User:Aaron Kukulcan

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Revision as of 06:19, 4 January 2008 by Aaron Kukulcan (talk | contribs) (→‎Picks: updated Hyles info slightly)
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Aaron Kukulcan is a Second Life resident. Elsewhere on the Web, he goes by Aaron of Mineapolis, Aaron of Mpls, Aaron_of_Mpls, or AaronOfMpls.

SL Profile

2nd Life

Aaron Kukulcan

Name: Aaron Kukulcan

Born: 2/17/2006

Account: Resident, Payment Info Used

Partner: --

About me:

a.k.a. Aaron of Minneapolis
a.k.a. Aaron of Mpls / Aaron_of_Mpls / AaronOfMpls

Location: Minneapolis - St. Paul area, Minnesota, USA

Likes: Reading, science, history, math, maps & roads, loincloths, evolution, Star Trek, Isaac Asimov.

Dislikes: Griefers, lag, intolerance, religious fundamentalism.

(Use the "Web" tab above.)

Misc: I created my SL account in 2006, but didn't have a computer that could run SL until May 2007.

Quote: "But it's got SPAM in it!"



I Want To: Build, Explore, Meet

Skills: Modeling, Architecture

Languages: English




1st Life

Aaron in real life


Name: Aaron
Location: Minneapolis - St. Paul area, Minnesota, USA
Born: November 1982
RL pic taken: August 2006

Elsewhere online, I'm known as:
o Aaron of Minneapolis
o Aaron of Mpls 
o Aaron_of_Mpls (Yahoo, LiveJournal, 8DS, others)
o AaronOfMpls

I'm currently taking Architectural Drafting classes at a local tech. college.

Personal Links
