Revision as of 16:20, 30 December 2007 by Melina Loonie (talk | contribs)
Germania is an estate dedicated to the German speaking community in SL.
Currently the estate consists of the following regions:
- Germania Prime: 01/09/2007
- Germania Freetown: 02/07/2007
- Germania Atoll: 02/10/2007
- Germania Nightlife: 02/12/2007
- Germania Farrago: 02/20/2007
- Germania Darkside: 04/20/2007
- Germania Liberty: 06/08/2007
- Germania Freedom: 07/27/2007
- Germania Port: 08/11/2007
- Germania Woods: 10/24/2007
- Germania Shops: 11/30/2007
- Germania Ocean: 12/15/2007
- Germania Pacifico: 12/15/2007
- Germania Atlantico: 12/15/2007
- Germania PortAdriano: 12/15/2007
Melina Loonie - Topic Creator