)
- Sandbox needs to be mentioned & reserved when a coach schedules their class on wiki
- Sandbox should not be used as a stress test of any kind of building or scripting; those types of tests belong in public sandboxes or, if cleanup is possible and practical, on SLVIs
Theatre Center
- Theatre areas are first come first serve unless reserved within a wiki class schedule post.
- Theatre presentations must be in the interest of volunteer education; not, for example, horror-movie popcorn parties.
- URLs or slides used during a class are to be removed when class is over and the previously existing URL put back in the parcel.
- All items used during a class need to be picked up when class completes.
Central Area
Large Buildings
- Prim Limit: TBA
- At this time large shops are set to basic subjects: Building, Scripting, Tools, Orientation and must be managed by a group of buddies or coaches. Once quarterly these buildings may be cleared. If space becomes needed, we can add new buildings/kiosks to the area accordingly.
- Wiki page documentation is needed. Please read General Guidelines above.
Small Buildings:
Can be multiple venders from 2 or more Mentors
Free items (that function to assist volunteering) or topics that don't belong in a main building
Tubes: One vender location Free items (that function to assist volunteering) or topics that don't belong in a main building
R&R Center:
Orientation Center: (Not sure if we need this..maybe something basic since most is covered on wiki for uses etc)