Talk:SL Cert - Basic Mentoring
OK, folks, season's open. Shoot me full of holes on this one, please. O 01:05, 16 March 2009 (UTC)
- This is good, don't forget most new residents spend abetter part of their time on HI's in Appearance Mode. Explaining how to control the Camera, I find is always a big help.—The preceding unsigned comment was added on 00:53, 16 March 2009 by Skate Foss
- Promised to leave feedback, so here it is :-)
- I'd add "Mature" to "Know the definition of PG and Adult sims".
- I also think it would be good to know the acronyms (in case there's explanation needed) but to avoid their usage (or only use with explanation - like: "Welcome to Second Life (SL)").
- Also good: "Know basic Mac shortcuts" (always famous: right click: ⌘ CMD + Click).
- + "Know how to switch the language of the User Interface".
- Think it contains a pretty good set of basic skills needed for mentoring. People who got these skills should do a nice job welcomeing new Residents :-)
- Greetz,
Lynch (talk|contribs) 21:23, 7 April 2009 (UTC)
- Mentoring Basics Skills
Overview: By definition, an overview should be a general outline of the subject discussion that will follow. Only one sentence here speaks to that purpose when you say “The idea here is to codify….” This overview reads more like a personal tangent than a professional explanation of what can be found on this page. While I agree with what you are saying about inept “mentors” I am not so sure this (the overview) is place for that. Could the information here fit better into an introduction, or possibly a conclusion to the material laid out on the page? Also, if you do decide to include them, personal tangents and frustrations, although felt by all of us, need to be very carefully worded or they take the professionalism right out of an otherwise good document. An example of this is where you say “I have actually seen ‘mentors’ yelling at people…….I consider that the ‘hit them over the head with a rock until they learn’ method of teaching.” could be re-worded as “There are known cases of ‘mentors’ yelling at people……these inappropriate mentoring techniques will no longer be tolerated. In the future, mentors will need to be fully certified as laid out by the specific criteria guidelines.” This last part of the revision brings the overview back to its actual purpose of explaining what information will be found on this page and why. Pre-requisites: I would add to the pre-requisites. They would read: Must be at least six months in Second Life and must provide a minimum of three references from Second Life Citizens you have helped in the past. Those of us who aspire to be Second Life Mentors should not have any problem obtaining these references as we have already been helping citizens in need for some time. Also, adding the reference to the pre-requisite might help weed out some of those with inappropriate techniques that we discussed in the overview. The communication skills and the technical skills seem to be right on, although I may comment further on them something in the future. Rettiset Gopheller 19:26, 15 August 2009 (UTC)
my first thoughts
Good Start!
I suggest changing the list of different sim types to PG, Mature, and Adult, to reflect their progressive raitings.
Communications section: The distinction between Conference chat and group chat is not clear. Suggested change: Chatting with several people privatly: Conference chat,
Chatting with many people publically: Group Chat,
To the basic skills, I suggest adding the following:
Using chat short-cuts: gestures,
Talking in world: Voice Chat,
Finding where I belong: joining groups,
How do I find stuff? Search,
Changing appearance: ATTATCHMENTS,
Gestures are important only because we've all seen new folks running around shouting "GET LOST!" and having no clue why or how.
It touched on several Mentor specific skill sets, such as the Wiki resources, but as this is an over-view, adding some more skills would be important. Some suggestions are:
Creating gestures for teaching, Notecards for teaching, Mentor groups and their uses, including chat ettiquette.
Stay Shiny, Naismith Miles, Naismith Miles 16:32, 11 August 2009 (UTC)