User talk:Neil Elton
Revision as of 18:23, 8 August 2009 by Gwyneth Llewelyn (talk | contribs) (→Not only an illegal tool, but an illegal way of disseminating it...: new section)
Your viewer explicitly takes out permission checks on exporting it explicitly takes out permission checks on the texture it adds in an attack to disable physics on the sim
this viewer does not belong here. LordGregGreg Back 09:35, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
Not only an illegal tool, but an illegal way of disseminating it...
A notecard bearing by name as creator has been disseminated inside SL announcing your illegal viewer with copybot functions. Now, the tool itself might not be strictly forbidden, but impersonating another user to send spam in notecards is certainly against the ToS.
Everybody is innocent until proven guilty, so I'll let Linden Lab's Ban Team talk to you and make a decision.
Gwyneth Llewelyn 02:23, 9 August 2009 (UTC)