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Revision as of 16:02, 3 January 2008 by Which Linden (talk | contribs) (→‎stacked: Slightly more python highlighting. The repls looks stupid with the python highlighting though, so left them alone.)
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Mulib Examples

These are some short examples to give a flavor of using mulib. You can find all the example code in the examples directory of a mulib checkout.

hello world

The following program will bring up a webserver listening on port 8080 which can respond to a single request, "GET /", with the response "hello, world":

<python># from mulib import mu

from eventlet import api, httpd

class HelloWorld(mu.Resource):

   def handle_get(self, req):
       req.write("hello, world\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

   root = HelloWorld()
       api.tcp_listener(('', 8080)),


You can treat this resource as a CGI, by writing a second, wrapper, file that refers to it:

<python># hello_world.cgi:

  1. !/usr/bin/python

from mulib import cgiadapter

cgiadapter.run_as_cgi('hello_world', 'HelloWorld')</python>

Configure your web server to execute hello_world.cgi, and you should be able to interact with it just like the standalone version.


Stacked is a pure REST server, and you can use it to traverse native python objects like dicts. You invoke these special capabilities of Stacked by placing a python dict or list in the resource hierarchy instead of a mu.Resource, in this case at the root.

<python>from mulib import mu

from eventlet import api, httpd

root = {:'hello, world\n',

       'other':"hello, other\n"}

httpd.server(api.tcp_listener(('', 8080)), mu.SiteMap(root))</python>

You can then access this dictionary as a REST resource, e.g.

 > curl http://localhost:8080/     
 hello, world
 > curl http://localhost:8080/other
 hello, other
 > curl -X PUT -d "the new data" http://localhost:8080/third
 > curl http://localhost:8080/third
 the new data

Mu/stacked can do content negotiation:

 > curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"hi": "there"}' http://localhost:8080/fourth
 > curl http://localhost:8080/fourth/hi
 > curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/fourth
 {'hi': 'there'}

Note: This means that anyone who has access to your stacked web service can modify the data in your process! In the future we might have a 'read-only' implementation.