User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2007 12 27
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Revision as of 19:18, 3 January 2008 by Andrew Linden (talk | contribs) (formatted with Zero's perl script)
Transcript of Andrew Linden's office hours:
[17:00] | Buck Coeyman: | hey axl |
[17:00] | Grier Ireland: | hey guys |
[17:00] | Buck Coeyman: | where you been |
[17:01] | Arawn Spitteler: | Did I actually ma nage, to cose Crash Me? |
[17:01] | Andrew Linden: | Hello Arawn. |
[17:01] | Arawn Spitteler: | Hi, Andrew |
[17:02] | Arawn Spitteler: | Long as nobody else is here, how soon would llDamp PrimitiveParams be likely to be considered? |
[17:02] | Arawn Spitteler: | They might think you've the week off. |
[17:02] | Buck Coeyman: | alx het jj |
[17:02] | Tregok Boa gave you Assault. | |
[17:03] | Buck Coeyman: | hey grier |
[17:03] | Arawn Spitteler: | I didn't see Zero this morning, so we don't know what's happening in San Francisco |
[17:03] | Grier Ireland: | hello are you? |
[17:03] | Buck Coeyman: | great just got new car |
[17:03] | Grier Ireland: | cool... |
[17:03] | Buck Coeyman: | and bike |
[17:03] | Andrew Linden: | I dunno if Zero is holding hours today, or this week. |
[17:04] | Grier Ireland: | really..should be fun.. |
[17:04] | Andrew Linden: | I dunno if he announced any time away. |
[17:04] | Buck Coeyman: | and boughtboat |
[17:04] | Buck Coeyman: | and new protecton |
[17:04] | Grier Ireland: | wow...where do you keep it all? |
[17:04] | Buck Coeyman: | my place |
[17:05] | Arawn Spitteler: | I think he's 1PM Tuesday, and 10:30AM Thursday |
[17:05] | Grier Ireland: | you have your own place? thats nice.. |
[17:05] | Buck Coeyman: | ok |
[17:05] | Andrew Linden: | ok, I was just trying to take care of some IM's. |
[17:05] | Buck Coeyman: | thanks |
[17:05] | Buck Coeyman: | axl where did you go |
[17:06] | Buck Coeyman: | you look good |
[17:06] | Andrew Linden: | Arawn, you normally attend Zero's office hours? |
[17:06] | Grier Ireland: | i talked to axl the other nite, how is he? |
[17:06] | Buck Coeyman: | he got lost |
[17:06] | Buck Coeyman: | lets go |
[17:06] | Arawn Spitteler: | I like to. I'm a long way from having a compiler to hack the viewer, but someday hope to build a VEHICLE_TYPE_SIM |
[17:07] | Buck Coeyman: | hey what to you |
[17:07] | Andrew Linden: | frageurs, the office hour transcripts get published online, on the SecondLife Wiki |
[17:07] | Buck Coeyman: | you where gone |
[17:07] | Axl Ronmark: | hi, i was away |
[17:07] | Andrew Linden: | if you're willing to have your issue be posted there, you're welcome to sit and bring it to the table |
[17:08] | Buck Coeyman: | just got back |
[17:08] | Buck Coeyman: | going to try new weopens |
[17:08] | Andrew Linden: | If it is a Havok4 issue then it should definitely be discussed here. |
[17:08] | frageurs Hock: | well i dont have a paticular issue, i am just worried, i have more then 23 diffrnt types of cars, tested them on havok4 none of theml work perfectly |
[17:08] | Buck Coeyman: | by |
[17:08] | frageurs Hock: | i am really worried becuase if havok4 comes, iw ont have time to update it all and all the unhappy customers |
[17:08] | Andrew Linden: | Ah yes, vehicles are known to have problems |
[17:09] | Andrew Linden: | especially ground vehicles |
[17:09] | Arawn Spitteler: | That would be a Havoc 4 Issue |
[17:09] | frageurs Hock: | and all the ARS they will file agaisnt us |
[17:09] | Andrew Linden: | we're going to start working on those again next week |
[17:09] | Andrew Linden: | unfortunately it isn't clear how much I can repair |
[17:09] | frageurs Hock: | do u think u can maybe make sure atleast they work with ours ? |
[17:09] | frageurs Hock: | i mean i tried most of our cars, its a pure joke there |
[17:09] | Andrew Linden: | there are some issues to do with turning that I know I can fixe |
[17:09] | Arawn Spitteler: | I don't know whether we're scheduled to have high school level surface friction |
[17:10] | Andrew Linden: | however there are some issues with ground collisions and friction that will be harder |
[17:10] | frageurs Hock: | we spend hours scripting them rite now, added downforce feature,adjustable handlign etc;. |
[17:10] | frageurs Hock: | so if havok4 introduces, we gota rescript all our cars ? |
[17:10] | Grier Ireland: | uh did he manage that?wow buck..thats nice!!! |
[17:10] | Buck Coeyman shouts: hey grier her is one | |
[17:11] | Andrew Linden: | We're going to try to maintain as much vehicle behavior as possible |
[17:11] | Arawn Spitteler: | Wouldn't that be a matter of Havoc 4 Funtionality? |
[17:11] | frageurs Hock: | i am really paniced coz of havok4 |
[17:11] | Arawn Spitteler: | Crash Me 3 wasn't fit to test anything, when last I was there. |
[17:11] | frageurs Hock: | i have too many cars and it takes hours and horus to rescript everything |
[17:12] | frageurs Hock: | and thousands of cars already sold.. how can i track everyone |
[17:12] | Andrew Linden: | I don't have a good picture of all the problems with vehicles atm, I've been focusing on something else so I've been piling the vehicle bugs up |
[17:12] | frageurs Hock: | want me to give you some cars so u can try them ? |
[17:13] | Andrew Linden: | Sure, I'll take a few cars, or a folder of cars. I've already got several test demos in my inventory from other vehicle scripters. |
[17:13] | frageurs Hock: | mines are unique |
[17:13] | Andrew Linden: | Also, on the website there are several vehicle bugs already entered. |
[17:13] | frageurs Hock gave you M.HXX Red Edition. | |
[17:13] | frageurs Hock gave you M.H Prenza 07 Turbo Black Edition 2.0. | |
[17:14] | Andrew Linden: | I expect that many of those bugs are duplicates of the problems you're seeing. |
[17:14] | frageurs Hock gave you M.H Galla52 Red Edition 2.0. | |
[17:14] | Andrew Linden: | Ok that is enough. |
[17:14] | frageurs Hock: | i am sending u all sorta cars we made |
[17:14] | frageurs Hock: | please take into account previous work too its too much for us to rescript all |
[17:14] | Andrew Linden: | Note, I don't have a good idea of how they are behaving wrong yet. |
[17:14] | frageurs Hock: | i discuesed this problm with most of the major car dealrs in SL,franchis,luca,etc.. we are all kinda stressed |
[17:15] | Andrew Linden: | Unless I've got a nice clear description of the problem then I'm inclined to focus on the entered bugs first |
[17:15] | frageurs Hock: | you know we all have RL comitments too so cnat spend another 100 horus rescriptign all agian .. |
[17:15] | frageurs Hock: | yea |
[17:15] | frageurs Hock: | i see |
[17:15] | Andrew Linden: | then once I've fixed a bunch of vehicle bugs and think I've got things working better I'll ask you to retest. |
[17:15] | frageurs Hock: | so from the rumors ive heard please make me feel abit better |
[17:16] | frageurs Hock: | Hovok 4 is supose to be compatible with the previous cars ? |
[17:16] | frageurs Hock: | or it wont work at all ? |
[17:16] | Andrew Linden: | State the rumors and I can tell you which ones are true. |
[17:16] | Arawn Spitteler: | I thought it was not to be noticed |
[17:16] | frageurs Hock: | ok |
[17:17] | frageurs Hock: | Will Havok4 be compatible or is supose to be compatible with the cars currtly on the grid ? |
[17:17] | frageurs Hock: | Will the prim limit still be 31 ? |
[17:17] | Andrew Linden: | The intention is to make Havok4 as compatible as possible with Havok1 behavior. |
[17:17] | Andrew Linden: | However... |
[17:17] | Andrew Linden: | there are some differences that will be unavoidable. |
[17:17] | Andrew Linden: | Some examples are: |
[17:18] | Andrew Linden: | (1) penetrating dynamic objects will be pushed apart -- the penetration resolution code is built into the Havok4 solver and is hard to disable across the board |
[17:19] | Andrew Linden: | we've already dissabled it for a few cases (selected objects don't collide with their duplicates when penetrating) |
[17:19] | Andrew Linden: | (2) friction/conservation_of_energy is different for collisions |
[17:19] | Andrew Linden: | this is the main thing that affects ground vehicles that is so hard to match with Havok1 behavior |
[17:20] | Andrew Linden: | I'm going to try to fix it, however it is not clear yet how well I'll be in that regard |
[17:20] | frageurs Hock: | i see |
[17:20] | Andrew Linden: | (3) the order of operations in the integration step has changed... gravity is done after the Action::apply() step |
[17:21] | Andrew Linden: | which mostly affects hover effects, and actions that used to defeat gravity |
[17:21] | Andrew Linden: | by "action" I mean a instance of a C++ class that pushes an object every simulation timestep |
[17:21] | Andrew Linden: | such as vehicles, hover, MoveToTarget, buoyancy, etc... |
[17:22] | frageurs Hock: | I see |
[17:22] | Andrew Linden: | LSL calls that create a behavior that relies on some code being run every physics step |
[17:22] | frageurs Hock: | Will be have like a month of notice in advnace before the release of havok4 ? |
[17:22] | Andrew Linden: | There is probably a (4) and a (5) but I can't think of what they are at the moment. Those are the big differences that come to mind |
[17:23] | Andrew Linden: | Oh yeah... (4) avatar motion may be slightly different |
[17:23] | Andrew Linden: | Havok4 is currently in trial now |
[17:24] | Andrew Linden: | but we were looking for early adopters who do not need vehicles to work right, but have crashy regions |
[17:24] | Arawn Spitteler: | is Vineland a test-bed? |
[17:24] | frageurs Hock: | Can you give me a rought estimate about the time it will be released ? |
[17:24] | Andrew Linden: | the hope is that we can find some people who like how Havok4 works now... reducing crash rates... but don't mind the current bugs and problems |
[17:24] | Andrew Linden: | Those trials will expand over the first quarter of 2008 |
[17:25] | frageurs Hock: | Andrew... my problem is my car collection adn the amound of customers i got |
[17:25] | Andrew Linden: | Eventually we'll have to force Havok4 on everybody, however we'll be trying to fix the vehicle bugs and others before we do. As many as possible. |
[17:25] | frageurs Hock: | people will turn crazy on me.. i am a RL student and have to do RL studies too nad if people get pissed and ic ant script on time i can be kicked out easily |
[17:25] | Andrew Linden: | I expect the project to complete in 2008.Q1 |
[17:25] | Andrew Linden: | so... probably a month at least, but maybe not two. |
[17:25] | frageurs Hock: | a month from now ? |
[17:26] | Marishka Blackburn: | hello |
[17:26] | frageurs Hock: | HI marishka :) |
[17:26] | Andrew Linden: | At least one month, would be my guess. |
[17:26] | Marishka Blackburn: | what are we all doing ? |
[17:26] | frageurs Hock: | after 1 month you would probibily launch it on the main grid ? |
[17:26] | Andrew Linden: | If we were "done" today I would expect it to take another two weeks at minimum before it could be joined to the main trunk of the codebase. |
[17:27] | Andrew Linden: | So I think the Havok4 project to "ship" everywhere closer to two months than one. |
[17:27] | frageurs Hock: | will the people and business owners get a notice in advnace of the final version adn give us the oppurtunity to make our stuff compatible with havok4? |
[17:28] | Andrew Linden: | Yes, we'll be posting info about the progress of the project. On the blog, and more details in these office hours. |
[17:28] | frageurs Hock: | oh i see, what will be the prim limit ? |
[17:28] | frageurs Hock: | for phyiscs? |
[17:29] | frageurs Hock: | Beacuse i read it will increase but some people tell me it wont |
[17:29] | Arawn Spitteler tells Marishka: These are the office hours for the Physics EngineUpgrade | |
[17:29] | Andrew Linden: | What prim limit are you asking about exactly? There are at least three prim limits that I know of. |
[17:29] | Marishka Blackburn: | oh ok I am sorry |
[17:29] | Marishka Blackburn: | I will leave |
[17:29] | frageurs Hock: | Physics |
[17:29] | frageurs Hock: | for cars |
[17:29] | frageurs Hock: | atm its 31 prims |
[17:30] | Andrew Linden: | The prim limit will not be changing. That limit now has more to do with border crossing than physics. |
[17:30] | Andrew Linden: | Er... yes it is going up a modest 1 prim to 32, since the 31 was always an "off by one" error. |
[17:30] | frageurs Hock: | will havok4 improve the boarder crossing ? |
[17:30] | frageurs Hock: | atm i have to admist its pretty bad |
[17:30] | Andrew Linden: | But a significant increase will have to wait for other improvements. |
[17:31] | frageurs Hock: | is eco linden part of the testing team ? |
[17:31] | Andrew Linden: | Havok4 does not improve border crossing. That has more to do with the serialization/deserialization of objects and sending them across the net to a new host. |
[17:32] | Andrew Linden: | There is a project we're calling "object transport" that will probably involve some attention and hopeful improvements to border crossing. |
[17:32] | frageurs Hock: | the thing that shocked me the most is that my cars dont drive on havok4,they kinda fly over and aorund and it really scares me |
[17:33] | Tanath Seelowe: | hello:) |
[17:33] | Arawn Spitteler: | Hi, Tanath |
[17:33] | Andrew Linden: | In a sense frageurs, that is "good news" that you're starting to pay attention to Havok4. |
[17:33] | Andrew Linden: | The project has been in open preview for months now. |
[17:33] | Andrew Linden: | We need people to go in and test their stuff. |
[17:33] | frageurs Hock: | Oh:) dont owrry i have been following you people sinc ethe beginning but never told oyu |
[17:34] | frageurs Hock: | i like staying in my corner and doign things, but this was too much for me |
[17:34] | frageurs Hock: | i like to be ready for the future and havok4 is just make it unstable for me as i cant predict how the car will react |
[17:34] | Andrew Linden: | We've got some regulars who go in and test stuff and provide a lot of feedback. |
[17:34] | frageurs Hock: | i am ready to help you in all sorts, i have more then 52 types of cars |
[17:35] | Andrew Linden: | But this project is going to transition slowly, and so I expect a bunch of people to start to get vocal. |
[17:35] | frageurs Hock: | i NEED to be ready for havok4 in all circumstances |
[17:35] | Andrew Linden: | But, when it comes to vehicles... you'll just have to wait for us to start fixing some of those bugs. |
[17:36] | frageurs Hock: | i thoguht u guys were tying my cars, i have seen several lindens buying cars from me so i thought you guys bought it for havok4 |
[17:36] | Andrew Linden: | As I said, I'm planning on starting vehicles next week. |
[17:36] | Andrew Linden: | No, there are a lot of Lindens out there, and I'm the lead on the Havok4 project, with only three other people helping me out. |
[17:37] | Andrew Linden: | Sidewinder has been buying a few vehicles and other objects and testing them. |
[17:37] | frageurs Hock: | me and my friend can help you out we are all ready |
[17:37] | frageurs Hock: | me it wazs more of ECo linden |
[17:37] | Andrew Linden: | But the two dev's are typically just focusing on all the bugs on their plate. |
[17:37] | Andrew Linden: | Ooops. I should have said four other people. I've also got Dan Linden in QA who tests stuff and verifies fixed bugs. |
[17:38] | frageurs Hock: | nice |
[17:39] | Andrew Linden: | This would be my advice frageurs: there are different levels of effort you can take for these vehicle problems: |
[17:39] | Andrew Linden: | (1) active -- browse all the vehicle bugs on and enter new ones that you know about |
[17:39] | frageurs Hock: | my aim is that my cars should at least a minimum drive fairly on teh road, the small bugs we can fix that over time |
[17:40] | Andrew Linden: | (2) less active -- wait for me to take a pass at fixing vehicles, and then retest your vehicles and enter bugs for the ones still broken (hopefully there will be fewer broken ones once I get a chance to try to fix some of the known bugs) |
[17:40] | frageurs Hock: | sure |
[17:41] | frageurs Hock: | we can do that atleast now i know someone cares about me :) |
[17:41] | Andrew Linden: | Ok cool. Francis Chung also deals in ground vehicles and has entered a number of bugs and details about how his do not work quite right. |
[17:41] | frageurs Hock: | Francis is a very good friend of mine |
[17:41] | Andrew Linden: | Cubey Terra has also entered several bugs. |
[17:41] | frageurs Hock: | he is the one who told me about the problms |
[17:42] | Andrew Linden: | Ah good, Francis is spreading the word. |
[17:42] | frageurs Hock: | hehe yea |
[17:42] | frageurs Hock: | well his cars are pretty ok with some bugs |
[17:43] | Andrew Linden: | Anybody have some other (non-vehicle) issues or questions? |
[17:43] | Andrew Linden: | Arawn, you were saying that you don't have a compiler to build the viewer source code? |
[17:44] | Andrew Linden: | Arawn, what platform are you using? Windows, Mac, or Linux? |
[17:44] | Arawn Spitteler: | Windows XP, If I've anything lying about, it's for older Windows |
[17:45] | frageurs Hock: | Ok i am off, Thanks alot Andrew |
[17:45] | Andrew Linden: | I was under the impression that there was a "free as in beer" or very cheap version of Visual Studio that could compile the project. |
[17:46] | Arawn Spitteler: | I'd never asked |
[17:46] | Andrew Linden: | Linux is free, so you could install that and have a build environment. |
[17:46] | Andrew Linden: | But there is a learning curve there. |
[17:46] | Arawn Spitteler: | Yeah, Linux has a something, didn't really works; wants a seperate machine |
[17:46] | Andrew Linden: | Arawn, your best bet would be to check around the site for info on how to build the viewer |
[17:47] | Andrew Linden: | I think there are several pages of info and HOWTO's |
[17:47] | Arawn Spitteler: | Okay, I know a Technical Obsolescent, who'd like to return to business. |
[17:48] | Arawn Spitteler: | Her husband managed to outspend his retirement |
[17:48] | TW Whiteberry: | Heya Grier |
[17:48] | Tanath Seelowe: | /hug frag |
[17:48] | Grier Ireland: | hey hon |
[17:48] | Tanath gives frageurs a big hug. | |
[17:48] | Andrew Linden: | You saying she's thinking about starting business in SL? Or she might be able to help you figure out how to compile the viewer? |
[17:49] | Arawn Spitteler: | She's a quarter million in debt, so SL Business won't cut the mustard. |
[17:49] | Tanath Seelowe: | /hug frag |
[17:49] | Andrew Linden: | Ouch. |
[17:49] | Tanath gives frageurs a big hug. | |
[17:49] | Tanath gives frageurs a VERY BIG hug. | |
[17:49] | Arawn Spitteler: | Rebuilding the Documentation Paradigm might be a start |
[17:50] | Andrew Linden: | What do you mean "Documentation Paradigm"? |
[17:50] | Andrew Linden: | Like... competing with PDF or MicroSoft Word? |
[17:51] | Andrew Linden: | Or are you suggesting we change how SL is documented? |
[17:51] | Arawn Spitteler: | I don't even know what those are, unless you mean the style of output? No, more like, how can Tech Writers demand respect amongst the Geeks |
[17:52] | Arawn Spitteler: | SL is probably ahead of the curve, so would offer a good perspective |
[17:53] | Andrew Linden: | Yeah, good question about how tech writes can get respect. Speaking as a "geek" I've got high standards. |
[17:53] | Arawn Spitteler: | When a programmer uses a structured model, he doesn't lose himself as easily, but an Object Oriented paradigm allows others to use his packages blindly |
[17:53] | Andrew Linden: | That said, I've been impressed with how well wiki's work. I'm pretty much a wiki convert. |
[17:54] | Arawn Spitteler: | In theory, even I could enter into a wiki, but I still haven't accepted it as possible |
[17:54] | Andrew Linden: | yes, definitely. You should try editing the pages. |
[17:55] | Andrew Linden: | Start with the first spelling or grammar typo you find ;-) |
[17:56] | Arawn Spitteler: | Given how well Geeks study English... Could I use the word Asymptote? |
[17:56] | Andrew Linden: | Sure, as long as you use it correctly. |
[17:56] | Andrew Linden: | If you think your readers won't know what it is then hyperlink it to wikipedia. |
[17:57] | Arawn Spitteler: | Grammar is normally taught all wrong, by the way, it's not a bunch of rules, as teachers believe. |
[17:57] | Arawn Spitteler: | Where do I find the word Asymptote? |
[17:57] | Andrew Linden: | Really? I thought grammar was a bunch of rules. I've got a book somewhere that I bought at the end of high school that is a great reference for the rules. |
[17:58] | Arawn Spitteler: | If grammar were only rules, there'd be no irony. Grammar is a game, where we try to communicate ideas. |
[17:59] | Andrew Linden: | |
[17:59] | Andrew Linden: | Huh... I would have thought that irony was linearly independent from grammar in most cases. |
[18:00] | Arawn Spitteler: | I'm also wondering how to find the Jira |
[18:00] | snaibi Meili: | hiiiiiiiiiii |
[18:00] | Andrew Linden: | |
[18:00] | TW Whiteberry: | Heya Snaibi |
[18:00] | Grier Ireland: | hello |
[18:00] | Arawn Spitteler: | I'll have to ask, at the Documentation Depot, tommorrow, |
[18:00] | snaibi Meili: | : ) |
[18:01] | snaibi Meili: | u look good |
[18:01] | Arawn Spitteler: | |
[18:01] | Andrew Linden: | you can find the transcripts of these office hours via: |
[18:01] | Andrew Linden: | oops... typo |
[18:01] | Andrew Linden: | that would be Andrew_Linden |
[18:01] | Arawn Spitteler: | I have a lot of trouble, finding things I've seen before. |
[18:02] | Andrew Linden: | I can usually google and find the old pages that I've once found |
[18:02] | Andrew Linden: | four well chosen keywords, or a quoted phrase from the page usually works for me |
[18:03] | Andrew Linden: | Some things I bookmark, but I bookmark into folders so I don't get lost in a flat list of bookmarks. |
[18:04] | Arawn Spitteler: | Yeah, I was just lecturing, in last night's class, rename your object, or you'll have a lost and found filled with Object |
[18:04] | Arawn Spitteler: | Ever hear of a guy named Lucus? |
[18:04] | Andrew Linden: | Not that I recall. Got a last name? Doesn't ring a bell. |
[18:04] | Arawn Spitteler: | I don't know where Stanford is from San Francisco, but that's where he wrote a book, on Organic Chemistry |
[18:05] | Andrew Linden: | Stanford is south of SF. West of San Jose. |
[18:06] | Andrew Linden: | Well, I'm going to have to run very soon. |
[18:06] | Arawn Spitteler: | Might have been Lucas... Before Lucas, Isaac Asimove knew enough Organic Chemistry to be a Scientist, but Lucas wrote a book, advancing Organic Chemistry from a Laboratory Study to a Science, and Asimove became a Science Fiction Writer. |
[18:06] | Arawn Spitteler: | Good chatting. |
[18:07] | Andrew Linden: | Yes, it was. There is a lot to learn in O-Chem. |
[18:07] | Arawn Spitteler: | I'm having trouble navigating the projects of Jira. I don't know what to report where |
[18:07] | Andrew Linden: | These days the vast majority if scientists are specialists. |
[18:07] | Arawn Spitteler: | There is now, it used to be lab notes |
[18:07] | Andrew Linden: | Generalists tend to wander out to become writers, engineers, or some other technically tangent field. |
[18:08] | Andrew Linden: | Er... generalists or non-masters. |
[18:08] | Arawn Spitteler: | Ever hear of Factors? |
[18:08] | Andrew Linden: | No, in what context? |
[18:08] | Arawn Spitteler: | People, who purchase from the cottage producers, so they can wholesale the merchandise. I think Factories might be named for them |
[18:09] | Andrew Linden: | Ah, no I hadn't heard the term used for that, however I understand how such a niche would exist. |
[18:09] | Andrew Linden: | Ok see you around Arawn. Gott go. |
[18:09] | Arawn Spitteler: | Intellectual Factors, might be a concept |
[18:10] | Arawn Spitteler: | and we have to do something about Damping 'Primitive Params |
[18:10] | Arawn Spitteler: | I've a set of wings, I could show |
[18:10] | Arawn Spitteler: | Looks good on my viewer, but probably not on yours |
[18:11] | Andrew Linden: | Ah, you mean we should interpolate between prim params? To smooth the effect? |
[18:11] | Arawn Spitteler: | Yeah, and I think it would help us towards the Joint Problem |
[18:12] | Andrew Linden: | I'd rather write some prim animation tools, to make it more of a viewer-side effect |
[18:12] | Andrew Linden: | Such prim animation is a load on the simulator |
[18:12] | Andrew Linden: | however... not for attachments in Havok4. We've fixed that problem. |
[18:12] | Arawn Spitteler: | So, we'd be able to use llTargetOmega on wheels? |
[18:13] | Andrew Linden: | No... wheels need special handling. llTargetOmega applies to entire linked sets atm |
[18:13] | Andrew Linden: | and will forevermore |
[18:13] | Andrew Linden: | since so much content relies on its behavior to not change |
[18:13] | Andrew Linden: | No... for wheels we'll have to add new stuff... llWheelSomethingOrOther() |
[18:13] | Andrew Linden: | Cheers. |